diff --git a/Chocobo.lua b/Chocobo.lua
index f8e470c..421eadf 100644
--- a/Chocobo.lua
+++ b/Chocobo.lua
@@ -1,686 +1,686 @@
- Copyright (c) 2010-2020 by Adam Hellberg
- This file is part of Chocobo.
- Chocobo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- Chocobo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with Chocobo. If not, see .
- ------
- Chocobo AddOn
- Dedicated to Shishu (Flurdy) on Azuremyst-EU
-Chocobo = {
- Name = "Chocobo",
- Version = GetAddOnMetadata("Chocobo", "Version"),
- Loaded = false,
- Mounted = false,
- Running = false, -- True if the OnUpdate handler is running.
- MusicDir = "Interface\\AddOns\\Chocobo\\music\\",
- Global = {},
- Events = {},
- Songs = { -- Default songs loaded on first run
- -- Please note that you can't add custom songs here,
- -- this is only used when restoring default settings or on initial setup
- "chocobo.ogg",
- "chocobo_ffiv.ogg",
- "chocobo_ffxii.ogg",
- "chocobo_ffxiii.ogg"
- },
- -- Values are overridden later with the return from GetSpellInfo
- -- The ones specified here are just placeholders and to help
- -- identify IDs during development
- Mounts = {
- Hawkstriders = {
- [35022] = "Black Hawkstrider",
- [35020] = "Blue Hawkstrider",
- [35018] = "Purple Hawkstrider",
- [34795] = "Red Hawkstrider",
- [63642] = "Silvermoon Hawkstrider",
- [66091] = "Sunreaver Hawkstrider",
- [35025] = "Swift Green Hawkstrider",
- [33660] = "Swift Pink Hawkstrider",
- [35027] = "Swift Purple Hawkstrider",
- [65639] = "Swift Red Hawkstrider",
- [35028] = "Swift Warstrider", -- (Thanks Khormin for pointing it out)
- [46628] = "Swift White Hawkstrider"
- },
- Plainstriders = {
- [102346] = "Swift Forest Strider",
- [102350] = "Swift Lovebird",
- [101573] = "Swift Shorestrider",
- [102349] = "Swift Springtrider"
- },
- RidingCranes = {
- [127174] = "Azure Riding Crane",
- [127176] = "Golden Riding Crane",
- [127177] = "Regal Riding Crane"
- },
- RavenLord = {
- [41252] = "Raven Lord" -- (If enabled in options)
- },
- Flametalon = {
- [101542] = "Flametalon of Alysrazor" -- (Fire version of Raven Lord)
- },
- DruidForms = { -- When AllMounts is enabled
- [783] = "Travel Form",
- [33943] = "Flight form",
- [40120] = "Swift Flight Form"
- }
- }
-local C = Chocobo
-if C.Version == "@".."project-version".."@" then C.Version = "Development" end
-local CLib = ChocoboLib
-local L = _G["ChocoboLocale"]
-assert(CLib, "Chocobo Lib not loaded")
-assert(L, "Chocobo Locales not loaded")
-local nowPlaying -- The current song playing, used when preventing the same song playing twice
-function C:OnEvent(_, event, ...)
- if self.Events[event] then self.Events[event](self, ...) end
-function C.Events.ADDON_LOADED(self, ...)
- -- Currently, this seems a bit bugged when having multiple addons. The "loaded" message will disappear sometimes.
- local addonName = (select(1, ...)):lower()
- if addonName ~= "chocobo" or self.Loaded then return end
- if type(_G["CHOCOBO"]) ~= "table" then _G["CHOCOBO"] = {} end
- self.Global = _G["CHOCOBO"]
- if type(self.Global["DEBUG"]) ~= "boolean" then
- -- Should be fired on first launch, set the saved variable to default value
- self:Msg(L["DebugNotSet"])
- self.Global["DEBUG"] = false
- end
- if type(self.Global["ALLMOUNTS"]) ~= "boolean" then
- -- Should be fired on first launch, set the saved variable to default value
- self:Msg(L["AllMountsNotSet"])
- self.Global["ALLMOUNTS"] = false
- end
- if type(self.Global["PLAINSTRIDER"]) ~= "boolean" then
- self:Msg(L["PlainstridersNotSet"])
- self.Global["PLAINSTRIDER"] = true
- end
- if type(self.Global["RIDINGCRANE"]) ~= "boolean" then
- self:Msg(L["RidingCranesNotSet"])
- self.Global["RIDINGCRANE"] = true
- end
- if type(self.Global["RAVENLORD"]) ~= "boolean" then
- self:Msg(L["RavenLordNotSet"])
- self.Global["RAVENLORD"] = false
- end
- if type(self.Global["FLAMETALON"]) ~= "boolean" then
- self:Msg(L["FlametalonNotSet"])
- self.Global["FLAMETALON"] = false
- end
- if not self.Global["MUSIC"] then -- If the song list is empty
- -- Populate the table with default songs
- self:Msg(L["NoMusic"])
- self.Global["MUSIC"] = {}
- for _,v in pairs(self.Songs) do -- Add all of the default songs
- self:AddMusic(v)
- end
- end
- if not self.Global["MUSIC_OGG_UPDATE"] then -- Reset music if still using mp3s
- self:ResetMusic()
- self.Global["MUSIC_OGG_UPDATE"] = true
- end
- if type(self.Global["PREVENTDUPE"]) ~= "boolean" then
- self:Msg(L["PreventDupeNotSet"])
- self.Global["PREVENTDUPE"] = true
- end
- if not self.Global["MOUNTS"] then
- self:Msg(L["NoMounts"])
- self.Global["MOUNTS"] = {}
- end
- if not self.Global["CUSTOM"] then
- self.Global["CUSTOM"] = {}
- end
- if type(self.Global["ENABLED"]) ~= "boolean" then
- -- Should be fired on first launch, set the saved variable to default value
- self:Msg(L["EnabledNotSet"])
- self.Global["ENABLED"] = true
- end
- self.SoundControl:Init()
- self.SoundControl:Check()
- -- [NEW] Check all songs and convert out-of-date ones to new format
- -- (Removing the Interface\\AddOns\\Chocobo\\music\\ part)
- self:MusicCheck()
- self:Msg((L["AddOnLoaded"]):format(self.Version))
- self:Msg(L["Enjoy"])
- self.Loaded = true
-function C.Events.UNIT_AURA(self)
- if not self.Global["ENABLED"] then return end -- Return if addon is disabled
- self:DebugMsg((L["Event_UNIT_AURA"]):format("player"))
- if self.Loaded == false then
- -- This should NOT happen
- self:ErrorMsg(L["NotLoaded"])
- return
- end
- if self.Running then return end -- Return if the timer is already running.
- self.Running = true
- C_Timer.After(1, function() self:CheckMount() end)
-function C.Events.PLAYER_LOGOUT(self)
- -- Save local copy of globals
- -- TODO: Is this redundant?
- _G["CHOCOBO"] = self.Global
-function C:CheckMount()
- local mounted, mountName, _ = self:HasMount() -- Get mounted status and name of mount (if mounted)
- if IsMounted() or mounted then -- More efficient way to make it also detect flight form here?
- -- Print what mount the player is mounted on
- if mountName then self:DebugMsg((L["CurrentMount"]):format(mountName)) end
- self:DebugMsg(L["PlayerIsMounted"]) -- Print that the player is mounted
- -- TODO: Redundant to have both the above messages? Remove the second?
- -- Proceed if player is on one of the activated mounts or if allmounts (override) is true
- if mounted or self.Global["ALLMOUNTS"] then
- self:DebugMsg(L["PlayerOnHawkstrider"])
- if not self.Mounted then -- Check so that the player is not already mounted
- self.SoundControl:Check() -- Enable sound if disabled and the option is enabled
- self:DebugMsg(L["PlayingMusic"])
- self.Mounted = true
- -- Player mounted but mount is not recognised, check all buffs to find a match
- if type(mountName) ~= "string" then
- local found = false
- local index = 1
- repeat
- local name = UnitBuff("player", index, "PLAYER CANCELABLE")
- if not name then break end -- No more buffs to check
- if self.Global["CUSTOM"][name:lower()] then
- self:PlayRandomMusic(name)
- found = true
- end
- index = index + 1
- until found or index > 40
- if not found then self:PlayRandomMusic() end
- elseif self.Global["CUSTOM"][mountName:lower()] then
- self:PlayRandomMusic(mountName)
- else
- self:PlayRandomMusic()
- end
- else -- If the player has already mounted
- self:DebugMsg(L["AlreadyMounted"])
- end
- else -- Player is not on a hawkstrider
- self:DebugMsg(L["NoHawkstrider"])
- end
- elseif self.Mounted then -- When the player has dismounted
- self.SoundControl:Check() -- Disable sound if enabled and the option is enabled
- self:DebugMsg(L["NotMounted"])
- self.Mounted = false
- -- Note that StopMusic() will also stop any other custom music playing (such as from EpicMusicPlayer)
- StopMusic()
- end
- self.Running = false
-function C:HasMount()
- local mountColl = {}
- for _, name in pairs(self.Mounts.Hawkstriders) do
- mountColl[#mountColl + 1] = name
- end
- if self.Global["PLAINSTRIDER"] then
- for _, name in pairs(self.Mounts.Plainstriders) do
- mountColl[#mountColl + 1] = name
- end
- end
- if self.Global["RIDINGCRANE"] then
- for _, name in pairs(self.Mounts.RidingCranes) do
- mountColl[#mountColl + 1] = name
- end
- end
- if self.Global["RAVENLORD"] then
- for _, name in pairs(self.Mounts.RavenLord) do
- mountColl[#mountColl + 1] = name
- end
- end
- if self.Global["FLAMETALON"] then
- for _, name in pairs(self.Mounts.Flametalon) do
- mountColl[#mountColl + 1] = name
- end
- end
- if self.Global["ALLMOUNTS"] then -- Add druid flight forms
- for _, name in pairs(self.Mounts.DruidForms) do
- mountColl[#mountColl + 1] = name
- end
- end
- if #self.Global["MOUNTS"] > 0 then
- for _, v in pairs(self.Global["MOUNTS"]) do
- mountColl[#mountColl + 1] = v -- Can be both a string and a number value
- end
- end
- for mountName, _ in pairs(self.Global["CUSTOM"]) do
- mountColl[#mountColl + 1] = mountName
- end
- return CLib:HasBuff(mountColl)
-function C:MusicCheck()
- local matchString = "^" .. self.MusicDir -- Match the music dir path at the beginning of the string only.
- -- The substring has to start AFTER the matched string, adding one to the length.
- local length = self.MusicDir:len() + 1
- local updated = 0 -- Keep track of how many songs that had to update
- for i,v in ipairs(self.Global["MUSIC"]) do
- if v:match(matchString) then
- local change = v:sub(length, v:len()) -- A substring that includes only the filename (or subfolders, if any)
- self.Global["MUSIC"][i] = change
- self:Msg((L["SongUpdated"]):format(i, change))
- updated = updated + 1
- end
- end
- if updated > 0 then -- Print how many songs that were updated
- self:Msg((L["SongsUpdated"]):format(updated))
- else -- All songs up to date, no action needed
- self:Msg(L["SongsUpToDate"])
- end
--- If isMount is true, treat song as the mount name/ID
-function C:PlayMusic(song, isMount)
- local songFile
- if isMount then
- song = song:lower()
- local mountSongs = self.Global.CUSTOM[song]
- if mountSongs and #mountSongs > 0 then
- local id = math.random(1, #mountSongs)
- songFile = mountSongs[id]
- if #mountSongs > 1 and self.Global["PREVENTDUPE"] and songFile == nowPlaying then
- while songFile == nowPlaying do
- id = math.random(1, #mountSongs)
- songFile = mountSongs[id]
- end
- end
- self:DebugMsg((L["PlayingSong"]):format(id, songFile))
- else
- self:ErrorMsg((L["CustomNotDefined"]):format(song))
- return
- end
- if type(songFile) ~= "string" then
- self:ErrorMsg((L["CustomSongNotFound"]):format(song))
- return
- end
- elseif type(song) == "string" then
- songFile = song
- else
- songFile = self.Global["MUSIC"][song]
- if not songFile then
- self:ErrorMsg(L["SongNotFound"])
- return false
- end
- self:DebugMsg((L["PlayingSong"]):format(song, songFile))
- end
- nowPlaying = songFile
- songFile = self.MusicDir .. songFile
- PlayMusic(songFile)
-function C:PlayRandomMusic(mount)
- if mount then
- self:PlayMusic(mount, true)
- else
- local id = math.random(1, #self.Global["MUSIC"])
- if self.Global["PREVENTDUPE"] and #self.Global["MUSIC"] > 1 then
- local name = self.Global["MUSIC"][id]
- while name == nowPlaying do
- id = math.random(1, #self.Global["MUSIC"])
- name = self.Global["MUSIC"][id]
- end
- end
- self:PlayMusic(id)
- end
-function C:AddMusic(songName) -- Add a song the the list
- songName = CLib:Trim(songName)
- if songName == "" or songName == nil then
- self:ErrorMsg(L["NoFile"])
- return false
- end
- for _,v in pairs(self.Global["MUSIC"]) do -- Loop through all the songs currently in the list and...
- if v == songName then -- ... make sure it isn't there already
- self:ErrorMsg(L["AlreadyExists"])
- return false
- end
- end
- table.insert(self.Global["MUSIC"], songName) -- Insert the song into list
- self:Msg((L["AddedSong"]):format(songName))
- return true
-function C:RemoveMusic(list, songName) -- Remove a song from the list
- if type(list) ~= "table" then
- songName = list
- list = self.Global.MUSIC
- end
- if type(songName) == "number" then
- if list[songName] then
- local name = list[songName]
- table.remove(list, songName)
- self:Msg((L["RemovedSong"]):format(name))
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- songName = CLib:Trim(songName)
- if songName == "" or songName == nil then
- self:ErrorMsg(L["NoFile"])
- return false
- end
- for i,v in ipairs(list) do -- Loop through all the songs in the list until...
- if v == songName then -- ... the desired one is found and then...
- table.remove(list, i) -- ... remove it from the list.
- self:Msg((L["RemovedSong"]):format(songName))
- return true
- end
- end
- self:ErrorMsg(L["SongNotFound"])
- return false
-function C:GetCustomMusic(mount)
- mount = CLib:Trim(tostring(mount)):lower()
- if type(self.Global.CUSTOM[mount]) ~= "table" then
- self.Global.CUSTOM[mount] = {}
- end
- return self.Global.CUSTOM[mount]
-function C:AddCustomMusic(song, mount)
- if song then
- song = CLib:Trim(tostring(song))
- end
- mount = mount:lower()
- if song == "" or type(song) ~= "string" then
- song = nil
- --self:ErrorMsg((L["AddCustomInvalidSong"]):format(tostring(song)))
- --return
- end
- if type(mount) ~= "string" or mount == "" then
- self:ErrorMsg((L["AddCustomInvalidMount"]):format(tostring(mount)))
- return
- end
- if self.Global.CUSTOM[mount] then
- if song and CLib:InTable(self.Global.CUSTOM[mount], song) then
- self:ErrorMsg((L["AddCustomExists"]):format(song, mount))
- return
- end
- if not song then return end
- table.insert(self.Global.CUSTOM[mount], song)
- self:Msg((L["AddCustomSuccess"]):format(song, mount))
- else
- self.Global.CUSTOM[mount] = {}
- if not song then return end
- table.insert(self.Global.CUSTOM[mount], song)
- self:Msg((L["AddCustomSuccess"]):format(song, mount))
- end
-function C:RemoveCustomMusic(mount, song)
- mount = mount:lower()
- if type(mount) ~= "string" then
- self:ErrorMsg((L["RemoveCustomInvalidMount"]):format(tostring(mount)))
- end
- local list = self.Global.CUSTOM[mount]
- if list then
- if song then
- self:RemoveMusic(list, song)
- else
- wipe(list)
- self.Global.CUSTOM[mount] = nil
- self:Msg((L["RemoveCustomSuccess"]):format(mount))
- end
- else
- self:ErrorMsg((L["RemoveCustomNotExist"]):format(mount))
- end
-function C:PrintMusic() -- Print all the songs currently in list to chat
- if #self.Global["MUSIC"] <= 0 then
- self:Msg(L["MusicListEmpty"])
- else
- for i,v in ipairs(self.Global["MUSIC"]) do
- self:Msg(("\124cff00CCFF%i: %s\124r"):format(i, v))
- end
- end
- if CLib:Count(self.Global["CUSTOM"]) <= 0 then
- return
- end
- self:Msg(L["PrintMusicCustomStart"])
- for k,v in pairs(self.Global["CUSTOM"]) do
- self:Msg((L["PrintMusicCustomHeader"]):format(k))
- for _,s in pairs(v) do
- self:Msg((L["PrintMusicCustomSong"]):format(s))
- end
- end
-function C:ResetMusic() -- Resets the values in Chocobo.Global["MUSIC"] to default
- self:Msg(L["ResetMusic"])
- wipe(self.Global.MUSIC)
- for _,v in pairs(self.Songs) do -- Add all the default songs again
- self:AddMusic(v)
- end
-function C:AddMount(mount)
- mount = CLib:Trim(mount)
- mount = tonumber(mount) or mount
- if mount == "" or mount == nil then
- self:ErrorMsg(L["NoMount"])
- return
- end
- local compare = tostring(mount):lower()
- for _,v in pairs(self.Global["MOUNTS"]) do
- if tostring(v):lower() == compare then
- self:ErrorMsg(L["MountAlreadyExists"])
- return
- end
- end
- table.insert(self.Global["MOUNTS"], mount)
- self:Msg((L["AddedMount"]):format(mount))
-function C:RemoveMount(mount)
- if mount == "" or mount == nil then
- self:ErrorMsg(L["NoMount"])
- return
- end
- mount = mount:lower()
- for i,v in ipairs(self.Global["MOUNTS"]) do
- if v:lower() == mount then
- table.remove(self.Global["MOUNTS"], i)
- self:Msg((L["RemovedMount"]):format(mount))
- return
- end
- end
- self:ErrorMsg(L["MountNotFound"])
-function C:PrintMounts()
- if #self.Global["MOUNTS"] <= 0 then
- self:Msg(L["MountListEmpty"])
- else
- for i,v in ipairs(self.Global["MOUNTS"]) do
- self:Msg(("\124cff00CCFF%i: %s\124r"):format(i, v))
- end
- end
-function C:ResetMounts()
- self:Msg(L["ResetMounts"])
- wipe(self.Global.MOUNTS)
-function C:FilterMount(filter, silent)
- if type(filter) == "nil" then filter = Chocobo.Global["ALLMOUNTS"] end
- if filter then
- if not silent then self:Msg(L["HawkstriderOnly"]) end
- self.Global["ALLMOUNTS"] = false
- else
- if not silent then self:Msg(L["AllMounts"]) end
- self.Global["ALLMOUNTS"] = true
- end
-function C:ToggleDebug()
- self:Debug(not self.Global["DEBUG"], true)
-function C:Debug(set, silent)
- if set == "enable" or set == "on" or set == true then
- if not silent then self:Msg(L["DebuggingEnabled"]) end
- self.Global["DEBUG"] = true
- elseif set == "disable" or set == "off" or set == false then
- if not silent then self:Msg(L["DebuggingDisabled"]) end
- self.Global["DEBUG"] = false
- elseif not silent then
- if self.Global["DEBUG"] then
- self:Msg(L["DebugIsEnabled"])
- else
- self:Msg(L["DebugIsDisabled"])
- end
- end
-function C:PlainstriderToggle(silent)
- self.Global["PLAINSTRIDER"] = not self.Global["PLAINSTRIDER"]
- if silent then return end
- if self.Global["PLAINSTRIDER"] then
- self:Msg(L["PlainstriderTrue"])
- else
- self:Msg(L["PlainstriderFalse"])
- end
-function C:RidingCraneToggle(silent)
- self.Global["RIDINGCRANE"] = not self.Global["RIDINGCRANE"]
- if silent then return end
- if self.Global["RIDINGCRANE"] then
- self:Msg(L["RidingCranesTrue"])
- else
- self:Msg(L["RidingCranesFalse"])
- end
-function C:RavenLordToggle(silent)
- self.Global["RAVENLORD"] = not self.Global["RAVENLORD"]
- if silent then return end
- if self.Global["RAVENLORD"] then
- self:Msg(L["RavenLordTrue"])
- else
- self:Msg(L["RavenLordFalse"])
- end
-function C:FlametalonToggle(silent)
- self.Global["FLAMETALON"] = not self.Global["FLAMETALON"]
- if silent then return end
- if self.Global["FLAMETALON"] then
- self:Msg(L["FlametalonTrue"])
- else
- self:Msg(L["FlametalonFalse"])
- end
-function C:Toggle(silent) -- Toggle the AddOn on and off
- if self.Global["ENABLED"] then -- If the addon is enabled
- self.Global["ENABLED"] = false -- Disable it
- StopMusic()
- if not silent then self:Msg(L["AddOnDisabled"]) end -- Print status
- else -- If the addon is disabled
- self.Global["ENABLED"] = true -- Enable it
- if not silent then self:Msg(L["AddOnEnabled"]) end -- Print status
- end
-function C:PreventDupeToggle(silent)
- if self.Global["PREVENTDUPE"] then
- self.Global["PREVENTDUPE"] = false
- if not silent then self:Msg(L["PreventDupeDisabled"]) end
- else
- self.Global["PREVENTDUPE"] = true
- if not silent then self:Msg(L["PreventDupeEnabled"]) end
- end
-function C:GetGlobal(var)
- return self.Global[var]
-function C:Msg(msg) -- Send a normal message
- DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(L["MsgPrefix"] .. msg)
-function C:ErrorMsg(msg) -- Send an error message, these are prefixed with the word "ERROR" in red
- DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(L["ErrorPrefix"] .. msg)
--- Send a debug message, these are only sent when debugging is enabled and are prefixed by the word "Debug" in yellow
-function C:DebugMsg(msg)
- if self.Global["DEBUG"] == true then
- DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(L["DebugPrefix"] .. msg)
- end
-function C:GetVersion()
- return self.Version
--- Create the frame, no need for an XML file!
