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60 lines (43 loc) · 2.09 KB

File metadata and controls

60 lines (43 loc) · 2.09 KB


Downloads posters for a list of movies, and makes group images of the posters.

The program assumes an IMDB ratings.csv export, but it shouldn't be too hard to rework it to other CSVs / lists.

Get a v3 API key from The Movie DB and store it as api.txt.

Log in to IMDB and go here. Click the "..." in the top right to export your CSV. Sadly, user ratings can only be exported when logged-in as the user in question. The program cannot export them for you.

Example output

Required packages

pip install -r requirements.txt


pip install unidecode
pip install Pillow
pip install wget
pip install requests
pip install numpy
pip install pandas


py -h
usage: [-h] [-sd SD] [-ed ED] [-p POINTS] [-g GENRE] [-s SUBFILES] [-e EXPORT] [--skip | --no-skip]

Download movie posters and make images from them.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -sd SD                Start date (YYYY-MM-DD). Only include ratings from this date onward. (default: 1990-01-01)
  -ed ED                End date (YYYY-MM-DD). Only include ratings from before this date. (default: 2099-12-31)
  -p POINTS, --points POINTS
                        Number of points in the scale. 5=5 star, 10=10 star (IMDB) etc. (default: 5)
  -g GENRE, --genre GENRE
                        genre (default: None)
  -s SUBFILES, --subfiles SUBFILES
                        Save a separate file for each star rating (default: False)
  -e EXPORT, --export EXPORT
                        Save a CSV filtered by the app (ex., only one genre, only 40m+ films) (default: False)
  --skip, --no-skip     Skip the final save (prep and export only) (default: False) (default: False)

Directory structure

Defined at the start of the script. Caches movie posters and JSON results in the current working directory (os.getcwd()):

  • Main folder (os.getcwd())
    • posters
    • json (search results)
    • output (final output)