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File metadata and controls

125 lines (87 loc) · 2.88 KB

Startup Suii

The startup of suii has multiple parts mainly divided in:

Hardware startup:

  • !!! Get suii up off the ground !!!
  • Connect the battery with the yellow xt-90 connectors
  • Press the green button
  • When the blue button blinks press the blue button
  • When the wheels are not moving anymore place the robot on the ground, (This will take a minute)
  • Start the UR3 by pressing the tiny red button hanging out of the control box
  • Connect to the Suii wifi network
  • Connect to the UR vnc on with the RealVNC viewer
  • Now start up the robot in the UR interface on the vnc.
  • After starting the UR you can move the robot arm into a more comfortable pose by pressing the button on the gripper.

Control Suii:

To work with suii you have to login to her.

Connect to the Suii wifi network or connect by ethernet cable to the switch on her back.

$ ssh [email protected]  # Login with password

To manually control suii:

$ roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket

then go to

if it is not working restart the server:

$ ssh [email protected]
$ cd workspace/server
$ ./Aguilegia

Setup ROS on your pc:

Setup some variables on your pc:

$ editor ~/.bashrc
# And add:
export ROS_IP=YOUR_IP_ADRESS  # check ifconfig eg.:
# save it 
$ source ~/.bashrc

Making a map:

To start the software run in suii:

$ roslaunch suii_bringup mapping.launch

Drive around with the robot and visualize on you own with RViz.

# Save the map
$ cd ~/maps
$ rosrun map_server map_saver -f YOUR_MAP_NAME

Now copy the map to your pc and edit it with Gimp:

$ exit  # get out of the ssh session
$ scp [email protected]:maps/YOUR_MAP_NAME.pgm ./
$ gimp YOUR_MAP_NAME.pgm

Now edit in all the No Go Zones:

  • Tables
  • Closets
  • Chairs
  • Non seeable objects

Starting the rest:

Edit the suii_low.launch to use the new maps

$ rosed suii_bringup suii_low.launch

Start suii_low

 roslaunch suii_bringup suii_low.launch

Start vision (new terminal)

$ source envpy3 && python3   
$ ~/catkin_ws/src/suii/suii_vision/scripts/vision_core/

Start suii_high (new terminal)

$ roslaunch suii_bringup suii_high.launch

Test navigation with the use of rviz (don`t forget to set suii at the right pose in the map) * use rviz to drive suii to the workstations and save the coordinates to the "waypoint_list.json" in the "suii_demo/config" folder * Edit the task_list.json to make a demo in the "suii_demo/config" folder *run the demo:

$ roslaunch suii_demo demo.launch