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SRP16 is free and open ISA for 16-bit CPUs and Microcontrollers.

Project Status


  • SRP16 ISA Specifaction [.pdf]
  • SRP16 Assembler Guide [.pdf]
  • SRP16 ISA Simulator Manual [.pdf]
  • .dhex File Specification [.pdf]


  • ISA Specification
  • Reference Implementation in Icarus Verilog
  • Reference Implementation in Lattice iCEstick
  • Assembler
  • ISA Simulator
  • I/O, Interrupts and Timers

ISA Quick Reference


  • General Purpose Registers R0-R15 (Accessible by Load-Store Instructions)
  • General Purpose Registers R16-R31 (Not Accessible by Load-Store Instructions)
  • Accumulator Register (R60)
  • Memory Pointer Register or MPTR (R61)
  • Stack Pointer or SP (R62)
  • Program Counter or PC (R63)
  • POP, PUSH, INC, DEC instructions can only access General Purpose Registers R0-R31


Instruction Operation
LDR Rx, 8-bit-signed-immediate Rx ⟵ immediate
LDRU Rx, 8-bit-unsigned-immediate Rx[15:8] ⟵ immediate
LD@MPTR Rx, 8-bit-signed-offset Rx ⟵ memory[MPTR]
MPTR ⟵ MPTR+offset
ST@MPTR Rx, 8-bit-signed-offset memory[MPTR] ⟵ Rx
MPTR ⟵ MPTR+offset
LDB@MPTR Rx, 8-bit-signed-offset Rx[7:0] ⟵ memory[MPTR]
MPTR ⟵ MPTR+offset
STB@MPTR Rx, 8-bit-signed-offset memory[MPTR] ⟵ Rx[7:0]
MPTR ⟵ MPTR+offset
LDA 12-bit-signed-immediate A ⟵ immediate
LDAU 6-bit-unsigned-immediate A[15:12] ⟵ immediate[3:0]
LDMPTR 12-bit-unsigned-immediate MPTR ⟵ immediate
LDMPTRU 12-bit-signed-immediate MPTR[15:12] ⟵ immediate[3:0]
MOV Rx, Ry Rx ⟵ Ry
MOV Rx, PC Rx ⟵ PC+4
JMP Ry or MOV PC, Ry PC ⟵ Ry
SJMP 12-bit-signed-offset PC ⟵ PC+offset
SJMPF 12-bit-signed-offset if(flag): PC ⟵ PC+offset
NOTF flag ⟵ !flag
POP Rx Rx ⟵ memory[SP]
SP ⟵ SP+1
memory[SP] ⟵ Rx
INC Rx Rx ⟵ Rx+1
DEC Rx Rx ⟵ Rx-1
ADDI 8-bit-signed-immediate A ⟵ A+immediate
ADCI 8-bit-signed-immediate A ⟵ A+immediate+carry
SBBI 8-bit-signed-immediate A ⟵ A-immediate-carry
ANDI 8-bit-signed-immediate A ⟵ A&immediate
ORI 8-bit-signed-immediate A ⟵ A
XORI 8-bit-signed-immediate A ⟵ A^immediate
SLAI 6-bit-unsigned-immediate A ⟵ A<<<immediate
SRAI 6-bit-unsigned-immediate A ⟵ A>>>immediate
SLLI 6-bit-unsigned-immediate A ⟵ A<<immediate
SRLI 6-bit-unsigned-immediate A ⟵ A>>immediate
ADD Rx A ⟵ A+Rx
SUB Rx A ⟵ A-Rx
ADC Rx A ⟵ A+Rx+carry
SBB Rx A ⟵ A-Rx-carry
AND Rx A ⟵ A&Rx
OR Rx A ⟵ A
XOR Rx A ⟵ A^Rx
SLA Rx A ⟵ A<<<Rx
SRA Rx A ⟵ A>>>Rx
SLL Rx A ⟵ A<<Rx
SRL Rx A ⟵ A>>Rx
CLI 8-bit-signed-immediate if(A<immediate): flag ⟵ 1
else: flag ⟵ 0
CGI 8-bit-signed-immediate if(A>immediate): flag ⟵ 1
else: flag ⟵ 0
CEI 8-bit-signed-immediate if(A==immediate): flag ⟵ 1
else: flag ⟵ 0
CL Rx if(A<Rx): flag ⟵ 1
else: flag ⟵ 0
CG Rx if(A>Rx): flag ⟵ 1
else: flag ⟵ 0
CE Rx if(A==Rx): flag ⟵ 1
else: flag ⟵ 0

Installing toolchain

  • Clone repo, cd into it
git clone
cd SRP16
  • Install readline library
sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev
  • Compile and build executable,
make build
  • Install, requires root privilege
sudo make install

Getting started

Let's write a simple program to generate fibonacci numbers, and save it as test.asm

	lda 1					
	ldr r0, 0		;Load initial values		
	ldr r1, 1				
	add r0					
	mov r0, r1			
	mov r1, a		;Add to accumulator		
	sjmp loop		;Loop

Now to assemble the program,

srp16asm test.asm -s test.dhex

Now, to start the simulator,

srp16sim test.dhex

You will see a prompt,

(pc@0x0000) █  

Let's set a break point at end of the loop,

(pc@0x0000) bp "test.asm" 8

Now use run command to run it, and a to view contents of the accumulator,

(pc@0x0000) run
(pc@0x000c) a
a = 0x0001
(pc@0x000c) run
(pc@0x000c) a
a = 0x0002
(pc@0x000c) run
(pc@0x000c) a
a = 0x0003
(pc@0x000c) run
(pc@0x000c) a
a = 0x0005
