HTML Chapter 1: Structure (pp.12-39)
Struture is important in helping readers navigate around the document
HTML uses Elements to discribe the stucture of pages
attributes tell us more about elements
HTML Chapter 8: Extra markup (pp.176-199)
HTML5 used currently*
Each page should begin with (`<!DOCTYPE html>`)
Add comments by using (`<!-- -->`)
ID attribute- used to uniquely identify that element from other elements on that page
Class attribute- rather than uniquely identifying one elemnt within a document, you can identify serveral elements
HTML Chapter 17: Html5 layout(pp.428-451)
HTML5 introduces sets of elements that allow you to divide up the parts of the page
`<header>` `<footer>` `<nav>` `<articles>` to name a few elements used
HTML Chapter 18: Process and design(pp.452-475)
key is to design with target audience in mind
why they want to visit your site
what your visitors are trying to achive
what info is needed
how often will people visit you site
site map to help organize your site
**JS Chapter 1: The ABC of programming(pp.11-52)
script is a series of instructions that a computer can follow to achive a goal
define the goal, design the script, code each step
NEEDS: vocabulary and syntax
I'd like a better understanding of each element and what they accomplish