-C.Frame = CreateFrame("Frame")
-C.Frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function (frame, event, ...) C:OnEvent(frame, event, ...) end)
-for k,_ in pairs(C.Events) do
- if k == "UNIT_AURA" then
- C.Frame:RegisterUnitEvent(k, "player")
- else
- C.Frame:RegisterEvent(k)
- end
-for _, section in pairs(C.Mounts) do
- for id, _ in pairs(section) do
- section[id] = GetSpellInfo(id)
- end
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2020 by Adam Hellberg
+ This file is part of Chocobo.
+ Chocobo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ Chocobo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with Chocobo. If not, see .
+ ------
+ Chocobo AddOn
+ Dedicated to Shishu (Flurdy) on Azuremyst-EU
+Chocobo = {
+ Name = "Chocobo",
+ Version = GetAddOnMetadata("Chocobo", "Version"),
+ Loaded = false,
+ Mounted = false,
+ Running = false, -- True if the OnUpdate handler is running.
+ MusicDir = "Interface\\AddOns\\Chocobo\\music\\",
+ Global = {},
+ Events = {},
+ Songs = { -- Default songs loaded on first run
+ -- Please note that you can't add custom songs here,
+ -- this is only used when restoring default settings or on initial setup
+ "chocobo.ogg",
+ "chocobo_ffiv.ogg",
+ "chocobo_ffxii.ogg",
+ "chocobo_ffxiii.ogg"
+ },
+ -- Values are overridden later with the return from GetSpellInfo
+ -- The ones specified here are just placeholders and to help
+ -- identify IDs during development
+ Mounts = {
+ Hawkstriders = {
+ [35022] = "Black Hawkstrider",
+ [35020] = "Blue Hawkstrider",
+ [35018] = "Purple Hawkstrider",
+ [34795] = "Red Hawkstrider",
+ [63642] = "Silvermoon Hawkstrider",
+ [66091] = "Sunreaver Hawkstrider",
+ [35025] = "Swift Green Hawkstrider",
+ [33660] = "Swift Pink Hawkstrider",
+ [35027] = "Swift Purple Hawkstrider",
+ [65639] = "Swift Red Hawkstrider",
+ [35028] = "Swift Warstrider", -- (Thanks Khormin for pointing it out)
+ [46628] = "Swift White Hawkstrider"
+ },
+ Plainstriders = {
+ [102346] = "Swift Forest Strider",
+ [102350] = "Swift Lovebird",
+ [101573] = "Swift Shorestrider",
+ [102349] = "Swift Springtrider"
+ },
+ RidingCranes = {
+ [127174] = "Azure Riding Crane",
+ [127176] = "Golden Riding Crane",
+ [127177] = "Regal Riding Crane"
+ },
+ RavenLord = {
+ [41252] = "Raven Lord" -- (If enabled in options)
+ },
+ Flametalon = {
+ [101542] = "Flametalon of Alysrazor" -- (Fire version of Raven Lord)
+ },
+ DruidForms = { -- When AllMounts is enabled
+ [783] = "Travel Form",
+ [33943] = "Flight form",
+ [40120] = "Swift Flight Form"
+ }
+ }
+local C = Chocobo
+if C.Version == "@".."project-version".."@" then C.Version = "Development" end
+local CLib = ChocoboLib
+local L = _G["ChocoboLocale"]
+assert(CLib, "Chocobo Lib not loaded")
+assert(L, "Chocobo Locales not loaded")
+local nowPlaying -- The current song playing, used when preventing the same song playing twice
+function C:OnEvent(_, event, ...)
+ if self.Events[event] then self.Events[event](self, ...) end
+function C.Events.ADDON_LOADED(self, ...)
+ -- Currently, this seems a bit bugged when having multiple addons. The "loaded" message will disappear sometimes.
+ local addonName = (select(1, ...)):lower()
+ if addonName ~= "chocobo" or self.Loaded then return end
+ if type(_G["CHOCOBO"]) ~= "table" then _G["CHOCOBO"] = {} end
+ self.Global = _G["CHOCOBO"]
+ if type(self.Global["DEBUG"]) ~= "boolean" then
+ -- Should be fired on first launch, set the saved variable to default value
+ self:Msg(L["DebugNotSet"])
+ self.Global["DEBUG"] = false
+ end
+ if type(self.Global["ALLMOUNTS"]) ~= "boolean" then
+ -- Should be fired on first launch, set the saved variable to default value
+ self:Msg(L["AllMountsNotSet"])
+ self.Global["ALLMOUNTS"] = false
+ end
+ if type(self.Global["PLAINSTRIDER"]) ~= "boolean" then
+ self:Msg(L["PlainstridersNotSet"])
+ self.Global["PLAINSTRIDER"] = true
+ end
+ if type(self.Global["RIDINGCRANE"]) ~= "boolean" then
+ self:Msg(L["RidingCranesNotSet"])
+ self.Global["RIDINGCRANE"] = true
+ end
+ if type(self.Global["RAVENLORD"]) ~= "boolean" then
+ self:Msg(L["RavenLordNotSet"])
+ self.Global["RAVENLORD"] = false
+ end
+ if type(self.Global["FLAMETALON"]) ~= "boolean" then
+ self:Msg(L["FlametalonNotSet"])
+ self.Global["FLAMETALON"] = false
+ end
+ if not self.Global["MUSIC"] then -- If the song list is empty
+ -- Populate the table with default songs
+ self:Msg(L["NoMusic"])
+ self.Global["MUSIC"] = {}
+ for _,v in pairs(self.Songs) do -- Add all of the default songs
+ self:AddMusic(v)
+ end
+ end
+ if not self.Global["MUSIC_OGG_UPDATE"] then -- Reset music if still using mp3s
+ self:ResetMusic()
+ self.Global["MUSIC_OGG_UPDATE"] = true
+ end
+ if type(self.Global["PREVENTDUPE"]) ~= "boolean" then
+ self:Msg(L["PreventDupeNotSet"])
+ self.Global["PREVENTDUPE"] = true
+ end
+ if not self.Global["MOUNTS"] then
+ self:Msg(L["NoMounts"])
+ self.Global["MOUNTS"] = {}
+ end
+ if not self.Global["CUSTOM"] then
+ self.Global["CUSTOM"] = {}
+ end
+ if type(self.Global["ENABLED"]) ~= "boolean" then
+ -- Should be fired on first launch, set the saved variable to default value
+ self:Msg(L["EnabledNotSet"])
+ self.Global["ENABLED"] = true
+ end
+ self.SoundControl:Init()
+ self.SoundControl:Check()
+ -- [NEW] Check all songs and convert out-of-date ones to new format
+ -- (Removing the Interface\\AddOns\\Chocobo\\music\\ part)
+ self:MusicCheck()
+ self:Msg((L["AddOnLoaded"]):format(self.Version))
+ self:Msg(L["Enjoy"])
+ self.Loaded = true
+function C.Events.UNIT_AURA(self)
+ if not self.Global["ENABLED"] then return end -- Return if addon is disabled
+ self:DebugMsg((L["Event_UNIT_AURA"]):format("player"))
+ if self.Loaded == false then
+ -- This should NOT happen
+ self:ErrorMsg(L["NotLoaded"])
+ return
+ end
+ if self.Running then return end -- Return if the timer is already running.
+ self.Running = true
+ C_Timer.After(1, function() self:CheckMount() end)
+function C.Events.PLAYER_LOGOUT(self)
+ -- Save local copy of globals
+ -- TODO: Is this redundant?
+ _G["CHOCOBO"] = self.Global
+function C:CheckMount()
+ local mounted, mountName, _ = self:HasMount() -- Get mounted status and name of mount (if mounted)
+ if IsMounted() or mounted then -- More efficient way to make it also detect flight form here?
+ -- Print what mount the player is mounted on
+ if mountName then self:DebugMsg((L["CurrentMount"]):format(mountName)) end
+ self:DebugMsg(L["PlayerIsMounted"]) -- Print that the player is mounted
+ -- TODO: Redundant to have both the above messages? Remove the second?
+ -- Proceed if player is on one of the activated mounts or if allmounts (override) is true
+ if mounted or self.Global["ALLMOUNTS"] then
+ self:DebugMsg(L["PlayerOnHawkstrider"])
+ if not self.Mounted then -- Check so that the player is not already mounted
+ self.SoundControl:Check() -- Enable sound if disabled and the option is enabled
+ self:DebugMsg(L["PlayingMusic"])
+ self.Mounted = true
+ -- Player mounted but mount is not recognised, check all buffs to find a match
+ if type(mountName) ~= "string" then
+ local found = false
+ local index = 1
+ repeat
+ local name = UnitBuff("player", index, "PLAYER CANCELABLE")
+ if not name then break end -- No more buffs to check
+ if self.Global["CUSTOM"][name:lower()] then
+ self:PlayRandomMusic(name)
+ found = true
+ end
+ index = index + 1
+ until found or index > 40
+ if not found then self:PlayRandomMusic() end
+ elseif self.Global["CUSTOM"][mountName:lower()] then
+ self:PlayRandomMusic(mountName)
+ else
+ self:PlayRandomMusic()
+ end
+ else -- If the player has already mounted
+ self:DebugMsg(L["AlreadyMounted"])
+ end
+ else -- Player is not on a hawkstrider
+ self:DebugMsg(L["NoHawkstrider"])
+ end
+ elseif self.Mounted then -- When the player has dismounted
+ self.SoundControl:Check() -- Disable sound if enabled and the option is enabled
+ self:DebugMsg(L["NotMounted"])
+ self.Mounted = false
+ -- Note that StopMusic() will also stop any other custom music playing (such as from EpicMusicPlayer)
+ StopMusic()
+ end
+ self.Running = false
+function C:HasMount()
+ local mountColl = {}
+ for _, name in pairs(self.Mounts.Hawkstriders) do
+ mountColl[#mountColl + 1] = name
+ end
+ if self.Global["PLAINSTRIDER"] then
+ for _, name in pairs(self.Mounts.Plainstriders) do
+ mountColl[#mountColl + 1] = name
+ end
+ end
+ if self.Global["RIDINGCRANE"] then
+ for _, name in pairs(self.Mounts.RidingCranes) do
+ mountColl[#mountColl + 1] = name
+ end
+ end
+ if self.Global["RAVENLORD"] then
+ for _, name in pairs(self.Mounts.RavenLord) do
+ mountColl[#mountColl + 1] = name
+ end
+ end
+ if self.Global["FLAMETALON"] then
+ for _, name in pairs(self.Mounts.Flametalon) do
+ mountColl[#mountColl + 1] = name
+ end
+ end
+ if self.Global["ALLMOUNTS"] then -- Add druid flight forms
+ for _, name in pairs(self.Mounts.DruidForms) do
+ mountColl[#mountColl + 1] = name
+ end
+ end
+ if #self.Global["MOUNTS"] > 0 then
+ for _, v in pairs(self.Global["MOUNTS"]) do
+ mountColl[#mountColl + 1] = v -- Can be both a string and a number value
+ end
+ end
+ for mountName, _ in pairs(self.Global["CUSTOM"]) do
+ mountColl[#mountColl + 1] = mountName
+ end
+ return CLib:HasBuff(mountColl)
+function C:MusicCheck()
+ local matchString = "^" .. self.MusicDir -- Match the music dir path at the beginning of the string only.
+ -- The substring has to start AFTER the matched string, adding one to the length.
+ local length = self.MusicDir:len() + 1
+ local updated = 0 -- Keep track of how many songs that had to update
+ for i,v in ipairs(self.Global["MUSIC"]) do
+ if v:match(matchString) then
+ local change = v:sub(length, v:len()) -- A substring that includes only the filename (or subfolders, if any)
+ self.Global["MUSIC"][i] = change
+ self:Msg((L["SongUpdated"]):format(i, change))
+ updated = updated + 1
+ end
+ end
+ if updated > 0 then -- Print how many songs that were updated
+ self:Msg((L["SongsUpdated"]):format(updated))
+ else -- All songs up to date, no action needed
+ self:Msg(L["SongsUpToDate"])
+ end
+-- If isMount is true, treat song as the mount name/ID
+function C:PlayMusic(song, isMount)
+ local songFile
+ if isMount then
+ song = song:lower()
+ local mountSongs = self.Global.CUSTOM[song]
+ if mountSongs and #mountSongs > 0 then
+ local id = math.random(1, #mountSongs)
+ songFile = mountSongs[id]
+ if #mountSongs > 1 and self.Global["PREVENTDUPE"] and songFile == nowPlaying then
+ while songFile == nowPlaying do
+ id = math.random(1, #mountSongs)
+ songFile = mountSongs[id]
+ end
+ end
+ self:DebugMsg((L["PlayingSong"]):format(id, songFile))
+ else
+ self:ErrorMsg((L["CustomNotDefined"]):format(song))
+ return
+ end
+ if type(songFile) ~= "string" then
+ self:ErrorMsg((L["CustomSongNotFound"]):format(song))
+ return
+ end
+ elseif type(song) == "string" then
+ songFile = song
+ else
+ songFile = self.Global["MUSIC"][song]
+ if not songFile then
+ self:ErrorMsg(L["SongNotFound"])
+ return false
+ end
+ self:DebugMsg((L["PlayingSong"]):format(song, songFile))
+ end
+ nowPlaying = songFile
+ songFile = self.MusicDir .. songFile
+ PlayMusic(songFile)
+function C:PlayRandomMusic(mount)
+ if mount then
+ self:PlayMusic(mount, true)
+ else
+ local id = math.random(1, #self.Global["MUSIC"])
+ if self.Global["PREVENTDUPE"] and #self.Global["MUSIC"] > 1 then
+ local name = self.Global["MUSIC"][id]
+ while name == nowPlaying do
+ id = math.random(1, #self.Global["MUSIC"])
+ name = self.Global["MUSIC"][id]
+ end
+ end
+ self:PlayMusic(id)
+ end
+function C:AddMusic(songName) -- Add a song the the list
+ songName = CLib:Trim(songName)
+ if songName == "" or songName == nil then
+ self:ErrorMsg(L["NoFile"])
+ return false
+ end
+ for _,v in pairs(self.Global["MUSIC"]) do -- Loop through all the songs currently in the list and...
+ if v == songName then -- ... make sure it isn't there already
+ self:ErrorMsg(L["AlreadyExists"])
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ table.insert(self.Global["MUSIC"], songName) -- Insert the song into list
+ self:Msg((L["AddedSong"]):format(songName))
+ return true
+function C:RemoveMusic(list, songName) -- Remove a song from the list
+ if type(list) ~= "table" then
+ songName = list
+ list = self.Global.MUSIC
+ end
+ if type(songName) == "number" then
+ if list[songName] then
+ local name = list[songName]
+ table.remove(list, songName)
+ self:Msg((L["RemovedSong"]):format(name))
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ songName = CLib:Trim(songName)
+ if songName == "" or songName == nil then
+ self:ErrorMsg(L["NoFile"])
+ return false
+ end
+ for i,v in ipairs(list) do -- Loop through all the songs in the list until...
+ if v == songName then -- ... the desired one is found and then...
+ table.remove(list, i) -- ... remove it from the list.
