- Overview
- Paths
- List available databases
- Create new database
- Drop database
- List available namespaces
- Create namespace
- Get namespace description
- Drop namespace
- Truncate namespace
- Rename namespace
- Get list of namespace's meta info
- Get namespace's meta info by key
- Remove namespace's meta info for key
- Put namespace's meta info with specified key and value
- Get documents from namespace
- Update documents in namespace
- Insert documents to namespace
- Delete documents from namespace
- Upsert documents in namespace
- List available indexes
- Update index in namespace
- Add new index to namespace
- Drop index from namespace
- Get namespace schema
- Set namespace schema
- Get protobuf communication parameters schema
- Query documents from namespace
- Update documents in namespace
- Query documents from namespace
- Delete documents from namespace
- Begin transaction to namespace
- Commit transaction
- Rollback transaction
- Update documents in namespace via transaction
- Insert documents to namespace via transaction
- Delete documents from namespace via transaction
- Upsert documents in namespace via transaction
- Delete/update queries for transactions
- Delete documents from namespace (transactions)
- Suggest for autocompletion of SQL query
- Query documents from namespace
- Get system information
- Try to release free memory back to the operating system for reuse by other applications.
- Get memory usage information
- Get activity stats information
- Get client connection information
- Get replication statistics
- Get memory stats information
- Get performance stats information
- Get SELECT queries performance stats information
- Update system config
- Definitions
- ActionCommand
- ActivityStats
- AggregationResDef
- AggregationsDef
- AggregationsSortDef
- AsyncReplicationConfig
- BeginTransactionResponse
- CacheMemStats
- ClientsStats
- CommonPerfStats
- Database
- DatabaseMemStats
- DatabasePerfStats
- Databases
- EqualPositionDef
- ExplainDef
- FilterDef
- FtStopWordObject
- FulltextConfig
- FulltextFieldConfig
- FulltextSynonym
- GlobalReplicationStats
- Index
- IndexCacheMemStats
- IndexMemStat
- Indexes
- Items
- ItemsUpdateResponse
- JoinCacheMemStats
- JoinedDef
- JsonObjectDef
- LongQueriesLogging
- MetaByKeyResponse
- MetaInfo
- MetaListResponse
- Namespace
- NamespaceMemStats
- NamespacePerfStats
- Namespaces
- NamespacesConfig
- OnDef
- ProfilingConfig
- QueriesPerfStats
- Query
- QueryCacheMemStats
- QueryColumnDef
- QueryItems
- QueryPerfStats
- ReplicationConfig
- ReplicationStats
- ReplicationSyncStat
- SchemaDef
- SelectLogging
- SelectPerfStats
- SortDef
- StatusResponse
- SubQuery
- SubQueryAggregationsDef
- SuggestItems
- SysInfo
- SystemConfigItem
- TransactionLogging
- TransactionsPerfStats
- UpdateDeleteLogging
- UpdateField
- UpdatePerfStats
- UpdateResponse
Reindexer is an embeddable, in-memory, document-oriented database with a high-level Query builder interface. Reindexer's goal is to provide fast search with complex queries. Reindexer is compact, fast and it does not have heavy dependencies.
Version : 4.15.0
License : Apache 2.0
License URL : http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html
Terms of service : null
BasePath : /api/v1
Schemes : HTTP
- databases : Databases management
- indexes : Indexes management
- items : Documents management
- namespaces : Namespaces management
- queries : Queries to reindexer (dsl/sql)
- system : System methods
GET /db
This operation will output list of all available databases
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Query | sort_order optional |
Sort Order | enum (asc, desc) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | successful operation | Databases |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- databases
POST /db
This operation will create new database. If database is already exists, then error will be returned.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Body | body required |
Database definintion | Database |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successful operation | StatusResponse |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- databases
DELETE /db/{database}
This operation will remove complete database from memory and disk. All data, including namespaces, their documents and indexes will be erased. Can not be undone. USE WITH CAUTION.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successful operation | StatusResponse |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- databases
GET /db/{database}/namespaces
This operation will list all availavle namespaces in specified database. If database is not exists, then error will be returned.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Query | sort_order optional |
Sort Order | enum (asc, desc) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | successful operation | Namespaces |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- namespaces
POST /db/{database}/namespaces
This operation will create new namespace in specified database. If namespace is already exists, then operation do not nothing.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Body | body required |
Namespace definintion | Namespace |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successful operation | StatusResponse |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- namespaces
GET /db/{database}/namespaces/{name}
This operation will return specified namespace description, including options of namespace, and available indexes
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Path | name required |
Namespace name | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | successful operation | Namespace |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- namespaces
DELETE /db/{database}/namespaces/{name}
This operation will delete completely namespace from memory and disk. All documents, indexes and metadata from namespace will be removed. Can not be undone. USE WITH CAUTION.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Path | name required |
Namespace name | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successful operation | StatusResponse |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- namespaces
DELETE /db/{database}/namespaces/{name}/truncate
This operation will delete all items from namespace.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Path | name required |
Namespace name | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successful operation | StatusResponse |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- namespaces
GET /db/{database}/namespaces/{name}/rename/{newname}
This operation will rename namespace.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Path | name required |
Namespace name | string |
Path | newname required |
Namespace new name | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successful operation | StatusResponse |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- namespaces
GET /db/{database}/namespaces/{name}/metalist
This operation will return list of keys of all meta of specified namespace
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Path | database required |
Database name | string | |
Path | name required |
Namespace name | string | |
Query | limit optional |
If 0 - no limit | integer | 0 |
Query | offset optional |
integer | 0 |
Query | sort_order optional |
Sort Order | enum (asc, desc) | |
Query | with_values optional |
Include values in response | boolean | "false" |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | successful operation | MetaListResponse |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- namespaces
GET /db/{database}/namespaces/{name}/metabykey/{key}
This operation will return value of namespace's meta with specified key
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Path | key required |
Meta key | string |
Path | name required |
Namespace name | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successful operation | MetaByKeyResponse |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- namespaces
DELETE /db/{database}/namespaces/{name}/metabykey/{key}
This operation will remove meta with specified key from namespace
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Path | key required |
Meta key | string |
Path | name required |
Namespace name | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successful operation | StatusResponse |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- namespaces
PUT /db/{database}/namespaces/{name}/metabykey
This operation will set namespace's meta with specified key and value
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Path | name required |
Namespace name | string |
Body | meta_info required |
Meta info | MetaInfo |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | successful operation | UpdateResponse |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- namespaces
GET /db/{database}/namespaces/{name}/items
This operation will select documents from namespace with specified filters, and sort them by specified sort order. Paging with limit and offset are supported.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Path | name required |
Namespace name | string |
Query | fields optional |
Comma-separated list of returned fields | string |
Query | filter optional |
Filter with SQL syntax, e.g: field1 = 'v1' AND field2 > 'v2' | string |
Query | format optional |
encoding data format | enum (json, msgpack, protobuf, csv-file) |
Query | limit optional |
Maximum count of returned items | integer |
Query | offset optional |
Offset of first returned item | integer |
Query | sharding optional |
if off then get items from current node only | enum (true, false) |
Query | sort_field optional |
Sort Field | string |
Query | sort_order optional |
Sort Order | enum (asc, desc) |
Query | with_shard_ids optional |
if sharding is enabled, then add the #shard_id field to the item | enum (true, false) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | successful operation | Items |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- items
PUT /db/{database}/namespaces/{name}/items
This operation will UPDATE documents in namespace, by their primary keys. Each document should be in request body as separate JSON object, e.g.
{"id":100, "name": "Pet"}
{"id":101, "name": "Dog"}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Path | name required |
Namespace name | string |
Query | format optional |
encoding data format | enum (json, msgpack, protobuf) |
Query | precepts optional |
Precepts to be done | < string > array(multi) |
Body | body required |
object |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | successful operation | ItemsUpdateResponse |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- items
POST /db/{database}/namespaces/{name}/items
This operation will INSERT documents to namespace, by their primary keys. Each document should be in request body as separate JSON object, e.g.
