All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
The RS-SERVER is delivered with a version using 2 digits ("major.minor"), following the Version specifiers for Python.
- initialize technical documentation
- initialize python project
- RSPY-404: Update RS-Client to STAC for AUXIP/CADIP
- RSPY-564: Limiting the search of large number of CADIP sessions
- RSPY-566: Handle CADIP sessions without PublicationDate
- RSPY-581: OVH: deployment of rs-infra-core
- RSPY-582: Remove CADIP/AUXIP deprecated code
- RSPY-583: OVH: deployment of rs-infra-monitoring
- RSPY-585: OVH: deployment of rs-workflow-env (rs-workflow-env-deployment repository )
- RSPY-586: OVH: deployment of rs-server (rs-server-deployment repository)
- RSPY-602: Update stac-fastapi / stac-fastapi-pgstac / pgstac to 5.0.x / 4.0.x / 0.9.x
- RSPY-614: Add describedby links to CADIP/AUXIP collections
- RSPY-350: Implement download UAC in the Staging process
- RSPY-584: OVH: deployment of rs-infra-security
- RSPY-607: Update S1L0 processing Prefect flow with real S1L0Processor 0.9.0
- RSPY-439: [Catalog] Issue while adding items to a non existing collection
- RSPY-499: Pagination with the Stac-fastapi-pgstac object
- RSPY-513: Timestamps extension missing in AUXIP response
- RSPY-542: STAC: Link[service-desc] must return 200
- RSPY-600: CADIP: Pydantic serializer warnings (datetime vs. string)
- RSPY-630: Resolve pytests after update of stac-fastapi
- RSPY-416: [Security] Cannot connect to Wazuh GUI with SSO
- RSPY-493: Search/Sort by any attribute from external data sources
- RSPY-517: Remove unwanted dependencies to Prefect
- RSPY-530: Implement staging rs client
- RSPY-550: Handle null geometries
- RSPY-570: Integrate DPR empty processor
- RSPY-577: OVH: deployment of cluster nodes and managed kubernetes
- RSPY-580: OVH : implements a playbook to start/stop the cluster nodes
- RSPY-593: Sprint 20 corrections of issues
- RSPY-596: Update to stac-browser 3.3
- RSPY-448: Staging : status for GET jobs/WRONG_ID/results is 200 and not 404
- RSPY-544: Invalid catalog download links of staged products (bad id + cluster local domain name)
- RSPY-578: 'limit' parameter is ignored in cadip search, creating too large requests to stations
- RSPY-591: Wazuh agents are not connected
- RSPY-597: config error: datetime parameter ignored in POST /cadip/search & /auxip/search
- RSPY-598: CADIP stations and ADGS don't support lte/gte operators
- RSPY-481: OVH : deploy publication service PODS
- RSPY-511: Search pagination from multiple CADIP/AUXIP stations
- RSPY-572: "Hello World" prefect @flow with @task run in parallel with Dask
- RSPY-438: [Catalog] Issue while creating a new collection without explicit owner
- RSPY-514: JWT signature expired in rs-server-cadip
- RSPY-546: Can't filter ADGS products by constellation
- RSPY-548: No OpenTelemetry support in dask cluster
- RSPY-555: [RS-SERVER-ADGS] Collection configuration not modifiable with configmap update
- RSPY-558: Affinity and Toleration not set on rs-server-cadip, rs-server-adgs
- RSPY-562: [RS-CADIP] pod restarted due to timeout on his liveness/readiness probe
- RSPY-568: [RS-STAGING] unable to stage stac products with alternate s3 configuration
- RSPY-575: Cannot contact MasPalomas station anymore with token module = false
- RSPY-231: Add POST versions of CADIP endpoints
- RSPY-339: Update to Prefect 3 (infra)
- RSPY-342: Persist staging jobs in a postgresql database (needs pygeoapi 0.18)
- RSPY-425: CI/CD chain to build a Dask base image that embeds rs-client library
- RSPY-510: Update the CADIP/STAC mapping for dates to support incomplete sessions
- RSPY-526: Force "eq" OData operator for single SessionId retrieval
