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Development Documentation

This file contains everything you should need to get started developing

Table of contents

Setting up a local dev environment

Follow the instructions in the Installation script repository they will be the most up to date. You can also download a binary installer from the releases page of that repo (if available).

File structure breakdown

Below is a simple breakdown of the current file structure, the format is [file or folder emoji] name - description.

├── 📁 .github - All files related to github specific features (actions, pull request templates etc.)
│   └── 📁 workflows - All CI/CD pipeline files
├── 📁 docs - Source markdown for docs site
│   └── 📁 img - All images used in docs site
├── 📁 spark - All source code for spark functionality
│   ├── 📁 util - Contains utility functions like decorators, errors etc.
│   └── 📄 - Primary logic invoked when package is called in jupyter
├── 📁 test - All automated test files
├── 📝 - File containing development docs (this file)
├── 📝 - File containing list of developers
├── 📄 mkdocs.yml - Config for the docs site static site generator
└── 📄 - Config for pypi deployment and package installation maifest

Note only important development files are mentioned here, extranious metadata files like .gitignore and LISCENSE are ignored.

Contributing to docs

Contributing to the documentation is very simple, all the documentation files are in the /docs folder. They are just simple markdown files that can be edited with a text editor.


  • Knowledge of markdown syntax
  • Python 3.8 + installed
  • mkdocs; pip install mkdocs
  • mkdocs material theme; pip install mkdocs-material

Preview updates

To preview updates run mkdocs serve in the root directory (where mkdocs.yml is), and then go to https://localhost:8000 in your browser. The preview features livereload so you can make changes and then save the file and see it automatically reload in browser with the new changes.

Docs site config

All the configuration for the documentation site is stored in mkdocs.yml, the site is hosted in the git repo under the gh-pages branch and is automatically built on every push to the main branch by the docs pipeline.

Contributing to API

Below are details about contributing the the spark api (the actual code that runs when you import the module).

Prerequisite knowledge

Below is a list of highly recommended topics to read up on before diving into the codebase. Many of the techniques employed are somewhat complicated, but if you have a base of knowledge about the following you should be able to start:

Python knowledge

  • Basic python syntax
  • A good understanding of scope
  • Basic data structures (ints, floats, str, collections etc.)
  • Classes
  • Decorators
  • Modules (how to create, and work with internal & external modules)
  • Unpacking (*args, **kwargs)

If any of the above topics are fuzzy, it's a good idea to research them first. Additionally if you haven't worked with python before I would recommend completing the course on w3schools and this youtube course

Jupyter Knowledge

  • An understanding of how to use jupyter notebooks (you need to test somehow)

Other nice to haves:

  • Experience with web development; this is handy because jupyter is essentially python baked into a browser, so some vendor code (like ipyevents) interacts with the browser directly.

Utility Decorators

In the spark library there are several utility decorators that exist to simplify development


This decorator is used to validate both the number of arguments, as well as the types of the arguments.

validate_args(*fmts, has_self=True)


  • *fmts (list); an arbitrary number of positional lists of types the function can accept
  • has_self (bool); Whether a function has a self argument (a method of a class), defaults to True

For example let's imaging a function called foo() that has two arguments that must be integers, and the function is not part of a class. We would define foo() like so:

from util.decorators import validate_args

# Allows for foo(int) and specifies not part of a class
@validate_args([int], has_self=False) 
def foo(*args):
    ... # Do stuff

Now lets imagine we have another function bar() that can either take in two ints, or one string, and is a method of a class:

from util.decorators import validate_args

class foo:
    ... # Other code in the class

    # allows for foo(int, int) or foo(str), and that function is a method in a class implicitly
    @validate_args([int, int], [str]) 
    def bar(self, *args):
        ... # Do stuff


Specifies a function should be added to the global namespace (able to call directly inside a cell)

ignite_global(_func=None, *, mutable=False)


  • _func ();
  • *; this is a python addage that allows for an arbitrary number of parameters to be passed along
  • mutable (bool); Whether a function is a user defined function (like setup()), or an imutable function (like rect()), defaults to False (function is imutable)



Creating a function called foo() that is imutable, and takes 2 Real numbers (ints or floats) as arguments:

from numbers import Real # A type that means int or float
from util.decorators import validate_args, ignite_global

# Allows for foo(Real, Real) and specifies not part of a class
@validate_args([Real, Real], has_self=False) 
@ignite_global # Set function to be global and immutable
def foo(*args):
    ... # Do stuff

creating a function called bar() that is user definable:

from util.decorators import ignite_global

def bar():
    ... # This will be ignored


Extern primarily exists to make the accessing of globally scoped functions easier. If you define a function with @ignite_global in a file outside of, you will also need to add it to the file in the Core object and decorate it with @extern.

