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From version 2.5.0 on, we use the semantic versioning scheme:

Version X.Y.Z stands for:

  • X = Major version: if any backwards incompatible changes are introduced to the public API
  • Y = Minor version: if new, backwards compatible functionality is introduced to the public API
  • Z = Patch version: if only backwards compatible bug fixes are introduced

Version 4.0.0


  • The dump and load functions are now inherited from the BaseTimeseriesRegressor.
  • Added abstract functions dump_parameters and load_parameters for dumping and loading model files.
  • Implemented dump_parameters and load_parameters for models.
  • Outliers in the _interactive_quantile_plot and _static_quantile_plot functions must now be within or equal to the quantile boundaries.

Version 3.2.1


  • Added the option to forcefully overwrite the optimizer.

Version 3.2.0


  • Removed support for Python 3.9
  • Updated pandas, sqlalchemy, tensorflow, numpy, and scikit-learn.
  • Implemented necessary changes to keep behaviour unchanged.

Version 3.1.11


  • Make 'ID'and 'TYPE' columns pd.Categorical instead of str, to reduce the memory spike when using pd.pivot_table in sam_format_to_wide.
  • Added parameter in QuantileRegressor to use HiGHS solver, as recommended in This will also keep the package compatible with future versions of SciPy.

Version 3.1.10


  • Allow numpy versions up to 1.23.x. 1.24 is not yet supported by shap (and shap does not specify this constraint in its requirements). For future reference, note that numpy 1.24 is also not supported by h5py versions below 3.0.0 (again without specifying) as it uses the deprecated np.typeDict. h5py is a requirement of tensorflow.
  • Upgrade tensorflow
  • Limit scikit-learn version <2

Version 3.1.9


  • ConstantTimeseriesRegressor now fills nan values in input data with zero before calling preprocess_fit in order to successfully (by)pass validation from BaseTimeseriesRegressor. Besides scikit-learn compatibility, the input data is not actually used when fitting.

Version 3.1.8


  • ConstantTimeseriesRegressor no longer checks dtypes of input data, nor nan/inf values, as the input is only used to determine the shape of the predictions.

Version 3.1.7


  • Updated BaseTimeseriesRegressor.get_feature_names_out() so, in case of the feature engineer is a Pipeline, it returns the names from the last ColumnTransformer, if available

Version 3.1.6


  • Updated wrong types in

Version 3.1.5


  • Properly included datasets so load_rainbow_beach() and load_sewage_data() work

Version 3.1.4


  • Fixed a bug where was not installed.

Version 3.1.3


  • Added logo to README and documentation
  • Added Lasso example to documentation

Version 3.1.2


  • Add pytest --doctest-modules ./sam* to unittest.yml in github actions workflows to test all docstring examples.

Version 3.1.1


  • Fixed all docstring examples (using pytest --doctest-modules ./sam*).
  • Some bugfixes for SHAP and feature importance
  • Updated index page of the documentation

Version 3.1.0

New features

  • New class sam.models.LassoTimeseriesRegressor to create a Lasso regression model for time series data incl. quantile predictions.
  • New class sam.preprocessing.ClipTransformer to clip input values to the range from the train set, making models more robust again
  • New abstract base class sam.validation.BaseValidator for all validators.
  • Renamed sam.validation.RemoveFlatlines to sam.validation.FlatlineValidator. sam.validation.RemoveFlatlines is still available, but removed in future versions.
  • Renamed sam.validation.RemoveExtremeValues to sam.validation.MADValidator. sam.validation.RemoveExtremeValues is still available, but removed in future versions.
  • New class sam.validation.OutsideRangeValidator for checking / removing data outside of a range.
  • New function datetime_train_test_split to split pandas dataframes and series based on a datetime.
  • New sam.datasets module containing functions for loading read-to-use datasets: sam.datasets.load_rainbow_beach and sam.datasets.load_sewage_data. st outliers.

Version 3.0.4


  • Added average_type to BaseTimeseriesRegressor.__init__().
  • MLPTimeseriesRegressor.__init__() now passes average_type to BaseTimeseriesRegressor.__init__().
  • Update BaseTimeseriesRegressor.score() to account for the self.average_type: in case of "mean" take the MSE of the average predictions and in case of "median" take the MAE of the average predictions.
  • Fixed various spelling errors in CHANGELOG.MD and models.
  • Updated package dependencies for scikit-learn
  • Changed the DeepExplainer to the model agnostic KernelExplainer, so we can remove all the v1 dependencies on tensorflow
  • Fixed pytest MPL bug by temporarily setting it to a previous version

Version 3.0.3

New features

  • Data collection function sam.data_sources.read_regenradar does now accept batch_size and collects data in batches to avoid timeouts.

