- Deploy API (Heroku) Deploy MVP
- ctrl enter
- Ability to choose different decks
- Home page = category page. mock design first
- Completed Session Page
- Improve algorithm
- Form Validations
- Style auth0 login screen
- colours file
- linting
- check for deadcode
- Improve drill functionality
- next button (blocked by drill functionality)
- Improve design
- Refactor state
- Add unit tests
- Console log functionality
- Updated styling for nav dropdown (bigger with icons)
- navbar mobile bug
- like evernote or stripe
- syntax highlighting for quesiton input (arr, str...)
- End result should be completely keyboard navaigatable.
- Add basic javascript deck to all user accounts
- can be deleted
- Hide navBar onClick
- fade animation between transitions
- use onClick buttons instead of links and handle routing through history change
Design acknowlegements