+ self:Msg((L["RemovedSong"]):format(songName))
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ self:ErrorMsg(L["SongNotFound"])
+ return false
+function C:GetCustomMusic(mount)
+ mount = CLib:Trim(tostring(mount)):lower()
+ if type(self.Global.CUSTOM[mount]) ~= "table" then
+ self.Global.CUSTOM[mount] = {}
+ end
+ return self.Global.CUSTOM[mount]
+function C:AddCustomMusic(song, mount)
+ if song then
+ song = CLib:Trim(tostring(song))
+ end
+ mount = mount:lower()
+ if song == "" or type(song) ~= "string" then
+ song = nil
+ --self:ErrorMsg((L["AddCustomInvalidSong"]):format(tostring(song)))
+ --return
+ end
+ if type(mount) ~= "string" or mount == "" then
+ self:ErrorMsg((L["AddCustomInvalidMount"]):format(tostring(mount)))
+ return
+ end
+ if self.Global.CUSTOM[mount] then
+ if song and CLib:InTable(self.Global.CUSTOM[mount], song) then
+ self:ErrorMsg((L["AddCustomExists"]):format(song, mount))
+ return
+ end
+ if not song then return end
+ table.insert(self.Global.CUSTOM[mount], song)
+ self:Msg((L["AddCustomSuccess"]):format(song, mount))
+ else
+ self.Global.CUSTOM[mount] = {}
+ if not song then return end
+ table.insert(self.Global.CUSTOM[mount], song)
+ self:Msg((L["AddCustomSuccess"]):format(song, mount))
+ end
+function C:RemoveCustomMusic(mount, song)
+ mount = mount:lower()
+ if type(mount) ~= "string" then
+ self:ErrorMsg((L["RemoveCustomInvalidMount"]):format(tostring(mount)))
+ end
+ local list = self.Global.CUSTOM[mount]
+ if list then
+ if song then
+ self:RemoveMusic(list, song)
+ else
+ wipe(list)
+ self.Global.CUSTOM[mount] = nil
+ self:Msg((L["RemoveCustomSuccess"]):format(mount))
+ end
+ else
+ self:ErrorMsg((L["RemoveCustomNotExist"]):format(mount))
+ end
+function C:PrintMusic() -- Print all the songs currently in list to chat
+ if #self.Global["MUSIC"] <= 0 then
+ self:Msg(L["MusicListEmpty"])
+ else
+ for i,v in ipairs(self.Global["MUSIC"]) do
+ self:Msg(("\124cff00CCFF%i: %s\124r"):format(i, v))
+ end
+ end
+ if CLib:Count(self.Global["CUSTOM"]) <= 0 then
+ return
+ end
+ self:Msg(L["PrintMusicCustomStart"])
+ for k,v in pairs(self.Global["CUSTOM"]) do
+ self:Msg((L["PrintMusicCustomHeader"]):format(k))
+ for _,s in pairs(v) do
+ self:Msg((L["PrintMusicCustomSong"]):format(s))
+ end
+ end
+function C:ResetMusic() -- Resets the values in Chocobo.Global["MUSIC"] to default
+ self:Msg(L["ResetMusic"])
+ wipe(self.Global.MUSIC)
+ for _,v in pairs(self.Songs) do -- Add all the default songs again
+ self:AddMusic(v)
+ end
+function C:AddMount(mount)
+ mount = CLib:Trim(mount)
+ mount = tonumber(mount) or mount
+ if mount == "" or mount == nil then
+ self:ErrorMsg(L["NoMount"])
+ return
+ end
+ local compare = tostring(mount):lower()
+ for _,v in pairs(self.Global["MOUNTS"]) do
+ if tostring(v):lower() == compare then
+ self:ErrorMsg(L["MountAlreadyExists"])
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ table.insert(self.Global["MOUNTS"], mount)
+ self:Msg((L["AddedMount"]):format(mount))
+function C:RemoveMount(mount)
+ if mount == "" or mount == nil then
+ self:ErrorMsg(L["NoMount"])
+ return
+ end
+ mount = mount:lower()
+ for i,v in ipairs(self.Global["MOUNTS"]) do
+ if v:lower() == mount then
+ table.remove(self.Global["MOUNTS"], i)
+ self:Msg((L["RemovedMount"]):format(mount))
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ self:ErrorMsg(L["MountNotFound"])
+function C:PrintMounts()
+ if #self.Global["MOUNTS"] <= 0 then
+ self:Msg(L["MountListEmpty"])
+ else
+ for i,v in ipairs(self.Global["MOUNTS"]) do
+ self:Msg(("\124cff00CCFF%i: %s\124r"):format(i, v))
+ end
+ end
+function C:ResetMounts()
+ self:Msg(L["ResetMounts"])
+ wipe(self.Global.MOUNTS)
+function C:FilterMount(filter, silent)
+ if type(filter) == "nil" then filter = Chocobo.Global["ALLMOUNTS"] end
+ if filter then
+ if not silent then self:Msg(L["HawkstriderOnly"]) end
+ self.Global["ALLMOUNTS"] = false
+ else
+ if not silent then self:Msg(L["AllMounts"]) end
+ self.Global["ALLMOUNTS"] = true
+ end
+function C:ToggleDebug()
+ self:Debug(not self.Global["DEBUG"], true)
+function C:Debug(set, silent)
+ if set == "enable" or set == "on" or set == true then
+ if not silent then self:Msg(L["DebuggingEnabled"]) end
+ self.Global["DEBUG"] = true
+ elseif set == "disable" or set == "off" or set == false then
+ if not silent then self:Msg(L["DebuggingDisabled"]) end
+ self.Global["DEBUG"] = false
+ elseif not silent then
+ if self.Global["DEBUG"] then
+ self:Msg(L["DebugIsEnabled"])
+ else
+ self:Msg(L["DebugIsDisabled"])
+ end
+ end
+function C:PlainstriderToggle(silent)
+ self.Global["PLAINSTRIDER"] = not self.Global["PLAINSTRIDER"]
+ if silent then return end
+ if self.Global["PLAINSTRIDER"] then
+ self:Msg(L["PlainstriderTrue"])
+ else
+ self:Msg(L["PlainstriderFalse"])
+ end
+function C:RidingCraneToggle(silent)
+ self.Global["RIDINGCRANE"] = not self.Global["RIDINGCRANE"]
+ if silent then return end
+ if self.Global["RIDINGCRANE"] then
+ self:Msg(L["RidingCranesTrue"])
+ else
+ self:Msg(L["RidingCranesFalse"])
+ end
+function C:RavenLordToggle(silent)
+ self.Global["RAVENLORD"] = not self.Global["RAVENLORD"]
+ if silent then return end
+ if self.Global["RAVENLORD"] then
+ self:Msg(L["RavenLordTrue"])
+ else
+ self:Msg(L["RavenLordFalse"])
+ end
+function C:FlametalonToggle(silent)
+ self.Global["FLAMETALON"] = not self.Global["FLAMETALON"]
+ if silent then return end
+ if self.Global["FLAMETALON"] then
+ self:Msg(L["FlametalonTrue"])
+ else
+ self:Msg(L["FlametalonFalse"])
+ end
+function C:Toggle(silent) -- Toggle the AddOn on and off
+ if self.Global["ENABLED"] then -- If the addon is enabled
+ self.Global["ENABLED"] = false -- Disable it
+ StopMusic()
+ if not silent then self:Msg(L["AddOnDisabled"]) end -- Print status
+ else -- If the addon is disabled
+ self.Global["ENABLED"] = true -- Enable it
+ if not silent then self:Msg(L["AddOnEnabled"]) end -- Print status
+ end
+function C:PreventDupeToggle(silent)
+ if self.Global["PREVENTDUPE"] then
+ self.Global["PREVENTDUPE"] = false
+ if not silent then self:Msg(L["PreventDupeDisabled"]) end
+ else
+ self.Global["PREVENTDUPE"] = true
+ if not silent then self:Msg(L["PreventDupeEnabled"]) end
+ end
+function C:GetGlobal(var)
+ return self.Global[var]
+function C:Msg(msg) -- Send a normal message
+ DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(L["MsgPrefix"] .. msg)
+function C:ErrorMsg(msg) -- Send an error message, these are prefixed with the word "ERROR" in red
+ DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(L["ErrorPrefix"] .. msg)
+-- Send a debug message, these are only sent when debugging is enabled and are prefixed by the word "Debug" in yellow
+function C:DebugMsg(msg)
+ if self.Global["DEBUG"] == true then
+ DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(L["DebugPrefix"] .. msg)
+ end
+function C:GetVersion()
+ return self.Version
+-- Create the frame, no need for an XML file!
+C.Frame = CreateFrame("Frame")
+C.Frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function (frame, event, ...) C:OnEvent(frame, event, ...) end)
+for k,_ in pairs(C.Events) do
+ if k == "UNIT_AURA" then
+ C.Frame:RegisterUnitEvent(k, "player")
+ else
+ C.Frame:RegisterEvent(k)
+ end
+for _, section in pairs(C.Mounts) do
+ for id, _ in pairs(section) do
+ section[id] = GetSpellInfo(id)
+ end
diff --git a/Chocobo.toc b/Chocobo.toc
index 378f3e6..639f594 100644
--- a/Chocobo.toc
+++ b/Chocobo.toc
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
-## Interface: 100200
-## Interface-Classic: 11500
-## Interface-Wrath: 30403
-## Version: @project-version@
-## Title: Chocobo
-## Notes: Plays the Chocobo song when you mount on a hawkstrider! |cffFF0000Version @project-version@|r |cff00CCFFBy F16Gaming|r
-## Author: Sharparam
-## SavedVariables: CHOCOBO
-## X-Project-Slug: chocobo
-## X-Curse-Project-ID: 27585
-## X-WoWI-ID: 20953
-## X-Wago-ID: rkGrYgKy
-#LibDataBroker can't be installed stand-alone
-#Built-in library, do not strip
+## Interface: 100200
+## Interface-Classic: 11500
+## Interface-Wrath: 30403
+## Version: @project-version@
+## Title: Chocobo
+## Notes: Plays the Chocobo song when you mount on a hawkstrider! |cffFF0000Version @project-version@|r |cff00CCFFBy F16Gaming|r
+## Author: Sharparam
+## SavedVariables: CHOCOBO
+## X-Project-Slug: chocobo
+## X-Curse-Project-ID: 27585
+## X-WoWI-ID: 20953
+## X-Wago-ID: rkGrYgKy
+#LibDataBroker can't be installed stand-alone
+#Built-in library, do not strip
diff --git a/ChocoboCommand.lua b/ChocoboCommand.lua
index 3c3b109..95c09d7 100644
--- a/ChocoboCommand.lua
+++ b/ChocoboCommand.lua
@@ -1,306 +1,306 @@
- Copyright (c) 2010-2020 by Adam Hellberg
- This file is part of Chocobo.
- Chocobo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- Chocobo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with Chocobo. If not, see .
-Chocobo.Command = {
- Slash = {
- "chocobo"
- },
- Commands = {}
-local C = Chocobo
-local CC = C.Command
-local CLib = ChocoboLib
-local L = _G["ChocoboLocale"]
-local AddCustomPattern = "\"([%w%p%s]+)\" \"([%w%p%s]+)\""
--- Argument #1 (command) can be either string or a table.
-function CC:Register(command, func)
- if type(command) == "string" then
- command = {command}
- end
- for _,v in pairs(command) do
- if not self:HasCommand(v) then
- if v ~= "__DEFAULT__" then v = v:lower() end
- self.Commands[v] = func
- end
- end
-function CC:HasCommand(command)
- return self.Commands[command]
-function CC:HandleCommand(command, args)
- if self:HasCommand(command) then
- self.Commands[command](args)
- elseif self:HasCommand("__DEFAULT__") then
- self.Commands["__DEFAULT__"](args)
- else
- C:ErrorMsg((L["InvalidCommand"]):format(command))
- end
-CC:Register("__DEFAULT__", function()
- C:Msg(L["HelpMessage1"])
- C:Msg(L["HelpMessage2"])
- C:Msg(L["HelpMessage3"])
- C:Msg(L["HelpMessage4"])
- C:Msg(L["HelpMessage17"])
- C:Msg(L["HelpMessage18"])
- C:Msg(L["HelpMessage19"])
- C:Msg(L["HelpMessage5"])
- C:Msg(L["HelpMessage6"])
- C:Msg(L["HelpMessage7"])
- C:Msg(L["HelpMessage8"])
- C:Msg(L["HelpMessage9"])
- C:Msg(L["HelpMessage10"])
- C:Msg(L["HelpMessage12"])
- C:Msg(L["HelpMessage13"])
- C:Msg(L["HelpMessage14"])
- C:Msg(L["HelpMessage15"])
- C:Msg(L["HelpMessage16"])
- C:Msg(L["HelpMessage11"])
-CC:Register({"options", "o", "config", "gui"}, function()
- Chocobo.SoundControl.Options:Open()
- Chocobo.Options:Open()
-CC:Register({"allmounts", "am", "all"}, function() C:FilterMount(false) end)
-CC:Register({"hawkstrider", "hs", "hawk"}, function() C:FilterMount(true) end)
-CC:Register({"modetoggle", "mounttoggle", "mt"}, function() C:FilterMount() end)
-CC:Register({"toggle", "t"}, function() C:Toggle() end)
-CC:Register({"plainstridertoggle", "plainstrider", "plainstriders", "ps"}, function() C:PlainstriderToggle() end)
-CC:Register({"ridingcranetoggle", "ridingcrane", "ridingcranes", "rc"}, function() C:RidingCraneToggle() end)
-CC:Register({"ravenlordtoggle", "ravenlord", "rl"}, function() C:RavenLordToggle() end)
-CC:Register({"flametalontoggle", "flametalon", "flame", "alysrazor", "alys"}, function() C:FlametalonToggle() end)
-CC:Register({"preventdupetoggle", "pdtoggle", "pdt"}, function() C:PreventDupeToggle() end)
-CC:Register({"soundcontrol", "sc", "sndctrl", "sound"}, function(args)
- local handled = false
- if #args > 0 then
- local vol = tonumber(args[3])
- if args[1] == "gui" or args[1] == "options" then
- Chocobo.SoundControl.Options:Open()
- handled = true
- elseif args[1] == "toggle" or args[1] == "t" then
- C.SoundControl:Toggle()
- handled = true
- elseif args[1] == "default" or args[1] == "d" then
- C.SoundControl:ToggleDefault()
- handled = true
- elseif args[1] == "music" or args[1] == "m" then
- if #args > 1 then
- if args[2] == "toggle" or args[2] == "t" then
- C.SoundControl:ToggleMusic()
- handled = true
- elseif args[2]:match("^mount") or args[2] == "m" then
- C.SoundControl:ToggleMusicMount()
- handled = true
- elseif args[2]:match("^not?mount") or args[2] == "nm" then
- C.SoundControl:ToggleMusicNoMount()
- handled = true
- elseif args[2] == "volume" or args[2] == "vol" or args[2] == "v" then
- if type(vol) == "number" then
- C.SoundControl:SetMusicVolume(vol)
- handled = true
- elseif args[3] == "toggle" or args[3] == "t" then
- C.SoundControl:ToggleMusicVolume()
- handled = true
- else
- C.SoundControl:PrintMusicVolume()
- handled = true
- end
- end
- end
- elseif args[1] == "sfx" or args[1] == "sound" or args[1] == "s" then
- if #args > 1 then
- if args[2] == "toggle" or args[2] == "t" then
- C.SoundControl:ToggleSFX()
- handled = true
- elseif args[2]:match("^mount") or args[2] == "m" then
- C.SoundControl:ToggleSFXMount()
- handled = true
- elseif args[2]:match("^not?mount") or args[2] == "nm" then
- C.SoundControl:ToggleSFXNoMount()
- handled = true
- elseif args[2] == "volume" or args[2] == "vol" or args[2] == "v" then
- if type(vol) == "number" then
- C.SoundControl:SetSFXVolume(vol)
- handled = true
- elseif args[3] == "toggle" or args[3] == "t" then
- C.SoundControl:ToggleSFXVolume()
- handled = true
- else
- C.SoundControl:PrintSFXVolume()
- handled = true
- end
- end
- end
- elseif args[1] == "ambience" or args[1] == "amb" or args[1] == "a" then
- if #args > 1 then
- if args[2] == "toggle" or args[2] == "t" then
- C.SoundControl:ToggleAmbience()
- handled = true
- elseif args[2]:match("^mount") or args[2] == "m" then
- C.SoundControl:ToggleAmbienceMount()
- handled = true
- elseif args[2]:match("^not?mount") or args[2] == "nm" then
- C.SoundControl:ToggleAmbienceNoMount()
- handled = true
- elseif args[2] == "volume" or args[2] == "vol" or args[2] == "v" then
- if type(vol) == "number" then
- C.SoundControl:SetAmbienceVolume(vol)
- handled = true
- elseif args[3] == "toggle" or args[3] == "t" then
- C.SoundControl:ToggleAmbienceVolume()
- handled = true
- else
- C.SoundControl:PrintAmbienceVolume()
- handled = true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if not handled then
- C:Msg(L["SCSyntax1"])
- C:Msg(L["SCSyntax2"])
- end
-CC:Register({"list", "l", "ls"}, function() C:PrintMusic() end)
-CC:Register({"reset", "r"}, function() C:ResetMusic() end)
-CC:Register({"listmounts", "lm"}, function() C:PrintMounts() end)
-CC:Register({"resetmounts", "rm"}, function() C:ResetMounts() end)
-CC:Register({"debug", "d"}, function(args)
- if not args[1] then
- C:Debug()
- else
- C:Debug(args[1]:lower())
- end
-CC:Register({"add", "a"}, function(args)
- if #args > 0 then
- local song = args[1]
- if #args > 1 then
- for i=2,#args do
- song = song .. " " .. args[i]
- end
- end
- C:AddMusic(song)
- else
- C:Msg(L["AddSyntax"])
- end
-CC:Register({"remove", "rem", "delete", "del"}, function(args)
- if #args > 0 then
- local song = args[1]
- if #args > 1 then
- for i=2,#args do
- song = song .. " " .. args[i]
- end
- end
- C:RemoveMusic(song)
- else
- C:Msg(L["RemoveSyntax"])
- end
-CC:Register({"addcustom", "addc", "ac"}, function(args)
- if #args < 2 then
- C:ErrorMsg(L["AddCustomSyntax"])
- return
- end
- local arg = args[1]
- for i=2,#args do
- arg = arg .. " " .. args[i]
- end
- local mount, song = arg:match(AddCustomPattern)
- if not mount or not song then
- C:ErrorMsg(L["AddCustomSyntax"])
- return
- end
- C:AddCustomMusic(song, mount)
-CC:Register({"removecustom", "removec", "remc", "rc"}, function(args)
- if #args < 1 then
- C:ErrorMsg(L["RemoveCustomSyntax"])
- return
- end
- local arg = args[1]
- if #args > 1 then
- for i=2,#args do
- arg = arg .. " " .. args[i]
- end
- end
- C:RemoveCustomMusic(arg)
-CC:Register({"addmount", "addm"}, function(args)
- if #args > 0 then
- local mount = args[1]
- if #args > 1 then
- for i=2,#args do
- mount = mount .. " " .. args[i]
- end
- end
- C:AddMount(mount)
- else
- C:Msg(L["AddMountSyntax"])
- end
-CC:Register({"removemount", "remm", "deletemount", "delmount", "delm"}, function(args)
- if #args > 0 then
- local mount = args[1]
- if #args > 1 then
- for i=2,#args do
- mount = mount .. " " .. args[i]
- end
- end
- C:RemoveMount(mount)
- else
- C:Msg(L["RemoveMountSyntax"])
- end
-for i,v in ipairs(CC.Slash) do
- _G["SLASH_" .. C.Name:upper() .. i] = "/" .. v
-SlashCmdList[C.Name:upper()] = function(msg)
- msg = CLib:Trim(msg)
- local args = CLib:Split(msg)
- local cmd = args[1]
- local t = {}
- if #args > 1 then
- for i=2,#args do
- table.insert(t, args[i])
- end
- end
- CC:HandleCommand(cmd, t)
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2020 by Adam Hellberg
+ This file is part of Chocobo.
+ Chocobo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ Chocobo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with Chocobo. If not, see .
+Chocobo.Command = {
+ Slash = {
+ "chocobo"
+ },
+ Commands = {}
+local C = Chocobo
+local CC = C.Command
+local CLib = ChocoboLib
+local L = _G["ChocoboLocale"]
+local AddCustomPattern = "\"([%w%p%s]+)\" \"([%w%p%s]+)\""
+-- Argument #1 (command) can be either string or a table.
