Chapter 3:"Lists"(pp.62-73)
3 types of lists (ordered, unordered, and definition)
ordered lists use numbers, unordered lists use bullets, definition lists used to define terminoloogy
lists can be nested in other lists
Chapter 13:"Boxes"(pp.300-329)
each html element is its own box
css can be used to control the demension of a box
can also control borders, margins, and padding
block level boxes can be made intoo inline boxes and vise versa
Chapter 2:"Basic JS intructions"(pp.70-73)
pp 70-73 subject is arrays which are special types of variables that store more than one piece of related information-lists of values
creating an array is simlar to any other variable using
keywork then the name of the array
Chapter 4:"Decisions and Loops" from switch statements on(pp.162-182)
switch statement allow you to compare a value against possible outcomes
data types can be coerced from one type to another
all values evaluate to either
There are 3 types of Loop:
, anddo...while
each repeats a set of statements
I want to know more about CSS and how to be come effecient on styling my pages. Also, I want to know more about arrays and how to execute them on my page.