{"id":100, "name": "Pet"}
{"id":101, "name": "Dog"}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Path | name required |
Namespace name | string |
Query | format optional |
encoding data format | enum (json, msgpack, protobuf) |
Query | precepts optional |
Precepts to be done | < string > array(multi) |
Body | body required |
object |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | successful operation | ItemsUpdateResponse |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- items
DELETE /db/{database}/namespaces/{name}/items
This operation will DELETE documents from namespace, by their primary keys. Each document should be in request body as separate JSON object, e.g.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Path | name required |
Namespace name | string |
Query | precepts optional |
Precepts to be done | < string > array(multi) |
Body | body required |
object |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | successful operation | ItemsUpdateResponse |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- items
PATCH /db/{database}/namespaces/{name}/items
This operation will UPSERT documents in namespace, by their primary keys. Each document should be in request body as separate JSON object, e.g.
{"id":100, "name": "Pet"}
{"id":101, "name": "Dog"}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Path | name required |
Namespace name | string |
Query | format optional |
encoding data format | enum (json, msgpack, protobuf) |
Query | precepts optional |
Precepts to be done | < string > array(multi) |
Body | body required |
object |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | successful operation | ItemsUpdateResponse |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- items
GET /db/{database}/namespaces/{name}/indexes
This operation will return list of available indexes, from specified database and namespace.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Path | name required |
Namespace name | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | successful operation | Indexes |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- indexes
PUT /db/{database}/namespaces/{name}/indexes
This operation will update index parameters. E.g. type of field or type of index. Operation is synchronious, so it can take long time, if namespace contains bunch of documents
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Path | name required |
Namespace name | string |
Body | body required |
Index definition | Index |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successful operation | StatusResponse |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- indexes
POST /db/{database}/namespaces/{name}/indexes
This operation will create new index. If index is already exists with the different parameters, then error will be returned. Operation is synchronious, so it can take long time, if namespace contains bunch of documents.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Path | name required |
Namespace name | string |
Body | body required |
Index definition | Index |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successful operation | StatusResponse |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- indexes
DELETE /db/{database}/namespaces/{name}/indexes/{indexname}
This operation will remove index from namespace. No data will be erased. Operation is synchronious, so it can take long time, if namespace contains bunch of documents.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Path | indexname required |
Index name | string |
Path | name required |
Namespace name | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successful operation | StatusResponse |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- indexes
GET /db/{database}/namespaces/{name}/schema
This operation will return current schema from specified database and namespace
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Path | name required |
Namespace name | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | successful operation | SchemaDef |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- schema
PUT /db/{database}/namespaces/{name}/schema
This operation will set namespace schema (information about available fields and field types)
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Path | name required |
Namespace name | string |
Body | body required |
This operation will put new schema for specified database and namespace | SchemaDef |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successful operation | StatusResponse |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- schema
GET /db/{database}/protobuf_schema
This operation allows to get client/server communication parameters as google protobuf schema (content of .proto file)
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Query | ns required |
Namespace name | < string > array(multi) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | successful operation | No Content |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- schema
GET /db/{database}/query
This operation queries documents from namespace by SQL query. Query can be preced by EXPLAIN
statement, then query execution plan will be returned with query results.
Two level paging is supported. At first, applied normal SQL LIMIT
then limit
and offset
from http request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Query | format optional |
encoding data format | enum (json, msgpack, protobuf, csv-file) |
Query | limit optional |
Maximum count of returned items | integer |
Query | offset optional |
Offset of first returned item | integer |
Query | q required |
SQL query | string |
Query | sharding optional |
if off then execute SQL query on current node | enum (true, false) |
Query | width optional |
Total width in rows of view for table format output | integer |
Query | with_columns optional |
Return columns names and widths for table format output | boolean |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | successful operation | QueryItems |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- queries
PUT /db/{database}/query
This operation updates documents in namespace by DSL query.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Body | body required |
DSL query | Query |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successful operation | StatusResponse |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- queries
POST /db/{database}/query
This operation queries documents from namespace by DSL query.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Query | format optional |
encoding data format | enum (json, msgpack, protobuf, csv-file) |
Query | width optional |
Total width in rows of view for table format output | integer |
Query | with_columns optional |
Return columns names and widths for table format output | boolean |
Body | body required |
DSL query | Query |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | successful operation | QueryItems |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- queries
DELETE /db/{database}/query
This operation removes documents from namespace by DSL query.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Body | body required |
DSL query | Query |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successful operation | StatusResponse |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- queries
POST /db/{database}/namespaces/{name}/transactions/begin
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Path | name required |
Namespace name | string |
Query | format optional |
encoding data format | enum (json, msgpack, protobuf) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | successful operation | BeginTransactionResponse |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- transactions
POST /db/{database}/transactions/{tx_id}/commit
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Path | tx_id required |
transaction id | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successful operation | StatusResponse |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- transactions
POST /db/{database}/transactions/{tx_id}/rollback
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Path | tx_id required |
transaction id | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successful operation | StatusResponse |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- transactions
PUT /db/{database}/transactions/{tx_id}/items
This will add UPDATE operation into transaction. It UPDATEs documents in namespace, by their primary keys. Each document should be in request body as separate JSON object, e.g.
{"id":100, "name": "Pet"}
{"id":101, "name": "Dog"}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Path | tx_id required |
transaction id | string |
Query | format optional |
encoding data format | enum (json, msgpack, protobuf) |
Query | precepts optional |
Precepts to be done | < string > array(multi) |
Body | body required |
object |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successful operation | StatusResponse |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- transactions
POST /db/{database}/transactions/{tx_id}/items
This will add INSERT operation into transaction. It INSERTs documents to namespace, by their primary keys. Each document should be in request body as separate JSON object, e.g.
{"id":100, "name": "Pet"}
{"id":101, "name": "Dog"}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Path | tx_id required |
transaction id | string |
Query | format optional |
encoding data format | enum (json, msgpack, protobuf) |
Query | precepts optional |
Precepts to be done | < string > array(multi) |
Body | body required |
object |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successful operation | StatusResponse |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- transactions
DELETE /db/{database}/transactions/{tx_id}/items
This will add DELETE operation into transaction. It DELETEs documents from namespace, by their primary keys. Each document should be in request body as separate JSON object, e.g.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Path | tx_id required |
transaction id | string |
Query | precepts optional |
Precepts to be done | < string > array(multi) |
Body | body required |
object |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successful operation | StatusResponse |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- transactions
PATCH /db/{database}/transactions/{tx_id}/items
This will add UPSERT operation into transaction. It UPDATEs documents in namespace, by their primary keys. Each document should be in request body as separate JSON object, e.g.
{"id":100, "name": "Pet"}
{"id":101, "name": "Dog"}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Path | tx_id required |
transaction id | string |
Query | format optional |
encoding data format | enum (json, msgpack, protobuf) |
Query | precepts optional |
Precepts to be done | < string > array(multi) |
Body | body required |
object |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successful operation | StatusResponse |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- transactions
GET /db/{database}/transactions/{tx_id}/query
This will add DELETE/UPDATE SQL query into transaction. This query UPDATEs/DELETEs documents from namespace
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Path | tx_id required |
transaction id | string |
Query | format optional |
encoding data format | enum (json, msgpack, protobuf) |
Query | q required |
SQL query | string |
Query | width optional |
Total width in rows of view for table format output | integer |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successful operation | StatusResponse |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- transactions
DELETE /db/{database}/transactions/{tx_id}/query
This will add DELETE query into transaction. DELETE query removes documents from namespace by DSL query.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Path | tx_id required |
transaction id | string |
Query | tx_id optional |
transaction id | string |
Body | body required |
DSL query | Query |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successful operation | StatusResponse |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- transactions
GET /db/{database}/suggest
This operation pareses SQL query, and suggests autocompletion variants
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Query | line required |
Cursor line for suggest | integer |
Query | pos required |
Cursor position for suggest | integer |
Query | q required |
SQL query | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | successful operation | SuggestItems |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- queries
POST /db/{database}/sqlquery
This operation queries documents from namespace by SQL query. Query can be preced by EXPLAIN
statement, then query execution plan will be returned with query results.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Query | format optional |
encoding data format | enum (json, msgpack, protobuf, csv-file) |
Query | width optional |
Total width in rows of view for table format output | integer |
Query | with_columns optional |
Return columns names and widths for table format output | boolean |
Body | q required |
SQL query | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | successful operation | QueryItems |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- queries
GET /check
This operation will return system informatiom about server version, uptime, and resources consumtion
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | successful operation | SysInfo |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- system
POST /allocator/drop_cache
Try to release free memory back to the operating system for reuse. Only for tcmalloc allocator.
