A list of point set matching / point set registration resources.
- Point Set Matching/Registration Material
- [MCT] A mathematical analysis of the motion coherence theory, IJCV'1989 [pdf]
- [ICP: point-to-point] Method for Registration of 3-D Shapes, Robotics-DL tentative'1992 [pdf] [code][code] [code] [material] [tutorial]
- [ICP: point-to-plane] Object modeling by registration of multiple range images, IVC'1992 [pdf]
- [ICP] Iterative point matching for registration of free-form curves and surfaces, IJCV'1994 [pdf]
- [RPM/Softassign] New algorithms for 2d and 3d point matching: pose estimation and correspondence, PR'1998 [pdf] [code] [code]
- [MultiviewReg] Multiview registration for large data sets, 3DDIM'1999 [pdf]
- [SC] Shape matching and object recognition using shape contexts, TPAMI'2002 [pdf][wiki] [project] [code]
- [EM-ICP] Multi-scale EM-ICP: A Fast and Robust Approach for Surface Registration, ECCV'2002 [pdf] [code]
- [LM-ICP] Robust registration of 2D and 3D point sets, IVC'2003 [pdf] [code]
- [TPS-RPM] A new point matching algorithm for non-rigid registration, CVPR'2000 [pdf] CVIU'2003 [pdf] [project] [code]
- [Survey] Image registration methods: a survey, IVC'2003 [pdf]
- [KCReg] A correlation-based approach to robust point set registration, ECCV'2004 [pdf] [chp] [code]
- [3DSC] Recognizing objects in range data using regional point descriptors, ECCV'2004 [pdf] [code_pcl]
- [RGR] Robust Global Registration, ESGP'2005 [pdf]
- [RPM-LNS] Robust point matching for nonrigid shapes by preserving local neighborhood structures, TPAMI'2006 [pdf] [code]
- [IT-FFD] Shape registration in implicit spaces using information theory and free form deformations, TPAMI'2006 [pdf]
- [Rigid] Rigid Body Registration, 2007 [ch02]
- [CDC] Simultaneous covariance driven correspondence (cdc) and transformation estimation in the expectation maximization framework, CVPR'2007 [pdf] [project]
- [Nonrigid-ICP] Optimal step nonrigid icp algorithms for surface registration, CVPR'2007 [pdf] [code] [code]
- [GNA] Global non-rigid alignment of 3D scans, TOG'2007 [pdf]
- [PF] Particle filtering for registration of 2D and 3D point sets with stochastic dynamics, CVPR'2008 [pdf]
- [JS] Simultaneous nonrigid registration of multiple point sets and atlas construction, TPAMI'2008 [pdf]
- [4PCS] 4-points congruent sets for robust pairwise surface registration, TOG'2008 [pdf] [project]
- [GICP] Generalized ICP, RSS'2009 [pdf] [code]
- [MP] 2D-3D registration of deformable shapes with manifold projection, ICIP'2009 [pdf]
- [SMM] The mixtures of Student’s t-distributions as a robust framework for rigid registration, IVC'2009 [pdf]
- [Algebraic-PSR] An Algebraic Approach to Affine Registration of Point Sets, ICCV'2009 [pdf]
- [SM] Subspace matching: Unique solution to point matching with geometric constraints, ICCV'2009 [pdf]
- [FPFH] Fast Point Feature Histograms (FPFH) for 3D Registration, ICRA'2009 [pdf] [code]
- [GO] Global optimization for alignment of generalized shapes, CVPR'2009 [pdf]
- [ISO] Isometric registration of ambiguous and partial data, CVPR'2009 [pdf]
- [GF] A new method for the registration of three-dimensional point-sets: The Gaussian fields framework, IVC'2010 [pdf]
- [RotInv] Rotation invariant non-rigid shape matching in cluttered scenes, ECCV'2010 [pdf] [code]
- [CDFHC] Group-wise point-set registration using a novel cdf-based havrda-charvát divergence, IJCV'2010 [pdf] [code]