+function CC:Register(command, func)
+ if type(command) == "string" then
+ command = {command}
+ end
+ for _,v in pairs(command) do
+ if not self:HasCommand(v) then
+ if v ~= "__DEFAULT__" then v = v:lower() end
+ self.Commands[v] = func
+ end
+ end
+function CC:HasCommand(command)
+ return self.Commands[command]
+function CC:HandleCommand(command, args)
+ if self:HasCommand(command) then
+ self.Commands[command](args)
+ elseif self:HasCommand("__DEFAULT__") then
+ self.Commands["__DEFAULT__"](args)
+ else
+ C:ErrorMsg((L["InvalidCommand"]):format(command))
+ end
+CC:Register("__DEFAULT__", function()
+ C:Msg(L["HelpMessage1"])
+ C:Msg(L["HelpMessage2"])
+ C:Msg(L["HelpMessage3"])
+ C:Msg(L["HelpMessage4"])
+ C:Msg(L["HelpMessage17"])
+ C:Msg(L["HelpMessage18"])
+ C:Msg(L["HelpMessage19"])
+ C:Msg(L["HelpMessage5"])
+ C:Msg(L["HelpMessage6"])
+ C:Msg(L["HelpMessage7"])
+ C:Msg(L["HelpMessage8"])
+ C:Msg(L["HelpMessage9"])
+ C:Msg(L["HelpMessage10"])
+ C:Msg(L["HelpMessage12"])
+ C:Msg(L["HelpMessage13"])
+ C:Msg(L["HelpMessage14"])
+ C:Msg(L["HelpMessage15"])
+ C:Msg(L["HelpMessage16"])
+ C:Msg(L["HelpMessage11"])
+CC:Register({"options", "o", "config", "gui"}, function()
+ Chocobo.SoundControl.Options:Open()
+ Chocobo.Options:Open()
+CC:Register({"allmounts", "am", "all"}, function() C:FilterMount(false) end)
+CC:Register({"hawkstrider", "hs", "hawk"}, function() C:FilterMount(true) end)
+CC:Register({"modetoggle", "mounttoggle", "mt"}, function() C:FilterMount() end)
+CC:Register({"toggle", "t"}, function() C:Toggle() end)
+CC:Register({"plainstridertoggle", "plainstrider", "plainstriders", "ps"}, function() C:PlainstriderToggle() end)
+CC:Register({"ridingcranetoggle", "ridingcrane", "ridingcranes", "rc"}, function() C:RidingCraneToggle() end)
+CC:Register({"ravenlordtoggle", "ravenlord", "rl"}, function() C:RavenLordToggle() end)
+CC:Register({"flametalontoggle", "flametalon", "flame", "alysrazor", "alys"}, function() C:FlametalonToggle() end)
+CC:Register({"preventdupetoggle", "pdtoggle", "pdt"}, function() C:PreventDupeToggle() end)
+CC:Register({"soundcontrol", "sc", "sndctrl", "sound"}, function(args)
+ local handled = false
+ if #args > 0 then
+ local vol = tonumber(args[3])
+ if args[1] == "gui" or args[1] == "options" then
+ Chocobo.SoundControl.Options:Open()
+ handled = true
+ elseif args[1] == "toggle" or args[1] == "t" then
+ C.SoundControl:Toggle()
+ handled = true
+ elseif args[1] == "default" or args[1] == "d" then
+ C.SoundControl:ToggleDefault()
+ handled = true
+ elseif args[1] == "music" or args[1] == "m" then
+ if #args > 1 then
+ if args[2] == "toggle" or args[2] == "t" then
+ C.SoundControl:ToggleMusic()
+ handled = true
+ elseif args[2]:match("^mount") or args[2] == "m" then
+ C.SoundControl:ToggleMusicMount()
+ handled = true
+ elseif args[2]:match("^not?mount") or args[2] == "nm" then
+ C.SoundControl:ToggleMusicNoMount()
+ handled = true
+ elseif args[2] == "volume" or args[2] == "vol" or args[2] == "v" then
+ if type(vol) == "number" then
+ C.SoundControl:SetMusicVolume(vol)
+ handled = true
+ elseif args[3] == "toggle" or args[3] == "t" then
+ C.SoundControl:ToggleMusicVolume()
+ handled = true
+ else
+ C.SoundControl:PrintMusicVolume()
+ handled = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ elseif args[1] == "sfx" or args[1] == "sound" or args[1] == "s" then
+ if #args > 1 then
+ if args[2] == "toggle" or args[2] == "t" then
+ C.SoundControl:ToggleSFX()
+ handled = true
+ elseif args[2]:match("^mount") or args[2] == "m" then
+ C.SoundControl:ToggleSFXMount()
+ handled = true
+ elseif args[2]:match("^not?mount") or args[2] == "nm" then
+ C.SoundControl:ToggleSFXNoMount()
+ handled = true
+ elseif args[2] == "volume" or args[2] == "vol" or args[2] == "v" then
+ if type(vol) == "number" then
+ C.SoundControl:SetSFXVolume(vol)
+ handled = true
+ elseif args[3] == "toggle" or args[3] == "t" then
+ C.SoundControl:ToggleSFXVolume()
+ handled = true
+ else
+ C.SoundControl:PrintSFXVolume()
+ handled = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ elseif args[1] == "ambience" or args[1] == "amb" or args[1] == "a" then
+ if #args > 1 then
+ if args[2] == "toggle" or args[2] == "t" then
+ C.SoundControl:ToggleAmbience()
+ handled = true
+ elseif args[2]:match("^mount") or args[2] == "m" then
+ C.SoundControl:ToggleAmbienceMount()
+ handled = true
+ elseif args[2]:match("^not?mount") or args[2] == "nm" then
+ C.SoundControl:ToggleAmbienceNoMount()
+ handled = true
+ elseif args[2] == "volume" or args[2] == "vol" or args[2] == "v" then
+ if type(vol) == "number" then
+ C.SoundControl:SetAmbienceVolume(vol)
+ handled = true
+ elseif args[3] == "toggle" or args[3] == "t" then
+ C.SoundControl:ToggleAmbienceVolume()
+ handled = true
+ else
+ C.SoundControl:PrintAmbienceVolume()
+ handled = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if not handled then
+ C:Msg(L["SCSyntax1"])
+ C:Msg(L["SCSyntax2"])
+ end
+CC:Register({"list", "l", "ls"}, function() C:PrintMusic() end)
+CC:Register({"reset", "r"}, function() C:ResetMusic() end)
+CC:Register({"listmounts", "lm"}, function() C:PrintMounts() end)
+CC:Register({"resetmounts", "rm"}, function() C:ResetMounts() end)
+CC:Register({"debug", "d"}, function(args)
+ if not args[1] then
+ C:Debug()
+ else
+ C:Debug(args[1]:lower())
+ end
+CC:Register({"add", "a"}, function(args)
+ if #args > 0 then
+ local song = args[1]
+ if #args > 1 then
+ for i=2,#args do
+ song = song .. " " .. args[i]
+ end
+ end
+ C:AddMusic(song)
+ else
+ C:Msg(L["AddSyntax"])
+ end
+CC:Register({"remove", "rem", "delete", "del"}, function(args)
+ if #args > 0 then
+ local song = args[1]
+ if #args > 1 then
+ for i=2,#args do
+ song = song .. " " .. args[i]
+ end
+ end
+ C:RemoveMusic(song)
+ else
+ C:Msg(L["RemoveSyntax"])
+ end
+CC:Register({"addcustom", "addc", "ac"}, function(args)
+ if #args < 2 then
+ C:ErrorMsg(L["AddCustomSyntax"])
+ return
+ end
+ local arg = args[1]
+ for i=2,#args do
+ arg = arg .. " " .. args[i]
+ end
+ local mount, song = arg:match(AddCustomPattern)
+ if not mount or not song then
+ C:ErrorMsg(L["AddCustomSyntax"])
+ return
+ end
+ C:AddCustomMusic(song, mount)
+CC:Register({"removecustom", "removec", "remc", "rc"}, function(args)
+ if #args < 1 then
+ C:ErrorMsg(L["RemoveCustomSyntax"])
+ return
+ end
+ local arg = args[1]
+ if #args > 1 then
+ for i=2,#args do
+ arg = arg .. " " .. args[i]
+ end
+ end
+ C:RemoveCustomMusic(arg)
+CC:Register({"addmount", "addm"}, function(args)
+ if #args > 0 then
+ local mount = args[1]
+ if #args > 1 then
+ for i=2,#args do
+ mount = mount .. " " .. args[i]
+ end
+ end
+ C:AddMount(mount)
+ else
+ C:Msg(L["AddMountSyntax"])
+ end
+CC:Register({"removemount", "remm", "deletemount", "delmount", "delm"}, function(args)
+ if #args > 0 then
+ local mount = args[1]
+ if #args > 1 then
+ for i=2,#args do
+ mount = mount .. " " .. args[i]
+ end
+ end
+ C:RemoveMount(mount)
+ else
+ C:Msg(L["RemoveMountSyntax"])
+ end
+for i,v in ipairs(CC.Slash) do
+ _G["SLASH_" .. C.Name:upper() .. i] = "/" .. v
+SlashCmdList[C.Name:upper()] = function(msg)
+ msg = CLib:Trim(msg)
+ local args = CLib:Split(msg)
+ local cmd = args[1]
+ local t = {}
+ if #args > 1 then
+ for i=2,#args do
+ table.insert(t, args[i])
+ end
+ end
+ CC:HandleCommand(cmd, t)
diff --git a/ChocoboCustomSongPanel.lua b/ChocoboCustomSongPanel.lua
index c6d14fd..e935bc0 100644
--- a/ChocoboCustomSongPanel.lua
+++ b/ChocoboCustomSongPanel.lua
@@ -1,217 +1,217 @@
- Copyright (c) 2010-2020 by Adam Hellberg
- This file is part of Chocobo.
- Chocobo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- Chocobo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with Chocobo. If not, see .
-local L = _G["ChocoboLocale"]
-local C = Chocobo
-C.CustomSongPanel = {}
-local CSP = C.CustomSongPanel
-local function createList(parent, header, listGetter, addFunc, removeFunc, resetFunc, itemClickFunc)
- local list = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, parent, "ChocoboSongsAndMountsListTemplate")
- list.items = {}
- list.Header:SetText(header)
- list.AddButton:SetText(L["Options_Add"])
- list.AddButton:SetScript("OnClick", function()
- local item = list.EditBox:GetText()
- addFunc(item)
- list:RefreshLayout()
- list.EditBox:SetText("")
- end)
- list.ResetButton:SetText(L["Options_Reset"])
- list.ResetButton:SetScript("OnClick", function()
- resetFunc()
- list:RefreshLayout()
- end)
- list.ListScrollFrame.update = function() list:RefreshLayout() end
- list:SetScript("OnShow", function(self)
- self.items = listGetter()
- HybridScrollFrame_CreateButtons(self.ListScrollFrame, "ChocoboSongsAndMountsItemTemplate")
- self:RefreshLayout()
- end)
- function list:RemoveItem(index)
- local item = listGetter()[index]
- removeFunc(item)
- self:RefreshLayout()
- end
- function list:RefreshLayout()
- local items = listGetter()
- if items then
- self.EditBox:Enable()
- self.AddButton:Enable()
- else
- self.EditBox:Disable()
- self.AddButton:Disable()
- items = {}
- end
- local buttons = HybridScrollFrame_GetButtons(self.ListScrollFrame)
- if not buttons then return end
- local offset = HybridScrollFrame_GetOffset(self.ListScrollFrame)
- for buttonIndex = 1, #buttons do
- local button = buttons[buttonIndex]
- local itemIndex = buttonIndex + offset
- button:UnlockHighlight()
- if itemIndex <= #items then
- local item = items[itemIndex]
- button:SetID(itemIndex)
- button.Text:SetText(item)
- button:SetWidth(self.ListScrollFrame.scrollChild:GetWidth())
- if itemClickFunc then
- button:SetScript("OnClick", function(btn)
- for _, b in pairs(buttons) do b:UnlockHighlight() end
- btn:LockHighlight()
- itemClickFunc(item)
- end)
- end
- button:Show()
- else
- button:Hide()
- end
- end
- local buttonHeight = self.ListScrollFrame.buttonHeight
- local totalHeight = #items * buttonHeight
- local shownHeight = #buttons * buttonHeight
- HybridScrollFrame_Update(self.ListScrollFrame, totalHeight, shownHeight)
- end
- function list:ClearHighlights()
- local buttons = HybridScrollFrame_GetButtons(self.ListScrollFrame)
- if not buttons then return end
- for _, btn in pairs(buttons) do
- btn:UnlockHighlight()
- end
- end
- HybridScrollFrame_SetDoNotHideScrollBar(list.ListScrollFrame, true)
- return list
-local frame = CreateFrame("Frame")
-CSP.Frame = frame
-frame.name = "Custom Songs"
-frame.parent = "Chocobo"
-frame.refresh = function() CSP:Update() end
-frame.description = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
-frame.description:SetSize(600, 25)
-frame.description:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -10)
-frame.description.label = frame.description:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", nil)
-frame.description.label:SetFont([[Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF]], 12, "OUTLINE")
-frame.description.label:SetTextColor(1, 0.8196079, 0)
-frame.mounts = createList(
- frame,
- L["SongsAndMounts_Mounts"],
- function()
- local items = {}
- for k, _ in pairs(C.Global.CUSTOM) do
- items[#items + 1] = k
- end
- sort(items)
- return items
- end,
- function(item)
- C:AddCustomMusic(nil, item)
- frame.songs:Clear()
- end,
- function(item)
- C:RemoveCustomMusic(item)
- frame.songs:Clear()
- end,
- function() end,
- function(item)
- frame.songs.mount = item
- frame.songs:RefreshLayout()
- frame.songs.Header:SetText(L["SongsAndMounts_SongsForMount"]:format(item))
- end)
-frame.mounts:SetPoint("TOP", frame.description, "BOTTOM")
-frame.mounts:SetPoint("LEFT", 5, 0)
-frame.mounts:SetPoint("RIGHT", frame, "BOTTOM", -20, 0)
-frame.mounts:SetPoint("BOTTOM", 0, 5)
-frame.songs = createList(
- frame,
- L["SongsAndMounts_Songs"],
- function()
- local mount = frame.songs.mount
- if not mount then return nil end
- return C:GetCustomMusic(mount)
- end,
- function(item)
- local mount = frame.songs.mount
- if not mount then return end
- C:AddCustomMusic(item, mount)
- end,
- function(item)
- local mount = frame.songs.mount
- if not mount then return end
- C:RemoveCustomMusic(mount, item)
- end,
- function()
- local mount = frame.songs.mount
- if not mount then return end
- C:RemoveCustomMusic(mount)
- frame.mounts:RefreshLayout()
- end)
-frame.songs:SetPoint("TOP", frame.mounts, "TOP")
-frame.songs:SetPoint("LEFT", frame, "BOTTOM")
-frame.songs:SetPoint("RIGHT", -25, 0)
-frame.songs:SetPoint("BOTTOM", frame.mounts, "BOTTOM")
-function frame.songs:Clear()
- self.mount = nil
- self.Header:SetText(L["SongsAndMounts_Songs"])
- self:RefreshLayout()
-function CSP:Update()
- frame.mounts:ClearHighlights()
- frame.songs.mount = nil
- frame.songs.Header:SetText(L["SongsAndMounts_Songs"])
- frame.songs:RefreshLayout()
-frame:SetScript("OnShow", function() CSP:Update() end)
-frame.OnCommit = function() end
-frame.OnDefault = function() end
-frame.OnRefresh = function() CSP:Update() end
-if Settings and SettingsPanel then
- local category = Settings.GetCategory(C.Name)
- local subcategory = Settings.RegisterCanvasLayoutSubcategory(category, frame, "Custom Songs")
- Settings.RegisterAddOnCategory(subcategory)
- InterfaceOptions_AddCategory(frame, C.Name)
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2020 by Adam Hellberg
+ This file is part of Chocobo.
+ Chocobo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ Chocobo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with Chocobo. If not, see .
+local L = _G["ChocoboLocale"]
+local C = Chocobo
+C.CustomSongPanel = {}
+local CSP = C.CustomSongPanel
+local function createList(parent, header, listGetter, addFunc, removeFunc, resetFunc, itemClickFunc)
+ local list = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, parent, "ChocoboSongsAndMountsListTemplate")
+ list.items = {}
+ list.Header:SetText(header)
+ list.AddButton:SetText(L["Options_Add"])
+ list.AddButton:SetScript("OnClick", function()
+ local item = list.EditBox:GetText()
+ addFunc(item)
+ list:RefreshLayout()
+ list.EditBox:SetText("")
+ end)
+ list.ResetButton:SetText(L["Options_Reset"])
+ list.ResetButton:SetScript("OnClick", function()
+ resetFunc()
+ list:RefreshLayout()
+ end)
+ list.ListScrollFrame.update = function() list:RefreshLayout() end
+ list:SetScript("OnShow", function(self)
+ self.items = listGetter()
+ HybridScrollFrame_CreateButtons(self.ListScrollFrame, "ChocoboSongsAndMountsItemTemplate")
+ self:RefreshLayout()
+ end)
+ function list:RemoveItem(index)
+ local item = listGetter()[index]
+ removeFunc(item)
+ self:RefreshLayout()
+ end
+ function list:RefreshLayout()
+ local items = listGetter()
+ if items then
+ self.EditBox:Enable()
+ self.AddButton:Enable()
+ else
+ self.EditBox:Disable()
+ self.AddButton:Disable()
+ items = {}
+ end
+ local buttons = HybridScrollFrame_GetButtons(self.ListScrollFrame)
+ if not buttons then return end
+ local offset = HybridScrollFrame_GetOffset(self.ListScrollFrame)
+ for buttonIndex = 1, #buttons do
+ local button = buttons[buttonIndex]
+ local itemIndex = buttonIndex + offset
+ button:UnlockHighlight()
+ if itemIndex <= #items then
+ local item = items[itemIndex]
+ button:SetID(itemIndex)
+ button.Text:SetText(item)
+ button:SetWidth(self.ListScrollFrame.scrollChild:GetWidth())
+ if itemClickFunc then
+ button:SetScript("OnClick", function(btn)
+ for _, b in pairs(buttons) do b:UnlockHighlight() end
+ btn:LockHighlight()
+ itemClickFunc(item)
+ end)
+ end
+ button:Show()
+ else
+ button:Hide()
+ end
+ end
+ local buttonHeight = self.ListScrollFrame.buttonHeight
+ local totalHeight = #items * buttonHeight
+ local shownHeight = #buttons * buttonHeight
+ HybridScrollFrame_Update(self.ListScrollFrame, totalHeight, shownHeight)
+ end
+ function list:ClearHighlights()
+ local buttons = HybridScrollFrame_GetButtons(self.ListScrollFrame)
+ if not buttons then return end
+ for _, btn in pairs(buttons) do
+ btn:UnlockHighlight()
+ end
+ end
+ HybridScrollFrame_SetDoNotHideScrollBar(list.ListScrollFrame, true)
+ return list
+local frame = CreateFrame("Frame")
+CSP.Frame = frame
+frame.name = "Custom Songs"
+frame.parent = "Chocobo"
+frame.refresh = function() CSP:Update() end
+frame.description = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
+frame.description:SetSize(600, 25)
+frame.description:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -10)
+frame.description.label = frame.description:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", nil)
+frame.description.label:SetFont([[Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF]], 12, "OUTLINE")
+frame.description.label:SetTextColor(1, 0.8196079, 0)
+frame.mounts = createList(
+ frame,
+ L["SongsAndMounts_Mounts"],
+ function()
+ local items = {}
+ for k, _ in pairs(C.Global.CUSTOM) do
+ items[#items + 1] = k
+ end
+ sort(items)
+ return items
+ end,
+ function(item)
+ C:AddCustomMusic(nil, item)
+ frame.songs:Clear()
+ end,
+ function(item)
+ C:RemoveCustomMusic(item)
+ frame.songs:Clear()
+ end,
+ function() end,
+ function(item)
+ frame.songs.mount = item
+ frame.songs:RefreshLayout()
+ frame.songs.Header:SetText(L["SongsAndMounts_SongsForMount"]:format(item))
+ end)
+frame.mounts:SetPoint("TOP", frame.description, "BOTTOM")
+frame.mounts:SetPoint("LEFT", 5, 0)
+frame.mounts:SetPoint("RIGHT", frame, "BOTTOM", -20, 0)
+frame.mounts:SetPoint("BOTTOM", 0, 5)
+frame.songs = createList(
+ frame,
+ L["SongsAndMounts_Songs"],
+ function()
+ local mount = frame.songs.mount
+ if not mount then return nil end
+ return C:GetCustomMusic(mount)
+ end,
+ function(item)
+ local mount = frame.songs.mount
+ if not mount then return end
+ C:AddCustomMusic(item, mount)
+ end,
+ function(item)
+ local mount = frame.songs.mount
+ if not mount then return end
+ C:RemoveCustomMusic(mount, item)
+ end,
+ function()
+ local mount = frame.songs.mount
+ if not mount then return end
+ C:RemoveCustomMusic(mount)
+ frame.mounts:RefreshLayout()
+ end)
+frame.songs:SetPoint("TOP", frame.mounts, "TOP")
+frame.songs:SetPoint("LEFT", frame, "BOTTOM")
+frame.songs:SetPoint("RIGHT", -25, 0)
+frame.songs:SetPoint("BOTTOM", frame.mounts, "BOTTOM")
+function frame.songs:Clear()
+ self.mount = nil
+ self.Header:SetText(L["SongsAndMounts_Songs"])
+ self:RefreshLayout()
+function CSP:Update()
+ frame.mounts:ClearHighlights()
+ frame.songs.mount = nil
+ frame.songs.Header:SetText(L["SongsAndMounts_Songs"])
+ frame.songs:RefreshLayout()
+frame:SetScript("OnShow", function() CSP:Update() end)
+frame.OnCommit = function() end
+frame.OnDefault = function() end
+frame.OnRefresh = function() CSP:Update() end
+if Settings and SettingsPanel then
+ local category = Settings.GetCategory(C.Name)
+ local subcategory = Settings.RegisterCanvasLayoutSubcategory(category, frame, "Custom Songs")
+ Settings.RegisterAddOnCategory(subcategory)
+ InterfaceOptions_AddCategory(frame, C.Name)
diff --git a/ChocoboSoundControl.lua b/ChocoboSoundControl.lua
index c4f0008..cce09ab 100644
--- a/ChocoboSoundControl.lua
+++ b/ChocoboSoundControl.lua
@@ -1,404 +1,404 @@
- Copyright (c) 2010-2020 by Adam Hellberg
- This file is part of Chocobo.
