This document is a directory to the resources you'll need to contribute to this project, so best of luck!
First and foremost, Remonic Server uses Kotlin. If it's new to you (maybe you're coming from Java?), you can find the language reference here
You ever push something to realize the tests failed and you
embarrassingly have to push another commit just to fix the
tests you broke?
Well, I've been there and you can setup our git hooks to avoid
that happening to you. Just run the scripts/install-hooks.bash
script and it should set it up for you. This means when you make
a commit, the tests will execute to make sure all is good. Doing
this is highly recommended to avoid commit clutter.
Note: The tests take around 10-30s depending on the speed of your computer (mine
takes around 15s on a base 2015 Macbook Pro) and it'll save you the
trouble of having to realize and take care of it later. And If you
were conscious enough to actually run the tests beforehand, you can
use the --no-verify
git option to bypass the pre-commit tests.
We use expose to interact with Remonic Server's SQL-based database, and we strictly use the DAO pattern. You can learn how to use it here
This section of Javalin's documentation will be the most useful in knowing how to manage the Context object at an endpoint. Make sure to define your path in RemonicServer.kt as the rest of them are. If you're unsure how something is done, just take a look at some of the other code as it's a great place to start. I'll tell you some of the most basic elements of this upfront though:
You have to define what can come in, and what type of output can come out.
This means errors, success, etc. This both helps other developers figure out
what's going on, as well as aid input validation for you. So for example, our
method types might look something like this:
data class UserRegisterRequest(val name: String, val email: String, val password: String)
class UserRegisterSuccess: SuccessfulResponse()
class UserExistsError: ErrorResponse(400, 1, "A user by that email already exists")
class PasswordTooShortError: ErrorResponse(400, 2, "Password provided is lower than 8 characters")
The register request is what will be coming in and by our definition: none of
the fields can be null. If we make them nullable by adding a ?
, then they
will become nullable to the validator! Easy as that.
This will halt execution and you won't need to return