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282 lines (221 loc) · 10.7 KB

File metadata and controls

282 lines (221 loc) · 10.7 KB


1) Description

This repository contains the software to control the simulated and real RePAIR robot.


2) Installation

  • Clone the repository along with the submodules

     mkdir -p ~/repair_robot_ws/src && cd ~/repair_robot_ws/src
     git clone --recurse-submodules -j8
  • Install required Python packages

     cd ~/repair_robot_ws/src/repair_ros_robot
     pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Build the workspace

    • source ROS (source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash) in all terminals
     cd ~/repair_robot_ws
     catkin build
    If you get errors during build similar to (where package name is some name):
     CMake Error at /opt/ros/noetic/share/catkin/cmake/catkinConfig.cmake:83 (find_package):
     Could not find a package configuration file provided by
     "package_name" with any of the following names:
     Add the installation prefix of "package_name" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
     or set "package_name" to a directory containing one of the
     above files.  If "package_name" provides a separate development
     package or SDK, be sure it has been installed.

    Check the list below:

    Failure for realsense2 (missing "ddynamic_reconfigure")

    From this issue it looks like it should be installed by running:

     sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-ddynamic-reconfigure 

    Failure for repair_moveit_xbot (missing "moveit_ros_planning")

    Install moveit by

     sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-moveit

    Failure for repair_moveit_xbot (missing "rviz_visual_tools")

    Install it by

     sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-rviz-visual-tools

    Failure for repair_moveit_xbot (missing "moveit_visual_tools")

    Install it by

     sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-moveit-visual-tools 
    • After successful build, source the workspace in all the terminals
     cd ~/repair_robot_ws
     source devel/setup.bash
  • For Gazebo:

    • Copy the fragment model folder from repair_urdf/sdf/frag3 to ~/.gazebo/models/frag3.
    • Change the path in file pysdf/src/pysdf/ line 26 to your catkin_ws src path.
  • Install XBot2 to use the real robot drivers (Source)

     sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list'
    sudo apt install curl 
    curl -s | sudo apt-key add -
    sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y \
    ros-noetic-ros-base \
    echo ". /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
    source $HOME/.bashrc
    sudo apt install -y \
    ros-$ROS_DISTRO-urdf ros-$ROS_DISTRO-kdl-parser \
    ros-$ROS_DISTRO-eigen-conversions ros-$ROS_DISTRO-robot-state-publisher ros-$ROS_DISTRO-moveit-core \
    ros-$ROS_DISTRO-rviz ros-$ROS_DISTRO-interactive-markers ros-$ROS_DISTRO-tf-conversions ros-$ROS_DISTRO-tf2-eigen \
    qttools5-dev libqt5charts5-dev qtdeclarative5-dev
    sudo sh -c 'echo "deb$(lsb_release -sc) /" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xbot-latest.list'
    wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -  
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install xbot2_desktop_full
    echo ". /opt/xbot/" >> ~/.bashrc
  • Setup XBot2 to use the real robot drivers set_xbot2_config ~/repair_robot_ws/src/repair_ros_robot/repair_cntrl/config/repair_basic.yaml

For docs on repair_interface, go to the repair_interface.

3) Usage

Gazebo simulation

View the robot in Gazebo

roslaunch repair_gazebo repair_gazebo.launch
  • You can ignore the following error messages, the model uses position controllers while p gains are only needed for effort controllers [ERROR] [1675347973.116238028]: No p gain specified for pid. Namespace: /gazebo_ros_control/pid_gains/x_joint

Motion planning and execution with Moveit and ros_control in Gazebo

roslaunch repair_gazebo bringup_moveit.launch launch_gazebo:=true sh_version:=v1_2_research fixed_hands:=false
  • launch_gazebo:=true/false (default false): if true launches Gazebo for simulation, if false (default) real robot
  • sh_version:=v1_2_research/v1_wide/mixed_hands (default v1_2_research): to use standard (small) hand/wide hand/standard hand on right and wide hand on left
  • fixed_hands:=true/false (default true): true is needed for planning with real robot, but you cannot plan in simulation, set it to false to plan in Gazebo