- Chocobo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- Chocobo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with Chocobo. If not, see .
-local C = Chocobo
-C.SoundControl = {
- Version = 1,
- Settings = {}
-local SC = C.SoundControl
-local L = _G["ChocoboLocale"]
-function SC:Init()
- if type(C.Global["SOUNDCONTROL"]) ~= "table" then
- C:Msg(L["SoundControlNotSet"])
- self:SetupVars()
- end
- self.Settings = C.Global["SOUNDCONTROL"]
- if (self.Settings["VERSION"] or 0) < self.Version then
- C:ErrorMsg(L["SCVarsOutOfDate"])
- self:SetupVars(true) -- Reset vars, preserving any user-made settings
- end
- self:Check()
-function SC:SetupVars(reset)
- local e, d, se, sm, sn, sv, smv, me, mm, mn, mv, mmv, ae, am, an, av, amv =
- false,
- true,
- true,
- false,
- false,
- 1.0,
- false,
- true,
- true,
- false,
- 1.0,
- true,
- true,
- false,
- false,
- 1.0,
- false
- if reset then
- e = self.Settings["ENABLED"] or false
- d = self.Settings["DEFAULT"] or true
- local sfx = "SFX"
- local vol = "VOLUME"
- if type(self.Settings["VERSION"]) == "nil" then
- sfx = "SOUND"
- end
- se = self.Settings[sfx]["ENABLED"] or true
- sm = self.Settings[sfx]["MOUNTED"] or false
- sn = self.Settings[sfx]["NOTMOUNTED"] or false
- sv = self.Settings[sfx][vol] or 1.0
- smv = self.Settings[sfx]["MOD_VOLUME"] or false
- me = self.Settings["MUSIC"]["ENABLED"] or true
- mm = self.Settings["MUSIC"]["MOUNTED"] or true
- mn = self.Settings["MUSIC"]["NOTMOUNTED"] or false
- mv = self.Settings["MUSIC"][vol] or 1.0
- mmv = self.Settings["MUSIC"]["MOD_VOLUME"] or true
- ae = self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["ENABLED"] or true
- am = self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["MOUNTED"] or false
- an = self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["NOTMOUNTED"] or false
- av = self.Settings["AMBIENCE"][vol] or 1.0
- amv = self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["MOD_VOLUME"] or false
- end
- C.Global["SOUNDCONTROL"] = {
- ["VERSION"] = self.Version,
- ["ENABLED"] = e, -- Enable sound control at all?
- ["DEFAULT"] = d, -- Use the old style sound control?
- ["SFX"] = {
- ["ENABLED"] = se, -- Should AddOn control SFX playback?
- ["MOUNTED"] = sm, -- SFX when mounted?
- ["NOTMOUNTED"] = sn, -- SFX when not mounted?
- ["VOLUME"] = sv, -- Volume to modify to if volume <= 0
- ["MOD_VOLUME"] = smv -- Whether or not to modify volume
- },
- ["MUSIC"] = {
- ["ENABLED"] = me, -- Should AddOn control music playback?
- ["MOUNTED"] = mm, -- Music when mounted?
- ["NOTMOUNTED"] = mn, -- Music when not mounted?
- ["VOLUME"] = mv, -- Volume to modify to if volume <= 0
- ["MOD_VOLUME"] = mmv -- Whether or not to modify volume
- },
- ["AMBIENCE"] = {
- ["ENABLED"] = ae, -- Should AddOn control ambience playback?
- ["MOUNTED"] = am, -- Ambience when mounted?
- ["NOTMOUNTED"] = an, -- Ambience when not mounted?
- ["VOLUME"] = av, -- Volume to modify to if volume <= 0
- ["MOD_VOLUME"] = amv -- Whether or not to modify volume
- }
- }
- self.Settings = C.Global["SOUNDCONTROL"]
- if reset then C:Msg(L["SoundControlReset"]) end
-local function BoolToNum(bool)
- if bool then return 1 else return 0 end
-function SC:Toggle(silent)
- self.Settings["ENABLED"] = not self.Settings["ENABLED"]
- if self.Settings["ENABLED"] then
- if not silent then C:Msg(L["SCEnabled"]) end
- self:Check()
- else
- if not silent then C:Msg(L["SCDisabled"]) end
- self:Restore()
- end
-function SC:ToggleDefault(silent)
- self.Settings["DEFAULT"] = not self.Settings["DEFAULT"]
- self:Check()
- if silent then return end
- if self.Settings["DEFAULT"] then
- C:Msg(L["SCDefaultEnabled"])
- else
- C:Msg(L["SCDefaultDisabled"])
- end
-function SC:ToggleMusic(silent)
- self.Settings["MUSIC"]["ENABLED"] = not self.Settings["MUSIC"]["ENABLED"]
- self:Check()
- if silent then return end
- if self.Settings["MUSIC"]["ENABLED"] then
- C:Msg(L["SCMusicEnabled"])
- else
- C:Msg(L["SCMusicDisabled"])
- end
-function SC:ToggleMusicMount(silent)
- self.Settings["MUSIC"]["MOUNTED"] = not self.Settings["MUSIC"]["MOUNTED"]
- self:Check()
- if silent then return end
- if self.Settings["MUSIC"]["MOUNTED"] then
- C:Msg(L["SCMusicMountEnabled"])
- else
- C:Msg(L["SCMusicMountDisabled"])
- end
-function SC:ToggleMusicNoMount(silent)
- self.Settings["MUSIC"]["NOTMOUNTED"] = not self.Settings["MUSIC"]["NOTMOUNTED"]
- self:Check()
- if silent then return end
- if self.Settings["MUSIC"]["NOTMOUNTED"] then
- C:Msg(L["SCMusicNoMountEnabled"])
- else
- C:Msg(L["SCMusicNoMountDisabled"])
- end
-function SC:ToggleMusicVolume(silent)
- self.Settings["MUSIC"]["MOD_VOLUME"] = not self.Settings["MUSIC"]["MOD_VOLUME"]
- self:VolumeCheck()
- if silent then return end
- if self.Settings["MUSIC"]["MOD_VOLUME"] then
- C:Msg(L["SCMusicVolumeEnabled"])
- else
- C:Msg(L["SCMusicVolumeDisabled"])
- end
-function SC:ToggleSFX(silent)
- self.Settings["SFX"]["ENABLED"] = not self.Settings["SFX"]["ENABLED"]
- self:Check()
- if silent then return end
- if self.Settings["SFX"]["ENABLED"] then
- C:Msg(L["SCSFXEnabled"])
- else
- C:Msg(L["SCSFXDisabled"])
- end
-function SC:ToggleSFXMount(silent)
- self.Settings["SFX"]["MOUNTED"] = not self.Settings["SFX"]["MOUNTED"]
- self:Check()
- if silent then return end
- if self.Settings["SFX"]["MOUNTED"] then
- C:Msg(L["SCSFXMountEnabled"])
- else
- C:Msg(L["SCSFXMountDisabled"])
- end
-function SC:ToggleSFXNoMount(silent)
- self.Settings["SFX"]["NOTMOUNTED"] = not self.Settings["SFX"]["NOTMOUNTED"]
- self:Check()
- if silent then return end
- if self.Settings["SFX"]["NOTMOUNTED"] then
- C:Msg(L["SCSFXNoMountEnabled"])
- else
- C:Msg(L["SCSFXNoMountDisabled"])
- end
-function SC:ToggleSFXVolume(silent)
- self.Settings["SFX"]["MOD_VOLUME"] = not self.Settings["SFX"]["MOD_VOLUME"]
- self:VolumeCheck()
- if silent then return end
- if self.Settings["SFX"]["MOD_VOLUME"] then
- C:Msg(L["SCSFXVolumeEnabled"])
- else
- C:Msg(L["SCSFXVolumeDisabled"])
- end
-function SC:ToggleAmbience(silent)
- self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["ENABLED"] = not self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["ENABLED"]
- self:Check()
- if silent then return end
- if self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["ENABLED"] then
- C:Msg(L["SCAmbEnabled"])
- else
- C:Msg(L["SCAmbDisabled"])
- end
-function SC:ToggleAmbienceMount(silent)
- self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["MOUNTED"] = not self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["MOUNTED"]
- self:Check()
- if silent then return end
- if self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["MOUNTED"] then
- C:Msg(L["SCAmbMountEnabled"])
- else
- C:Msg(L["SCAmbMountDisabled"])
- end
-function SC:ToggleAmbienceNoMount(silent)
- self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["NOTMOUNTED"] = not self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["NOTMOUNTED"]
- self:Check()
- if silent then return end
- if self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["NOTMOUNTED"] then
- C:Msg(L["SCAmbNoMountEnabled"])
- else
- C:Msg(L["SCAmbNoMountDisabled"])
- end
-function SC:ToggleAmbienceVolume(silent)
- self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["MOD_VOLUME"] = not self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["MOD_VOLUME"]
- self:VolumeCheck()
- if silent then return end
- if self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["MOD_VOLUME"] then
- C:Msg(L["SCAmbVolumeEnabled"])
- else
- C:Msg(L["SCAmbVolumeDisabled"])
- end
-function SC:ValidateVolume(volume)
- if volume < 0 or volume > 100 then
- C:ErrorMsg(L["SCVolumeOutOfRange"])
- return false
- end
- return true
-function SC:SetMusicVolume(volume, silent)
- if self.Settings["DEFAULT"] then
- if not silent then C:ErrorMsg(L["SCVolumeNotAllowed"]) end
- return
- end
- if self:ValidateVolume(volume) then
- local vol = volume / 100
- self.Settings["MUSIC"]["VOLUME"] = vol
- self:VolumeCheck()
- if not silent then C:Msg((L["SCNewMusicVolume"]):format(volume)) end
- end
-function SC:SetSFXVolume(volume, silent)
- if self.Settings["DEFAULT"] then
- if not silent then C:ErrorMsg(L["SCVolumeNotAllowed"]) end
- return
- end
- if self:ValidateVolume(volume) then
- local vol = volume / 100
- self.Settings["SFX"]["VOLUME"] = vol
- self:VolumeCheck()
- if not silent then C:Msg((L["SCNewSFXVolume"]):format(volume)) end
- end
-function SC:SetAmbienceVolume(volume, silent)
- if self.Settings["DEFAULT"] then
- if not silent then C:ErrorMsg(L["SCVolumeNotAllowed"]) end
- return
- end
- if self:ValidateVolume(volume) then
- local vol = volume / 100
- self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["VOLUME"] = vol
- self:VolumeCheck()
- if not silent then C:Msg((L["SCNewAmbVolume"]):format(volume)) end
- end
-function SC:PrintMusicVolume()
- C:Msg((L["SCMusicVolume"]):format(self.Settings["MUSIC"]["VOLUME"] * 100))
-function SC:PrintSFXVolume()
- C:Msg((L["SCSFXVolume"]):format(self.Settings["SFX"]["VOLUME"] * 100))
-function SC:PrintAmbienceVolume()
- C:Msg((L["SCAmbienceVolume"]):format(self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["VOLUME"] * 100))
-function SC:Restore()
- SetCVar("Sound_EnableAllSound", 1)
- SetCVar("Sound_EnableSFX", 1)
- SetCVar("Sound_EnableMusic", 1)
- SetCVar("Sound_EnableAmbience", 1)
-function SC:VolumeCheck()
- if not self.Settings["ENABLED"] then return end
- if self.Settings["DEFAULT"] then return end
- if self.Settings["MUSIC"]["MOD_VOLUME"] then
- SetCVar("Sound_MusicVolume", self.Settings["MUSIC"]["VOLUME"])
- end
- if self.Settings["SFX"]["MOD_VOLUME"] then
- SetCVar("Sound_SFXVolume", self.Settings["SFX"]["VOLUME"])
- end
- if self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["MOD_VOLUME"] then
- SetCVar("Sound_AmbienceVolume", self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["VOLUME"])
- end
-function SC:Check()
- if not self.Settings["ENABLED"] then return end
- if tonumber(GetCVar("Sound_EnableAllSound")) == 0 then
- SetCVar("Sound_EnableAllSound", 1)
- end
- -- Player is currently dismounting or dismounted
- if (C.Mounted and C.Running) or (not C.Mounted and not C.Running) then
- if self.Settings["DEFAULT"] then
- SetCVar("Sound_EnableMusic", 0)
- SetCVar("Sound_EnableSFX", 0)
- SetCVar("Sound_EnableAmbience", 0)
- else
- if self.Settings["MUSIC"]["ENABLED"] then
- SetCVar("Sound_EnableMusic", BoolToNum(self.Settings["MUSIC"]["NOTMOUNTED"]))
- end
- if self.Settings["SFX"]["ENABLED"] then
- SetCVar("Sound_EnableSFX", BoolToNum(self.Settings["SFX"]["NOTMOUNTED"]))
- end
- if self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["ENABLED"] then
- SetCVar("Sound_EnableAmbience", BoolToNum(self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["NOTMOUNTED"]))
- end
- end
- else -- Player is mounting or mounted
- if self.Settings["DEFAULT"] then
- SetCVar("Sound_EnableSFX", 0)
- SetCVar("Sound_EnableAmbience", 0)
- SetCVar("Sound_EnableMusic", 1)
- if tonumber(GetCVar("Sound_MusicVolume")) <= 0 then
- SetCVar("Sound_MusicVolume", 1.0)
- end
- else
- if self.Settings["MUSIC"]["ENABLED"] then
- SetCVar("Sound_EnableMusic", BoolToNum(self.Settings["MUSIC"]["MOUNTED"]))
- end
- if self.Settings["SFX"]["ENABLED"] then
- SetCVar("Sound_EnableSFX", BoolToNum(self.Settings["SFX"]["MOUNTED"]))
- end
- if self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["ENABLED"] then
- SetCVar("Sound_EnableAmbience", BoolToNum(self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["MOUNTED"]))
- end
- end
- end
- if not self.Settings["DEFAULT"] then
- self:VolumeCheck()
- end
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2020 by Adam Hellberg
+ This file is part of Chocobo.
+ Chocobo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ Chocobo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with Chocobo. If not, see .
+local C = Chocobo
+C.SoundControl = {
+ Version = 1,
+ Settings = {}
+local SC = C.SoundControl
+local L = _G["ChocoboLocale"]
+function SC:Init()
+ if type(C.Global["SOUNDCONTROL"]) ~= "table" then
+ C:Msg(L["SoundControlNotSet"])
+ self:SetupVars()
+ end
+ self.Settings = C.Global["SOUNDCONTROL"]
+ if (self.Settings["VERSION"] or 0) < self.Version then
+ C:ErrorMsg(L["SCVarsOutOfDate"])
+ self:SetupVars(true) -- Reset vars, preserving any user-made settings
+ end
+ self:Check()
+function SC:SetupVars(reset)
+ local e, d, se, sm, sn, sv, smv, me, mm, mn, mv, mmv, ae, am, an, av, amv =
+ false,
+ true,
+ true,
+ false,
+ false,
+ 1.0,
+ false,
+ true,
+ true,
+ false,
+ 1.0,
+ true,
+ true,
+ false,
+ false,
+ 1.0,
+ false
+ if reset then
+ e = self.Settings["ENABLED"] or false
+ d = self.Settings["DEFAULT"] or true
+ local sfx = "SFX"
+ local vol = "VOLUME"
+ if type(self.Settings["VERSION"]) == "nil" then
+ sfx = "SOUND"
+ end
+ se = self.Settings[sfx]["ENABLED"] or true
+ sm = self.Settings[sfx]["MOUNTED"] or false
+ sn = self.Settings[sfx]["NOTMOUNTED"] or false
+ sv = self.Settings[sfx][vol] or 1.0
+ smv = self.Settings[sfx]["MOD_VOLUME"] or false
+ me = self.Settings["MUSIC"]["ENABLED"] or true
+ mm = self.Settings["MUSIC"]["MOUNTED"] or true
+ mn = self.Settings["MUSIC"]["NOTMOUNTED"] or false
+ mv = self.Settings["MUSIC"][vol] or 1.0
+ mmv = self.Settings["MUSIC"]["MOD_VOLUME"] or true
+ ae = self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["ENABLED"] or true
+ am = self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["MOUNTED"] or false
+ an = self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["NOTMOUNTED"] or false
+ av = self.Settings["AMBIENCE"][vol] or 1.0
+ amv = self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["MOD_VOLUME"] or false
+ end
+ C.Global["SOUNDCONTROL"] = {
+ ["VERSION"] = self.Version,
+ ["ENABLED"] = e, -- Enable sound control at all?
+ ["DEFAULT"] = d, -- Use the old style sound control?
+ ["SFX"] = {
+ ["ENABLED"] = se, -- Should AddOn control SFX playback?
+ ["MOUNTED"] = sm, -- SFX when mounted?
+ ["NOTMOUNTED"] = sn, -- SFX when not mounted?
+ ["VOLUME"] = sv, -- Volume to modify to if volume <= 0
+ ["MOD_VOLUME"] = smv -- Whether or not to modify volume
+ },
+ ["MUSIC"] = {
+ ["ENABLED"] = me, -- Should AddOn control music playback?
+ ["MOUNTED"] = mm, -- Music when mounted?
+ ["NOTMOUNTED"] = mn, -- Music when not mounted?
