- set session (cookies)
- middleware:
- Oauth: flask dance -> google
- Notification
- slack (demo, we are not using it)
- SNS (we need to do this)
- API Gateway: all the requests go to the same end point, then it fans them out base on the path
- define the API
- deploy the API
- set API key
- Cloud Address Application: not in detail, have bugs
API Design:
URL graph example:
Users & Address
Orders & Items
/users: GET, POST
/users<uni>: GET, PUT, DELETE
select * from addresses where
address_id = (select address_id from users
where uni=...)
# support linked data
"address_id": 123,
{"ref":"addresses", "href": "api/addresses/123"}
Service Composition:
Example: how bank manage savings and check
Field Selection:
select lastname, firstname, email
from users
lastname='Ferguson' and crazy='Y'
select lastname, firstname, email
from users
lastname='Ferguson' and crazy='Y'
limit=10 offset=10
Better Design
Service should have a default limit, e.g. 20
Specified limit < 20, user clients limit
Limit not specified, or > 20 --> limit 20
/api/users?lastname=Ferguson&crazy=Y&fields=lastname,firstname,email returns:
{......} //20 rows
{"ref":"self", "href": "/api/users?lastname=Ferguson&crazy=Y&fields=lastname,firstname,email"},
{"ref":"next", "href": "/api/users?lastname=Ferguson&crazy=Y&fields=lastname,firstname,email&limit=10&offset=10"}
If click on the next:
{......} //20 rows
{"ref":"self", "href": "/api/users?lastname=Ferguson&crazy=Y&fields=lastname,firstname,email&limit=10&offset=10"},
{"ref":"next", "href": "/api/users?lastname=Ferguson&crazy=Y&fields=lastname,firstname,email&limit=10&offset=20"},
{"ref":"prev", "href": "/api/users?lastname=Ferguson&crazy=Y&fields=lastname,firstname,email"},
There are more complex pagination patterns, depends on the database
we can have middle ware be a private package and then every service can get it instead of copying and pasting the code.