- system
GET /allocator/info
This operation will return memory usage informatiom from tcmalloc allocator.
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | successful operation | No Content |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- system
GET /db/{database}/namespaces/%23activitystats/items
This operation will return detailed informatiom about current activity of all connected to the database clients
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | successful operation | ActivityStats |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- system
GET /db/{database}/namespaces/%23clientsstats/items
This operation will return detailed informatiom about all connections on the server
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | successful operation | ClientsStats |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- system
GET /db/{database}/namespaces/%23replicationstats/items
This operation will return detailed informatiom about replication status on this node or cluster
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Query | filter required |
Filter with SQL syntax, e.g: field1 = 'v1' AND field2 > 'v2'. Has to filter by 'type' field: either 'async' or 'cluster' | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | successful operation | GlobalReplicationStats |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- system
GET /db/{database}/namespaces/%23memstats/items
This operation will return detailed informatiom about database memory consumption
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | successful operation | DatabaseMemStats |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- system
GET /db/{database}/namespaces/%23perfstats/items
This operation will return detailed informatiom about database performance timings. By default performance stats is turned off.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | successful operation | DatabasePerfStats |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- system
GET /db/{database}/namespaces/%23queriesperfstats/items
This operation will return detailed informatiom about database memory consumption. By default qureis performance stat is turned off.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | successful operation | QueriesPerfStats |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- system
PUT /db/{database}/namespaces/%23config/items
This operation will update system configuration:
- profiling configuration. It is used to enable recording of queries and overal performance;
- log queries configurating.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | database required |
Database name | string |
Body | body required |
SystemConfigItem |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | successful operation | UpdateResponse |
400 | Invalid arguments supplied | StatusResponse |
403 | Forbidden | StatusResponse |
404 | Entry not found | StatusResponse |
408 | Context timeout | StatusResponse |
500 | Unexpected internal error | StatusResponse |
- system
Name | Description | Schema |
command required |
Command to execute | enum (restart_replication, reset_replication_role) |
namespace optional |
Namespace name for reset_replication_role. May be empty | string |
Name | Description | Schema |
items optional |
< items > array | |
total_items optional |
Total count of documents, matched specified filters | integer |
Name | Description | Schema |
client required |
Client identifier | string |
lock_description optional |
string | |
query required |
Query text | string |
query_id required |
Query identifier | integer |
query_start required |
Query start time | string |
state required |
Current operation state | enum (in_progress, wait_lock, sending, indexes_lookup, select_loop, proxied_via_cluster_proxy, proxied_via_sharding_proxy) |
user optional |
User name | string |
Name | Description | Schema |
distincts optional |
List of distinct values of the field | < string > array |
facets optional |
Facets, calculated by aggregator | < facets > array |
fields required |
Fields or indexes names for aggregation function | < string > array |
type required |
Aggregation function | enum (SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX, FACET, DISTINCT) |
value optional |
Value, calculated by aggregator | number |
Name | Description | Schema |
count required |
Count of elemens these fields values | integer |
values required |
Facet fields values | < string > array |
Name | Description | Schema |
fields required |
Fields or indexes names for aggregation function | < string > array |
limit optional |
Number of rows to get from result set. Allowed only for FACET Minimum value : 0 |
integer |
offset optional |
Index of the first row to get from result set. Allowed only for FACET Minimum value : 0 |
integer |
sort optional |
Specifies results sorting order. Allowed only for FACET | < AggregationsSortDef > array |
type required |
Aggregation function | enum (SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX, FACET, DISTINCT) |
Specifies facet aggregations results sorting order
Name | Description | Schema |
desc optional |
Descent or ascent sorting direction | boolean |
field required |
Field or index name for sorting | string |
Name | Description | Schema |
app_name optional |
Application name, used by replicator as a login tag | string |
batching_routines_count optional |
Number of coroutines for updates batching (per namespace). Higher value here may help to reduce networks triparound await time, but will require more RAM | integer |
enable_compression optional |
Enable network traffic compression | boolean |
log_level optional |
Replication log level on replicator's startup | enum (none, error, warning, info, trace) |
max_wal_depth_on_force_sync optional |
Maximum number of WAL records, which will be copied after force-sync | integer |
mode optional |
Allows to configure async replication from sync raft-cluster (replicate either from each node, or from synchronous cluster leader) | enum (default, from_sync_leader) |
namespaces required |
General list of namespaces for replication. Empty means all of the namespaces. All replicated namespaces will become read only for followers | < string > array |
nodes required |
Followers list | < nodes > array |
online_updates_delay_msec optional |
Delay between write operation and replication. Larger values here will leader to higher replication latency and bufferization, but also will provide more effective network batching and CPU untilization | integer |
online_updates_timeout_sec optional |
Node response timeout for online-replication (seconds) | integer |
retry_sync_interval_msec optional |
Resync timeout on network errors | integer |
role required |
Replication role | enum (none, follower, leader) |
sync_threads optional |
Number of data replication threads | integer |
sync_timeout_sec optional |
Network timeout for communication with followers (for force and wal synchronization), in seconds | integer |
syncs_per_thread optional |
Max number of concurrent force/wal sync's per thread | integer |
Name | Description | Schema |
dsn required |
Follower's DSN. Must have cproto-scheme | string |
namespaces optional |
List of namespaces to replicate on this specific node. Empty means all of the namespaces. If field doesn't exists, then general list will be used | < string > array |
Name | Description | Schema |
tx_id optional |
Unique transaction id | string |
Name | Description | Schema |
empty_count optional |
Count of empty elements slots in this cache | integer |
hit_count_limit optional |
Number of hits of queries, to store results in cache | integer |
items_count optional |
Count of used elements stored in this cache | integer |
total_size optional |
Total memory consumption by this cache | integer |
Name | Description | Schema |
items optional |
< items > array | |
total_items optional |
Count of connected clients | integer |
Name | Description | Schema |
app_name required |
Client's aplication name | string |
client_version required |
Client version string | string |
connection_id required |
Connection identifier | integer |
current_activity required |
Current activity | string |
db_name required |
Database name | string |
ip required |
Ip | string |
last_recv_ts optional |
Timestamp of last recv operation (ms) | integer |
last_send_ts optional |
Timestamp of last send operation (ms) | integer |
recv_bytes required |
Receive byte | integer |
recv_rate optional |
Current recv rate (bytes/s) | integer |
send_buf_bytes optional |
Send buffer size | integer |
send_rate optional |
Current send rate (bytes/s) | integer |
sent_bytes required |
Send byte | integer |
start_time required |
Server start time in unix timestamp | integer |
tx_count required |
Count of currently opened transactions for this client | integer |
user_name required |
User name | string |
user_rights required |
User right | string |
Name | Description | Schema |
last_sec_avg_latency_us optional |
Average latency (execution time) for queries to this object at last second | integer |
last_sec_avg_lock_time_us optional |
Average waiting time for acquiring lock to this object at last second | integer |
last_sec_qps optional |
Count of queries to this object, requested at last second | integer |
latency_stddev optional |
Standard deviation of latency values | number |
max_latency_us optional |
Maximum latency value | integer |
min_latency_us optional |
Minimal latency value | integer |
total_avg_latency_us optional |
Average latency (execution time) for queries to this object | integer |
