This project is set up like a standard Python project. For an integrated development environment (IDE), use SAP Business Application Studio
to create python virtual environment for the project with required dependencies.
To access the SAP Business Application Studio, go to your subaccount, navigate to Services > and choose Instances and Subscriptions. Choose the row for the SAP Business Application Studio subscription and choose Go to Application
Click on Create Dev Space
Create a Full Stack Cloud Application
Clone the github repository and navigate to the directory.
git clone
cd Code/AWS
The appConfig.json
file takes the input paramters for the stack. Maintain the following parameters in the appConfig.json
Enter AWS account id of your AWS cloud environment Goto AWS Console and on the top right click on dropdown button as shown, Copy the Account ID as highlighted. -
Enter Region information where the stack resources needs to be created Goto AWS Console and on the top right click on dropdown as highlighted which shows the region, copy the region associated to your AWS Account(Example - us-east-1) -
Enter the VPC for Lambda execution Goto AWS Console and type in "VPC" in the search tab->Click on VPC, you will see the list of all VPC's created in your AWS environment, select the VPC created as part of pre-requisite steps, Copy the vpcID as highlighted. -
Enter the subnet ID for Lambda exection Goto AWS Consoleand type in "Subnet" in the search tab->Click on Subnet, you will see the list of Subnet's created in your AWS environment, select the Private Subnet created as part of pre-requisite steps, Copy the SubnetID as highlighted below -
Note: Please provide a private subnet for the lambda execution.
Enter an Identifier/Name of your choice for the CDK stack
Enter the name of the bucket where the inferences are sent. To Create a S3 Bucket, Follow steps as below:-
Goto AWS Consoleand type in "S3" in the search tab->Click on 'S3'
Click the 'Create' Bucket button.You will be taken to the "Create bucket" page to begin setting up your bucket.
Enter a name in the "Bucket name" field. The bucket name you choose must be unique across all existing bucket names in Amazon S3
In the AWS region select the region for your S3 bucket. Please note that your bucket must be created in the same region as your VPC subnet
Leave remaining options as default, scroll down and click 'Create bucket' button.
Click on the bucket that you have just created in the above step and then click on Create folder button
Enter the Folder name as monitron and then click on Create folder button to create the folder.
Enter the name of the folder(prefix)where the inferences/data are sent (path to folder in your S3 bucket, for example, your_s3_bucket/monitron is the path and monitron is inferencefolder). Leave blank if no folder
The following are the two SAP Environment variables:
(example: arn:aws:secretsmanager://region/account/secret:sapemauth-pnyaRN)SAP_AEM_REST_URL
- The values for these variables needs to be stored in the AWS Secrets Manager. Go to your AWS account and search for secret, choose Secrets Manager
- For Storing SAP_AEM_CREDENTIALS we need the Advanced Event Mesh Username and Password. Open the Advanced Event Mesh Application from the BTP Cockpit.
- In the Application, Navigate to the Cluster Service Monitron created in Step1 and Click on Connect Tab.
- Copy the Username and Password.
- Click on Store a new secret
- Choose Other type of secret option under Secret type. Add two key-value pairs as
and Paste the values copied from Advanced Event Mesh Application. Click on Next
- Fill the Secret name as sapaem-credentials and Click on Next, Click on Next and then click on Store to store the secret.
- Click on the created secret and copy the Secret ARN value and use it in appConfig.json for SAP_AEM_CREDENTIALS.
Go to your Advanced Event Mesh Application, and from the Connect Tab, copy the Secured REST Host
You have previously created a topic subscription named
So, the SAP_AEM_REST_URL is Secured_REST_Host
So your appConfig.json
file looks as shown below: Fill all the details by following the steps mentioned above.
"env": {
"account": "<your_aws_account_id>",
"vpcId": "<your_vpc_id>",
"subnet": "<your_private_subnet>",
"stackName": "monitronsaptest",
"sapenv": {
"SAP_AEM_REST_URL": "<your_aem_rest_url>"
"bucketname": "<your_s3_bucket>",
"lambdaTimeout": 900
- Goto AWS Console and search for iam and open the IAM console.
- Click on Users
- Click on your user, then click on Security Credentials tab and then click on Create access key button
- In the Create access key page, select Application running outside AWS option and then click on Next
- Click on Create access key button to create the access key
- Note down the values of Access key and Secret Access key by clicking on the respective copy buttons.
Now that we have cloned the repository and updated the appConfig.json
file, we proceed with the steps related to deployment. Open the terminal.
Firstly globally install AWS-CDK
npm install -g [email protected]
Then manually create a virtualenv
python3 -m venv .env
After the init process completes and the virtualenv is created, you can use the following step to activate your virtualenv.
source .env/bin/activate
Once the virtualenv is activated, you can install the required dependencies.
pip install -r requirements.txt
The appConfig.json
file takes the input paramters for the stack. We have already maintained all the parameters in the appConfig.json
in the previous step.
Add your AWS credentials configuration that you have created above (in the Step 6 of ## AWS Credentials to access AWS account from SAP Business Application Studio) as below to allow SAP Business Application Studio environment to access your AWS account by executing the below commands in the terminal.
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<your_access_key_here>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<your_access_secret_here>
Bootstrap your AWS account for CDK. Please check AWS CDK Tools - AWS Cloud Development for more details on bootstraping for CDK. Bootstraping deploys a CDK toolkit stack to your account and creates a S3 bucket for storing various artifacts. You incur any charges for what the AWS CDK stores in the bucket. Because the AWS CDK does not remove any objects from the bucket, the bucket can accumulate objects as you use the AWS CDK. You can get rid of the bucket by deleting the CDKToolkit stack from your account.
cdk bootstrap aws://<YOUR ACCOUNT ID>/<YOUR AWS REGION>
Deploy the stack to your account. Make sure your CLI is setup for account ID and region provided in the appConfig.json
cdk deploy
In order to delete all resources created by this CDK app, follow steps outlined in this Steps-to-CleanUp
cdk ls
list all stacks in the appcdk synth
emits the synthesized CloudFormation templatecdk deploy
deploy this stack to your default AWS account/regioncdk diff
compare deployed stack with current statecdk docs
open CDK documentation