Errors and warnings

  • You can ignore the following error messages, the model uses position controllers while p gains are only needed for effort controllers [ERROR] [1675347973.116238028]: No p gain specified for pid. Namespace: /gazebo_ros_control/pid_gains/x_joint
  • You can ignore the warning messages about unknown links in URDF (e.g. [ WARN] [1706696422.918657977, 1.124000000]: Link 'right_hand_v1_2_research_thumb_proximal_link' is not known to URDF. Cannot disable/enable collisons.), they doesn't affect the run of the simulation, you won't only be able to see the hand opening/closing in Rviz


XBot2 is required when you want to control the real robot. Furthermore, there is a dummy mode that can be used to emulate the real robot interface. Using the dummy mode allows to use RVIZ with Moveit with the real robot controls instead of ros_control. Currently, this repository does not support using the dummy mode with Gazebo.

Dummy mode

  • First, you have to configure your .bashrc so that the roscore is running on your local machine. For this purpose, add the following lines to your .bashrc.

     export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://{local_IP}:11311
     export ROS_IP={local_IP}
  • Then, source your .bashrc and start the roscore in window 1.

  • Start XBot2 in window 2.

     xbot2-core --hw dummy
  • Now you you have to start the bridge between XBot2 and ROS in window 3.

     rosrun repair_moveit_xbot moveit_xbot_bridge_node
  • Finally, in window 4 you can start RVIZ and Moveit to control the emulated robot.

     roslaunch repair_moveit_xbot bringup_moveit.launch

Real robot

  • First, you have to configure your .bashrc so that the roscore is running on the robot PC. For this purpose, add the following lines to your .bashrc.

     export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://{robot_IP}:11311
     export ROS_IP={local_IP}
  • Then, source your .bashrc and connect via ssh to the real robot PC. You will need at least 3 remote command windows.

     ssh -X {host_name}@{robot_IP}
  • Check in remote window 1 that the roscore is running. In case the roscore is not running you can restart it using the system command systemctl --user restart roscore.service

     rostopic list
  • Then used the same window to start the ecat_master.

  • Now start XBot in remote window 2:

     xbot2-core --hw ec_pos

    This starts the motors to be controllable with position control. Alternatively you can start them in idle mode using xbot2-core --hw idle

  • Finally use the following to start the gui:

  • On your local PC you will need at least 3 command windows.

  • First, you can start Moveit:

     roslaunch repair_moveit_xbot bringup_moveit.launch
  • Furthermore, start the moveit server:

     rosrun repair_interface
  • In order to run the camera, use:

    roslaunch realsense2_camera demo_pointcloud_new.launch
  • Finally, In Order to use the Fresco recognition, run:

    rosrun repair_interface

Now the szstem is set-up, and other code can be started!

Moveit configuration

  • To increase/reduce the number of points for a trajectory, update the following parameter for arm_1 and arm_2 in repair_moveit_config_v2/config/ompl_planning.yaml

     longest_valid_segment_fraction: 0.00005
  • To increase/decrease the velocity of arm joints, update the following parameter in repair_moveit_config_v2/config/joint_limits.yaml

     default_velocity_scaling_factor: 0.1
     default_acceleration_scaling_factor: 0.1
  • Alternatively, velocity and acceleration scaling factors can be updated in the Rviz Motion Planning plugin before planning a path.

Run the pick and place demo

The goal of the demo is to pick and place any number of fresco fragments.

rosrun repair_interface

Note: sh_version options are [v1_2_research, v1_wide, mixed_hands]

To run recognition, a few files need to be added (ask Luca Palmieri for the files):

  • RPf_00123 to RPf_001266 should be added to repair_ros_robot/repair_urdf/sdf
  • RPf_00123 to RPf_001266 should also be added to /home/.gazebo/models
  • The fragment database directory fragments_db should be added to /home/.gazebo

Information about used topics

  • To inspect all the topics exposed by xbot2 run rostopic list:
  • Send commands to the joints (SoftHand excluded) using /xbotcore/command topic
  • Read joint states (SoftHand excluded) using /xbotcore/joint_states topic
  • Send commands to the SoftHans using /{left/right}_hand_v1s/synergy_command topic, or inspect the state of each finger looking at /{left/right}_hand_v1s/{fingername}_state topic

4) Known Issues

  • Translation axis needs to be included

5) Relevant publications