total_avg_lock_time_us optional |
Average waiting time for acquiring lock to this object | integer |
total_queries_count optional |
Total count of queries to this object | integer |
Name | Description | Schema |
name optional |
Name of database Pattern : "^[A-Za-z0-9_\\-]*$" |
string |
Name | Description | Schema |
items optional |
Documents, matched specified filters | < NamespaceMemStats > array |
total_items optional |
Total count of documents, matched specified filters | integer |
Name | Description | Schema |
items optional |
Documents, matched specified filters | < NamespacePerfStats > array |
total_items optional |
Total count of documents, matched specified filters | integer |
Name | Description | Schema |
items optional |
< string > array | |
total_items optional |
Total count of databases | integer |
Array fields to be searched with equal array indexes
Name | Schema |
positions optional |
< string > array |
Query execution explainings
Name | Description | Schema |
general_sort_us optional |
Result sort time | integer |
indexes_us optional |
Indexes keys selection time | integer |
loop_us optional |
Intersection loop time | integer |
on_conditions_injections optional |
Describes Join ON conditions injections | < on_conditions_injections > array |
postprocess_us optional |
Query post process time | integer |
prepare_us optional |
Query prepare and optimize time | integer |
preselect_us optional |
Query preselect processing time | integer |
selectors optional |
Filter selectors, used to proccess query conditions | < selectors > array |
sort_by_uncommitted_index optional |
Optimization of sort by uncompleted index has been performed | boolean |
sort_index optional |
Index, which used for sort results | string |
subqueries optional |
Explain of subqueries preselect | < subqueries > array |
total_us optional |
Total query execution time | integer |
Name | Description | Schema |
conditions optional |
Individual conditions processing results | < conditions > array |
injected_condition optional |
Injected condition. SQL-like string | string |
namespace optional |
Joinable ns name | string |
on_condition optional |
Original ON-conditions clause. SQL-like string | string |
reason optional |
Optional{succeed==false}. Explains condition injection failure | string |
success optional |
Result of injection attempt | boolean |
type optional |
Values source: preselect values(by_value) or additional select(select) | string |
Name | Description | Schema |
agg_type optional |
Optional. Aggregation type used in subquery | enum (min, max, distinct) |
condition optional |
single condition from Join ON section. SQL-like string | string |
explain_select optional |
Optional. Explain of Select subquery | ExplainDef |
new_condition optional |
substituted injected condition. SQL-like string | string |
reason optional |
Optional. Explains condition injection failure | string |
success optional |
result of injection attempt | boolean |
total_time_us optional |
total time elapsed from injection attempt start till the end of substitution or rejection | integer |
values_count optional |
resulting size of query values set | integer |
Name | Description | Schema |
comparators optional |
Count of comparators used, for this selector | integer |
condition optional |
Condition on the field | string |
cost optional |
Cost expectation of this selector | integer |
description optional |
Description of the selector | string |
explain_preselect optional |
Preselect in joined namespace execution explainings | ExplainDef |
explain_select optional |
One of selects in joined namespace execution explainings | ExplainDef |
field optional |
Field or index name | string |
field_type optional |
Shows which kind of the field was used for the filtration. Non-indexed fields are usually really slow for 'scan' and should be avoided | enum (non-indexed, indexed) |
items optional |
Count of scanned documents by this selector | integer |
keys optional |
Number of uniq keys, processed by this selector (may be incorrect, in case of internal query optimization/caching | integer |
matched optional |
Count of processed documents, matched this selector | integer |
method optional |
Method, used to process condition | enum (scan, index, inner_join, left_join) |
type optional |
Select iterator type | enum (Comparator, TwoFieldsComparison, Skipped, Forward, Reverse, SingleRange, SingleIdset, SingleIdSetWithDeferedSort, RevSingleRange, RevSingleIdset, RevSingleIdSetWithDeferedSort, OnlyComparator, Unsorted, UnbuiltSortOrdersIndex) |
Name | Description | Schema |
explain optional |
Explain of the subquery's preselect | ExplainDef |
field optional |
Name of field being compared with the subquery's result | string |
keys optional |
Count of keys being compared with the subquery's result | integer |
namespace optional |
Subquery's namespace name | string |
If contains 'filters' then cannot contain 'cond', 'field' and 'value'. If not contains 'filters' then 'field' and 'cond' are required.
Name | Description | Schema |
always optional |
Boolean constant | boolean |
cond optional |
Condition operator | enum (EQ, GT, GE, LE, LT, SET, ALLSET, EMPTY, RANGE, LIKE, DWITHIN) |
equal_positions optional |
Array of array fields to be searched with equal array indexes | < EqualPositionDef > array |
field optional |
Field json path or index name for filter | string |
filters optional |
Filter for results documents | < FilterDef > array |
first_field optional |
First field json path or index name for filter by two fields | string |
join_query optional |
JoinedDef | |
op optional |
Logic operator | enum (AND, OR, NOT) |
second_field optional |
Second field json path or index name for filter by two fields | string |
subquery optional |
Subquery to compare its result | SubQuery |
value optional |
Value of filter. Single integer or string for EQ, GT, GE, LE, LT condition, array of 2 elements for RANGE condition, variable len array for SET and ALLSET conditions, or something like that: '[[1, -3.5],5.0]' for DWITHIN | object |
Name | Description | Schema |
is_morpheme optional |
If the value is true, the word can be included in search results in queries such as 'word*', 'word~' etc. Default : false |
boolean |
word optional |
Stop word | string |
Fulltext Index configuration
Name | Description | Schema |
base_ranking optional |
Config for subterm proc rank. | base_ranking |
bm25_boost optional |
Boost of bm25 ranking Default : 1.0 Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 10 |
number (float) |
bm25_config optional |
Config for document ranking function | bm25_config |
bm25_weight optional |
Weight of bm25 rank in final rank 0: bm25 will not change final rank. 1: bm25 will affect to finl rank in 0 - 100% range Default : 0.1 Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 1 |
number (float) |
distance_boost optional |
Boost of search query term distance in found document Default : 1.0 Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 10 |
number (float) |
distance_weight optional |
Weight of search query terms distance in found document in final rank 0: distance will not change final rank. 1: distance will affect to final rank in 0 - 100% range Default : 0.5 Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 1 |
number (float) |
enable_kb_layout optional |
Enable wrong keyboard layout variants processing. e.g. term 'keynbr' will match word 'лунтик' Default : true |
boolean |
enable_numbers_search optional |
Enable number variants processing. e.g. term '100' will match words one hundred Default : false |
boolean |
enable_preselect_before_ft optional |
Enable to execute others queries before the ft query Default : false |
boolean |
enable_translit optional |
Enable russian translit variants processing. e.g. term 'luntik' will match word 'лунтик' Default : true |
boolean |
enable_warmup_on_ns_copy optional |
Enable auto index warmup after atomic namespace copy on transaction Default : false |
boolean |
extra_word_symbols optional |
List of symbols, which will be threated as word part, all other symbols will be thrated as wors separators Default : "-/+" |
string |
fields optional |
Configuration for certian field if it differ from whole index configuration | < FulltextFieldConfig > array |
full_match_boost optional |
Boost of full match of search phrase with doc Default : 1.1 Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 10 |
number (float) |
log_level optional |
Log level of full text search engine Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 4 |
integer |
max_areas_in_doc optional |
Max number of highlighted areas for each field in each document (for snippet() and highlight()). '-1' means unlimited Maximum value : 1000000000 |
number |
max_rebuild_steps optional |
Maximum steps without full rebuild of ft - more steps faster commit slower select - optimal about 15. Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 500 |
integer |
max_step_size optional |
Maximum unique words to step Minimum value : 5 Maximum value : 1000000000 |
integer |
max_total_areas_to_cache optional |
Max total number of highlighted areas in ft result, when result still remains cacheable. '-1' means unlimited Maximum value : 1000000000 |
number |
max_typo_len optional |
Maximum word length for building and matching variants with typos. Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 100 |
integer |
max_typos optional |
Maximum possible typos in word. 0: typos is disabled, words with typos will not match. N: words with N possible typos will match. It is not recommended to set more than 2 possible typo -It will seriously increase RAM usage, and decrease search speed Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 4 |
