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Skaffold Dev Kubebuilder

Fast development iteration of a Kubernetes API using Kubebuilder with Skaffold.

Trying Skaffold hot reload feature developping Kubernetes Controllers.


Getting started with the projects assumes you have:

Quick Start:

If everything (GOPATH, dep, Skaffold, Docker local registry) is set up right, run:

$ skaffold dev

This should compile the code, create the docker image and deploy it to the kubernetes cluster.

Making changes to the code within pkg/controller/sloop/sloop_controller.go trigger skaffold to automatically detect the change and build a new image and deploy it to the cluster.

skaffold prints containers logs, you can get the logs by running: $ kubectl -n sloops-system logs -f -c manager sloops-controller-manager-0

You can manually trigger changes to skaffold, using: $ skaffold dev --trigger manual


To deploy Kubernetes cluster, I used kubeadm-dind-cluster, helpers can be found under the cluster directory.