- RSPY-527: Securely support redirections when downloading a CADIP/AUXIP file
- RSPY-528: Sprint 18 corrections of issues
- RSPY-429: Endpoint /catalog/collections/S1A_aux/queryables still provide "KeyError('id')" output
- RSPY-491: CADIP: bad requests for Sessions queries with filter parameters
- RSPY-492: No sessions returned (retransfer CADIP sessions without downlink start/stop dates)
- RSPY-495: CADIP: STAC mapping error of Files response (SessionID)
- RSPY-504: OData -> STAC mapping error for CADIP files
- RSPY-506: Wrong OData queries to ADGS
- RSPY-507: Wrong OData query to CADIP when requesting a single SessionId
- RSPY-515: Authentication error when accessing source item from STAC browser
- RSPY-520: HTTP 401 error when staging product from Neustrelitz CADIP station (http redirect)
- RSPY-531: [RS-STAGING] Bucket name not modifiable on current configuration
- RSPY-537: Date parsing error when fetching CADIP chunks from Matera (lack of pagination)
- RSPY-538: Search CADIP sessions by date does not work
- RSPY-541: Staging: status for GET /jobs is 404 and not 200 if there are no jobs
- RSPY-549: Error 500 while searching for S2B CADIP sessions
- RSPY-556: Low performance of CADIP/AUXIP searches
- RSPY-567: start_datetime requires end_datetime and vice versa
- RSPY-131: External data source: implement search pagination and sorting (needs eodag 3)
- RSPY-360: Add taint on nodes
- RSPY-363: Implement systematic two step approach to get data from CADIP
- RSPY-450: Update pgstac to >=0.8
- RSPY-479: OVH : start a single isolated node
- RSPY-480: OVH : deploy IAM for publication service
- RSPY-497: Sprint 17 corrections of issues
- RSPY-449: Implement and fix the /search endpoints in catalog and cadip
- RSPY-453: Fix RS-Server to use all the STAC browser functionalities
- RSPY-478: CADIP STAC validation: /cadip/collection/{collectionId}: replace "item" links by "items" link
- RSPY-483: POST /cadip/search not implemented
- RSPY-485: Implicit collection naming doesn't work in search endpoint
- RSPY-486: GET /cadip/search does not return the expected contents
- RSPY-494: CADIP: wrong OData request performed on GET /cadip/collections/{collection_id}/items/{session_id}
- RSPY-503: STAC Browser AUXIP deployment missing
- RSPY-509: Unable to retrieve traces older than 24 hours
- RSPY-518: Staging not integrated with Tempo
- RSPY-521: Bandit CWE-703 warnings on assertions
- RSPY-491: CADIP: bad requests for Sessions queries with filter parameters
- RSPY-492: No sessions returned (retransfer CADIP sessions without downlink start/stop dates)
- RSPY-495: CADIP: STAC mapping error of Files response (SessionID)
- RSPY-504: OData -> STAC mapping error for CADIP files
- RSPY-506: Wrong OData queries to ADGS
- RSPY-507: Wrong OData query to CADIP when requesting a single SessionId
- RSPY-323: Implement STAC view of AUXIP auxiliary data (1/2: base STAC endpoints)
- RSPY-326: Implement basic staging process (without download UAC)
- RSPY-361: Add egress to a set of nodes
- RSPY-362: Implement mapping of constellation/satellite in search parameters and attributes
- RSPY-455: Sprint 16 corrections of issues
- RSPY-459: Debug RS-Server code from POD
- RSPY-403: STAC Queryables (Catalog database part)
- RSPY-429: Endpoint /catalog/collections/S1A_aux/queryables still provide "KeyError('id')" output
- RSPY-462: Adding the same STAC item returns error 400 instead of 409
- RSPY-463: Implicit collection owner does not work in local mode / docker compose
- RSPY-465: STAC validation: Pagination error
- RSPY-466: STAC validation: invalid content-type header
- RSPY-469: CI broken due to Docker Hub pull quota exceeding
- RSPY-475: Delete assets from the object storage when deleting a STAC item.