+ ["VOLUME"] = mv, -- Volume to modify to if volume <= 0
+ ["MOD_VOLUME"] = mmv -- Whether or not to modify volume
+ },
+ ["AMBIENCE"] = {
+ ["ENABLED"] = ae, -- Should AddOn control ambience playback?
+ ["MOUNTED"] = am, -- Ambience when mounted?
+ ["NOTMOUNTED"] = an, -- Ambience when not mounted?
+ ["VOLUME"] = av, -- Volume to modify to if volume <= 0
+ ["MOD_VOLUME"] = amv -- Whether or not to modify volume
+ }
+ }
+ self.Settings = C.Global["SOUNDCONTROL"]
+ if reset then C:Msg(L["SoundControlReset"]) end
+local function BoolToNum(bool)
+ if bool then return 1 else return 0 end
+function SC:Toggle(silent)
+ self.Settings["ENABLED"] = not self.Settings["ENABLED"]
+ if self.Settings["ENABLED"] then
+ if not silent then C:Msg(L["SCEnabled"]) end
+ self:Check()
+ else
+ if not silent then C:Msg(L["SCDisabled"]) end
+ self:Restore()
+ end
+function SC:ToggleDefault(silent)
+ self.Settings["DEFAULT"] = not self.Settings["DEFAULT"]
+ self:Check()
+ if silent then return end
+ if self.Settings["DEFAULT"] then
+ C:Msg(L["SCDefaultEnabled"])
+ else
+ C:Msg(L["SCDefaultDisabled"])
+ end
+function SC:ToggleMusic(silent)
+ self.Settings["MUSIC"]["ENABLED"] = not self.Settings["MUSIC"]["ENABLED"]
+ self:Check()
+ if silent then return end
+ if self.Settings["MUSIC"]["ENABLED"] then
+ C:Msg(L["SCMusicEnabled"])
+ else
+ C:Msg(L["SCMusicDisabled"])
+ end
+function SC:ToggleMusicMount(silent)
+ self.Settings["MUSIC"]["MOUNTED"] = not self.Settings["MUSIC"]["MOUNTED"]
+ self:Check()
+ if silent then return end
+ if self.Settings["MUSIC"]["MOUNTED"] then
+ C:Msg(L["SCMusicMountEnabled"])
+ else
+ C:Msg(L["SCMusicMountDisabled"])
+ end
+function SC:ToggleMusicNoMount(silent)
+ self.Settings["MUSIC"]["NOTMOUNTED"] = not self.Settings["MUSIC"]["NOTMOUNTED"]
+ self:Check()
+ if silent then return end
+ if self.Settings["MUSIC"]["NOTMOUNTED"] then
+ C:Msg(L["SCMusicNoMountEnabled"])
+ else
+ C:Msg(L["SCMusicNoMountDisabled"])
+ end
+function SC:ToggleMusicVolume(silent)
+ self.Settings["MUSIC"]["MOD_VOLUME"] = not self.Settings["MUSIC"]["MOD_VOLUME"]
+ self:VolumeCheck()
+ if silent then return end
+ if self.Settings["MUSIC"]["MOD_VOLUME"] then
+ C:Msg(L["SCMusicVolumeEnabled"])
+ else
+ C:Msg(L["SCMusicVolumeDisabled"])
+ end
+function SC:ToggleSFX(silent)
+ self.Settings["SFX"]["ENABLED"] = not self.Settings["SFX"]["ENABLED"]
+ self:Check()
+ if silent then return end
+ if self.Settings["SFX"]["ENABLED"] then
+ C:Msg(L["SCSFXEnabled"])
+ else
+ C:Msg(L["SCSFXDisabled"])
+ end
+function SC:ToggleSFXMount(silent)
+ self.Settings["SFX"]["MOUNTED"] = not self.Settings["SFX"]["MOUNTED"]
+ self:Check()
+ if silent then return end
+ if self.Settings["SFX"]["MOUNTED"] then
+ C:Msg(L["SCSFXMountEnabled"])
+ else
+ C:Msg(L["SCSFXMountDisabled"])
+ end
+function SC:ToggleSFXNoMount(silent)
+ self.Settings["SFX"]["NOTMOUNTED"] = not self.Settings["SFX"]["NOTMOUNTED"]
+ self:Check()
+ if silent then return end
+ if self.Settings["SFX"]["NOTMOUNTED"] then
+ C:Msg(L["SCSFXNoMountEnabled"])
+ else
+ C:Msg(L["SCSFXNoMountDisabled"])
+ end
+function SC:ToggleSFXVolume(silent)
+ self.Settings["SFX"]["MOD_VOLUME"] = not self.Settings["SFX"]["MOD_VOLUME"]
+ self:VolumeCheck()
+ if silent then return end
+ if self.Settings["SFX"]["MOD_VOLUME"] then
+ C:Msg(L["SCSFXVolumeEnabled"])
+ else
+ C:Msg(L["SCSFXVolumeDisabled"])
+ end
+function SC:ToggleAmbience(silent)
+ self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["ENABLED"] = not self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["ENABLED"]
+ self:Check()
+ if silent then return end
+ if self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["ENABLED"] then
+ C:Msg(L["SCAmbEnabled"])
+ else
+ C:Msg(L["SCAmbDisabled"])
+ end
+function SC:ToggleAmbienceMount(silent)
+ self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["MOUNTED"] = not self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["MOUNTED"]
+ self:Check()
+ if silent then return end
+ if self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["MOUNTED"] then
+ C:Msg(L["SCAmbMountEnabled"])
+ else
+ C:Msg(L["SCAmbMountDisabled"])
+ end
+function SC:ToggleAmbienceNoMount(silent)
+ self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["NOTMOUNTED"] = not self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["NOTMOUNTED"]
+ self:Check()
+ if silent then return end
+ if self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["NOTMOUNTED"] then
+ C:Msg(L["SCAmbNoMountEnabled"])
+ else
+ C:Msg(L["SCAmbNoMountDisabled"])
+ end
+function SC:ToggleAmbienceVolume(silent)
+ self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["MOD_VOLUME"] = not self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["MOD_VOLUME"]
+ self:VolumeCheck()
+ if silent then return end
+ if self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["MOD_VOLUME"] then
+ C:Msg(L["SCAmbVolumeEnabled"])
+ else
+ C:Msg(L["SCAmbVolumeDisabled"])
+ end
+function SC:ValidateVolume(volume)
+ if volume < 0 or volume > 100 then
+ C:ErrorMsg(L["SCVolumeOutOfRange"])
+ return false
+ end
+ return true
+function SC:SetMusicVolume(volume, silent)
+ if self.Settings["DEFAULT"] then
+ if not silent then C:ErrorMsg(L["SCVolumeNotAllowed"]) end
+ return
+ end
+ if self:ValidateVolume(volume) then
+ local vol = volume / 100
+ self.Settings["MUSIC"]["VOLUME"] = vol
+ self:VolumeCheck()
+ if not silent then C:Msg((L["SCNewMusicVolume"]):format(volume)) end
+ end
+function SC:SetSFXVolume(volume, silent)
+ if self.Settings["DEFAULT"] then
+ if not silent then C:ErrorMsg(L["SCVolumeNotAllowed"]) end
+ return
+ end
+ if self:ValidateVolume(volume) then
+ local vol = volume / 100
+ self.Settings["SFX"]["VOLUME"] = vol
+ self:VolumeCheck()
+ if not silent then C:Msg((L["SCNewSFXVolume"]):format(volume)) end
+ end
+function SC:SetAmbienceVolume(volume, silent)
+ if self.Settings["DEFAULT"] then
+ if not silent then C:ErrorMsg(L["SCVolumeNotAllowed"]) end
+ return
+ end
+ if self:ValidateVolume(volume) then
+ local vol = volume / 100
+ self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["VOLUME"] = vol
+ self:VolumeCheck()
+ if not silent then C:Msg((L["SCNewAmbVolume"]):format(volume)) end
+ end
+function SC:PrintMusicVolume()
+ C:Msg((L["SCMusicVolume"]):format(self.Settings["MUSIC"]["VOLUME"] * 100))
+function SC:PrintSFXVolume()
+ C:Msg((L["SCSFXVolume"]):format(self.Settings["SFX"]["VOLUME"] * 100))
+function SC:PrintAmbienceVolume()
+ C:Msg((L["SCAmbienceVolume"]):format(self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["VOLUME"] * 100))
+function SC:Restore()
+ SetCVar("Sound_EnableAllSound", 1)
+ SetCVar("Sound_EnableSFX", 1)
+ SetCVar("Sound_EnableMusic", 1)
+ SetCVar("Sound_EnableAmbience", 1)
+function SC:VolumeCheck()
+ if not self.Settings["ENABLED"] then return end
+ if self.Settings["DEFAULT"] then return end
+ if self.Settings["MUSIC"]["MOD_VOLUME"] then
+ SetCVar("Sound_MusicVolume", self.Settings["MUSIC"]["VOLUME"])
+ end
+ if self.Settings["SFX"]["MOD_VOLUME"] then
+ SetCVar("Sound_SFXVolume", self.Settings["SFX"]["VOLUME"])
+ end
+ if self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["MOD_VOLUME"] then
+ SetCVar("Sound_AmbienceVolume", self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["VOLUME"])
+ end
+function SC:Check()
+ if not self.Settings["ENABLED"] then return end
+ if tonumber(GetCVar("Sound_EnableAllSound")) == 0 then
+ SetCVar("Sound_EnableAllSound", 1)
+ end
+ -- Player is currently dismounting or dismounted
+ if (C.Mounted and C.Running) or (not C.Mounted and not C.Running) then
+ if self.Settings["DEFAULT"] then
+ SetCVar("Sound_EnableMusic", 0)
+ SetCVar("Sound_EnableSFX", 0)
+ SetCVar("Sound_EnableAmbience", 0)
+ else
+ if self.Settings["MUSIC"]["ENABLED"] then
+ SetCVar("Sound_EnableMusic", BoolToNum(self.Settings["MUSIC"]["NOTMOUNTED"]))
+ end
+ if self.Settings["SFX"]["ENABLED"] then
+ SetCVar("Sound_EnableSFX", BoolToNum(self.Settings["SFX"]["NOTMOUNTED"]))
+ end
+ if self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["ENABLED"] then
+ SetCVar("Sound_EnableAmbience", BoolToNum(self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["NOTMOUNTED"]))
+ end
+ end
+ else -- Player is mounting or mounted
+ if self.Settings["DEFAULT"] then
+ SetCVar("Sound_EnableSFX", 0)
+ SetCVar("Sound_EnableAmbience", 0)
+ SetCVar("Sound_EnableMusic", 1)
+ if tonumber(GetCVar("Sound_MusicVolume")) <= 0 then
+ SetCVar("Sound_MusicVolume", 1.0)
+ end
+ else
+ if self.Settings["MUSIC"]["ENABLED"] then
+ SetCVar("Sound_EnableMusic", BoolToNum(self.Settings["MUSIC"]["MOUNTED"]))
+ end
+ if self.Settings["SFX"]["ENABLED"] then
+ SetCVar("Sound_EnableSFX", BoolToNum(self.Settings["SFX"]["MOUNTED"]))
+ end
+ if self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["ENABLED"] then
+ SetCVar("Sound_EnableAmbience", BoolToNum(self.Settings["AMBIENCE"]["MOUNTED"]))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if not self.Settings["DEFAULT"] then
+ self:VolumeCheck()
+ end
diff --git a/ChocoboSoundControlPanel.lua b/ChocoboSoundControlPanel.lua
index f11a6da..83eefe8 100644
--- a/ChocoboSoundControlPanel.lua
+++ b/ChocoboSoundControlPanel.lua
@@ -1,546 +1,546 @@
- Copyright (c) 2010-2020 by Adam Hellberg
- This file is part of Chocobo.
- Chocobo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- Chocobo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with Chocobo. If not, see .
-local L = _G["ChocoboLocale"]
-Chocobo.SoundControl.Options = {}
-local checkButtonTemplate = WOW_PROJECT_ID == WOW_PROJECT_MAINLINE and "OptionsBaseCheckButtonTemplate" or "OptionsCheckButtonTemplate"
-local function checkbox(name, parent)
- local f = CreateFrame("CheckButton", name, parent, checkButtonTemplate)
- f:SetSize(40, 40)
- f.label = _G[f:GetName() .. "Text"]
- return f
-local function slider(name, parent)
- local f = CreateFrame("Slider", name, parent, "OptionsSliderTemplate")
- f.label = _G[f:GetName() .. "Text"]
- f.high = _G[f:GetName() .. "High"]
- f.low = _G[f:GetName() .. "Low"]
- f.current = f:CreateFontString(name .. "Current", "OVERLAY")
- f.current:SetFont([[Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF]], 10, "OUTLINE")
- f.current:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -16)
- return f
-local CSCO = Chocobo.SoundControl.Options
-local frame = CreateFrame("Frame")
-CSCO.Frame = frame
-frame.name = "Sound Control"
-frame.parent = "Chocobo"
-frame.refresh = function() CSCO:Update() end
-frame.logo = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK")
-frame.logo:SetSize(128, 128)
-frame.logo:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -220, 5)
-frame.caption = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
-frame.caption:SetSize(600, 25)
-frame.caption:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -5)
-frame.caption.label = frame.caption:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-frame.caption.label:SetFont([[Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF]], 12, "OUTLINE")
-frame.caption.label:SetTextColor(1, 0.8196079, 0)
-frame.description = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
-frame.description:SetSize(600, 25)
-frame.description:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -30)
-frame.description.label = frame.description:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-frame.description.label:SetFont([[Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF]], 12, "OUTLINE")
-frame.description.label:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
-frame.toggle = checkbox("ChocoboSoundControlOptionsToggle", frame)
-frame.toggle:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -85)
-frame.toggle.label:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
-frame.toggle:SetScript("OnClick", function()
- Chocobo.SoundControl:Toggle(true)
- CSCO:Update()
-frame.toggleDefault = checkbox("ChocoboSoundControlOptionsToggleDefault", frame)
-frame.toggleDefault:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -125)
-frame.toggleDefault:SetScript("OnClick", function()
- Chocobo.SoundControl:ToggleDefault(true)
- CSCO:Update()
-frame.defaultHelp = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
-frame.defaultHelp:SetSize(400, 50)
-frame.defaultHelp:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -10, -90)
-frame.defaultHelp.label = frame.defaultHelp:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-frame.defaultHelp.label:SetFont([[Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF]], 12, "OUTLINE")
-frame.defaultHelp.label:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
-frame.defaultNote = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
-frame.defaultNote:SetSize(400, 40)
-frame.defaultNote:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -10, -130)
-frame.defaultNote.label = frame.defaultNote:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-frame.defaultNote.label:SetFont([[Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF]], 12, "OUTLINE")
-local panelTabButtonTemplate = WOW_PROJECT_ID == WOW_PROJECT_MAINLINE and "PanelTabButtonTemplate" or "CharacterFrameTabButtonTemplate"
-local bd = {
- bgFile = "Interface\\DialogFrame\\UI-DialogBox-Background",
- edgeFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border",
- tile = true,
- edgeSize = 16,
- tileSize = 32,
- insets = {
- left = 2.5,
- right = 2.5,
- top = 2.5,
- bottom = 2.5
- }
-frame.panelContainer = CreateFrame(
- "Frame",
- "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPanelContainer",
- frame,
- BackdropTemplateMixin and "BackdropTemplate")
-frame.panelContainer:SetSize(500, 240)
-frame.panelContainer:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -200)
-frame.panelContainer.tab1 = CreateFrame(
- "Button",
- "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPanelContainerTab1",
- frame.panelContainer,
- panelTabButtonTemplate)
-frame.panelContainer.tab1:SetPoint("LEFT", frame.panelContainer, "BOTTOMLEFT", 5, -12)
-frame.panelContainer.tab1:SetScript("OnClick", function()
- PanelTemplates_SetTab(frame.panelContainer, 1)
- frame.panelContainer.page1:Show()
- frame.panelContainer.page2:Hide()
- frame.panelContainer.page3:Hide()
-frame.panelContainer.tab2 = CreateFrame(
- "Button",
- "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPanelContainerTab2",
- frame.panelContainer,
- panelTabButtonTemplate)
-frame.panelContainer.tab2:SetPoint("LEFT", frame.panelContainer.tab1, "RIGHT", -10, 0)
-frame.panelContainer.tab2:SetScript("OnClick", function()
- PanelTemplates_SetTab(frame.panelContainer, 2)
- frame.panelContainer.page1:Hide()
- frame.panelContainer.page2:Show()
- frame.panelContainer.page3:Hide()
-frame.panelContainer.tab3 = CreateFrame(
- "Button",
- "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPanelContainerTab3",
- frame.panelContainer,
- panelTabButtonTemplate)
-frame.panelContainer.tab3:SetPoint("LEFT", frame.panelContainer.tab2, "RIGHT", -10, 0)
-frame.panelContainer.tab3:SetScript("OnClick", function()
- PanelTemplates_SetTab(frame.panelContainer, 3)
- frame.panelContainer.page1:Hide()
- frame.panelContainer.page2:Hide()
- frame.panelContainer.page3:Show()
-frame.panelContainer.page1 = CreateFrame("Frame", "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPanelContainerPage1", frame.panelContainer)
-frame.panelContainer.page1.panel = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame.panelContainer.page1)
-frame.panelContainer.page1.panel:SetSize(360, 20)
-frame.panelContainer.page1.panel:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -10)
-frame.panelContainer.page1.panel.desc = frame.panelContainer.page1.panel:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-frame.panelContainer.page1.panel.desc:SetFont([[Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF]], 12, "OUTLINE")
-frame.panelContainer.page1.enable = checkbox("ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPage1Enable", frame.panelContainer.page1)
-frame.panelContainer.page1.enable:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -25)
-frame.panelContainer.page1.enable:SetScript("OnClick", function()
- Chocobo.SoundControl:ToggleMusic(true)
- CSCO:Update()
-frame.panelContainer.page1.enableMount = checkbox(
- "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPage1EnableMount",
- frame.panelContainer.page1)
-frame.panelContainer.page1.enableMount:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -65)
-frame.panelContainer.page1.enableMount:SetScript("OnClick", function()
- Chocobo.SoundControl:ToggleMusicMount(true)
- CSCO:Update()
-frame.panelContainer.page1.enableNoMount = checkbox(
- "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPage1EnableNoMount",
- frame.panelContainer.page1)
-frame.panelContainer.page1.enableNoMount:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -105)
-frame.panelContainer.page1.enableNoMount:SetScript("OnClick", function()
- Chocobo.SoundControl:ToggleMusicNoMount(true)
- CSCO:Update()
-frame.panelContainer.page1.enableVolume = checkbox(
- "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPage1EnableVolume",
- frame.panelContainer.page1)
-frame.panelContainer.page1.enableVolume:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -145)
-frame.panelContainer.page1.enableVolume:SetScript("OnClick", function()
- Chocobo.SoundControl:ToggleMusicVolume(true)
- CSCO:Update()
-frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider = slider(
- "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPage1VolumeSlider",
- frame.panelContainer.page1)
-frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider:SetSize(450, 16)
-frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -195)
-frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider:SetMinMaxValues(0, 100)
-frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider:SetScript("OnValueChanged", function(self)
- Chocobo.SoundControl:SetMusicVolume(self:GetValue(), true)
- CSCO:Update()
-frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", function(self, delta)
- CSCO:VolumeScroll(self, delta, 1)
-frame.panelContainer.page2 = CreateFrame("Frame", "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPanelContainerPage2", frame.panelContainer)
-frame.panelContainer.page2.panel = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame.panelContainer.page2)
-frame.panelContainer.page2.panel:SetSize(360, 20)
-frame.panelContainer.page2.panel:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -10)
-frame.panelContainer.page2.panel.desc = frame.panelContainer.page2.panel:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-frame.panelContainer.page2.panel.desc:SetFont([[Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF]], 12, "OUTLINE")
-frame.panelContainer.page2.enable = checkbox("ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPage2Enable", frame.panelContainer.page2)
-frame.panelContainer.page2.enable:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -25)
-frame.panelContainer.page2.enable:SetScript("OnClick", function()
- Chocobo.SoundControl:ToggleSFX(true)
- CSCO:Update()
-frame.panelContainer.page2.enableMount = checkbox(
- "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPage2EnableMount",
- frame.panelContainer.page2)
-frame.panelContainer.page2.enableMount:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -65)
-frame.panelContainer.page2.enableMount:SetScript("OnClick", function()
- Chocobo.SoundControl:ToggleSFXMount(true)
- CSCO:Update()
-frame.panelContainer.page2.enableNoMount = checkbox(
- "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPage2EnableNoMount",
- frame.panelContainer.page2)
-frame.panelContainer.page2.enableNoMount:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -105)
-frame.panelContainer.page2.enableNoMount:SetScript("OnClick", function()
- Chocobo.SoundControl:ToggleSFXNoMount(true)
- CSCO:Update()
-frame.panelContainer.page2.enableVolume = checkbox(
- "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPage2EnableVolume",
- frame.panelContainer.page2)
-frame.panelContainer.page2.enableVolume:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -145)
-frame.panelContainer.page2.enableVolume:SetScript("OnClick", function()
- Chocobo.SoundControl:ToggleSFXVolume(true)
- CSCO:Update()
-frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider = slider(
- "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPage2VolumeSlider",
- frame.panelContainer.page2)
-frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider:SetSize(450, 16)
-frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -195)
-frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider:SetMinMaxValues(0, 100)
-frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider:SetScript("OnValueChanged", function(self)
- Chocobo.SoundControl:SetSFXVolume(self:GetValue(), true)
- CSCO:Update()
-frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", function(self, delta)
- CSCO:VolumeScroll(self, delta, 1)
-frame.panelContainer.page3 = CreateFrame("Frame", "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPanelContainerPage3", frame.panelContainer)
-frame.panelContainer.page3.panel = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame.panelContainer.page3)
-frame.panelContainer.page3.panel:SetSize(360, 20)
-frame.panelContainer.page3.panel:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -10)
-frame.panelContainer.page3.panel.desc = frame.panelContainer.page3.panel:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-frame.panelContainer.page3.panel.desc:SetFont([[Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF]], 12, "OUTLINE")
-frame.panelContainer.page3.enable = checkbox("ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPage3Enable", frame.panelContainer.page3)
-frame.panelContainer.page3.enable:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -25)
