- Adjusted JVC and LG timing.
- Fixed 4809 bug.
- Added support for MagiQuest IR wands.
- Corrected Samsung timing.
- NEC repeat implementation.
- Formatting and changing TIMER_CONFIG_KHZ and TIMER_CONFIG_NORMAL macros to static functions.
- Added IRAM_ATTR for ESP32 ISR.
- Removed #define HAS_AVR_INTERRUPT_H.
- Changed Receiver States. Now starting with 0.
- Changed switch to if / else if in IRRemote.cpp because of ESP32 compiler bug.
- Changed DEBUG handling since compiler warns about empty "IF" or "ELSE" statements in IRRemote.cpp.
- corrected keywords.txt.
- BoseWave protocol added PR #690.
- Formatting comply to the new stylesheet.
- Renamed "boarddefs.h" ISSUE #375.
- Renamed SEND_PIN to IR_SEND_PIN.
- Renamed state macros.
- Enabled DUTY_CYCLE for send signal.
- Added sending for ESP32.
- Changed rawlen from uint8_t to unsigned int allowing bigger receive buffer and renamed RAWBUF to RAW_BUFFER_LENGTH.
- Introduced USE_NO_CARRIER for simulating an IR receiver. Changes from #283 by bengtmartensson
- Added function sendRaw_P() for sending data from flash. Changes from #268 by adamlhumphreys
- Optimized by reducing floating point operations as suggested by @madmalkav (#193)
- Optimized with macros when using default MICROS_PER_TICK and TOLERANCE
- Made decodeHash as a settable protocol defined by DECODE_HASH
- Added Philips Extended RC-5 protocol support [PR #522] (Arduino-IRremote/Arduino-IRremote#522)
- Cleanup of hardware dependencies. Merge in SAM support PR #437
- Added ESP32 IR receive support PR #427
- Fix calculation of pause length in LEGO PF protocol PR #427
- Fixed naming bug PR #398
- Added tests for Lego Power Functions Protocol PR #336
- Added support for ATmega8535
- Added support for ATmega16
- Added support for ATmega32
- Added support for ATmega164
- Added support for ATmega324
- Added support for ATmega644
- Added support for ATmega1284
- Added support for ATmega64
- Added support for ATmega128
- Added Lego Power Functions Protocol PR #309
- Add Panasonic and JVC to IRrecord example PR
- Change IRSend Raw parameter to const PR
- Added IRremoteInfo Sketch - PR
- Enforcing changelog.md
2.0.1 - 2015/07/26 - Release
- Updated README
- Updated Contributors
- Fixed #110 Mess
- Created Gitter Room
- Added Gitter Badge
- Standardised Code Base
- Clean Debug Output
- Optimized Send Loops
- Modularized Design
- Optimized and Updated Examples
- Improved Documentation
- Fixed and Improved many coding errors
- Fixed Aiwa RC-T501 Decoding
- Fixed Interrupt on ATmega8
- Switched to Stable Release of @PlatformIO
- Added Aiwa RC-T501 Protocol
- Added Denon Protocol
- Added Pronto Support
- Added Library Properties
- Added Template For New Protocols
- Added this changelog
- Added Teensy LC Support
- Added ATtiny84 Support
- Added ATtiny85 Support
- Added isIdle method
- Removed (Fixed) #110
- Broke Teensy 3 / 3.1 Support
- Teensy 3 / 3.1 Support is in Development