Note: The service plan "portal-standard" has been removed from the trial landscape and therefore this sample cannot be deployed to trial environments any longer. Please use a free tier or production environment as the target platform or explore the SAP Fiori app with a managed application router.
This is an example of an HTML5 app that you maintain on a standalone application router in your own space in the Cloud Foundry environment. The app is deployed to the HTML Application Repository. The app uses Authentication & Authorization service (XSUAA service), the destination service and the SAP Cloud Portal service, which means that the app can be integrated in an SAP Fiori Launchpad.
- Download the source code:
git clone cd multi-cloud-html5-apps-samples/standalone-approuter-portal-mta
- Build the project:
npm install npm run build
- Deploy the project:
cf deploy mta_archives/standalone-portal-mta_1.0.0.mtar
If the deployment has been successful, you find the URL of the application router in the console output or you can print it on Unix-based systems with cf app standaloneportalmta | awk '/^routes/ { print "https://"$2"/" }'
.It probably has the following structure: https://[globalaccount-id]
The deployer/resources/
archive contains a sample SAPUI5 web app and is already prepacked, so that it can easily be deployed.
You can replace the content of the archive with your own web app but keep in mind that you have to change the path to the default app if the web app has a different ID. This app ID also needs to be referenced in the launchpad/portal-site/CommonDataModel.json
file. In case you want to know what happens in this sample, check out this blog post.
To change the path to the default app, edit the welcomeFile
property in the xs-app.json
configuration file of the application router.
$ cf html5-list
Getting list of HTML5 applications in org 9f10ed8atrial / space dev as [email protected]...
name version app-host-id service instance visibility last changed
commyorgstandaloneportalmta 1.0.0 f97283a5-3f63-4398-af40-fe8220e0055b standaloneportalmta_html5_repo_host private Mon, 10 Aug 2020 13:54:57 GMT
$ cf mta standalone-portal-mta
Showing health and status for multi-target app standalone-portal-mta in org 9f10ed8atrial / space dev as [email protected]...
Version: 1.0.0
name requested state instances memory disk urls
standaloneportalmta_launchpad_deployer stopped 0/1 256M 1G
standaloneportalmta started 1/1 512M 512M
name service plan bound apps last operation
standaloneportalmta_destination destination lite standaloneportalmta create succeeded
standaloneportalmta_html5_repo_host html5-apps-repo app-host standaloneportalmta_launchpad_deployer create succeeded
standaloneportalmta_html5_repo_runtime html5-apps-repo app-runtime standaloneportalmta create succeeded
standaloneportalmta_portal portal standard standaloneportalmta_launchpad_deployer, standaloneportalmta create succeeded
standaloneportalmta_uaa xsuaa application standaloneportalmta_launchpad_deployer, standaloneportalmta create succeeded
Access the URL to view the web app. You are redirected to a sign-on page before you can see the web app.