-frame.panelContainer.page3.enable:SetScript("OnClick", function()
- Chocobo.SoundControl:ToggleAmbience(true)
- CSCO:Update()
-frame.panelContainer.page3.enableMount = checkbox(
- "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPage3EnableMount",
- frame.panelContainer.page3)
-frame.panelContainer.page3.enableMount:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -65)
-frame.panelContainer.page3.enableMount:SetScript("OnClick", function()
- Chocobo.SoundControl:ToggleAmbienceMount(true)
- CSCO:Update()
-frame.panelContainer.page3.enableNoMount = checkbox(
- "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPage3EnableNoMount",
- frame.panelContainer.page3)
-frame.panelContainer.page3.enableNoMount:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -105)
-frame.panelContainer.page3.enableNoMount:SetScript("OnClick", function()
- Chocobo.SoundControl:ToggleAmbienceNoMount(true)
- CSCO:Update()
-frame.panelContainer.page3.enableVolume = checkbox(
- "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPage3EnableVolume",
- frame.panelContainer.page3)
-frame.panelContainer.page3.enableVolume:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -145)
-frame.panelContainer.page3.enableVolume:SetScript("OnClick", function()
- Chocobo.SoundControl:ToggleAmbienceVolume(true)
- CSCO:Update()
-frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider = slider(
- "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPage3VolumeSlider",
- frame.panelContainer.page3)
-frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider:SetSize(450, 16)
-frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -195)
-frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider:SetMinMaxValues(0, 100)
-frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider:SetScript("OnValueChanged", function(self)
- Chocobo.SoundControl:SetAmbienceVolume(self:GetValue(), true)
- CSCO:Update()
-frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", function(self, delta)
- CSCO:VolumeScroll(self, delta, 1)
-function CSCO:Open()
- if Settings and SettingsPanel then
- Settings.OpenToCategory(Chocobo.Name)
- else
- InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory(frame)
- InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory(frame)
- end
-function CSCO:Update()
- local settings = Chocobo.SoundControl.Settings
- frame.toggle:SetChecked(settings["ENABLED"])
- frame.toggleDefault:SetChecked(settings["DEFAULT"])
- frame.panelContainer.page1.enable:SetChecked(settings["MUSIC"]["ENABLED"])
- frame.panelContainer.page1.enableMount:SetChecked(settings["MUSIC"]["MOUNTED"])
- frame.panelContainer.page1.enableNoMount:SetChecked(settings["MUSIC"]["NOTMOUNTED"])
- frame.panelContainer.page1.enableVolume:SetChecked(settings["MUSIC"]["MOD_VOLUME"])
- frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider:SetValue(settings["MUSIC"]["VOLUME"] * 100)
- frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider.current:SetText(tostring(settings["MUSIC"]["VOLUME"] * 100))
- frame.panelContainer.page2.enable:SetChecked(settings["SFX"]["ENABLED"])
- frame.panelContainer.page2.enableMount:SetChecked(settings["SFX"]["MOUNTED"])
- frame.panelContainer.page2.enableNoMount:SetChecked(settings["SFX"]["NOTMOUNTED"])
- frame.panelContainer.page2.enableVolume:SetChecked(settings["SFX"]["MOD_VOLUME"])
- frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider:SetValue(settings["SFX"]["VOLUME"] * 100)
- frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider.current:SetText(tostring(settings["SFX"]["VOLUME"] * 100))
- frame.panelContainer.page3.enable:SetChecked(settings["AMBIENCE"]["ENABLED"])
- frame.panelContainer.page3.enableMount:SetChecked(settings["AMBIENCE"]["MOUNTED"])
- frame.panelContainer.page3.enableNoMount:SetChecked(settings["AMBIENCE"]["NOTMOUNTED"])
- frame.panelContainer.page3.enableVolume:SetChecked(settings["AMBIENCE"]["MOD_VOLUME"])
- frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider:SetValue(settings["AMBIENCE"]["VOLUME"] * 100)
- frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider.current:SetText(tostring(settings["AMBIENCE"]["VOLUME"] * 100))
- local enabled = settings["ENABLED"]
- local default = settings["DEFAULT"]
- if settings["MUSIC"]["MOD_VOLUME"] and enabled and not default then
- frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider:Enable()
- frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider.label:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
- frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider.high:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
- frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider.low:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
- frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider.current:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
- else
- frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider:Disable()
- frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider.label:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
- frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider.high:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
- frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider.low:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
- frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider.current:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
- end
- if settings["SFX"]["MOD_VOLUME"] and enabled and not default then
- frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider:Enable()
- frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider.label:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
- frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider.high:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
- frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider.low:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
- frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider.current:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
- else
- frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider:Disable()
- frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider.label:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
- frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider.high:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
- frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider.low:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
- frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider.current:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
- end
- if settings["AMBIENCE"]["MOD_VOLUME"] and enabled and not default then
- frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider:Enable()
- frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider.label:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
- frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider.high:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
- frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider.low:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
- frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider.current:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
- else
- frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider:Disable()
- frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider.label:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
- frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider.high:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
- frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider.low:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
- frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider.current:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
- end
- if not enabled or default then
- self:CheckboxesEnabled(false)
- else
- self:CheckboxesEnabled(true)
- end
- if enabled then
- frame.toggleDefault:Enable()
- frame.toggleDefault.label:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
- else
- frame.toggleDefault:Disable()
- frame.toggleDefault.label:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
- end
-function CSCO:CheckboxesEnabled(enabled)
- local function setEnabled(f, e)
- if e then
- f:Enable()
- else
- f:Disable()
- end
- end
- local dr, dg, db = 0.5, 0.5, 0.5
- local r, g, b = 0.5, 0.5, 0.5
- if enabled then
- dr, dg, db = 1, 0.82, 0
- r, g, b = 1, 1, 1
- end
- if enabled then
- setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.tab1, true)
- setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.tab2, true)
- setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.tab3, true)
- end
- self:SetToCurrentTab()
- frame.panelContainer.page1.panel.desc:SetTextColor(dr, dg, db)
- frame.panelContainer.page2.panel.desc:SetTextColor(dr, dg, db)
- frame.panelContainer.page3.panel.desc:SetTextColor(dr, dg, db)
- setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.page1.enable, enabled)
- setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.page1.enableMount, enabled)
- setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.page1.enableNoMount, enabled)
- setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.page1.enableVolume, enabled)
- setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.page2.enable, enabled)
- setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.page2.enableMount, enabled)
- setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.page2.enableNoMount, enabled)
- setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.page2.enableVolume, enabled)
- setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.page3.enable, enabled)
- setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.page3.enableMount, enabled)
- setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.page3.enableNoMount, enabled)
- setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.page3.enableVolume, enabled)
- if not enabled then
- setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.tab1, false)
- setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.tab2, false)
- setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.tab3, false)
- end
- frame.panelContainer.page1.enable.label:SetTextColor(r, g, b)
- frame.panelContainer.page1.enableMount.label:SetTextColor(r, g, b)
- frame.panelContainer.page1.enableNoMount.label:SetTextColor(r, g, b)
- frame.panelContainer.page1.enableVolume.label:SetTextColor(r, g, b)
- frame.panelContainer.page2.enable.label:SetTextColor(r, g, b)
- frame.panelContainer.page2.enableMount.label:SetTextColor(r, g, b)
- frame.panelContainer.page2.enableNoMount.label:SetTextColor(r, g, b)
- frame.panelContainer.page2.enableVolume.label:SetTextColor(r, g, b)
- frame.panelContainer.page3.enable.label:SetTextColor(r, g, b)
- frame.panelContainer.page3.enableMount.label:SetTextColor(r, g, b)
- frame.panelContainer.page3.enableNoMount.label:SetTextColor(r, g, b)
- frame.panelContainer.page3.enableVolume.label:SetTextColor(r, g, b)
-function CSCO:SetToCurrentTab()
- PanelTemplates_SetTab(frame.panelContainer, PanelTemplates_GetSelectedTab(frame.panelContainer))
-function CSCO:VolumeScroll(s, delta, num)
- local new = s:GetValue() + delta
- if new < 0 or new > 100 then return end
- if num == 1 then
- Chocobo.SoundControl:SetMusicVolume(new, true)
- elseif num == 2 then
- Chocobo.SoundControl:SetSFXVolume(new, true)
- elseif num == 3 then
- Chocobo.SoundControl:SetAmbienceVolume(new, true)
- end
- self:Update()
-frame:SetScript("OnShow", function() CSCO:Update() end)
-frame.OnCommit = function() end
-frame.OnDefault = function() end
-frame.OnRefresh = function() CSCO:Update() end
-PanelTemplates_SetNumTabs(frame.panelContainer, 3)
-PanelTemplates_SetTab(frame.panelContainer, 1)
-if Settings and SettingsPanel then
- local category = Settings.GetCategory(Chocobo.Name)
- local subcategory = Settings.RegisterCanvasLayoutSubcategory(category, frame, "Sound Control")
- Settings.RegisterAddOnCategory(subcategory)
- InterfaceOptions_AddCategory(frame, Chocobo.Name)
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2020 by Adam Hellberg
+ This file is part of Chocobo.
+ Chocobo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ Chocobo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with Chocobo. If not, see .
+local L = _G["ChocoboLocale"]
+Chocobo.SoundControl.Options = {}
+local checkButtonTemplate = WOW_PROJECT_ID == WOW_PROJECT_MAINLINE and "OptionsBaseCheckButtonTemplate" or "OptionsCheckButtonTemplate"
+local function checkbox(name, parent)
+ local f = CreateFrame("CheckButton", name, parent, checkButtonTemplate)
+ f:SetSize(40, 40)
+ f.label = _G[f:GetName() .. "Text"]
+ return f
+local function slider(name, parent)
+ local f = CreateFrame("Slider", name, parent, "OptionsSliderTemplate")
+ f.label = _G[f:GetName() .. "Text"]
+ f.high = _G[f:GetName() .. "High"]
+ f.low = _G[f:GetName() .. "Low"]
+ f.current = f:CreateFontString(name .. "Current", "OVERLAY")
+ f.current:SetFont([[Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF]], 10, "OUTLINE")
+ f.current:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -16)
+ return f
+local CSCO = Chocobo.SoundControl.Options
+local frame = CreateFrame("Frame")
+CSCO.Frame = frame
+frame.name = "Sound Control"
+frame.parent = "Chocobo"
+frame.refresh = function() CSCO:Update() end
+frame.logo = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK")
+frame.logo:SetSize(128, 128)
+frame.logo:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -220, 5)
+frame.caption = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
+frame.caption:SetSize(600, 25)
+frame.caption:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -5)
+frame.caption.label = frame.caption:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+frame.caption.label:SetFont([[Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF]], 12, "OUTLINE")
+frame.caption.label:SetTextColor(1, 0.8196079, 0)
+frame.description = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
+frame.description:SetSize(600, 25)
+frame.description:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -30)
+frame.description.label = frame.description:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+frame.description.label:SetFont([[Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF]], 12, "OUTLINE")
+frame.description.label:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+frame.toggle = checkbox("ChocoboSoundControlOptionsToggle", frame)
+frame.toggle:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -85)
+frame.toggle.label:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+frame.toggle:SetScript("OnClick", function()
+ Chocobo.SoundControl:Toggle(true)
+ CSCO:Update()
+frame.toggleDefault = checkbox("ChocoboSoundControlOptionsToggleDefault", frame)
+frame.toggleDefault:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -125)
+frame.toggleDefault:SetScript("OnClick", function()
+ Chocobo.SoundControl:ToggleDefault(true)
+ CSCO:Update()
+frame.defaultHelp = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
+frame.defaultHelp:SetSize(400, 50)
+frame.defaultHelp:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -10, -90)
+frame.defaultHelp.label = frame.defaultHelp:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+frame.defaultHelp.label:SetFont([[Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF]], 12, "OUTLINE")
+frame.defaultHelp.label:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+frame.defaultNote = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
+frame.defaultNote:SetSize(400, 40)
+frame.defaultNote:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -10, -130)
+frame.defaultNote.label = frame.defaultNote:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+frame.defaultNote.label:SetFont([[Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF]], 12, "OUTLINE")
+local panelTabButtonTemplate = WOW_PROJECT_ID == WOW_PROJECT_MAINLINE and "PanelTabButtonTemplate" or "CharacterFrameTabButtonTemplate"
+local bd = {
+ bgFile = "Interface\\DialogFrame\\UI-DialogBox-Background",
+ edgeFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border",
+ tile = true,
+ edgeSize = 16,
+ tileSize = 32,
+ insets = {
+ left = 2.5,
+ right = 2.5,
+ top = 2.5,
+ bottom = 2.5
+ }
+frame.panelContainer = CreateFrame(
+ "Frame",
+ "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPanelContainer",
+ frame,
+ BackdropTemplateMixin and "BackdropTemplate")
+frame.panelContainer:SetSize(500, 240)
+frame.panelContainer:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -200)
+frame.panelContainer.tab1 = CreateFrame(
+ "Button",
+ "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPanelContainerTab1",
+ frame.panelContainer,
+ panelTabButtonTemplate)
+frame.panelContainer.tab1:SetPoint("LEFT", frame.panelContainer, "BOTTOMLEFT", 5, -12)
+frame.panelContainer.tab1:SetScript("OnClick", function()
+ PanelTemplates_SetTab(frame.panelContainer, 1)
+ frame.panelContainer.page1:Show()
+ frame.panelContainer.page2:Hide()
+ frame.panelContainer.page3:Hide()
+frame.panelContainer.tab2 = CreateFrame(
+ "Button",
+ "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPanelContainerTab2",
+ frame.panelContainer,
+ panelTabButtonTemplate)
+frame.panelContainer.tab2:SetPoint("LEFT", frame.panelContainer.tab1, "RIGHT", -10, 0)
+frame.panelContainer.tab2:SetScript("OnClick", function()
+ PanelTemplates_SetTab(frame.panelContainer, 2)
+ frame.panelContainer.page1:Hide()
+ frame.panelContainer.page2:Show()
+ frame.panelContainer.page3:Hide()
+frame.panelContainer.tab3 = CreateFrame(
+ "Button",
+ "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPanelContainerTab3",
+ frame.panelContainer,
+ panelTabButtonTemplate)
+frame.panelContainer.tab3:SetPoint("LEFT", frame.panelContainer.tab2, "RIGHT", -10, 0)
+frame.panelContainer.tab3:SetScript("OnClick", function()
+ PanelTemplates_SetTab(frame.panelContainer, 3)
+ frame.panelContainer.page1:Hide()
+ frame.panelContainer.page2:Hide()
+ frame.panelContainer.page3:Show()
+frame.panelContainer.page1 = CreateFrame("Frame", "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPanelContainerPage1", frame.panelContainer)
+frame.panelContainer.page1.panel = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame.panelContainer.page1)
+frame.panelContainer.page1.panel:SetSize(360, 20)
+frame.panelContainer.page1.panel:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -10)
+frame.panelContainer.page1.panel.desc = frame.panelContainer.page1.panel:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+frame.panelContainer.page1.panel.desc:SetFont([[Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF]], 12, "OUTLINE")
+frame.panelContainer.page1.enable = checkbox("ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPage1Enable", frame.panelContainer.page1)
+frame.panelContainer.page1.enable:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -25)
+frame.panelContainer.page1.enable:SetScript("OnClick", function()
+ Chocobo.SoundControl:ToggleMusic(true)
+ CSCO:Update()
+frame.panelContainer.page1.enableMount = checkbox(
+ "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPage1EnableMount",
+ frame.panelContainer.page1)
+frame.panelContainer.page1.enableMount:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -65)
+frame.panelContainer.page1.enableMount:SetScript("OnClick", function()
+ Chocobo.SoundControl:ToggleMusicMount(true)
+ CSCO:Update()
+frame.panelContainer.page1.enableNoMount = checkbox(
+ "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPage1EnableNoMount",
+ frame.panelContainer.page1)
+frame.panelContainer.page1.enableNoMount:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -105)
+frame.panelContainer.page1.enableNoMount:SetScript("OnClick", function()
+ Chocobo.SoundControl:ToggleMusicNoMount(true)
+ CSCO:Update()
+frame.panelContainer.page1.enableVolume = checkbox(
+ "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPage1EnableVolume",
+ frame.panelContainer.page1)
+frame.panelContainer.page1.enableVolume:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -145)
+frame.panelContainer.page1.enableVolume:SetScript("OnClick", function()
+ Chocobo.SoundControl:ToggleMusicVolume(true)
+ CSCO:Update()
+frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider = slider(
+ "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPage1VolumeSlider",
+ frame.panelContainer.page1)
+frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider:SetSize(450, 16)
+frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -195)
+frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider:SetMinMaxValues(0, 100)
+frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider:SetScript("OnValueChanged", function(self)
+ Chocobo.SoundControl:SetMusicVolume(self:GetValue(), true)
+ CSCO:Update()
+frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", function(self, delta)
+ CSCO:VolumeScroll(self, delta, 1)
+frame.panelContainer.page2 = CreateFrame("Frame", "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPanelContainerPage2", frame.panelContainer)
+frame.panelContainer.page2.panel = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame.panelContainer.page2)
+frame.panelContainer.page2.panel:SetSize(360, 20)
+frame.panelContainer.page2.panel:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -10)
+frame.panelContainer.page2.panel.desc = frame.panelContainer.page2.panel:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+frame.panelContainer.page2.panel.desc:SetFont([[Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF]], 12, "OUTLINE")
+frame.panelContainer.page2.enable = checkbox("ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPage2Enable", frame.panelContainer.page2)
