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File metadata and controls

207 lines (156 loc) · 7.14 KB
title author date output
Apache httpd Vs Nginx
Raffaello Bertini
14 December 2016

Apache Httpd Vs Nginx

Using Apache Benchmark utility, ab, i will perform a series of request against apache and nginx of the same php page script, using bcmath and doing some computations. The results are stored from redirecting the stdout to some '*.log' files.

Parsing the logs

To parse and extract data from the logs file i will use some helper function.

I will use a utility function to generate the file name to be read, it is shared between different scripts. So it will be included from an external file:


What I have just loaded is this function:

print (generateLogFileName)
## function (n, c, log, csv = FALSE) 
## {
##     res <- paste("logs/", log, "-n", n, sep = "")
##     if (c > 0) {
##         res <- paste(res, "-c", c, sep = "")
##     }
##     res <- paste(res, ".log", sep = "")
##     if (csv) {
##         res <- paste(res, ".csv", sep = "")
##     }
##     return(res)
## }

and this are the -n and -c parameters used with the ab program:

##         n    c
## 1       1    0
## 2       4    2
## 3       4    4
## 4      10    4
## 5      20    8
## 6      50   10
## 7     100  100
## 8    1000  100
## 9   10000  100
## 10  10000 1000
## 11 100000 1000

I use this function to read and parse the data I want directly from the log files, if an error occur during the read operation, it will return an empty equivalent vector of the expected result:

extractDataFromLogTable <- function (logFileNamePrefix, n, c) {
  fn <- generateLogFileName(n, c, logFileNamePrefix)
  t <- read.table(fn, sep=":", skip=6, comment.char='', fill=T, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, strip.white = TRUE)
#1.   webServer <- t$V2[1]
#2.   docLength <- t$V2[5]
#3.   concurrencyLevel <- t$V2[6]
#4.X  totTime <- t$V2[7]
#5.   reqCompleted <- t$V2[8]
#6.X  reqFailed <- t$V2[9]
#7.   writeErrors <- t$V2[10]
#8.   keepAlive <- t$V2[12]  
#9.   reqPerSec <- t$V2[13]
#10.   timePerReq <- t$V2[14]
#11.  timePerReq2 <- t$V2[15]
#12.  transRate <- t$V2[16]
#13.  total <-t$V2[22]
  }, error = function(err) {
     r <-rep(0,12)
     r[c(1,4)] <- ''

The choice to do not preload all the data and do the processing after, it is due to having an approch to load only the data required at the time of the computation, (with R is still required to explicitly rm variables from the environments(). The file should be cached by OS if memory is available so there is no much such performance lost at least for this case, except reparsing the file each time, but it is a good trade off.

here we are extracting the webservers used:

webServers_ <- c("nginx", "httpd")
webTests <- c("index.php", "bcmath.php")
webServers <- apply(expand.grid(webServers_, webTests), 1, function(x) {paste(x[1],x[2],sep="-")})
webServerNames <- webServers
## [1] "nginx-index.php"  "httpd-index.php"  "nginx-bcmath.php"
## [4] "httpd-bcmath.php"

and here the column names, used also for axis x-labeling:

colNames <- paste(paste('n',tests$n, sep=''), paste('c',tests$c, sep=''), sep='-')
##  [1] "n1-c0"         "n4-c2"         "n4-c4"         "n10-c4"       
##  [5] "n20-c8"        "n50-c10"       "n100-c100"     "n1000-c100"   
##  [9] "n10000-c100"   "n10000-c1000"  "n100000-c1000"

plots and data

The first plot is the error of the responses:

## [1]   0 100

plot of chunk barplotReqFailed

n1-c0 n4-c2 n4-c4 n10-c4 n20-c8 n50-c10 n100-c100 n1000-c100 n10000-c100 n10000-c1000 n100000-c1000
nginx-index.php 0 0.75 0.75 0.9 0.95 0.98 0.99 0.994 0.9976 0.9050 0.99336
httpd-index.php 0 0.75 0.75 0.9 0.95 0.96 0.98 0.999 0.9987 2.0286 1.37827
nginx-bcmath.php 0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.0001 0.0719 100.00000
httpd-bcmath.php 0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.0000 2.2935 100.00000

plot of chunk totReqFailed

##  nginx-index.php  httpd-index.php nginx-bcmath.php httpd-bcmath.php 
##      0.007599667      0.008824704      0.082575151      0.084408238

The second one is total time to complete the requests.

I am using another helper function to extract and parse data:

compareTimeResults <- function (n, c, webServers) {
  timeCmp <- unlist(lapply(webServers, function(x){ 
    tmp <- extractDataFromLogTable(x,n,c)[4]
    ifelse(, 0, tmp)
  unlist(lapply(timeCmp, function(x) { as.numeric(strsplit(x, ' ', T)[[1]][1])}))

here the plot:

## [1]     0.00 44763.49

plot of chunk timeCmpPlot

n1-c0 n4-c2 n4-c4 n10-c4 n20-c8 n50-c10 n100-c100 n1000-c100 n10000-c100 n10000-c1000 n100000-c1000
nginx-index.php 0.036 0.076 0.078 0.183 0.404 0.971 1.961 17.985 178.661 7.395 108.319
httpd-index.php 0.193 0.451 0.455 1.087 2.165 5.378 10.740 109.436 1098.726 522.571 6777.184
nginx-bcmath.php 8.429 16.907 16.940 42.692 86.063 214.142 423.872 4154.059 40979.648 152.602 0.000
httpd-bcmath.php 13.689 18.162 17.981 44.688 89.119 221.703 445.463 4479.030 44763.489 1115.982 0.000

now splitting the plot for the 2 different tests:

## [1]    0.000 6777.184

plot of chunk timeCmpPlotSplitted

n1-c0 n4-c2 n4-c4 n10-c4 n20-c8 n50-c10 n100-c100 n1000-c100 n10000-c100 n10000-c1000 n100000-c1000
nginx-index.php 0.036 0.076 0.078 0.183 0.404 0.971 1.961 17.985 178.661 7.395 108.319
httpd-index.php 0.193 0.451 0.455 1.087 2.165 5.378 10.740 109.436 1098.726 522.571 6777.184
## [1]     0.00 44763.49

plot of chunk timeCmpPlotSplitted

n1-c0 n4-c2 n4-c4 n10-c4 n20-c8 n50-c10 n100-c100 n1000-c100 n10000-c100 n10000-c1000 n100000-c1000
nginx-bcmath.php 8.429 16.907 16.940 42.692 86.063 214.142 423.872 4154.059 40979.65 152.602 0
httpd-bcmath.php 13.689 18.162 17.981 44.688 89.119 221.703 445.463 4479.030 44763.49 1115.982 0