Add ‘yarn:test’ task
Add ‘yarn:check’ task
Remove metric_fu (see RubyCritic instead)
Add traceroute task (thanks @jwkratz)
Update gems
Fix issue causing failed coverage checks (thanks @iexus)
Update rubocop rules
Remove paging from Brakeman output (can cause CI service to hang)
Ensure coverage check compates floats
Add Terminal Notifier OK task (bake:ok_term_notifier)
Fix version headding addition in markdown files
Remove code quality tasks (Rubocop now does all of this)
Fix internal Rubocop violations
Add a blank line after logging out a step
Make semver tasks update version.rb in gem projects
Update Rake dependency
Make bundle-audit update ruby-advisory-db
Fix SimpleCov task (was showing 100% coverage when report was missing; now fails with helpful error)
Add more metrics tasks (MetricFu, Rubocop, Fasterer, Brakeman, RubyCritic)
Remove deprecated versioning task
Deprecate version task
Extract missing gem messages for consistant styling.
Allow the gem to be required with ‘rake-n-bake’ to match the gem name
Add alias so old projects can still require ‘rake_n_bake’
SemVer now uses integers instead of strings for major, minor and patch
SemVer now patches CHANGELOG.md as well as history.rdoc
Fix semver tasks to write to the correct file
Update history.rdoc in semver tasks
Wrap rspec require in a begiun rescue
Wrap bundler audit require in a begiun rescue
Require libs in tasks and only require gems in them
Import RakeRack
Remove broken Karma task
Change the way colours are used on term
Add new Rainbow OK task
Add :check_external_dependencies for checking external dependencies are present
Suppress grep errors if no folder
Extract version logic into a class
Allow all tags to push to RubyGems
Change version tack so it can update gem version
Allow Travis to push gem on tag
Introduce history file