+frame.panelContainer.page2.enable:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -25)
+frame.panelContainer.page2.enable:SetScript("OnClick", function()
+ Chocobo.SoundControl:ToggleSFX(true)
+ CSCO:Update()
+frame.panelContainer.page2.enableMount = checkbox(
+ "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPage2EnableMount",
+ frame.panelContainer.page2)
+frame.panelContainer.page2.enableMount:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -65)
+frame.panelContainer.page2.enableMount:SetScript("OnClick", function()
+ Chocobo.SoundControl:ToggleSFXMount(true)
+ CSCO:Update()
+frame.panelContainer.page2.enableNoMount = checkbox(
+ "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPage2EnableNoMount",
+ frame.panelContainer.page2)
+frame.panelContainer.page2.enableNoMount:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -105)
+frame.panelContainer.page2.enableNoMount:SetScript("OnClick", function()
+ Chocobo.SoundControl:ToggleSFXNoMount(true)
+ CSCO:Update()
+frame.panelContainer.page2.enableVolume = checkbox(
+ "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPage2EnableVolume",
+ frame.panelContainer.page2)
+frame.panelContainer.page2.enableVolume:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -145)
+frame.panelContainer.page2.enableVolume:SetScript("OnClick", function()
+ Chocobo.SoundControl:ToggleSFXVolume(true)
+ CSCO:Update()
+frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider = slider(
+ "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPage2VolumeSlider",
+ frame.panelContainer.page2)
+frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider:SetSize(450, 16)
+frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -195)
+frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider:SetMinMaxValues(0, 100)
+frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider:SetScript("OnValueChanged", function(self)
+ Chocobo.SoundControl:SetSFXVolume(self:GetValue(), true)
+ CSCO:Update()
+frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", function(self, delta)
+ CSCO:VolumeScroll(self, delta, 1)
+frame.panelContainer.page3 = CreateFrame("Frame", "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPanelContainerPage3", frame.panelContainer)
+frame.panelContainer.page3.panel = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame.panelContainer.page3)
+frame.panelContainer.page3.panel:SetSize(360, 20)
+frame.panelContainer.page3.panel:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -10)
+frame.panelContainer.page3.panel.desc = frame.panelContainer.page3.panel:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+frame.panelContainer.page3.panel.desc:SetFont([[Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF]], 12, "OUTLINE")
+frame.panelContainer.page3.enable = checkbox("ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPage3Enable", frame.panelContainer.page3)
+frame.panelContainer.page3.enable:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -25)
+frame.panelContainer.page3.enable:SetScript("OnClick", function()
+ Chocobo.SoundControl:ToggleAmbience(true)
+ CSCO:Update()
+frame.panelContainer.page3.enableMount = checkbox(
+ "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPage3EnableMount",
+ frame.panelContainer.page3)
+frame.panelContainer.page3.enableMount:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -65)
+frame.panelContainer.page3.enableMount:SetScript("OnClick", function()
+ Chocobo.SoundControl:ToggleAmbienceMount(true)
+ CSCO:Update()
+frame.panelContainer.page3.enableNoMount = checkbox(
+ "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPage3EnableNoMount",
+ frame.panelContainer.page3)
+frame.panelContainer.page3.enableNoMount:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -105)
+frame.panelContainer.page3.enableNoMount:SetScript("OnClick", function()
+ Chocobo.SoundControl:ToggleAmbienceNoMount(true)
+ CSCO:Update()
+frame.panelContainer.page3.enableVolume = checkbox(
+ "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPage3EnableVolume",
+ frame.panelContainer.page3)
+frame.panelContainer.page3.enableVolume:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -145)
+frame.panelContainer.page3.enableVolume:SetScript("OnClick", function()
+ Chocobo.SoundControl:ToggleAmbienceVolume(true)
+ CSCO:Update()
+frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider = slider(
+ "ChocoboSoundControlOptionsPage3VolumeSlider",
+ frame.panelContainer.page3)
+frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider:SetSize(450, 16)
+frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -195)
+frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider:SetMinMaxValues(0, 100)
+frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider:SetScript("OnValueChanged", function(self)
+ Chocobo.SoundControl:SetAmbienceVolume(self:GetValue(), true)
+ CSCO:Update()
+frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", function(self, delta)
+ CSCO:VolumeScroll(self, delta, 1)
+function CSCO:Open()
+ if Settings and SettingsPanel then
+ Settings.OpenToCategory(Chocobo.Name)
+ else
+ InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory(frame)
+ InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory(frame)
+ end
+function CSCO:Update()
+ local settings = Chocobo.SoundControl.Settings
+ frame.toggle:SetChecked(settings["ENABLED"])
+ frame.toggleDefault:SetChecked(settings["DEFAULT"])
+ frame.panelContainer.page1.enable:SetChecked(settings["MUSIC"]["ENABLED"])
+ frame.panelContainer.page1.enableMount:SetChecked(settings["MUSIC"]["MOUNTED"])
+ frame.panelContainer.page1.enableNoMount:SetChecked(settings["MUSIC"]["NOTMOUNTED"])
+ frame.panelContainer.page1.enableVolume:SetChecked(settings["MUSIC"]["MOD_VOLUME"])
+ frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider:SetValue(settings["MUSIC"]["VOLUME"] * 100)
+ frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider.current:SetText(tostring(settings["MUSIC"]["VOLUME"] * 100))
+ frame.panelContainer.page2.enable:SetChecked(settings["SFX"]["ENABLED"])
+ frame.panelContainer.page2.enableMount:SetChecked(settings["SFX"]["MOUNTED"])
+ frame.panelContainer.page2.enableNoMount:SetChecked(settings["SFX"]["NOTMOUNTED"])
+ frame.panelContainer.page2.enableVolume:SetChecked(settings["SFX"]["MOD_VOLUME"])
+ frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider:SetValue(settings["SFX"]["VOLUME"] * 100)
+ frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider.current:SetText(tostring(settings["SFX"]["VOLUME"] * 100))
+ frame.panelContainer.page3.enable:SetChecked(settings["AMBIENCE"]["ENABLED"])
+ frame.panelContainer.page3.enableMount:SetChecked(settings["AMBIENCE"]["MOUNTED"])
+ frame.panelContainer.page3.enableNoMount:SetChecked(settings["AMBIENCE"]["NOTMOUNTED"])
+ frame.panelContainer.page3.enableVolume:SetChecked(settings["AMBIENCE"]["MOD_VOLUME"])
+ frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider:SetValue(settings["AMBIENCE"]["VOLUME"] * 100)
+ frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider.current:SetText(tostring(settings["AMBIENCE"]["VOLUME"] * 100))
+ local enabled = settings["ENABLED"]
+ local default = settings["DEFAULT"]
+ if settings["MUSIC"]["MOD_VOLUME"] and enabled and not default then
+ frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider:Enable()
+ frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider.label:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+ frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider.high:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+ frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider.low:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+ frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider.current:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+ else
+ frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider:Disable()
+ frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider.label:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+ frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider.high:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+ frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider.low:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+ frame.panelContainer.page1.volumeSlider.current:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+ end
+ if settings["SFX"]["MOD_VOLUME"] and enabled and not default then
+ frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider:Enable()
+ frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider.label:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+ frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider.high:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+ frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider.low:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+ frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider.current:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+ else
+ frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider:Disable()
+ frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider.label:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+ frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider.high:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+ frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider.low:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+ frame.panelContainer.page2.volumeSlider.current:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+ end
+ if settings["AMBIENCE"]["MOD_VOLUME"] and enabled and not default then
+ frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider:Enable()
+ frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider.label:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+ frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider.high:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+ frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider.low:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+ frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider.current:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+ else
+ frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider:Disable()
+ frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider.label:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+ frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider.high:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+ frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider.low:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+ frame.panelContainer.page3.volumeSlider.current:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+ end
+ if not enabled or default then
+ self:CheckboxesEnabled(false)
+ else
+ self:CheckboxesEnabled(true)
+ end
+ if enabled then
+ frame.toggleDefault:Enable()
+ frame.toggleDefault.label:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+ else
+ frame.toggleDefault:Disable()
+ frame.toggleDefault.label:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+ end
+function CSCO:CheckboxesEnabled(enabled)
+ local function setEnabled(f, e)
+ if e then
+ f:Enable()
+ else
+ f:Disable()
+ end
+ end
+ local dr, dg, db = 0.5, 0.5, 0.5
+ local r, g, b = 0.5, 0.5, 0.5
+ if enabled then
+ dr, dg, db = 1, 0.82, 0
+ r, g, b = 1, 1, 1
+ end
+ if enabled then
+ setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.tab1, true)
+ setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.tab2, true)
+ setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.tab3, true)
+ end
+ self:SetToCurrentTab()
+ frame.panelContainer.page1.panel.desc:SetTextColor(dr, dg, db)
+ frame.panelContainer.page2.panel.desc:SetTextColor(dr, dg, db)
+ frame.panelContainer.page3.panel.desc:SetTextColor(dr, dg, db)
+ setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.page1.enable, enabled)
+ setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.page1.enableMount, enabled)
+ setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.page1.enableNoMount, enabled)
+ setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.page1.enableVolume, enabled)
+ setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.page2.enable, enabled)
+ setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.page2.enableMount, enabled)
+ setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.page2.enableNoMount, enabled)
+ setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.page2.enableVolume, enabled)
+ setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.page3.enable, enabled)
+ setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.page3.enableMount, enabled)
+ setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.page3.enableNoMount, enabled)
+ setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.page3.enableVolume, enabled)
+ if not enabled then
+ setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.tab1, false)
+ setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.tab2, false)
+ setEnabled(frame.panelContainer.tab3, false)
+ end
+ frame.panelContainer.page1.enable.label:SetTextColor(r, g, b)
+ frame.panelContainer.page1.enableMount.label:SetTextColor(r, g, b)
+ frame.panelContainer.page1.enableNoMount.label:SetTextColor(r, g, b)
+ frame.panelContainer.page1.enableVolume.label:SetTextColor(r, g, b)
+ frame.panelContainer.page2.enable.label:SetTextColor(r, g, b)
+ frame.panelContainer.page2.enableMount.label:SetTextColor(r, g, b)
+ frame.panelContainer.page2.enableNoMount.label:SetTextColor(r, g, b)
+ frame.panelContainer.page2.enableVolume.label:SetTextColor(r, g, b)
+ frame.panelContainer.page3.enable.label:SetTextColor(r, g, b)
+ frame.panelContainer.page3.enableMount.label:SetTextColor(r, g, b)
+ frame.panelContainer.page3.enableNoMount.label:SetTextColor(r, g, b)
+ frame.panelContainer.page3.enableVolume.label:SetTextColor(r, g, b)
+function CSCO:SetToCurrentTab()
+ PanelTemplates_SetTab(frame.panelContainer, PanelTemplates_GetSelectedTab(frame.panelContainer))
+function CSCO:VolumeScroll(s, delta, num)
+ local new = s:GetValue() + delta
+ if new < 0 or new > 100 then return end
+ if num == 1 then
+ Chocobo.SoundControl:SetMusicVolume(new, true)
+ elseif num == 2 then
+ Chocobo.SoundControl:SetSFXVolume(new, true)
+ elseif num == 3 then
+ Chocobo.SoundControl:SetAmbienceVolume(new, true)
+ end
+ self:Update()
+frame:SetScript("OnShow", function() CSCO:Update() end)
+frame.OnCommit = function() end
+frame.OnDefault = function() end
+frame.OnRefresh = function() CSCO:Update() end
+PanelTemplates_SetNumTabs(frame.panelContainer, 3)
+PanelTemplates_SetTab(frame.panelContainer, 1)
+if Settings and SettingsPanel then
+ local category = Settings.GetCategory(Chocobo.Name)
+ local subcategory = Settings.RegisterCanvasLayoutSubcategory(category, frame, "Sound Control")
+ Settings.RegisterAddOnCategory(subcategory)
+ InterfaceOptions_AddCategory(frame, Chocobo.Name)
diff --git a/libs/ChocoboLib/ChocoboLib.lua b/libs/ChocoboLib/ChocoboLib.lua
index bcbf423..bea6663 100644
--- a/libs/ChocoboLib/ChocoboLib.lua
+++ b/libs/ChocoboLib/ChocoboLib.lua
@@ -1,100 +1,100 @@
- Copyright (c) 2010-2020 by Adam Hellberg
- This file is part of Chocobo.
- Chocobo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- Chocobo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with Chocobo. If not, see .
- ------
- Chocobo Lib (Chocobo Library)
- Collection of functions useful for buff/mount related actions.
- As well as some general functions useful for anything.
-ChocoboLib = {}
---[[General Functions]]--
--- String functions
-function ChocoboLib:Trim(s)
- return (s:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1"))
-function ChocoboLib:Split(s)
- local r = {}
- for token in string.gmatch(s, "[^%s]+") do
- table.insert(r, token)
- end
- return r
--- Table functions
-function ChocoboLib:InTable(tbl, val)
- for _,v in pairs(tbl) do
- if v == val then return true end
- end
- return false
-function ChocoboLib:Count(tbl)
- local c = 0
- for _, _ in pairs(tbl) do
- c = c + 1
- end
- return c
---[[ChocoboLib Specific Functions]]--
--- Buff/Aura functions
-local function GetBuffs()
- local buffs = {}
- for i=1,40 do -- Loop through all 40 possible buff indexes
- local name, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, id = UnitBuff("player", i, "PLAYER CANCELABLE") -- Get buff on index i
- -- Insert it into the buffs table, break if buff is nil (that means no other buffs exist on the player)
- if name and id then buffs[name] = id else break end
- end
- return buffs
--- ChocoboLib:HasBuff
---- Argument #1: [table] containing numeric buff IDs or names to check
---- Overload #1.1: [number] ID of buff to check
---- Overload #1.2: [string] name of buff to check
---- RETURNS: false if the buff wasn't found, true, id of buff and name of buff if buff was found
-function ChocoboLib:HasBuff(idColl) -- idColl is either a number or a table with IDs or buff names
- -- TODO: Implement ability to pass IDs as varargs (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...)
- if type(idColl) == "number" then
- return self:HasBuff({idColl})
- elseif type(idColl) == "string" then
- return self:HasBuff({idColl})
- elseif type(idColl) ~= "table" then
- error("Argument #1 must be of type 'table', 'number' or 'string'.") -- Localize error?
- return false -- Just in case the error() did not cause it to exit, for whatever reason.
- end
- local buffs = GetBuffs()
- for _, value in pairs(idColl) do
- local vType = type(value)
- for name, id in pairs(buffs) do
- if (vType == "number" and id == value) or (vType == "string" and name:lower() == value:lower()) then
- return true, name or "", id
- end
- end
- end
- return false -- Else return false (Player does not have the buff)
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2020 by Adam Hellberg
+ This file is part of Chocobo.
+ Chocobo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ Chocobo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with Chocobo. If not, see .
+ ------
+ Chocobo Lib (Chocobo Library)
+ Collection of functions useful for buff/mount related actions.
+ As well as some general functions useful for anything.
+ChocoboLib = {}
+--[[General Functions]]--
+-- String functions
+function ChocoboLib:Trim(s)
+ return (s:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1"))
+function ChocoboLib:Split(s)
+ local r = {}
+ for token in string.gmatch(s, "[^%s]+") do
+ table.insert(r, token)
+ end
+ return r
+-- Table functions
+function ChocoboLib:InTable(tbl, val)
+ for _,v in pairs(tbl) do
+ if v == val then return true end
+ end
+ return false
+function ChocoboLib:Count(tbl)
+ local c = 0
+ for _, _ in pairs(tbl) do
+ c = c + 1
+ end
+ return c
+--[[ChocoboLib Specific Functions]]--
+-- Buff/Aura functions
+local function GetBuffs()
+ local buffs = {}
+ for i=1,40 do -- Loop through all 40 possible buff indexes
+ local name, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, id = UnitBuff("player", i, "PLAYER CANCELABLE") -- Get buff on index i
+ -- Insert it into the buffs table, break if buff is nil (that means no other buffs exist on the player)
+ if name and id then buffs[name] = id else break end
+ end
+ return buffs
+-- ChocoboLib:HasBuff
+--- Argument #1: [table] containing numeric buff IDs or names to check
+--- Overload #1.1: [number] ID of buff to check
+--- Overload #1.2: [string] name of buff to check
+--- RETURNS: false if the buff wasn't found, true, id of buff and name of buff if buff was found
+function ChocoboLib:HasBuff(idColl) -- idColl is either a number or a table with IDs or buff names
+ -- TODO: Implement ability to pass IDs as varargs (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...)
+ if type(idColl) == "number" then
+ return self:HasBuff({idColl})
+ elseif type(idColl) == "string" then
+ return self:HasBuff({idColl})
+ elseif type(idColl) ~= "table" then
+ error("Argument #1 must be of type 'table', 'number' or 'string'.") -- Localize error?
+ return false -- Just in case the error() did not cause it to exit, for whatever reason.
+ end
+ local buffs = GetBuffs()
+ for _, value in pairs(idColl) do
+ local vType = type(value)
+ for name, id in pairs(buffs) do
+ if (vType == "number" and id == value) or (vType == "string" and name:lower() == value:lower()) then
+ return true, name or "", id
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return false -- Else return false (Player does not have the buff)
diff --git a/libs/ChocoboLib/ChocoboLib.xml b/libs/ChocoboLib/ChocoboLib.xml
index 2ca9398..63b37e6 100644
--- a/libs/ChocoboLib/ChocoboLib.xml
+++ b/libs/ChocoboLib/ChocoboLib.xml
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
diff --git a/locales/load.xml b/locales/load.xml
index accc8d2..cda30f5 100644
--- a/locales/load.xml
+++ b/locales/load.xml
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
diff --git a/locales/ptBR.lua b/locales/ptBR.lua
index e4bd48a..b99eb34 100644
--- a/locales/ptBR.lua
+++ b/locales/ptBR.lua
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
- Copyright (c) 2010-2020 by Adam Hellberg
- This file is part of Chocobo.
- Chocobo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- Chocobo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with Chocobo. If not, see .
-if GetLocale() == "ptBR" then
- local L = _G["ChocoboLocale"]
- --@localization(locale="ptBR", format="lua_additive_table", handle-unlocalized="english")@
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2020 by Adam Hellberg
+ This file is part of Chocobo.
+ Chocobo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ Chocobo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with Chocobo. If not, see .
+if GetLocale() == "ptBR" then
+ local L = _G["ChocoboLocale"]
+ --@localization(locale="ptBR", format="lua_additive_table", handle-unlocalized="english")@