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Analysis script in Julia

This folder contains a collection of functions to analyze coverage data (and more) and produce plots and tables for the paper.

Simple example

Start Julia with 4 threads and the package path:

julia -t 4 --project=PFB.jl

Import the package and analyze coverage data for multiple runs from multiple fuzzers and targets with:

use PFB
PFB.CovPlots.multiple("/path/to/runs/outdir", UInt(60))

The above code will ask you to select CSV files from the given directory. Each CSV file contains coverage data from multiple runs and multiple fuzzers on the same target. The correct format can be obtained with scripts/nyx-eval/

The second parameter sets the timeout that was used for the fuzzing runs.

PFB.CovPlots.multiple will make a plot for each target it finds and output a table with Mann-Whitney-U tests result across all combination of fuzzers for the final coverage. The plots will be stored as PDF in the same directory as the CSV files.

Optional keyword parameters to PFB.CovPlots.multiple:

  • seldirs: whether multiple selection works on directories instead of files; each directory should contain a results.csv file [default: false]
  • latex: wheter to print statistical difference as LaTeX table or plain text [default: false]
  • layout: :pfb makes plots with branch and line coverage; :branches plots only branch coverage [default: :pfb]
  • signconf: confidence value for statistical test [default: 0.05]
  • nyxsumm: make table Nyx-Net centric [default: true]

Other functions

  • PFB.CovPlots.getruns(csvpath::String, timeout::UInt)::TargetData: loads a single CSV file
  • PFB.CovPlots.makeplot(data::TargetData, layout::Symbol=:pfb): returns a plot for the loaded CSV data (i.e. from getruns)
  • PFB.CovPlots.significance(data::TargetData, conf::Real)::DataFrame: returns a table with Mann-Whitney U test results
  • PFB.CovPlots.loadall(dir::String)::DataFrame: loads data for the paper evaluation (used by following functions)
  • PFB.CovPlots.mktable(df::DataFrame): outputs the table with coverage data for the paper
  • PFB.CovPlots.timetocov(df::DataFrame)::DataFrame: returns time to reach same coverage as baseline fuzzer
  • PFB.CovPlots.mkplotpaper: makes the coverage plot for the paper
  • PFB.Execs.multiple(dir::String)::DataFrame: processes and loads CSV files that are output of scripts/nyx-eval/
  • PFB.Execs.mktable(dir::String): loads data with the function above and prints a table for the paper