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🎄 Advent of Code 2023 - Day 1: Trebuchet?! 🎄


Welcome to my solution for Day 1 of Advent of Code 2023, titled "Trebuchet?!".

✨ Challenge Descriptions

🎁 Part One: Calibration Value Recovery

  • Task: Unravel the calibration values hidden in a document, where each line is a clue.
  • Method: Combine the first and last digits of each line into a magical two-digit number.
  • Example:
    1abc2 ➡️ 12
    pqr3stu8vwx ➡️ 38
    a1b2c3d4e5f ➡️ 15
    treb7uchet ➡️ 77
  • Goal: Sum up all the calibration values.
  • Solution Result: 54940

🌟 Part Two: Advanced Calibration with Worded Numbers

  • Enhancement: Discover digits disguised as words.
  • Task: Identify the real first and last digit on each line, whether numeric or spelled out.
  • Example:
    two1nine ➡️ 29
    eightwothree ➡️ 83
    abcone2threexyz ➡️ 13
    xtwone3four ➡️ 24
    4nineeightseven2 ➡️ 42
    zoneight234 ➡️ 14
    7pqrstsixteen ➡️ 76
  • Goal: Calculate the sum of these updated calibration values.
  • Solution Result: 54208

🛠️ Technologies Used

  • I found some Java under my Christmas Tree 🎅🏻