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Binary Search Symbol Table

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Binary Search Symbol Table

The primary purpose of a symbol table is to associate a value with a key. The client can insert key-value pairs into the symbol table with the expectation of later being able to search for the value associated with a given key, from among all of the key-value pairs that have been put into the table. Binary Search Symbol Table uses binary serch to read values, which is stored in ordered array of keys.

Insert Read Delete
O(n) O(log(n)) O(n)
struct BinarySearchSymbolTable<Key: Comparable, Value: Equatable> {
    private var keys = [Key]()
    private var values = [Value]()

    var count: Int {
        return keys.count

    subscript(key: Key) -> Value? {
        get {
            return get(key: key)
        set(value) {
            guard let value = value else {
                delete(key: key)

            put(key: key, value: value)

    // MARK: - Helpers
    private mutating func put(key: Key, value: Value) {
        let position = rank(key: key)

        if position < count - 1 && keys[position] == key {
            values[position] = value
        } else {

            for i in stride(from: count - 1, to: position, by: -1) {
                keys[i] = keys[i - 1]
                values[i] = values[i - 1]

            keys[position] = key
            values[position] = value

    private func get(key: Key) -> Value? {
        guard count > 0 else { return nil }

        let position = rank(key: key)
        guard position < count && keys[position] == key else { return nil }
        return values[position]

    private mutating func delete(key: Key) {
        guard count > 0 else { return }

        let position = rank(key: key)
        guard keys[position] == key else { return }

        for i in position..<count - 1 {
            keys[i] = keys[i + 1]
            values[i] = values[i + 1]


    private func rank(key: Key) -> Int {
        var lo = 0
        var hi = count - 1

        while lo <= hi {
            let mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2

            if keys[mid] > key {
                hi = mid - 1
            } else if keys[mid] < key {
                lo = mid + 1
            } else {
                return mid

        return lo

It is useful to be able to iterage trought values of symbol table:

extension BinarySearchSymbolTable: Sequence {
    struct BinarySearchSymbolTableItetator: IteratorProtocol {
        private var currentIndex = 0
        private let keys: [Key]
        private let values: [Value]

        init(keys: [Key], values: [Value]) {
            self.keys = keys
            self.values = values

        mutating func next() -> (Key, Value)? {
            guard currentIndex < keys.count else { return nil }
            defer { currentIndex += 1 }

            return (keys[currentIndex], values[currentIndex])

    func makeIterator() -> BinarySearchSymbolTableItetator {
        return BinarySearchSymbolTableItetator(keys: keys, values: values)