- RSPY-484: CADIP STAC validation: wrong search parameter for collections
- RSPY-60: Deploy to PyPi
- RSPY-63: Complete Python CI/CD chain with distribution to the Python registry
- RSPY-230: Deploy STAC browser
- RSPY-352: Implement authentication to external data sources (CADIP+AUXIP)
- RSPY-357: Simulated OAuth2 token endpoint in CADIP/AUXIP/LTA mockups
- RSPY-358: Update helm charts to deploy RSPY-352
- RSPY-424: Sprint 15 corrections of issues
- RSPY-155: Pydantic version conflict in rs-server catalog
- RSPY-411: The first collection is created twice from SWAGGER interface
- RSPY-419: [Rs-server] Errors with rs-server-staging
- RSPY-430: /catalog/{collectionId}/queryables is not included in the links of the collection
- RSPY-396: Implement missing fields of virtual STAC collections
- RSPY-348: Implement STAC view of CADIP sessions (2/3: add root STAC endpoints)
- RSPY-359: Implement STAC view of CADIP sessions (3/3: add Queryables endpoints)
- RSPY-345: Access to RS-Catalog with OAuth2
- RSPY-280: Implement the STAC authentication extension in Catalog (2/2: OIDC, Oauth2+PKCE)
- RSPY-197: Update to stac-fastapi 3.0.0
- RSPY-336: Dask cluster use cases study
- RSPY-381: Error during cluster creation
- RSPY-382: Prometheus datasource not created
- RSPY-385: CloudNative PG Deployment failed due to syntax issue on limit/request
- RSPY-386: Grafana-Tempo deployment values don't match with apps.yaml
- RSPY-387: Missing credential secret creation for Github Repository
- RSPY-388: [Velero] First Deployment failed due to missing CRD
- RSPY-399: Impossible to create PV (quota reached)
- RSPY-405: uacCheckUrl or uacURL
- RSPY-166: Use Keycloak to login into Wazuh
- RSPY-237: [stac-fastapi-pgstac] Upgrade to version 2.5.0
- RSPY-264: [Monitoring] Create Grafana datasources for PostgreSQL databases
- RSPY-266: [Monitoring] Create JupyterHub ServiceMonitor
- RSPY-293: Use Keycloak to login into Neuvector
- RSPY-295: STAC Queryables (Catalog software part)
- RSPY-302: Simplify Catalog: remove the concept of "user catalog"
- RSPY-312: Configure Prefect Server logging
- RSPY-318: Backup and restore Keycloak data
- RSPY-321: Implement skeleton of staging service
- RSPY-322: Implement STAC view of CADIP sessions (1/3: refactor)
- RSPY-327: [Catalog] add/update item : don't copy assets already in catalog bucket
- RSPY-335: Deploy dask gateway server
- RSPY-340: [API-Key Manager] merge rspy branch into main
- RSPY-341: Update to EODAG v3
- RSPY-346: Proof Of Concept / oauth2 with PKCE authorisation
- RSPY-351: Variabilize the bucket name
- RSPY-353: STAC validation error with auth scheme
- RSPY-354: Sprint 13 corrections of issues
- RSPY-356: Collection search endpoint should return http 404 error instead of empty list for missing collection
- RSPY-397: Adapt tests and code to support filenames as STAC asset keys
- RSPY-40: Implement a LTA station mockup
- RSPY-105: Add collection-specific search endpoint
- RSPY-132: Implement secured inventory.yaml using Vault
- RSPY-223: Provide an Ansible playbook to deploy RS-Server
- RSPY-272: [Deployment] Node label not set (terraform error)
- RSPY-273: Implement the STAC authentication extension in Catalog (1/3: API key)
- RSPY-281: STAC extensions missing in the stac_extensions list
- RSPY-282: Document STAC catalog metadata (id, title, description)
- RSPY-297: [Deployment] Several pods have no affinity
- RSPY-299: EODAG library performs uncontrolled access to external STAC servers
- RSPY-305: DPR mockup returns STAC items with a single zarr asset
- RSPY-306: Internal error when adding catalog item with missing asset
- RSPY-307: Replace use of deprecated FastAPI code
- RSPY-308: Define resource requests and limits for all pods
- RSPY-317: Deploy VELERO component on the cluster.