- [QPCCP] A quadratic programming based cluster correspondence projection algorithm for fast point matching, CVIU'2010 [pdf] [code]
- [CPD] Point set registration: Coherent point drift, NIPS'2007 [pdf] TPAMI'2010 [pdf] [code]
- [PFSD] Point set registration via particle filtering and stochastic dynamics, TPAMI'2010 [pdf]
- [ECMPR] Rigid and articulated point registration with expectation conditional maximization, TPAMI'2011 [pdf] [project] [code]
- [GMMReg/TPS-L2] Robust point set registration using gaussian mixture models, ICCV'2005 TPAMI'2011 [pdf] [code]
- [TPRL] Topology preserving relaxation labeling for nonrigid point matching, TPAMI'2011 [pdf]
- [OOH] Robust point set registration using EM-ICP with information-theoretically optimal outlier handling, CVPR'2011 [pdf]
- [SGO] Stochastic global optimization for robust point set registration, CVIU'2011
- [survey] 3D Shape Registration, 3DIAA'2012
- [3DNDT-D2D/P2D] Fast and accurate scan registration through minimization of the distance between compact 3D NDT representations, IJRR'2012 [pdf] [project]
- [Multiview LM-ICP] Accurate and automatic alignment of range surfaces, 3DIMPVT'2012 [pdf] [code]
- [ISC] Intrinsic shape context descriptors for deformable shapes, CVPR'2012 [pdf]
- [RPM-Concave] Robust point matching revisited: A concave optimization approach, ECCV'2012 [pdf] [code]
- [RINPSM] Rotation Invariant Nonrigid Point Set Matching in Cluttered Scenes, TIP'2012 [pdf] [code]
- [RPM-L2E] Robust estimation of nonrigid transformation for point set registration, CVPR'2013 [pdf] [code]
- [GO-ICP] Go-ICP: Solving 3D Registration Efficiently and Globally Optimally, ICCV'2013 [pdf] TPAMI'2016 [pdf] [code]
- [Survey] Registration of 3D point clouds and meshes: a survey from rigid to nonrigid, TVCG'2013 [pdf]
- [NMM] Diffeomorphic Point Set Registration Using Non-Stationary Mixture Models, ISBI'2013 [pdf]
- [Sparse-ICP] Sparse Iterative Closest Point, ESGP'2013 [pdf] [project] [code]
- [IRLS] Robust registration of point sets using iteratively reweighted least squares, COA'2014 [pdf] [code]
- [JRMPC] A Generative Model for the Joint Registration of Multiple Point Sets, ECCV'2014 [pdf] [project] [code&data]
- [RPM-VFC] Robust Point Matching via Vector Field Consensus, TIP'2014 [pdf] [code]
- [GLTP] Non-rigid Point Set Registration with Global-Local Topology Preservation, CVPRW'2014 [pdf]
- [color-GICP] Color supported generalized-ICP, VISAPP'2014 [pdf]
- [RPM-Concave] Point Matching in the Presence of Outliers in Both Point Sets: A Concave Optimization Approach, CVPR'2014 [pdf] [code]
- [super4PCS] Super 4pcs fast global pointcloud registration via smart indexing, CGF'2014 [pdf] [code] [OpenGR]
- [SDTM] A Riemannian framework for matching point clouds represented by the Schrodinger distance transform, CVPR'2014 [pdf]
- [GLMD-TPS] A robust global and local mixture distance based non-rigid point set registration, PR'2015 [pdf] [code]
- [CSM] Non-rigid point set registration via coherent spatial mapping, SP'2015 [pdf]
- [ADR/SVR] An Adaptive Data Representation for Robust Point-Set Registration and Merging, ICCV'2015 [pdf] [code] [code]
- [MLMD] MLMD: Maximum likelihood mixture decoupling for fast and accurate point cloud registration, 3DV'2015 [pdf] [project]
- [APSR] Non-rigid Articulated Point Set Registration for Human Pose Estimation, WACV'2015 [pdf]
