Static assets like images and fonts support is enabled out-of-box and you can link them into your JavaScript app code and have them compiled automatically.
You can also import styles from node_modules
using the following syntax.
Please note that your styles will always be extracted into [pack_name].css
// app/javascript/styles.sass
// ~ to tell webpack that this is not a relative import:
@import '~@material/animation/mdc-animation'
@import '~bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap'
// Your main app pack
// app/javascript/packs/app.js
import '../styles'
<%# In your views %>
<%= javascript_pack_tag 'app' %>
<%= stylesheet_pack_tag 'app' %>
It's possible to link to assets that have been precompiled by Sprockets. Add the .erb
extension to your JavaScript file, then you can use Sprockets' asset helpers:
<%# app/javascript/my_pack/example.js.erb %>
<% helpers = ActionController::Base.helpers %>
const railsImagePath = "<%= helpers.image_path('rails.png') %>"
This is enabled by the rails-erb-loader
loader rule in config/webpack/loaders/erb.js
You can also use babel-plugin-module-resolver to reference assets directly from app/assets/**
yarn add babel-plugin-module-resolver
Specify the plugin in your babel.config.js
with the custom root or alias. Here's an example:
plugins: [
[require("babel-plugin-module-resolver").default, {
"root": ["./app"],
"alias": {
"assets": "./assets"
And then within your javascript app code:
// Note: we don't have to do any ../../ jazz
import FooImage from 'assets/images/foo-image.png'
import 'assets/stylesheets/bar'
You can also link js/images/styles/fonts
used within your js app in views using
and image_pack_tag
helpers. These helpers are useful in cases where you just want to
create a <link rel="prefetch">
or <img />
for an asset.
- packs
- app.js
- images
- calendar.png
// app/javascript/packs/app.js (or any of your packs)
// import all image files in a folder:
require.context('../images', true)
<%# Rails view, for example app/views/layouts/application.html.erb %>
<img src="<%= asset_pack_path 'media/images/calendar.png' %>" />
<% # => <img src="/packs/media/images/calendar-k344a6d59eef8632c9d1.png" /> %>
<%= image_pack_tag 'media/images/calendar.png' %>
<% # => <img src="/packs/media/images/calendar-k344a6d59eef8632c9d1.png" /> %>
<%# no path resolves to default 'images' folder: %>
<%= image_pack_tag 'calendar.png' %>
<% # => <img src="/packs/media/images/calendar-k344a6d59eef8632c9d1.png" /> %>
Note you need to add a media/
prefix (not /media/
) to any subfolder structure you might have in app/javascript
. See more examples in the tests.