integer |
merge_limit optional |
Maximum documents count which will be processed in merge query results. Increasing this value may refine ranking of queries with high frequency words, but will decrease search speed Minimum value : 1 Maximum value : 33554431 |
integer |
min_relevancy optional |
Minimum rank of found documents. 0: all found documents will be returned 1: only documents with relevancy >= 100% will be returned Default : 0.05 Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 1 |
number (float) |
optimization optional |
Optimize the index by memory or by cpu Default : "Memory" |
enum (Memory, CPU) |
partial_match_decrease optional |
Decrease of relevancy in case of partial match by value: partial_match_decrease * (non matched symbols) / (matched symbols) Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 100 |
integer |
position_boost optional |
Boost of search query term position Default : 1.0 Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 10 |
number (float) |
position_weight optional |
Weight of search query term position in final rank. 0: term position will not change final rank. 1: term position will affect to final rank in 0 - 100% range Default : 0.1 Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 1 |
number (float) |
stemmers optional |
List of stemmers to use | < string > array |
stop_words optional |
List of objects of stop words. Words from this list will be ignored when building indexes | < FtStopWordObject > array |
sum_ranks_by_fields_ratio optional |
Ratio to summation of ranks of match one term in several fields. For example, if value of this ratio is K, request is '@+f1,+f2,+f3 word', ranks of match in fields are R1, R2, R3 and R2 < R1 < R3, final rank will be R = R2 + KR1 + KK*R3 Default : 0.0 Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 1 |
number (float) |
synonyms optional |
List of synonyms for replacement | < FulltextSynonym > array |
term_len_boost optional |
Boost of search query term length Default : 1.0 Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 10 |
number (float) |
term_len_weight optional |
Weight of search query term length in final rank. 0: term length will not change final rank. 1: term length will affect to final rank in 0 - 100% range Default : 0.3 Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 1 |
number (float) |
typos_detailed_config optional |
Config for more precise typos algorithm tuning | typos_detailed_config |
Name | Description | Schema |
base_typo_proc optional |
Base relevancy of typo match Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 500 |
integer |
full_match_proc optional |
Relevancy of full word match Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 500 |
integer |
kblayout_proc optional |
Relevancy of the match in incorrect kblayout Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 500 |
integer |
prefix_min_proc optional |
Mininum relevancy of prefix word match Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 500 |
integer |
stemmer_proc_penalty optional |
Penalty for the variants, created by stemming Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 500 |
integer |
suffix_min_proc optional |
Mininum relevancy of suffix word match Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 500 |
integer |
synonyms_proc optional |
Relevancy of the synonym match Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 500 |
integer |
translit_proc optional |
Relevancy of the match in translit Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 500 |
integer |
typo_proc_penalty optional |
Extra penalty for each word's permutation (addition/deletion of the symbol) in typo algorithm Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 500 |
integer |
Name | Description | Schema |
bm25_b optional |
Coefficient b in the formula for calculating bm25. If b is bigger, the effects of the length of the document compared to the average length are more amplified. Default : 0.75 Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 1 |
number (float) |
bm25_k1 optional |
Coefficient k1 in the formula for calculating bm25. Сoefficient that sets the saturation threshold for the frequency of the term. The higher the coefficient, the higher the threshold and the lower the saturation rate. Default : 2.0 Minimum value : 0 |
number (float) |
bm25_type optional |
Formula for calculating document relevance (rx_bm25, bm25, word_count) Default : "rx_bm25" |
enum (rx_bm25, bm25, word_count) |
Name | Description | Schema |
max_extra_letters optional |
Maximum number of symbols, which may be added to the initial term to transform it into the result word Minimum value : -1 Maximum value : 2 |
integer |
max_missing_letters optional |
Maximum number of symbols, which may be removed from the initial term to transform it into the result word Minimum value : -1 Maximum value : 2 |
integer |
max_symbol_permutation_distance optional |
Maximum distance between same symbols in initial and target words to perform substitution (to handle cases, when two symbolws were switched with each other) Minimum value : -1 Maximum value : 100 |
integer |
max_typo_distance optional |
Maximum distance between symbols in initial and target words to perform substitution Minimum value : -1 Maximum value : 100 |
integer |
Configuration for certian field if it differ from whole index configuration
Name | Description | Schema |
bm25_boost optional |
Boost of bm25 ranking Default : 1.0 Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 10 |
number (float) |
bm25_weight optional |
Weight of bm25 rank in final rank 0: bm25 will not change final rank. 1: bm25 will affect to finl rank in 0 - 100% range Default : 0.1 Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 1 |
number (float) |
field_name optional |
Field name | string |
position_boost optional |
Boost of search query term position Default : 1.0 Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 10 |
number (float) |
position_weight optional |
Weight of search query term position in final rank. 0: term position will not change final rank. 1: term position will affect to final rank in 0 - 100% range Default : 0.1 Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 1 |
number (float) |
term_len_boost optional |
Boost of search query term length Default : 1.0 Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 10 |
number (float) |
term_len_weight optional |
Weight of search query term length in final rank. 0: term length will not change final rank. 1: term length will affect to final rank in 0 - 100% range Default : 0.3 Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 1 |
number (float) |
Fulltext synonym definition
Name | Description | Schema |
alternatives optional |
List of alternatives, which will be used for search documents | < string > array |
tokens optional |
List source tokens in query, which will be replaced with alternatives | < string > array |
Name | Description | Schema |
items optional |
< items > array | |
total_items optional |
Total replication stat items count | integer |
Name | Description | Schema |
allocated_updates_count required |
count of online updates, awaiting deallocation | integer |
allocated_updates_size required |
total online updates' size in bytes | integer |
force_sync required |
ReplicationSyncStat | |
initial_sync optional |
initial_sync | |
nodes required |
info about each node | < nodes > array |
pending_updates_count required |
count of online updates, awaiting replication | integer |
type required |
Replication type. Either 'async' or 'cluster' | string |
wal_sync required |
ReplicationSyncStat |
Name | Description | Schema |
force_sync required |
ReplicationSyncStat | |
total_time_us required |
Total time of initial sync | integer |
wal_sync required |
ReplicationSyncStat |
Name | Description | Schema |
dsn required |
node's dsn | string |
is_synchronized optional |
shows synchroniztion state for raft-cluster node (false if node is outdated) | boolean |
namespaces required |
list of namespaces, which are configure for this node | < string > array |
pending_updates_count required |
online updates, awaiting replication to this node | integer |
replication_mode optional |
replication mode for mixed 'sync cluster + async replication' configs | enum (default, from_sync_leader) |
role required |
replication role | enum (none, follower, leader, candidate) |
server_id required |
node's server id | integer |
status required |
network status | enum (none, offline, online) |
Name | Description | Schema |
collate_mode optional |
String collate mode Default : "none" |
enum (none, ascii, utf8, numeric) |
config optional |
FulltextConfig | |
expire_after optional |
Specify, time to live for ttl index, in seconds | integer |
field_type required |
Field data type | enum (int, int64, double, string, bool, composite, point) |
index_type required |
Index structure type Default : "hash" |
enum (hash, tree, text, rtree, ttl, -) |
is_array optional |
Specifies, that index is array. Array indexes can work with array fields, or work with multiple fields Default : false |
boolean |
is_dense optional |
Reduces the index size. For hash and tree it will save ~8 bytes per unique key value. Useful for indexes with high selectivity, but for tree and hash indexes with low selectivity can seriously decrease update performance; Default : false |
boolean |
is_pk optional |
