Required: Python 2.7+ PhantomJS
Python libs
- selenium
- pyvirtualdisplay
- tika
- reppy
- nltk
These checks cover:
- check for robots.txt file
- check for alt TEXT in img tags
- check for PDF text and download links where PDF links are given
- simple spell checker
- check that images linked to exisits in the /image folder
To use Run python -p <[htmlPage]>
e.g. python -p ../scispark-website/index.html python -p '../scispark-website/index.html, ../scispark-website/index.html' python -p scispark-website/*.html
If you wish check for robots.txt, please edit main() accordingly.
Note that you can add words to filelist for spellchecking (specialDict.txt)
** I'm addressing an issue here. If you want run on site on the web, please use Firefox. For local files, use PhantomJS. Todo this change self.driver = webdriver.PhantomJS() to self.driver = webdriver.Firefox() and vice versa
- the browser issue
- better spell checking
- increase num of tests
- Handling for local or remote sites