Author: AJ Book
Date: 02/02/2025
Notebook Name: Physical_Chemistry_Notebook.ipynb
Demonstrate Physical Chemistry concepts by implementing Python code for all the problems from the provided list using the given datasets.
- Compute Euclidean distances between points in 3D space.
Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD)
- Calculate RMSD between two sets of points in 3D space.
- Analyze and visualize phi (ϕ) and psi (ψ) angles for a peptide chain.
Lennard-Jones Potential Calculation
- Compute and plot the potential energy as a function of interatomic distance.
Michaelis-Menten Equation (Enzyme Kinetics)
- Model enzymatic reaction rates as a function of substrate concentration.
- Compute and plot the Boltzmann factor for energy levels at a given temperature.
- Compute the total energy of a molecular system using bond and angle terms.
- Solve the 1D Poisson-Boltzmann equation numerically using finite differences.
Binding Free Energy Calculation (ΔG)
- Calculate binding free energies using thermodynamic principles.