- [RegGF] Non-rigid visible and infrared face registration via regularized Gaussian fields criterion, PR'2015 [pdf] [code]
- [LLT] Robust feature matching for remote sensing image registration via locally linear transforming, TGRS'2015 [pdf] [code]
- [RPM-L2E] Robust L2E estimation of transformation for non-rigid registration, TSP'2015 [pdf] [code]
- [GLR] Robust Nonrigid Point Set Registration Using Graph-Laplacian Regularization, WACV'2015 [pdf]
- [FPPSR] Aligning the dissimilar: A probabilistic method for feature-based point set registration, ICPR'2016 [pdf]
- [IPDA] Point Clouds Registration with Probabilistic Data Association, IROS'2016 [pdf] [code]
- [CPPSR] A probabilistic framework for color-based point set registration, CVPR'2016 [pdf] [project]
- [GOGMA] GOGMA: Globally-optimal gaussian mixture alignment, CVPR'2016 [pdf] [project]
- [GO-APM] An Efficient Globally Optimal Algorithm for Asymmetric Point Matching, TPAMI'2016 [pdf] [project] [code]
- [PR-GLS] Non-Rigid Point Set Registration by Preserving Global and Local Structures, TIP'2016 [pdf] [code]
- [conreg] Non-iterative rigid 2D/3D point-set registration using semidefinite programming, TIP'2016 [pdf]
- [PM] Probabilistic Model for Robust Affine and Non-rigid Point Set Matching, TPAMI'2016 [pdf]
- [SPSR] A Stochastic Approach to Diffeomorphic Point Set Registration With Landmark Constraints, TPAMI'2016 [pdf]
- [FRSSP] Fast Rotation Search with Stereographic Projections for 3D Registration, TPAMI'2016 [pdf]
- [VBPSM] Probabilistic Model for Robust Affine and Non-rigid Point Set Matching, TPAMI'2016 [pdf] [code]
- [MFF] Image Correspondences Matching Using Multiple Features Fusion, ECCV'2016 [pdf] [code]
- [FGR] Fast Global Registration, ECCV'2016 [pdf] [code]
- [HMRF ICP] Hidden Markov Random Field Iterative Closest Point, arxiv'2017 [pdf] [code]
- [SSFR] Global Registration of 3D LiDAR Point Clouds Basedon Scene Features: Application toStructured Environments, RS'2017 [pdf]
- [color-PCR] Colored point cloud registration revisited, ICCV'2017 [pdf]
- [CGF] Learning Compact Geometric Features, ICCV'2017 [pdf] [code]
- [dpOptTrans] Efficient Globally Optimal Point Cloud Alignment using Bayesian Nonparametric Mixtures, CVPR'2017 [pdf] [code]
- [DO] Discriminative Optimization: Theory and Applications to Point Cloud Registration, CVPR'2017 [pdf] [arxiv] [code]
- [GORE] Guaranteed Outlier Removal for Point Cloud Registration with Correspondences, TPAMI'2017 [pdf]
- [CSGM] A systematic approach for cross-source point cloud registration by preserving macro and micro structures, TIP'2017 [pdf]
- [FDCP] Fast descriptors and correspondence propagation for robust global point cloud registration, TIP'2017 [pdf]
- [RSWD] Multiscale Nonrigid Point Cloud Registration Using Rotation-Invariant Sliced-Wasserstein Distance via Laplace-Beltrami Eigenmap, SIAM JIS'2017 [pdf]
- [MR] Non-Rigid Point Set Registration with Robust Transformation Estimation under Manifold Regularization, AAAI'2017 [pdf] [code]
- [LPM] Locality Preserving Matching, IJCAI'2017 [pdf] IJCV'2019 [pdf] [code]
- [DARE] Density adaptive point set registration, CVPR'2018 [pdf] [code]
- [GC-RANSAC] Graph-Cut RANSAC, CVPR'2018 [pdf] [code]
- [Ppfnet] Ppfnet: Global context aware local features for robust 3d point matching, CVPR'2018 [pdf]