Version 3.0.2

No changes, version bump only.

Version 3.0.1

No changes, version bump only.

Version 3.0.0

New features

  • New class sam.feature_engineering.BaseFeatureEngineer to create a default interface for feature engineering transformers.
  • New class sam.feature_engineering.FeatureEngineer to make any feature engineering transformer from a function.
  • New class sam.feature_engineering.IdentyEngineer to make a transformer that only passes data (does nothing). Utility for other features.
  • New class sam.feature_engineering.SimpleFeatureEngineer for creating time series features: rolling features and time components (one-hot or cyclical)
  • Utility functions sam.models.utils.remove_target_nan and sam.models.utils.remove_until_first_value for removing missings values in training data.


  • Replaces SamQuantileMLP with new MLPTimeseriesRegressor, which has more general purpose. Allows to provide any feature engineering transformer / pipeline. Default parameters are changed as well.
  • New example notebooks and corresponding datasets for new feature engineering and model classes.
  • Renaming name of SPCRegressor to ConstantTimeseriesRegressor for consistency. Also SPCTemplate was renamed to ConstantTemplate accordingly.
  • Combination of use_diff_of_y=True and providing y_scaler did not work correctly. Fixed.
  • Changed deprecated lr to learning_rate in tensorflow.keras.optimizers.Adam.
  • All classes now support get_feature_names_out instead of get_feature_names, which is consistent with scikit-learn>=1.1.
  • Updated documentation and new examples for new feature engineering and model classes. data/rainbow_beach.parquet provides a new example dataset.

Version 2.11.1


  • Fixed the version info for the Sphinx docs

Version 2.11.0


  • Moved to pyproject.toml instead of to make this package more future proof
  • Removed deprecated Azure Devops pipelines

Version 2.10.3


  • Added .readthedocs.yml and docs/requirements.txt to include requirements for readthedocs build.

Version 2.10.2


  • Updated for open source / github contribution guidelines
  • Added black to requirements and linting pipeline
  • All code reformatted with black and project configuration

Version 2.10.1


  • Revert version changes in scikit-learn and tensorflow due to compatibility issues



  • decompose_datetime() now also accepts a timezone argument. This enables the user to use time features in another timezone. For example: If your input data is in UTC, but you're expecting that human behaviour is also important and the model is applied on the Netherlands, you can add Europe/Amsterdam to decompose_datetime and it will convert the time from UTC to the correct time, also taking into account daylight savings. This only has an effect on the feature engineering, preprocessing and postprecessing should always happen on UTC dates.
  • Fixed mypy errors in
  • Updated docstring examples in (they work now)

Version 2.9.1


  • MIT License added
  • Additional information in and setup.cfg for license



  • Updates package dependencies to no longer use a fixed version, but instead a minimum version
  • Changed logging submodule to logging_functions to prevent overwriting logging package
  • Fixed some mypy errors
  • Added fix for SHAP DeepExplainer: shap/shap#2189
  • Fixed some deprecation warnings



  • pyproject.toml provides settings for building package (required for PyPI)
  • Additional information in for open source release



  • predict method from sam.models.ConstantTimeseriesRegressor now accepts kwargs for compatibility. Now, swapping models with SamQuantileMLP with force_monotonic_quantiles doesn't cause a failure.



  • sam.models.QuantileMLP requires predict_ahead to be int or list, but always casts to lists. Change to tuples in version 2.6.0, but caused inconsistencies and incorrect if statements.



  • sam.visualization.sam_quantile_plot now displays quantiles in 5 decimals, requirement from Aquasuite with larger quantiles.



  • New (optional) parameters for sam.validation.RemoveFlatlines: backfill and margin
  • Simplified sam.validation.RemoveFlatlines to use pandas.DataFrame.rolling functions

Version 2.8.0


  • SamQuantileMLP.predict now accepts force_monotonic_quantiles to force quantiles to be monotonic using a postprocessing step.

Version 2.7.0


  • Added a SPC model to SAM called ConstantTimeseriesRegressor, which uses the SamQuantileRegressor base class and can be used as a fall back or benchmark model


  • SamQuantileMLP now accepts Sequence types for some of its init parameters (like quantiles, time_cyclicals etc.) and the default value is changed to tuples to prevent the infamous "Mutable default argument" issue.

Version 2.6.0


  • Added a new abstract base class for all SAM models called SamQuantileRegressor, that contains some required abstract methods (fit, train, score, dump, load) any subclass needs to implement as well as some default implementations like a standard feature engineer. SamQuantileMLP is now a subclass of this new abstract base class, new classes will follow soon.