Specifies, that index is primary key. The update operations will checks, that PK field is unique. The namespace MUST have only 1 PK index | boolean |
is_simple_tag optional |
Use simple tag instead of actual index, which will notice rx about possible field name for strict policies Default : false |
boolean |
is_sparse optional |
Value of index may not present in the document, and threfore, reduce data size but decreases speed operations on index Default : false |
boolean |
json_paths required |
Fields path in json object, e.g 'id' or 'subobject.field'. If index is 'composite' or 'is_array', than multiple json_paths can be specified, and index will get values from all specified fields. | < string > array |
name required |
Name of index, can contains letters, digits and underscores Default : "id" Pattern : "^[A-Za-z0-9_\\-]*$" |
string |
rtree_type optional |
Algorithm to construct RTree index Default : "rstar" |
enum (linear, quadratic, greene, rstar) |
sort_order_letters optional |
Sort order letters Default : "" |
string |
Idset cache stats. Stores merged reverse index results of SELECT field IN(...) by IN(...) keys
Polymorphism : Composition
Name | Description | Schema |
empty_count optional |
Count of empty elements slots in this cache | integer |
hit_count_limit optional |
Number of hits of queries, to store results in cache | integer |
items_count optional |
Count of used elements stored in this cache | integer |
total_size optional |
Total memory consumption by this cache | integer |
Name | Description | Schema |
data_size optional |
Total memory consumption of documents's data, holded by index | integer |
fulltext_size optional |
Total memory consumption of fulltext search structures | integer |
idset_btree_size optional |
Total memory consumption of reverse index b-tree structures. For dense and store indexes always 0 |
integer |
idset_cache optional |
IndexCacheMemStats | |
idset_plain_size optional |
Total memory consumption of reverse index vectors. For store ndexes always 0 |
integer |
name optional |
Name of index. There are special index with name -tuple . It's stores original document's json structure with non indexe fields |
string |
sort_orders_size optional |
Total memory consumption of SORT statement and GT , LT conditions optimized structures. Applicabe only to tree indexes |
integer |
tracked_updates_buckets optional |
Buckets count in index updates tracker map | integer |
tracked_updates_count optional |
Updates count, pending in index updates tracker | integer |
tracked_updates_overflow optional |
Updates tracker map overflow (number of elements, stored outside of the main buckets) | integer |
tracked_updates_size optional |
Updates tracker map size in bytes | integer |
unique_keys_count optional |
Count of unique keys values stored in index | integer |
Name | Description | Schema |
items optional |
< Index > array | |
total_items optional |
Total count of indexes | integer |
Name | Description | Schema |
items optional |
Documents, matched specified filters | < object > array |
total_items optional |
Total count of documents, matched specified filters | integer |
Name | Description | Schema |
items optional |
Updated documents. Contains only if precepts were provided | < object > array |
updated optional |
Count of updated items | integer |
Join cache stats. Stores results of selects to right table by ON condition
Polymorphism : Composition
Name | Description | Schema |
empty_count optional |
Count of empty elements slots in this cache | integer |
hit_count_limit optional |
Number of hits of queries, to store results in cache | integer |
items_count optional |
Count of used elements stored in this cache | integer |
total_size optional |
Total memory consumption by this cache | integer |
Name | Description | Schema |
filters optional |
Filter for results documents | < FilterDef > array |
limit optional |
Maximum count of returned items | integer |
namespace required |
Namespace name | string |
offset optional |
Offset of first returned item | integer |
select_filter optional |
Filter fields of returned document. Can be dot separated, e.g 'subobject.field' | < string > array |
sort optional |
< SortDef > array | |
on optional |
Join ON statement | < OnDef > array |
type required |
Join type | enum (LEFT, INNER, ORINNER) |
Name | Description | Schema |
additionalProperties optional |
Allow additional fields in this schema level. Allowed for objects only Default : false |
boolean |
items optional |
JsonObjectDef | |
properties optional |
properties | |
required optional |
Array of required fieldsl. Allowed for objects only | < string > array |
type optional |
Entity type | enum (object, string, number, array) |
Name | Schema |
field1 optional |
JsonObjectDef |
field2 optional |
JsonObjectDef |
Parameters for logging long queries and transactions
Name | Schema |
select optional |
SelectLogging |
transaction optional |
TransactionLogging |
update_delete optional |
UpdateDeleteLogging |
Meta info of the specified namespace
Name | Schema |
key required |
string |
value required |
string |
Meta info to be set
Name | Schema |
key required |
string |
value required |
string |
List of meta info of the specified namespace
Name | Description | Schema |
meta required |
< meta > array | |
total_items required |
Total count of meta info in the namespace | integer |
Name | Description | Schema |
key required |
string | |
value optional |
Optional: Provided if 'with_values' = true | string |
Name | Description | Schema |
indexes optional |
< Index > array | |
name optional |
Name of namespace Pattern : "^[A-Za-z0-9_\\-]*$" |
string |
storage optional |
storage |
Name | Description | Schema |
enabled optional |
If true, then documents will be stored to disc storage, else all data will be lost on server shutdown | boolean |
Name | Description | Schema |
indexes optional |
Memory consumption of each namespace index | < IndexMemStat > array |
items_count optional |
Total count of documents in namespace | integer |
join_cache optional |
JoinCacheMemStats | |
name optional |
Name of namespace | string |
optimization_completed optional |
Background indexes optimization has been completed | boolean |
query_cache optional |
QueryCacheMemStats | |
replication optional |
ReplicationStats | |
storage_enabled optional |
Shows if storage is enabled (hovewer it may still be unavailable) | boolean |
storage_ok optional |
Status of disk storage (true, if storage is enabled and writable) | boolean |
storage_path optional |
Filesystem path to namespace storage | string |
storage_status optional |
More detailed info about storage status. May contain 'OK', 'DISABLED', 'NO SPACE LEFT' or last error descrition | string |
strings_waiting_to_be_deleted_size optional |
Size of strings deleted from namespace, but still used in queryResults | integer |
total optional |
Summary of total namespace memory consumption | total |
updated_unix_nano optional |
[[deperecated]]. do not use | integer |
Name | Description | Schema |
cache_size optional |
Total memory consumption of namespace's caches. e.g. idset and join caches | integer |
data_size optional |
Total memory size of stored documents, including system structures | integer |
index_optimizer_memory optional |
Total memory size, occupated by index optimizer (in bytes) | integer |
indexes_size optional |
Total memory consumption of namespace's indexes | integer |
Name | Description | Schema |
indexes optional |
Memory consumption of each namespace index | < indexes > array |
name optional |
Name of namespace | string |
selects optional |
SelectPerfStats | |
transactions optional |
TransactionsPerfStats | |
updates optional |
UpdatePerfStats |
Name | Description | Schema |
name optional |
Name of index | string |
selects optional |
SelectPerfStats | |
updates optional |
UpdatePerfStats |
Name | Description | Schema |
items optional |
< items > array | |
total_items optional |
Total count of namespaces | integer |
Name | Description | Schema |
name optional |
Name of namespace | string |
Name | Description | Schema |
cache optional |
cache | |
copy_policy_multiplier optional |
Disables copy policy if namespace size is greater than copy_policy_multiplier * start_copy_policy_tx_size | integer |
index_updates_counting_mode optional |
Enables 'simple counting mode' for index updates tracker. This will increase index optimization time, however may reduce insertion time | boolean |
join_cache_mode optional |
Join cache mode | enum (aggressive) |
lazyload optional |
Enable namespace lazy load (namespace shoud be loaded from disk on first call, not at reindexer startup) | boolean |
log_level optional |
Log level of queries core logger | enum (none, error, warning, info, trace) |
max_preselect_part optional |
Maximum preselect part of namespace's items for optimization of inner join by injection of filters. If max_preselect_part is 0, then only mmax_preselect_size will be used. If max_preselect_size is 0 and max_preselect_part is 0, optimization with preselect will not be applied. If max_preselect_size is 0 and max_preselect_part is 1.0, then the optimization will always be applied Default : 0.1 Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 1 |
number (float) |
max_preselect_size optional |
Maximum preselect size for optimization of inner join by injection of filters. If max_preselect_size is 0, then only max_preselect_part will be used. If max_preselect_size is 0 and max_preselect_part is 0, optimization with preselect will not be applied. If max_preselect_size is 0 and max_preselect_part is 1.0, then the optimization will always be applied Minimum value : 0 |