- [3D-CODED] 3D-CODED: 3D correspondences by deep deformation, ECCV'2018 [pdf] [project] [code]
- [GPCReg-TS] Efficient global point cloud registration by matching rotation invariant features through translation search, ECCV'2018 [pdf]
- [N3Net] Neural Nearest Neighbors Networks, NeurIPS'2018 [pdf] [code]
- [3DFeat-NET] 3dfeat-net: Weakly supervised local 3d features for point cloud registration, ECCV'2018 [pdf] [code]
- [MVDesc-RMBP] Learning and Matching Multi-View Descriptors for Registration of Point Clouds, ECCV'2018 [pdf]
- [HGMR] HGMR: Hierarchical Gaussian Mixtures forAdaptive 3D Registration, ECCV'2018 [pdf]
- [GMM-Tree] Fast and Accurate Point Cloud Registration using Trees of Gaussian Mixtures, arxiv'2018 [pdf] [code]
- [SWS] Nonrigid Points Alignment with Soft-weighted Selection, IJCAI'2018 [pdf]
- [DLD] Dependent landmark drift: robust point set registration with a Gaussian mixture model and a statistical shape model, arxiv'2018 [pdf] [code]
- [DeepMapping] DeepMapping: Unsupervised Map Estimation From Multiple Point Clouds, arxiv'2018 [pdf] [project]
- [APSR] Adversarial point set registration, arxiv'2018 [pdf]
- [3DIV] Fast and Globally Optimal Rigid Registration of 3D Point Sets by Transformation Decomposition, arxiv'2018 [pdf]
- [Analysis] Analysis of Robust Functions for Registration Algorithms, arxiv'2018 [pdf]
- [MVCNN] Learning Local Shape Descriptors from Part Correspondences with Multiview Convolutional Networks, TOG'2018 [pdf] [project]
- [CSCIF] Cubature Split Covariance Intersection Filter-Based Point Set Registration, TIP'2018 [pdf]
- [FPR] Efficient Registration of High-Resolution Feature Enhanced Point Clouds, TPAMI'2018 [pdf]
- [DFMM-GLSP] Non-rigid point set registration using dual-feature finite mixture model and global-local structural preservation, PR'2018 [pdf]
- [PR-Net] Non-Rigid Point Set Registration Networks, arxiv'2019 [pdf] [code]
- [3DRegNet] 3DRegNet: A Deep Neural Network for 3D Point Registration, arxiv'2019 [pdf]
- [RPM-MR] Nonrigid Point Set Registration with Robust Transformation Learning under Manifold Regularization, TNNLS'2019 [pdf] [code]
- [FGMM] Feature-guided Gaussian mixture model for image matching, PR'2019 [pdf]
- [LSR-CFP] Least-squares registration of point sets over SE (d) using closed-form projections, CVIU'2019 [pdf]
- [TEASER] A Polynomial-time Solution for Robust Registration with Extreme Outlier Rates, arxiv'2019 [pdf]
- [FPR] Efficient Registration of High-Resolution Feature Enhanced Point Clouds, TPAMI'2019 [pdf]
- [DCP] Deep Closest Point: Learning Representations for Point Cloud Registration, arxiv'2019 [pdf] [code]
- [DeepICP] DeepICP: An End-to-End Deep Neural Network for 3D Point Cloud Registration, arxiv'2019 [pdf]
- [RelativeNet] 3D Local Features for Direct Pairwise Registration, CVPR'2019 [pdf]
- [aff+vSVF] Networks for Joint Affine and Non-Parametric Image Registration, CVPR'2019 [pdf]
- [localReg+vSVF] Metric Learning for Image Registration, CVPR'2019 [pdf] [code]
- [PointNetLK] PointNetLK: Robust & Efficient Point Cloud Registration using PointNet, CVPR'2019 [pdf] [code]
- [SDRSAC] SDRSAC: Semidefinite-Based Randomized Approach for Robust Point Cloud Registration without Correspondences, CVPR'2019 [pdf] [code]
- [FilterReg] FilterReg: Robust and Efficient Probabilistic Point-Set Registration using Gaussian Filter and Twist Parameterization, CVPR'2019 [pdf] [project] [code] [code]
