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Step 32: Routing Back and History

Now we can navigate to our detail page and display an invoice, but we cannot go back to the overview page yet. We'll add a back button to the detail page and implement a function that shows our overview page again.



A back button is now displayed on the detail page

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To be able to navigate from the detail view back to the view we came from we implement a new event handler function in the controller of the detail view. For a start we load a new class called History from the sap.ui.core.routing namespace. This class provides methods for navigating through the history of the application.

In the event handler we access the navigation history and try to determine the previous hash. In contrast to the browser history, we will get a valid result only if a navigation step inside our app has already happened. The History.getInstance() method returns a singleton instance of the "History" class. Then, we use the getPreviousHash method to get the hash of the previous page. If there's a previous page (i.e., previousHash isn't undefined), we will simply use the browser history to go back to the previous page.

If no navigation has happened before, we get a reference to the router and use the navTo method to navigate to the "overview" route. As a second parameter we specify an empty array ({}) as we do not pass any additional parameters to the route. The third parameter is set to true. This tells the router to replace the current history state with the new one since we actually do a back navigation by ourselves and we do not want to have an entry in the browser history.

import Controller from "sap/ui/core/mvc/Controller";
import { Route$PatternMatchedEvent } from "sap/ui/core/routing/Route";
import History from "sap/ui/core/routing/History";
import UIComponent from "sap/ui/core/UIComponent";

 * @namespace ui5.walkthrough.controller
export default class Detail extends Controller {
    onInit(): void {
        const router = UIComponent.getRouterFor(this);
        router.getRoute("detail").attachPatternMatched(this.onObjectMatched, this);

    onObjectMatched(event: Route$PatternMatchedEvent): void {
            path: "/" + window.decodeURIComponent( (event.getParameter("arguments") as any).invoicePath),
            model: "invoice"

    onNavBack(): void {
        const history = History.getInstance();
        const previousHash = history.getPreviousHash();

        if (previousHash !== undefined) {
        } else {
            const router = UIComponent.getRouterFor(this);
            router.navTo("overview", {}, true);

This implementation is a bit better than the browser’s back button for our use case. The browser would simply go back one step in the history even though we were on another page outside of the app. In the app, we always want to go back to the overview page even if we came from another link or opened the detail page directly with a bookmark. You can try it by loading the detail page in a new tab directly and clicking on the back button in the app, it will still go back to the overview page.


Now only the back button is missing on the detail page. We do this by telling the page control on the view to display the back button using the control parameter showNavButton and register the event handler we defined in its controller to be called when the back button is pressed.


You should now see a back button when navigating to the detail page and being able to get back to the overview when clicking on it.


  • Add a path to go back to the parent page when the history state is unclear.


Next: Step 33: Custom Controls

Previous: Step 31: Routing and Navigation

Related Information

API Reference: sap.m.routing.Router

Samples: sap.m.routing.Router

API Reference: sap.ui.core.routing.History