integer |
min_preselect_size optional |
Minimum preselect size for optimization of inner join by injection of filters. Min_preselect_size will be used as preselect limit if (max_preselect_part * ns.size) is less than this value Minimum value : 0 |
integer |
namespace optional |
Name of namespace, or * for setting to all namespaces |
string |
optimization_sort_workers optional |
Maximum number of background threads of sort indexes optimization. 0 - disable sort optimizations | integer |
optimization_timeout_ms optional |
Timeout before background indexes optimization start after last update. 0 - disable optimizations | integer |
start_copy_policy_tx_size optional |
Enable namespace copying for transaction with steps count greater than this value (if copy_politics_multiplier also allows this) | integer |
sync_storage_flush_limit optional |
Enables synchronous storage flush inside write-calls, if async updates count is more than sync_storage_flush_limit. 0 - disables synchronous storage flush, in this case storage will be flushed in background thread only | integer |
tx_size_to_always_copy optional |
Force namespace copying for transaction with steps count greater than this value | integer |
unload_idle_threshold optional |
Unload namespace data from RAM after this idle timeout in seconds. If 0, then data should not be unloaded | integer |
wal_size optional |
Maximum WAL size for this namespace (maximum count of WAL records) | integer |
Name | Description | Schema |
ft_index_cache_size optional |
Max size of the fulltext indexes IdSets cache in bytes (per index). Each fulltext index has it's own independant cache. This cache is used in any selections to store resulting sets of internal document IDs, FT ranks and highlighted areas (it does not stores documents' content itself) | integer |
ft_index_hits_to_cache optional |
Default 'hits to cache' for fulltext index IdSets caches. This value determines how many requests required to put results into cache. For example with value of 2: first request will be executed without caching, second request will generate cache entry and put results into the cache and third request will get cached results. This value may be automatically increased if cache is invalidation too fast | integer |
index_idset_cache_size optional |
Max size of the index IdSets cache in bytes (per index). Each index has it's own independant cache. This cache is used in any selections to store resulting sets of internal document IDs (it does not stores documents' content itself) | integer |
index_idset_hits_to_cache optional |
Default 'hits to cache' for index IdSets caches. This value determines how many requests required to put results into cache. For example with value of 2: first request will be executed without caching, second request will generate cache entry and put results into the cache and third request will get cached results. This value may be automatically increased if cache is invalidation too fast | integer |
joins_preselect_cache_size optional |
Max size of the index IdSets cache in bytes for each namespace. This cache will be enabled only if 'join_cache_mode' property is not 'off'. It stores resulting IDs, serialized JOINed queries and any other 'preselect' information for the JOIN queries (when target namespace is right namespace of the JOIN) | integer |
joins_preselect_hit_to_cache optional |
Default 'hits to cache' for joins preselect cache of the current namespace. This value determines how many requests required to put results into cache. For example with value of 2: first request will be executed without caching, second request will generate cache entry and put results into the cache and third request will get cached results. This value may be automatically increased if cache is invalidation too fast | integer |
query_count_cache_size optional |
Max size of the cache for COUNT_CACHED() aggregation in bytes for each namespace. This cache stores resulting COUNTs and serialized queries for the COUNT_CACHED() aggregations | integer |
query_count_hit_to_cache optional |
Default 'hits to cache' for COUNT_CACHED() aggregation of the current namespace. This value determines how many requests required to put results into cache. For example with value of 2: first request will be executed without caching, second request will generate cache entry and put results into the cache and third request will get cached results. This value may be automatically increased if cache is invalidation too fast | integer |
Name | Description | Schema |
cond required |
Condition operator | enum (EQ, GT, GE, LE, LT, SET) |
left_field required |
Field from left namespace (main query namespace) | string |
op optional |
Logic operator | enum (AND, OR, NOT) |
right_field required |
Field from right namespace (joined query namespace) | string |
Name | Description | Schema |
activitystats optional |
Enables tracking activity statistics Default : false |
boolean |
long_queries_logging optional |
LongQueriesLogging | |
memstats optional |
Enables tracking memory statistics Default : true |
boolean |
perfstats optional |
Enables tracking overal perofrmance statistics Default : false |
boolean |
queries_threshold_us optional |
Minimum query execution time to be recoreded in #queriesperfstats namespace | integer |
queriesperfstats optional |
Enables record queries perofrmance statistics Default : false |
boolean |
Name | Description | Schema |
items optional |
Documents, matched specified filters | < QueryPerfStats > array |
total_items optional |
Total count of documents, matched specified filters | integer |
Name | Description | Schema |
aggregations optional |
Ask query calculate aggregation | < AggregationsDef > array |
drop_fields optional |
List of fields to be dropped | < string > array |
explain optional |
Add query execution explain information Default : false |
boolean |
filters optional |
Filter for results documents | < FilterDef > array |
limit optional |
Maximum count of returned items | integer |
merge_queries optional |
Merged queries to be merged with main query | < Query > array |
namespace required |
Namespace name | string |
offset optional |
Offset of first returned item | integer |
req_total optional |
Ask query to calculate total documents, match condition Default : "disabled" |
enum (disabled, enabled, cached) |
select_filter optional |
Filter fields of returned document. Can be dot separated, e.g 'subobject.field' | < string > array |
select_functions optional |
Add extra select functions to query | < string > array |
select_with_rank optional |
Output fulltext rank in QueryResult. Allowed only with fulltext query Default : false |
boolean |
sort optional |
Specifies results sorting order | < SortDef > array |
strict_mode optional |
Strict mode for query. Adds additional check for fields('names')/indexes('indexes') existence in sorting and filtering conditions Default : "names" |
enum (none, names, indexes) |
type optional |
Type of query | enum (select, update, delete, truncate) |
update_fields optional |
Fields to be updated | < UpdateField > array |
Query cache stats. Stores results of SELECT COUNT(*) by Where conditions
Polymorphism : Composition
Name | Description | Schema |
empty_count optional |
Count of empty elements slots in this cache | integer |
hit_count_limit optional |
Number of hits of queries, to store results in cache | integer |
items_count optional |
Count of used elements stored in this cache | integer |
total_size optional |
Total memory consumption by this cache | integer |
Query columns for table outputs
Name | Description | Schema |
max_chars optional |
Maximum count of chars in column | number |
name optional |
Column name | string |
width_chars optional |
Column width in chars | number |
width_percents optional |
Column width in percents of total width | number |
Name | Description | Schema |
aggregations optional |
Aggregation functions results | < AggregationResDef > array |
cache_enabled optional |
Enables to client cache returned items. If false, then returned items has been modified by reindexer, e.g. by select filter, or by functions, and can't be cached | boolean |
columns optional |
Columns for table output | < QueryColumnDef > array |
equal_position optional |
Array fields to be searched with equal array indexes | < string > array |
explain optional |
ExplainDef | |
items optional |
Documents, matched query | < object > array |
namespaces optional |
Namespaces, used in query | < string > array |
query_total_items optional |
Total count of documents, matched query | integer |
Performance statistics per each query
Polymorphism : Composition
Name | Description | Schema |
last_sec_avg_latency_us optional |
Average latency (execution time) for queries to this object at last second | integer |
last_sec_avg_lock_time_us optional |
Average waiting time for acquiring lock to this object at last second | integer |
last_sec_qps optional |
Count of queries to this object, requested at last second | integer |
latency_stddev optional |
Standard deviation of latency values | number |
longest_query optional |
not normalized SQL representation of longest query | string |
max_latency_us optional |
Maximum latency value | integer |
min_latency_us optional |
Minimal latency value | integer |
query optional |
normalized SQL representation of query | string |
total_avg_latency_us optional |
Average latency (execution time) for queries to this object | integer |
total_avg_lock_time_us optional |
Average waiting time for acquiring lock to this object | integer |