- [POINT2] Multiview 2D/3D Rigid Registration via a Point-Of-Interest Network for Tracking and Triangulation, CVPR'2019 [pdf]
- [Geo-CNN] Modeling Local Geometric Structure of 3D Point Clouds using Geo-CNN, CVPR'2019 [pdf]
- [GFrames] GFrames: Gradient-Based Local Reference Framefor 3D Shape Matching, CVPR'2019 [pdf]
- [3DSmoothNet] The Perfect Match: 3D Point Cloud Matching with Smoothed Densities, CVPR'2019 [pdf] [code]
- [LPS] A Robust Local Spectral Descriptor for Matching Non-Rigid Shapes with Incompatible Shape Structures, CVPR'2019 [pdf]
- [RF-Net] RF-Net: An End-to-End Image Matching Network based on Receptive Field, CVPR'2019 [pdf]
- [QATM] QATM: Quality-Aware Template Matching For Deep Learning, CVPR'2019 [pdf] [code]
- [RANSAC] Random sample consensus: a paradigm for model fitting with applications to image analysis and automated cartography, 1981 [pdf] [wiki]
- [MLESAC] MLESAC: A new robust estimator with application to estimating image geometry, CVIU'2000 [pdf] [code_pcl]
- [PROSAC] Matching with PROSAC-progressive sample consensus, CVPR'2005 [pdf] [code_pcl]
- [ICF/SVR] Rejecting mismatches by correspondence function, IJCV'2010 [pdf]
- [GS] Common visual pattern discovery via spatially coherent correspondences, CVPR'2010 [pdf] [code]
- [KC-CE] A novel kernel correlation model with the correspondence estimation, JMIV'2011 [pdf] [code]
- [VFC] A robust method for vector field learning with application to mismatch removing, CVPR'2011 [pdf] [code]
- [DefRANSAC] In defence of RANSAC for outlier rejection in deformable registration, ECCV'2012 [pdf] [code]
- [CM] Robust Non-parametric Data Fitting for Correspondence Modeling, ICCV'2013 [pdf] [code]
- [AGMM] Asymmetrical Gauss Mixture Models for Point Sets Matching, CVPR'2014 [pdf]
- [TC] Epipolar geometry estimation for wide baseline stereo by Clustering Pairing Consensus, PRL'2014 [pdf]
- [BF] Bilateral Functions for Global Motion Modeling, ECCV'2014 [pdf] [project] [code]
- [WxBS] WxBS: Wide Baseline Stereo Generalizations, BMVC'2015 [pdf] [project]
- [RepMatch] RepMatch: Robust Feature Matching and Posefor Reconstructing Modern Cities, ECCV'2016 [pdf] [project] [code]
- [SIM] The shape interaction matrix-based affine invariant mismatch removal for partial-duplicate image search, TIP'2017 [pdf] [code]
- [DSAC] DSAC: differentiable RANSAC for camera localization, CVPR'2017 [pdf] [code]
- [GMS] GMS: Grid-based Motion Statistics for Fast, Ultra-robust Feature Correspondence, CVPR'2017 [pdf] [code]
- [LMI] Consensus Maximization with Linear Matrix Inequality Constraints, CVPR'2017 [pdf] [project] [code]
- [GOPAC] Globally-Optimal Inlier Set Maximisation for Simultaneous Camera Pose and Feature Correspondence, ICCV'2017 [pdf] TPAMI'2018 [pdf] [code]
- [LFGC] Learning to Find Good Correspondences, CVPR'2018 [pdf] [code]
- [GC-RANSAC] Graph-Cut RANSAC, CVPR'2018 [pdf] [code]
- [KCNet] Mining Point Cloud Local Structures by Kernel Correlation and Graph Pooling, CVPR'2018 [pdf] [code]
- [SRC] Consensus Maximization for Semantic Region Correspondences, CVPR'2018 [pdf] [code]
- [CODE] Code: Coherence based decision boundaries for feature correspondence, TPAMI'2018 [pdf] [project]
- [LPM] Locality preserving matching, IJCV'2019 [pdf] [code]
- [LMR] LMR: Learning A Two-class Classifier for Mismatch Removal, TIP'2019 [pdf] [code]
