The most current prototype is in bluetooth_proto_3. I made this version for a friend of mine who already successfully integrated into his fursuit head.
The code is somewhat self documenting but in an early proof-of-concept phase. Better documentation and a more generic version are planned for the future.
This is only required once per machine you want to develop on.
If you do not have it yet, you can download and install the the Arduino IDE from the website.
This tutorial has been tested with Arduino 1.8.19 on Windows 11.
Add the Espressif board list json as explained in the manual at
Install the esp32 Board library. This tutorial has been tested with version 2.0.4 of that board package.
Every time you switch to working on this project (e.g. first time or when switching from another board).
For my development I use an older ESP32 Dev Board (ESP32_Core_board_V2 is printed on the backside) with an ESP-WROOM-32 Module on it.
My Arduino Board settings used:
- Board: "ESP32 Dev Module"
- Upload Speed: "921600"
- CPU Frequency: "240MHz (WiFi/BT)"
- Flash Frequency: "80MHz"
- Flash Mode: "QIO"
- Flash Size: "4MB (32Mb)"
- Partition Scheme: "Default 4MB with spiffs (1.2MB APP/1.5MB SPIFFS)"
- Core Debug Level: "None"
- PSRAM: "Disabled"
- Arduino Runs On: "Core 1"
- Events Run On: "Core 1"