Welcome to our site where you can find every product you are looking for, from technology to clothing, from accessories to household goods, at the most affordable price. You can view the product you want, see their details, make a search for it, add it to your cart and see the amount you need to pay on our site, where we use the React Library in its construction and Tailwind CSS in its design. Plazi Fake Store API was used in its API and it was completed in 1 week. Please proceed to the next section to see the tools used and the appearance of the site in more detail.
, [json-server]
, [lodash]
, [react-dom]
, [react-icons]
, [react-query]
, [react-router-dom]
, [autoprefixer]
, [postcss]
, [tailwindcss]
Gizem Haspolat
Ahmet Tezcan
Beyza Fatma Bostancı