- [PFFM] Progressive Filtering for Feature Matching, ICASSP'2019 [pdf]
- [NM-Net] NM-Net: Mining Reliable Neighbors for Robust Feature Correspondences, arXiv'2019 [pdf]
- [MAGSAC] MAGSAC: Marginalizing Sample Consensus, CVPR'2019 [pdf] [code]
- [DLCM] Unsupervised Learning of Consensus Maximization for 3D Vision Problems, CVPR'2019 [pdf]
- [SM] A spectral technique for correspondence problems using pairwise constraints, ICCV'2005 [pdf] [code]
- [SM-MAP] Efficient MAP approximation for dense energy functions, ICML'2006 [pdf] [code]
- [SMAC] Balanced Graph Matching, NIPS'2006 [pdf] [code]
- [FCGM] Feature correspondence via graph matching: Models and global optimization, ECCV'2008 [pdf]
- [PM] Probabilistic Graph and Hypergraph Matching, CVPR'2008 [pdf]
- [IPFP] An Integer Projected Fixed Point Method for Graph Matching and MAP Inference, NIPS'2009 [pdf] [code]
- [RRWM] Reweighted Random Walks for Graph Matching, ECCV'2010 [pdf]
- [FGM] Factorized graph matching, CVPR'2012 [pdf] [code]
- [DGM] Deformable Graph Matching, CVPR'2013 [pdf] [code]
- [MS] Progressive mode-seeking on graphs for sparse feature matching, ECCV'2014 [pdf] [code]
- [MGM] A convex relaxation for multi-graph matching, CVPR'2019 [pdf]
- [ASIFT] ASIFT: An Algorithm for Fully Affine Invariant Comparison, IPOL'2011 [pdf] [project] [online demo]
- [RootSIFT] Three things everyone should know to improve object retrieval, CVPR'2012 [pdf] [related code]
- [DM-CNN] Descriptor Matching with Convolutional Neural Networks: a Comparison to SIFT, arXiv'2014 [pdf]
- [DASC] DASC: Robust Dense Descriptor for Multi-modal and Multi-spectral Correspondence Estimation, TPAMI'2017 [pdf] [project]
- [MODS] MODS: Fast and Robust Method for Two-View Matching, CVIU'2015 [pdf] [project] [code]
- [Elastic2D3D] Efficient Globally Optimal 2D-to-3D Deformable Shape Matching, CVPR'2016 [pdf] [project]
- [TCDCN] Facial Landmark Detection by Deep Multi-task Learning, ECCV'2014 [pdf] [project]
- [LAI] Object matching using a locally affine invariant and linear programming techniques, TPAMI'2013 [pdf]
- [HPatches] HPatches: A benchmark and evaluation of handcrafted and learned local descriptors, CVPR'2017 [pdf]
- [GeoDesc] GeoDesc: Learning Local Descriptors by Integrating Geometry Constraints, ECCV'2018 [pdf] [code]
- [MIRROR] Matchable Image Retrieval by Learning from Surface Reconstruction ACCV'2018 [pdf] [code]
- [NDDR-CNN] NDDR-CNN: Layerwise Feature Fusing in Multi-Task CNNsby Neural Discriminative Dimensionality Reduction, CVPR'2019 [pdf] [code]
- [ContextDesc] ContextDesc: Local Descriptor Augmentation with Cross-Modality Context, CVPR'2019 [pdf] [code]
- [Evaluation] An Evaluation of Feature Matchers forFundamental Matrix Estimation, BMVC'2019 [pdf]
- [TFeat] Learning local feature descriptors with triplets and shallow convolutional neural networks, BMVC'2016 [pdf] [code]
- [L2-Net] L2-Net: Deep Learning of Discriminative Patch Descriptor in Euclidean Space, CVPR'2017 [pdf] [code]
- [HardNet] Working hard to know your neighbor's margins: Local descriptor learning loss, CVPR'2018 [pdf] [code]
- [AffNet] Repeatability Is Not Enough: Learning Discriminative Affine Regions via Discriminability, ECCV'2018 [pdf] [code]
- [GCNv2] GCNv2: Efficient Correspondence Prediction for Real-Time SLAM, ICLR'2019 [pdf] [code]
- [D2-Net] D2-Net: A Trainable CNN for Joint Detection and Description of Local Features, CVPR'2019 [pdf] [project] [code]