- RSPY-333: Sprint 12 corrections of issues
- RSPY-334: A user is able to create a collection for another user
- RSPY-141: Implement the STAC timestamps extension in Catalog
- RSPY-153: Implicit collection owner when calling catalog endpoints
- RSPY-161: Map CADIP session files as STAC assets for stations that support Expand=Files
- RSPY-186: Catalog application does crash properly during initialization
- RSPY-192: Update CADU search endpoint to search by session_id:
- RSPY-210: Deploy Grafana Tempo on K8S cluster:
- RSPY-254: [Safety] Errors displayed on Wazuh UI:
- RSPY-256: [rs-testmeans] document how to add mock data:
- RSPY-277: Missing probes in some RS-Server components:
- RSPY-286: STAC OpenAPI links not working:
- RSPY-288: Update CADIP/AUXIP mocks to support PVC:
- RSPY-292: API Key manager wipes IAM roles of existing keys:
- RSPY-294: Umbrella to collect all ISSUES points (sprint 11):
- RSPY-296: Simplify authentication to RS frontend:
- RSPY-300: Internal error when calling /cadip/{station}/session without params:
- RSPY-303: Catalog asset download links are invalid:
- RSPY-304: Response of catalog asset download is invalid
- RSPY-112: Take into account feedback on generated documentation
- RSPY-116: Prepare and perform 0.1 delivery for ESA checkpoint
- RSPY-159: StacClient Class Python development
- RSPY-241: [Deployment] JupiterHub UI not reachable after deployment
- RSPY-245: [Deployment] Missing namespaces in kustomization.yaml
- RSPY-252: [Deployment] Namespace issue during installation of Neuvector crds
- RSPY-253: Deploy RS-Client libraries into JupiterLab instances
- RSPY-255: Infra bugfixing for CP 0.1
- RSPY-258: [Deployment] Grafana in CrashLoop when no plugin
- RSPY-259: [Deployment] Missing secret for Loki
- RSPY-260: [monitoring] Monitoring certificate secret name not match with deployment for grafana and prometheus
- RSPY-261: [Monitoring] No prometheus value retrieved for neuvector
- RSPY-263: [Monitoring] Prometheus GrafanaDatasource not created during prometheus deployment
- RSPY-267: [Security] No severity score on huge amount of CVE
- RSPY-130: Deploy Grafana on K8S cluster
- RSPY-133: Deploy Prefect Workers on K8S cluster
- RSPY-148: CadipClient Class Python development
- RSPY-149: AuxipClient Class Python development
- RSPY-158: RsClient Class Python development
- RSPY-174: [EODAG] download in parallel on the same machine or container
- RSPY-181: Deployment: label not well set by deployment script
- RSPY-196: Platform deployment: error keycloak realm import
- RSPY-213: Improve error handling in catalog
- RSPY-218: Sprint 9 corrections of issues
- RSPY-220: Kubectl commands with kubectl OIDC not working
- RSPY-224: RS-Server: missing resources tag in yaml
- RSPY-225: RS-Server: No image version reference
- RSPY-227: Add missing unit tests for * RSPY-120
- RSPY-228: Add missing configuration for promtail
- RSPY-229: Helm charts - Dynamic list based on values
- RSPY-239: [Deployment] No JupiterHub image reachable from Validation platform
- RSPY-240: [Deployment] No Secret Create during Wazuh Agent deployment
- RSPY-69: Implement access control to the catalog (with UAC)
- RSPY-99: Deploy JupyterHub on K8S cluster
- RSPY-120: Implement a first S1L0 processing Prefect @flow
- RSPY-123: Create Jupyter notebook to launch Prefect chains