Version 2.5.6


  • sam.visualization._evaluate_performance now checks for nan in both y_hat and y_true.

Version 2.5.5


  • sam.visualization.performance_evaluation_fixed_predict_ahead accepts metric parameter that indicates what metric to evaluate the performance with: 'R2' or 'MAE' (mean absolute error). Default metric is 'R2'.

Version 2.5.4


  • No more bandit linting errors: replace assert statements
  • Remove faulty try-except-pass constructions

New features

  • Function sam.utils.contains_nan and sam.utils.assert_contains_nan are added for validation

Version 2.5.3


  • Scikit-learn version had to be <0.24.0 for certain features, TODO: update dependencies in the near future
  • Updated README, and CONTRIBUTING in preparation for going open-source.

Version 2.5.2


  • LinearQuantileRegression only contains parameters and pvalues, and data is no longer stored in the class. This was unwanted.

New features

  • LinearQuantileRegression accepts fit_intercept parameter, similar to sklearn.LinearRegression.

Version 2.5.1


  • read_knmi_station_data
    • Added a with statement to close API connection, which caused errors if used too many times

Version 2.5.0

General changes

  • Removed all deprecated functions, see next subsection for details. All deprecated tests have been removed as well.
  • All docstrings have been checked and (if needed) updated
  • Type hinting in all files
  • Linting changes:
    • Changed pipeline linter to flake8
    • Formatted all files in black
    • Split large classes and functions to satisfy a maximum cyclomatic complexity of 10
    • Moved inline imports to top of file if the packages were already imported by (any) parent
    • Sorted imports
  • Updated the README.MD and CONTRIBUTING.MD files

Additional changes in subpackages

  • sam.data_sources
    • Deleted deprecated function sam.data_sources.create_synthetic_timeseries
  • sam.feature_engineering
    • Reduced duplicate code in sam.feature_engineering.automatic_rolling_engineering and sam.feature_engineering.decompose_datetime
    • sam.feature_engineering.automatic_rolling_engineering: all dataframe inputs must be linearly increasing in time and have a datetime index, if not an AssertionError is raised
    • Deleted deprecated function sam.feature_engineering.build_timefeatures
    • Moved hardcoded data in sam.feature_engineering.tests.test_automatic_feature_engineering to separate test_data parent folder
  • sam.feature_selection
    • This subpackage is removed, as it was deprecated
  • sam.models
    • Reduced complexity of sam.models.SamQuantileMLP by adding extra internal methods for large methods
  • sam.preprocessing
    • Removed merge conflict files sam.preprocessing\tests\ and sam.preprocessing\
    • Deleted deprecated function sam.preprocessing.complete_timestamps
  • sam.train_models
    • This subpackage is removed, as it was deprecated
  • sam.utils
    • Deleted deprecated functions: sam.utils.MongoWrapper, sam.utils.label_dst, sam.utils.average_winter_time, and sam.utils.unit_to_seconds
    • Added new function sam.utils.has_strictly_increasing_index to validate the datetime index of a dataframe
  • sam.visualization
    • reduced complexity of sam.visualization.sam_quantile_plot by splitting the static and interactive plot in separate functions.

Version 2.4.0

New features

  • sam.data_sources.read_knmi_station_data was added to get KNMI data for a selection of KNMI station numbers
  • sam.data_sources.read_knmi_stations was added to get all automatic KNMI station meta data


  • sam.data_sources.read_knmi was changed because of a new KNMI API. The package knmy does not work anymore.
  • knmy is no longer a (optional) dependency (outdated)

Version 2.3.0

New features

  • sam.visualization.quantile_plot accepts benchmark parameter that plots the benchmark used to calculate the model performance


  • sam.preprocessing.sam_reshape.sam_format_to_wide now explicitly defines the arguments when calling pd.pivot_table
  • sam.metrics.r2_calculation.train_r2 can now use an array as a benchmark, not only a scalar average, for r2 calculation

Version 2.2.0

New features

  • sam.visualization.performance_evaluation_fixed_predict_ahead accepts train_avg_func parameter that provides a function to calculate the average of the train set to use for r2 calculation (default=np.nanmean)

New functions

  • Name change: sam.metrics.train_mean_r2 -> sam.metrics.r2_calculation to avoid circular import errors and the file now contains multiple methods
  • New function: sam.metrics.r2_calculation.train_r2 a renamed copy of sam.metrics.r2_calculation.train_mean_r2 as any average can now be used for r2 calculation


  • sam.metrics.train_mean_r2 is now deprecated and calls sam.metrics.train_r2

Version 2.1.0

New features

  • sam.data_sources.read_knmi now accepts parameter preprocessing to transform data to more scales.