- [SDC] SDC – Stacked Dilated Convolution: A Unified Descriptor Network for Dense Matching Tasks, CVPR'2019 [pdf]
- [GLPM] Guided Locality Preserving Feature Matching for Remote Sensing Image Registration, TGRS'2018 [pdf]
- [DB-ICP] The dual-bootstrap iterative closest point algorithm with application to retinal image registration, TMI'2003 [pdf]
- [GDB-ICP] Registration of Challenging Image Pairs: Initialization, Estimation, and Decision, TPAMI'2007 [pdf] [project]
- [ED-DB-ICP] The edge-driven dual-bootstrap iterative closest point algorithm for registration of multimodal fluorescein angiogram sequence, TMI'2010 [pdf]
- Robust and efficient ridge-based palmprint matching, TPAMI'2012 [pdf]
- Palmprint image registration using convolutional neural networks and Hough transform, arxiv'2019 [pdf]
- Visual Homing via Guided Locality Preserving Matching, ICRA'2018 [pdf]
- Locally non-rigid registration for mobile HDR photography, CVPRW'2015 [pdf]
- Hand Motion from 3D Point Trajectories and a Smooth Surface Model, ECCV'2004 [pdf] [project]
- A robust hybrid method for nonrigid image registration, PR'2011 [pdf]
- Aligning Images in the Wild, CVPR'2012 [pdf] [code]
- Robust feature set matching for partial face recognition, CVPR'2013 [pdf]
- Multi-modal and Multi-spectral Registrationfor Natural Images, ECCV'2014 [pdf] [project]
- Articulated and Generalized Gaussian KernelCorrelation for Human Pose Estimation, TIP'2016 [pdf]
- Infrared and visible image fusion via gradient transfer and total variation minimization, Information Fusion'2016 [pdf] [code]
- 2D Synthesized Chui-Rangarajan Dataset (deformation, noise, and outliers)
- Multi-View Stereo Dataset
- Multi-View Stereo for Community Photo Collections
- Multi-View Stereo
- VGG Affine Datasets
- Multi-view VGG's Dataset
- Oxford Building Reconstruction
- IMM Datasets
- MPEG7 CE Shape-1 Part B
- Leaf Shapes Database
- CMU House/Hotel Sequence Images
- Generated Matching Dataset
- Image Sequences
- Mythological creatures 2D
- Tools 2D
- Human face
- Cars & Motorbikes
- DIML Multimodal Benchmark
- Street View Dataset [github] [data]
- EVD: Extreme View Dataset [EVD_tentatives] [EZD]
- WxBS: Wide Baseline Dataset [W1BS]
- Stanford 3D Scanning
- MPI FAUST Dataset
- Mikolajczyk Database
- Panoramic Image Database
- PS-Dataset (A Large Dataset for improving Patch Matching, PhotoSynth Dataset for improving local patch Descriptors)
- Two-view Geometry
- Point clouds data sets for 3D registration
- IMW CVPR 2019: Challenge
- Robotic 3D Scan Repository
- Database for 3D surface registration
- Large Geometric Models Archive
- Laser scanner point clouds
- FIRE: Fundus Image Registration Dataset
- DRIVE (Retinal Images)
- DRIONS-DB (Retinal Images)
- STARE (Retinal Images)
- Plant Images
- MR Prostate Images
- CV Images
- ETHZ Datasets
- CVPapers
- Intelligent remote sensing data analyis
- VLFeat
- PCL: Point Cloud Library
- Pointmatcher: a modular library implementing the ICP algorithm for aligning point clouds
- Open3D: A Modern Library for 3D Data Processing
- 3D keypoints (MeshDOG) and local descriptors (MeshHOG)
- OpenMVG: open Multiple View Geometry
- VisualSFM : A Visual Structure from Motion System
- Medical Image Registration Toolbox
- Graph Matching Toolbox in MATLAB
- FAIR: Flexible Algorithms for Image Registration [pdf]
- Range Image Registration Toolbox