- RSPY-128: Deploy promtail and Grafana Loki on K8S cluster
- RSPY-162: Python modules for log & trace
- RSPY-167: New endpoint to get CADIP session information
- RSPY-170: Platform deployment and start-stop playbook failed due to missing credential
- RSPY-176: Platform deployment: first application deployment execution failed for the step cluster-issuer
- RSPY-177: Platform Deployment: Failed to deployed application due to missing parameter in group_vars
- RSPY-179: Platform deployment: no cinder controller for PVC
- RSPY-180: Platform deployment: kubelet errors with cpu manager
- RSPY-182: Wazuh agent is being reinstalled when cluster is restarted
- RSPY-183: Prometheus is not accessible from the ingress
- RSPY-185: Sprint 8 corrections of infrastructure issues
- RSPY-186: Catalog application does crash properly during initialization
- RSPY-219: Improve AUXIP & CADIP mockups representativeness
- RSPY-86: Deploy security stack on K8S cluster
- RSPY-122: Deploy RS-Server on K8S cluster
- RSPY-129: Deploy prometheus and node_exporter on K8S cluster
- RSPY-135: Setup Swagger/OpenAPI documentation aggregation frontend
- RSPY-137: Link RS-Server frontend with Backend Catalog endpoints (Without UAC) - Part 3
- RSPY-152: Simplify Catalog endpoints with "ownerId:collectionId"
- RSPY-157: Update the datetimes STAC mapping for ADGS & CADIP
- RSPY-163: Implement access control to the CADIP stations (with UAC)
- RSPY-164: Implement access control to the ADGS center (with UAC)
- RSPY-169: Project versioning and naming
- RSPY-171: [URGENT] Replace Miniconda by Miniforge
- RSPY-15: Setup UAC Manager
- RSPY-25: Override endpoint "publication of STAC item" to the Catalog backend server
- RSPY-49: Deploy Prefect Server on K8S cluster
- RSPY-85: Implement CADU ingestion Prefect @flow
- RSPY-100: Link RS-Server frontend with Backend Catalog endpoints (Without UAC) - Part 2
- RSPY-115: Implement ADGS ingestion Prefect @flow
- RSPY-125: Cluster configuration folder is hard-coded
- RSPY-139: Add endpoint to download product (without UAC)
- RSPY-68: Configure OpenID Connect on K8S cluster
- RSPY-73: Link RS-Server frontend with CADIP backend endpoints (without UAC)
- RSPY-78: Link RS-Server frontend with Backend Catalog endpoints (Without UAC) - Part 1
- RSPY-81: Deploy keycloak on K8S cluster
- RSPY-91: Link RS-Server frontend with ADGS backend endpoints (without UAC)
- RSPY-94: Implement a DPR mockup
- RSPY-121: Setup Ingress Controller
- RSPY-126: Initialize RS-SERVER-Libraries repository
- RSPY-134: Setup Helm Chart Releaser to use Github Pages as Helm chart repository
- RSPY-138: Add public architecture documentation on GitHub
- RSPY-29: Deploy Kubernetes
- RSPY-33: Generate CI/CD documentation from Github
- RSPY-87: Develop ADGS backend server with first endpoint "GET /adgs/aux/search"
- RSPY-88: Add endpoint GET "/adgs/aux" to ADGS backend server
- RSPY-90: Add endpoint GET "/adgs/aux/status" to ADGS backend server
- RSPY-117: Create a Jupyter demo for local target
- RSPY-14: Add endpoint "download cadu" to CADIP backend server
- RSPY-16: Develop CADIP backend server with first endpoint "get cadu"
- RSPY-31: Initiate Developer Guide
- RSPY-39: Implement a CADIP station mockup
- RSPY-41: Implement an ADGS station mockup
- RSPY-53: Develop Catalog backend server
- RSPY-72: Add endpoint "CADU status" to CADIP backend server