Version 2.0.22

New features

  • keras_joint_mae_tilted_loss: to fit the median in quantile regression (use average_type='median' in SamQuantileMLP)
  • plot_feature_importances: bar plot of feature importances (e.g. computed in SamQuantileMLP.quantile_feature_importances
  • compute_quantile_ratios: to check the proportion of data falling beneath certain quantile

Version 2.0.21


  • eli5 uses the sklearn.metrics.scorer module, which is gone in 0.24.0, so we need <=0.24.0
  • shap does not work with tensorflow 2.4.0 so we need <=2.3.1

Version 2.0.20


  • statsmodels is no longer a dependency (dependency introduced in version 2.0.19)

Version 2.0.19

New features

  • sam.metrics.tilted_loss: A tilted loss function that works with numpy / pandas
  • sam.models.LinearQuantileRegression: sklearn style wrapper for quantile regression using statsmodels

Version 2.0.18


  • sam.models.SamQuantileMLP: Now stores the input columns (before featurebuilding) which can be accessed by get_input_cols()

Version 2.0.17


  • sam.validation.flatline: Now accepts window="auto" option, for which the maximum flatline window is estimated in the fit method

Version 2.0.16

New functions

  • New class: sam.feature_engineering.SPEITransformer for computing precipitation and evaporation features

Version 2.0.15


  • Fixed failing unit tests by removing tensorflow v1 code
  • Fixed QuantileMLP, where the target would stay an integer, which fails with our custom loss functions
  • Updated optional dependencies to everything we use
  • With the latest pandas version a UTC to string conversion has been fixed. Removed our fix, upped the pandas version
  • Updated scikit-learn to at least 0.21, which is required for the iterative imputer

Development changes

  • Added run-linting.yml to run pycodestyle in devops pipelines
  • Added run-unittest.yml to run pytest in devops pipelines
  • Removed .arcconfig (old arcanist unit test configuration)
  • Removed .arclint (old arcanist lint configuration)

Version 2.0.14

New functions

  • sam.visualisation.sam_quantile_plot: Options to set outlier_window and outlier_limit, to only plot anomalies when at least outlier_limit anomalies are counted within the outlier window


  • Bugfix in sam.metrics.custom_callbacks

Version 2.0.11


  • sam.models.SamQuantileMLP.score: if using y_scaler, now scales actual and prediction to equalize score to keras loss

Version 2.0.10

New functions

  • sam.models.SamQuantileMLP.quantile_feature_importances: now has argument sum_time_components that summarizes feature importances for different features generated for a single component (i.e. in onehot encoding).


  • sam.feature_engineering.automatic_rolling_engineering: estimator_type argument can now also be 'bayeslin', which should be used if one hot components are used


  • sam.feature_engineering.automatic_rolling_engineering: constant features are no longer deleted (broke one hot features)

Version 2.0.9


  • sam.models.SamQuantileMLP: When using y_scaler, name of rescaled y-series is set correctly.


  • sam.models.SamQuantileMLP: Now accepts a keyword argument r2_callback_report to add the new custom r2 callback.

New functions

  • sam.metrics.custom_callbacks: Added a custom callback that computes r2 with sam.metrics.train_mean_r2 for each epoch

Version 2.0.8


  • sam.validation.create_validation_pipe: the imputation part is now correctly applied only to the cols columns in the df
  • sam.metrics.train_mean_r2: now only adds non-nan values in np.arrays (previously would return nan R2)

Version 2.0.7


  • sam.visualization.quantile_plot: now accepts custom outliers with 'outlier' argument


  • sam.visualization.quantile_plot: now correctly shifts y_hat with predict_ahead

Version 2.0.6

New functions

  • New function: sam.metrics.train_mean_r2 that evaluates r2 based on the train set mean
  • New function: sam.visualization.performance_evaluation_fixed_predict_ahead that evaluates model performance with certain predict ahead.

Version 2.0.5


  • sam.feature_engineering.automatic_rolling_engineering now has new argument 'onehots'. The argument 'add_time_features' is now removed, as 'cyclicals' and 'onehots' now together make up both timefeatures

Version 2.0.4


  • sam.feature_engineering.decompose_datetime 'components' argument now support 'secondofday'

Version 2.0.3


  • sam.visualization.quantile_plot 'score' argument changed to 'title' to enhance generalizability

Version 2.0.2

New functions

  • New function: sam.visualization.quantile_plot function creates an (interactive) plot of SamQuantileMLP output


  • sam.feature_engineering.decompose_datetime now has an new argument 'onehots' that converts time variables to one-hot-encoded
  • sam.feature_engineering.BuildRollingFeatures: now as an argument 'add_lookback_to_colname'
  • sam.models.SamQuantileMLP: now has argument 'time_onehots', default time variables adjusted accordingly
  • sam.models.SamQuantileMLP: now has argument 'y_scaler'


  • sam.models.SamQuantileMLP: setting use_y_as_feature to True would give error if predict ahead was 0.

