In this section, you will clone the codebase and deploy the extension application in SAP BTP.
Clone the Event To Action Framework GitHub repository advanced-event-mesh branch. Use the following command to clone the Repo.
git clone -b advanced-event-mesh
Ensure you have added the required entitlements as described in section Step1-Setup-SAPBTP-Subaccount page before deployment.
Build and deploy the application. Run the following commands:
Note: Ensure you have Cloud MBT Build Tool. Refer The Cloud MTA Build Tool (MBT) for more details.
Open the Cloud Foundry command line interface (cf CLI).
Navigate to action-management directory.
cd action-management
Fetch the dependencies.
npm install
Build action-management modules.
npm run build
Log in to your subaccount in SAP BTP to deploy the extension application. Check your region and copy the API endpoint accordingly. For example, ""
cf login -a `<CF API endpoint>`
Push the application to your subaccount.
npm run deploy
You can also check the status of your applications in the SAP BTP cockpit. Copy the value of the extension application URL.
In the SAP BTP cockpit, navigate to your subaccount and choose Services > Instances and Subscriptions. Check if you have all of the instances created post deployment as shown below. Make sure the status of all of the instances are Created.