total_queries_count optional |
Total count of queries to this object | integer |
Name | Description | Schema |
cluster_id optional |
Cluser ID - must be same for client and for master | integer |
server_id optional |
Node identifier. Should be unique for each node in the replicated cluster (non-unique IDs are also allowed, but may lead to the inconsistency in some cases Maximum value : 999 |
integer |
State of namespace replication
Name | Description | Schema |
cluster_id optional |
Cluster ID - must be same for client and for master | integer |
data_count optional |
Items count in namespace | integer |
data_hash optional |
Hashsum of all records in namespace | integer |
error_code optional |
Error code of last replication | integer |
error_message optional |
Error message of last replication | string |
incarnation_counter optional |
Number of storage's master <-> slave switches | integer |
last_lsn optional |
Last Log Sequence Number (LSN) of applied namespace modification | integer |
master_state optional |
State of current master namespace | master_state |
slave_mode optional |
If true, then namespace is in slave mode | boolean |
status optional |
Current replication status for this namespace | enum (idle, error, fatal, syncing, none) |
updated_unix_nano optional |
Last update time | integer |
wal_count optional |
Write Ahead Log (WAL) records count | integer |
wal_size optional |
Total memory consumption of Write Ahead Log (WAL) | integer |
Name | Description | Schema |
data_count optional |
Items count in master namespace | integer |
data_hash optional |
Hashsum of all records in namespace | integer |
last_lsn optional |
Last Log Sequence Number (LSN) of applied namespace modification | integer |
updated_unix_nano optional |
Last update time | integer |
Name | Description | Schema |
avg_time_us required |
Average sync time | integer |
count required |
Syncs count | integer |
max_time_us required |
Max sync time | integer |
Name | Description | Schema |
additionalProperties optional |
Allow additional fields in this schema level. Allowed for objects only Default : false |
boolean |
items optional |
JsonObjectDef | |
properties optional |
properties | |
required optional |
Array of required fieldsl. Allowed for objects only | < string > array |
type optional |
Entity type | enum (object, string, number, array) |
Name | Schema |
field1 optional |
JsonObjectDef |
field2 optional |
JsonObjectDef |
Name | Description | Schema |
normalized optional |
Output the query in a normalized form Default : false |
boolean |
threshold_us optional |
Threshold value for logging SELECT queries, if -1 logging is disabled | integer |
Performance statistics for select operations
Polymorphism : Composition
Name | Description | Schema |
last_sec_avg_latency_us optional |
Average latency (execution time) for queries to this object at last second | integer |
last_sec_avg_lock_time_us optional |
Average waiting time for acquiring lock to this object at last second | integer |
last_sec_qps optional |
Count of queries to this object, requested at last second | integer |
latency_stddev optional |
Standard deviation of latency values | number |
max_latency_us optional |
Maximum latency value | integer |
min_latency_us optional |
Minimal latency value | integer |
total_avg_latency_us optional |
Average latency (execution time) for queries to this object | integer |
total_avg_lock_time_us optional |
Average waiting time for acquiring lock to this object | integer |
total_queries_count optional |
Total count of queries to this object | integer |
Specifies results sorting order
Name | Description | Schema |
desc optional |
Descent or ascent sorting direction | boolean |
field required |
Field or index name for sorting | string |
values optional |
Optional: Documents with this values of field will be returned first | < object > array |
Name | Description | Schema |
description optional |
Text description of error details | string |
response_code optional |
Duplicates HTTP response code | integer |
success optional |
boolean |
Subquery object. It must contain either 'select_filters' for the single field, single aggregation or must be matched againts 'is null'/'is not null conditions'
Name | Description | Schema |
aggregations optional |
Ask query calculate aggregation | < SubQueryAggregationsDef > array |
filters optional |
Filter for results documents | < FilterDef > array |
limit optional |
Maximum count of returned items | integer |
namespace required |
Namespace name | string |
offset optional |
Offset of first returned item | integer |
req_total optional |
Ask query to calculate total documents, match condition Default : "disabled" |
enum (disabled, enabled, cached) |
select_filter optional |
Filter fields of returned document. Can be dot separated, e.g 'subobject.field' | < string > array |
sort optional |
Specifies results sorting order | < SortDef > array |
Name | Description | Schema |
fields required |
Fields or indexes names for aggregation function | < string > array |
type required |
Aggregation function | enum (SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX) |
Name | Description | Schema |
suggests optional |
Suggested query autocompletion variants | < string > array |
Name | Description | Schema |
core_log optional |
Reindexer core log path | string |
current_allocated_bytes optional |
Current inuse allocated memory size in bytes | integer |
heap_size optional |
Current heap size in bytes | integer |
http_address optional |
HTTP server address | string |
http_log optional |
HTTP server log path | string |
log_level optional |
Log level, should be one of these: trace, debug, info, warning, error, critical | string |
pageheap_free optional |
Heap free size in bytes | integer |
pageheap_unmapped optional |
Unmapped free heap size in bytes | integer |
rpc_address optional |
RPC server address | string |
rpc_log optional |
RPC server log path | string |
server_log optional |
Reindexer server log path | string |
start_time optional |
Server start time in unix timestamp | integer |
storage_path optional |
Path to storage | string |
uptime optional |
Server uptime in seconds | integer |
version optional |
Server version | string |
Name | Description | Schema |
action optional |
ActionCommand | |
async_replication optional |
AsyncReplicationConfig | |
namespaces optional |
< NamespacesConfig > array | |
profiling optional |
ProfilingConfig | |
replication optional |
ReplicationConfig | |
type required |
Default : "profiling" |
enum (profiling, namespaces, replication, action) |
Name | Description | Schema |
avg_step_threshold_us optional |
Threshold value for the average step duration time in a transaction, if -1 logging is disabled | integer |
threshold_us optional |
Threshold value for total transaction commit time, if -1 logging is disabled | integer |
Performance statistics for transactions
Name | Description | Schema |
avg_commit_time_us optional |
Average transaction commit time usec | integer |
avg_copy_time_us optional |
Average namespace copy time usec | integer |
avg_prepare_time_us optional |
Average transaction preparation time usec | integer |
avg_steps_count optional |
Average steps count in transactions for this namespace | integer |
max_commit_time_us optional |
Maximum transaction commit time usec | integer |
max_copy_time_us optional |
Minimum namespace copy time usec | integer |
max_prepare_time_us optional |
Maximum transaction preparation time usec | integer |
max_steps_count optional |
Maximum steps count in transactions for this namespace | integer |
min_commit_time_us optional |
Minimum transaction commit time usec | integer |
min_copy_time_us optional |
Maximum namespace copy time usec | integer |
min_prepare_time_us optional |
Minimum transaction preparation time usec | integer |
min_steps_count optional |
Minimum steps count in transactions for this namespace | integer |
total_copy_count optional |
Total namespace copy operations | integer |
total_count optional |
Total transactions count for this namespace | integer |
Name | Description | Schema |
normalized optional |
Output the query in a normalized form Default : false |
boolean |
threshold_us optional |
Threshold value for logging UPDATE and DELETE queries, if -1 logging is disabled | integer |
Name | Description | Schema |
is_array optional |
is updated value an array | boolean |
name required |
field name | string |
type optional |
update entry type | enum (object, expression, value) |
values required |
Values to update field with | < object > array |
Performance statistics for update operations
Polymorphism : Composition
Name | Description | Schema |
last_sec_avg_latency_us optional |
Average latency (execution time) for queries to this object at last second | integer |
last_sec_avg_lock_time_us optional |
Average waiting time for acquiring lock to this object at last second | integer |
last_sec_qps optional |
Count of queries to this object, requested at last second | integer |
latency_stddev optional |
Standard deviation of latency values | number |
max_latency_us optional |
Maximum latency value | integer |
min_latency_us optional |
Minimal latency value | integer |
total_avg_latency_us optional |
Average latency (execution time) for queries to this object | integer |
total_avg_lock_time_us optional |
Average waiting time for acquiring lock to this object | integer |
total_queries_count optional |
Total count of queries to this object | integer |
Name | Description | Schema |
updated optional |
Count of updated items | integer |