Version 2.0.1

New functions

  • New function: sam.models.create_keras_autoencoder_mlp function that returns keras MLP for unsupervised anomaly detection
  • New function: sam.models.create_keras_autoencoder_rnn function that returns keras RNN for unsupervised anomaly detection
  • Change sam.models.create_keras_quantile_mlp: supports momentum of 1.0 for no batch normalization. Value of None is still supported.
  • Changesam.models.create_keras_quantile.rnn: supports lower case layer types 'lstm' and 'gru'

Version 2.0.0

A lot changed in version 2.0.0. Only changes compared to 1.0.3 are listed here. For more details about any function, check the documentation.

New functions

  • sam.preprocessing.RecurrentReshaper transformer to transform 2d to 3d for Recurrent Neural networks
  • sam.preprocessing.scale_train_test function that scales train and test set and returns fitted scalers
  • sam.validation.RemoveFlatlines transformer that finds and removes flatlines from data
  • sam.validation.RemoveExtremeValues transformer that finds and removes extreme values
  • sam.validation.create_validation_pipe function that creates sklearn pipeline for data validation
  • sam.preprocessing.make_differenced_target and sam.preprocessing.inverse_differenced_target allow for differencing a timeseries
  • sam.models.SamQuantileMLP standard model for fitting wide-format timeseries data with an MLP
  • sam.models.create_keras_quantile_rnn function that returns a keras RNN model that can predict means and quantiles
  • Functions for benchmarking a model on some standard data (in sam format): sam.models.preprocess_data_for_benchmarking, sam.models.benchmark_model, sam.models.plot_score_dicts, sam.models.benchmark_wrapper
  • sam.feature_engineering.AutomaticRollingEngineering transformer that calculates rolling features in a smart way

New features

  • sam.data_sources.read_knmi has an option to use a nearby weather station if the closest weather station contains nans
  • sam.exploration.lag_correlation now accepts a list as the lag parameter
  • sam.visualization.plot_lag_correlation looks better now
  • sam.recode_cyclical_features now explicitly requires maximums and provides them for time features
  • Added example for SamQuantileMLP at


  • sam.preprocessing.sam_format_to_wide didn't work on pandas 0.23 and older
  • sam.exploration.lag_correlation did not correctly use the correlation method parameter
  • sam.metrics.keras_tilted_loss caused the entire package to crash if tensorflow wasn't installed
  • sam.visualization.plot_incident_heatmap did not correctly set the y-axis
  • sam.feature_engineering.BuildRollingFeatures threw a deprecationwarning on newer versions of pandas
  • General fixes to typos and syntax in the documentation

Version 1.0.3

Added new functions: keras_joint_mse_tilted_loss, create_keras_quantile_mlp

Version 1.0.2

Change decompose_datetime and recode_cyclical_features: the remove_original argument has been deprecated and renamed to remove_categorical. The original name was wrong, since this parameter never removed the original features, but only the newly created categorical features.

Change decompose_datetime and recode_cyclical_features: a new parameter keep_original has been added. This parameter behaves the same as BuildRollingFeatures: it is True by default, but can be set to False to keep only the newly created features.

Add new functions: keras_tilted_loss, keras_rmse, get_keras_forecasting_metrics.

Improve read_regenradar: it now allows optional arguments to be passed directly to the lizard API. Unfortunately, as of now, we still don't have access to lizard API documentation, so usefulness of this new feature is limited.

Version 1.0.1

Change normalize_timestamps signature and defaults. No UserWarning was given because the previous version was so broken that it needed to be fixed asap

Change correct_outside_range, correct_below_threshold, correct_above_threshold to accept series instead of a dataframe. The old behavior can be recreated: given df with column TARGET: The old behavior was df = correct_outside_range(df, 'TARGET'), equivalent new code is df['TARGET'] = correct_outside_range(df['TARGET']).

Change correct_outside_range, correct_below_threshold, correct_above_threshold to ignore missing values completely. Previously, missing values were treated as outside the range.

Added new functions: sam_format_to_wide, wide_to_sam_format, FunctionTransformerWithNames

Version 1.0

First release.