To access the SAP Integration Suite, Advanced Event Mesh, navigate to Services > and choose Instances and Subscriptions. Choose the row for the advanced event mesh subscription and choose Go to Application
Choose Cluster Manager in the SAP Integration Suite, Advanced Event Mesh Application.
Click on Create Service.
Fill the Service Name as Monitron and select Service Type as Standard. Select Amazon Web Services from the drop down menu for Cloud, Choose Frankfurt as Region from the Map, leave the prepopulated version for Broker Version , for this tutorial.
Click on Create Service
Click on the created service Monitron
Click on the connect tab and expand the REST tile to get the messaging connectivity information.
Configuring a REST Delivery Point Next, you must configure a queue and a REST delivery point on Message VPN.
a. Click on Open Broker Manager.
b. The Broker Manager application loads. The next step is to create a queue, on the left pane click on Queues
c. Create a Queue by name Q/rdp1/input
Enable both incoming and outgoing configuration and then click on Apply button.
Queue successfully created
d. Add a Topic Subscription to the queue.
Click on the queue created and then click on the Subscriptions Tab.
Then click on + Subscription to add a topic.
In the Create Subscription screen, type in the topic name as monitron/messages and click Create
Topic Subscription successfully created.
e. Create a REST Delivery Point object
On the left pane click on Clients and then Navigate to REST tab.
Click on ** + REST Delivery Point** and Fill the RDP Name as rdp1
Configure the REST Delivery Point
REST Delivery Point successfully created
f. Create a Queue Binding object
Create a queue binding to the queue you created previously. This will tell the RDP where to fetch messages from. Note: that REST Delivery Points (RDPs) can be bound to multiple queues.
Click on the rdp1 created in the previous step. Click on Queue Bindings Tab.
Create a queue binding - Q/rdp1/input
Set the POST target where the requests would be sent - /api/events
Note: that the RDP is down - it will automatically start up when a REST consumer makes a connection to the RDP.
g. Create a REST Consumer object.
Navigate to REST Consumers Tab and click on + REST Conusmer
Fill in the REST Consumer Name as rc1
Enable the REST Consumer and set HOST:PORT details of the message HTTP listener.
To Fill the Host , Navigate to the Cloud Foundary Space where the application is deployed and Click on action-management-srv.
Copy the link under Application Routes,. Note: Strip the https:// before pasting the value in the Host field
Fill in the Value of Port as 443
Select POST as the HTTP Method.
Enable the TLS.
Keep Outgoing Connection Count value as 1.
Fill the Max Response Wait Time (sec) as 30
Populate Connection Retry Delay (sec) field with 300
From the drop down menu, choose OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials as the Authentication Scheme.
Next, Go to your BTP subaccount ,Navigate to Services > Instances and Subscriptions and under the Instances select action-management-auth.
Under the Service Keys the key named action-management-auth-key is already created. Click on the View Option to get the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials.
Copy the clientid, clientsecret and url. Navigate back to the REST Consumer configuration and paste the values for Client ID and Client Secret. Paste the url copied earlier in the Token Endpoint URL and appened /oauth/token at the end of the url. Effective Token Endpoint URL is url/oauth/token.
Fill the remaining fields as shown in the screenshot below.
REST Consumer successfully created
A final, configured RDP settings would look like this.