For example, let's say we have a function we want to add called foo() that takes in 2 floats or ints. We define the logic in a file called /util/helper_functions/, and it is defined as:

from numbers import Real # A type that means int or float
from util.decorators import validate_args, ignite_global

# Allows for foo(Real, Real) and specifies not part of a class
@validate_args([Real, Real]) 
@ignite_global # Set function to be global and immutable
def helper_foo(self, *args):
    ... # Do stuff

Now in we add:

class Core:
    ... # other class code
    def foo(self, *args): pass

The foo() method is overridden at runtime with the code, and added to the global scope.

Writing Tests

TODO: Waiting on testing methodology to populate

Vendoring Functions

To vendor any functions you will need to do the following steps:

  1. Decorate the function with the util.decorators.validate_args function (typically imported in existing files)
  2. Decorate the function with the util.decorators.ignite_global function (typically imported in existing files)
  3. Name the function with helper_function_name

So for example to vendor randint from the random module you would do:

import random
from util.decorators import validate_args, ignite_global

def helper_randint(self, *args):
    return random.randint(0, args[0])

Creating New Functions

For any new functions create the function in a file in /helper_functions or /util. Avoid adding things to unless necessary. If you are adding new functions that you want to be globally available please see Utility Decorators for details of the necessary decorators.

But let's look at a basic example of adding a rect() function that takes 4 real numbers as arguments:

  1. Add the logic to a function that follows the pattern helper_<func_name>() to one of the files in /util/helper_functions. In our case we will add helper_rect() to /util/helper_functions/
from ..decorators import *
from numbers import Real

@validate_args([Real, Real, Real, Real])
def helper_rect(self, *args):
  1. Next we add the function name with an @extern signature to the Core object in
class Core:
    ... # Other class code
    def rect(self, *args): pass

Now at runtime we will be able to do:


def setup():
    rect(150.5, 150, 200.2, 200)

Making User Definable Functions

To create a user definable function you will need to use the @ignite_global() decorator. Usage details can be found here

CI/CD pipeline details

Below are the details for all the existing CI/CD pipelines in place. They are all implemented using github actions.

Docs pipeline

The configuration file can be found under .github/workflows/docs.yml. It triggers on any pushes to the main branch and has 2 steps:

  1. Checkout the main branch
  2. Deploy using mhausenblas/mkdocs-deploy-gh-pages

PyPi pipeline

The configuration file can be found under .github/workflows/main.yml. It triggers on pushes to main and has 5 steps:

  1. Checkout main
  2. Setup a python environment
  3. Install setuptools and wheel to the python environment
  4. Build an source dist and a binary dist (with wheel)
  5. Publish the package to PyPi under schulich-ignite using pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish

Testing/validation pipeline

TODO: Waiting on final implementation details for test suite, and coverage checks

Release steps

TODO: Get details about release steps


  • Vendoring; Taking existing code and adding it to the project i.e. randint from the random module works natively in spark
  • Notebook; A notebook file in the context of spark, is any .ipynb file that is intended to be opened in jupyter lab
  • Jupyter Lab; This is the platform that spark is explicitly written for, details can be found here
  • PyPi; the python package index, this is what allows spark to be installed using pip install schulich-ignite
  • CI/CD Pipeline; A series of automated tasks that are triggered by a certain event i.e. releases to PyPi when a release is published, or the docs site updating itself on a push to main
  • Unit Tests; A peice of code written to validate that a certain function operates as you would expect
  • Automated tests; All the unit tests or visual regression tests that are run automatically to validate the package is working as expected on updates
  • API; Stands for application programming interface, in our case this is synonymous with a package it is what you would classify spark as
  • Agile;
  • Kanban;
  • User definable functions; functions that are intentionally overwritten by whoever is using the library i.e. setup() and draw()