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Jake Callahan edited this page Mar 16, 2023 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the broker wiki!

Questions About Broker

Most of Broker's communication happens within internal Red Hat platforms. However, for external users, please feel free to start a discussion. Issues are also open to suspected problems to encounter.


  • This wiki is open to editing by any member with a GitHub account.
  • If you would like to add a new page, please first open an issue with the prefix [wiki] to propose the addition. Clearly state why the content does not fit into any of the existing pages.
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Table of Contents


Broker supports installation on Linux and Mac. Please see the installation page for more information on each.


Broker's configuration file broker_settings.yaml should remain in Broker's base directory; this is also the location Broker will store its inventory.yaml. Broker's base directory is, by default, your current working directory. However, this can be set to any location you want with the BROKER_DIRECTORY environment variable. You can see the location Broker believes all these files to be by running broker --version.

For more information about configuration, see the page.

CLI Usage

Broker's CLI is simple for users to get started, but has a number of powerful features for more advanced users. To get started, run broker --help

API Usage

Broker also exposes most of the same functionality the CLI provides through a Broker class. To use this class, simply import:

from broker import Broker

You can then use the Broker class in a similar way to how you would use the CLI. For more examples, see the wiki page for the API.


One of Broker's goals is the make it easy for developers to add new providers and extend Broker's functionality. In order to do this, some advanced techniques have been employed that likely need explanation. See the wiki section for more information.

To Do

Add pages for

  • Installation - Linux, Mac
  • Configuration
  • CLI Usage
  • API Usage
  • Development
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