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Daily guide : day 6 🐉

Welcome into the day 6 of the Motoko Bootcamp !
This is the last daily guide, if you've made it so far, congratulation. 🥳 Today we will cover the following topics : Variant types, Result type, HTTP request & Intercanister messages.

You can access the official documentation for each topic.

Prerequisites ✅

  • Make sure you have dfx installed on your machine.

    dfx --version
  • Before reading this guide I recommend watching those two lectures.

Variant 🐄

A variant type represents one value that is from exactly one of the given cases, or tags .

type Vehicule = {

Each tag can have it's own type.

import Time "mo:base/Time";
actor {
    type Time = Time.Time;
    type Health = {
        #alive : Nat;
        #dead : Time;

You will usually combine variants, with the switch/case expression we've seen before.

import Time "mo:base/Time";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
actor {

    type Time = Time.Time;
    public type Health = {
        #alive : Nat;
        #dead : Time;

    public func medical_check(h : Health) : async Text {
            case(#invicible) {
                return("Woah I've never seen someone with s much energy !");
                return("You seem to be in good shape, you have " # Nat.toText(n) # " energy points");
                return("💀 since " # Int.toText(t));

You'll notice that one advantage of using variants, is that our switch/case doesn't need to cover the (_) case !

Challenge 🎮

Take a break and try completing challenge 1 & 2.

Result type ✅ / 🚫

The type Result is extremly useful if you want to propagate errors and indicate to other people/developers what went wrong.

The type Result is defined as :

type Result<Ok, Err> = {#ok : Ok; #err : Err}

This means the type Result is just a variant with two tags #ok and #err. These two tags can be of type Ok and type Err.

One common type for Ok and Err is the following.

type Result<(), Text> = {#ok ; #err : Text};

In case everything went right we just return #ok without additional informations, but if we encounter an error we want to propagate a message in the #err.

import Result "mo:base/Result";
import Principal "mo:base/Principal";
actor {
    public type Result = Result.Result;
    public shared ({caller}) func register() : async Result<(), Text> {
            return #err("You need to be authenticated to register").
        } else {
            // Do something
            return #ok;

You could also create a variant type Error and use it in the Result.

Challenge 🎮

Take a break and try completing challenge 3 to 5.

HTTP request

If you are not familiar with HTTP, I recommend watching this video first.

Canisters are able to answer http requests directly !

You need to implement an public method called http_request to allow you canister to answer any http call.

In a module called we will declare the following types.

module {
    public type HeaderField = (Text, Text);
    public type Request = {
        body    : Blob;
        headers : [HeaderField];
        method  : Text;
        url     : Text;

    public type Response = {
        body               : Blob;
        headers            : [HeaderField];
        status_code        : Nat16;
        streaming_strategy : ?StreamingStrategy;

      public type StreamingStrategy = {
        #Callback: {
            callback : StreamingCallback;
            token    : StreamingCallbackToken;

    public type StreamingCallback = query (StreamingCallbackToken) -> async (StreamingCallbackResponse);

    public type StreamingCallbackToken =  {
        content_encoding : Text;
        index            : Nat;
        key              : Text;

    public type StreamingCallbackResponse = {
        body  : Blob;
        token : ?StreamingCallbackToken;



import HTTP "http";
import Text "mo:base/Text";
actor {
  public query func http_request(request : HTTP.Request) : async HTTP.Response {
    let response = {
      body = Text.encodeUtf8("Hello world");
      headers = [("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8")];
      status_code = 200 : Nat16;
      streaming_strategy = null

This is how we implement a basic http response for our canister ! Now if you deploy this canister and access it in your browser, you should see a blank page with the text !

Challenge 🎮

Take a break and try completing challenge 6 & 7.

Intercanister messages 💬 (Bonus)

One of the best thing on the IC is the ability for a canister to call another canister methods just with a few lines of code. 🤯

The first thing you migth want to do is declare the interface of the actor you're gonna interact with.

Let's imagine we have an actor defined somewhere else.

actor Stranger {

  public shared ({caller}) func hello() : async Text {
      return("I was called by )

  public shared ({caller}) func another_function_that_does_something() : async () {
      //Do something

We would define it's interface like this.
(If the actor have severals methods but you only want to call one you don't need to declare all other methods).

let other_canister : actor {
    hello : () -> async Text;
} = actor("CANISTER_ID");

You'll notice that you need to specify the canister id of the canister you're trying to call.
Then, in our own actor we would call if that way.

actor {

    let other_canister : actor { hello : () -> async Text} = actor("CANISTER_ID");
    public func test() : async Text {
        return(await other_canister.hello())

You'll also notice that we need to await calls to the other canister.

Challenge 🎮

Take your last break (🥳) and try completing challenge 7 to 10.