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RamBoAttack Against Deep Neural Network

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Check out our paper: RamBoAttack: A Robust Query Efficient Deep Neural Network Decision Exploit

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    title = {RamBoAttack: A Robust Query Efficient Deep Neural Network Decision Exploit},
    year = {2022},
    journal = {Network and Distributed Systems Security (NDSS) Symposium},
    author = {Viet Quoc Vo, Ehsan Abbasnejad, Damith C. Ranasinghe},


Machine learning models are critically susceptibleto evasion attacks from adversarial examples. Generally, ad-versarial examples—modified inputs deceptively similar to the original input—are constructed under whitebox access settings by adversaries with full access to the model. However, recent attacks have shown a remarkable reduction in the number ofqueries to craft adversarial examples using blackbox attacks. Particularly alarming is the now, practical, ability to exploitsimply the classification decision (hard label only) from a trainedmodel’saccess interfaceprovided by a growing number of Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS) providers—including Google, Microsoft, IBM—and used by a plethora of applications in corporating these models. An adversary’s ability to exploitonly the predicted label from a model-query to craft adversarial examples is distinguished as a decision-based attack.

In our study, we first deep-dive into recent state-of-the-art decision-based attacks in ICLR and S&P to highlight the costly nature of discovering low distortion adversarial employing approximate gradient estimation methods. We develop a robust class of query efficient attacks capable of avoiding entrapment in a local minimum and misdirections from noisy gradients seen in gradient estimation methods. The attack method we propose, RamBoAttack, exploits the notion of Randomized Block Coordi-nate Descent to explore the hidden classifier manifold, targeting perturbations to manipulate only localized input features to address the issues of gradient estimation methods. Importantly, the RamBoAttack is demonstrably more robust to the different sample inputs available to an adversary and/or the targeted class. Overall, for a given target class, RamBoAttackis demonstrated to be more robust at achieving a lower distortion within a given query budget. We curate our extensive results using the large-scale high resolution ImageNet dataset and open-source our attack, test samples and artifacts onGitHub


![Figure 1](image/high level and hybrid-approach explain demo.svg#gh-dark-mode-only){:height="125%" width="125%"}

Figure 1: A pictorial illustration of RamBoAttack to craft an adversarial example. In a targeted attack, the first component (GradEstimation) initializes an attack with a starting image from a target class (e.g. we use a clip art street lamp for illustration) and then manipulates this image to search for adversarial examples that looks like an image from source class e.g traffic light. The attack switches to the second component, BlockDescent, when it reaches its own local minimum. BlockDescent helps to redirect away from that local minimum by manipulating multiple blocks---or making local changes to the current adversarial example. Subsequently, the adversarial example crafted by BlockDescent is refined by the third component (GradEstimation).


![Figure 2](image/gh-hard case visualization-Page-12.svg#gh-dark-mode-only)

Figure 2: An illustration ofhardcase (white stork to goldfish) versusnon-hardcase (white stork to digital watch) on ImageNet. Adversarial examples in non-hard cases and hard cases are yielded after 50K and 100K queries, respectively. Except for Boundary attack, adversarial examples crafted by different attacks in non-hard cases are slightly different whilst in the hard case, our RamBoAttack is able to craft an adversarial example with much smaller distortion than other attacks due to the ability of our BlockDescent formulation to target effective localized perturbations.

![Figure 3](image/gh-hard case visualization-Page-14.svg#gh-dark-mode-only)

Figure 3: Grad-CAM tool visualizes salient features of the starting image or target class: digital watch. Perturbation heat map (PHM) visualizes the normalized perturbation magnitude at each pixel. Comparing different pertur-bations crafted by different attacks highlights that the localized perturbations yielded by RamBoAttack concentrate on salient areas illustrated by GRAD-CAM and embeds these targeted perturbations in the source image to fool the classifier to predict the target class; even though, RamBoAttack does not exploit the knowledge of salient regions to generate perturbations.

![Figure 4](image/crafting adv ex visualization.svg#gh-dark-mode-only)

Figure 4: An illustration of different distortion levels produced by RamBoAttack. The first row demonstrates an example from CIFAR10 with a starting image of a dog gradually perturbed until it is similar to the source image car---the adversarial example. The bottom row demonstrates an example from ImageNet with is a starting image of a digital watch gradually perturbed until it is similar to the source image white stork---the adversarial example..