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Xander edited this page Mar 27, 2018 · 2 revisions

By default, Shepherd will run the imdb_augment_data postprocessor to augments programme guide information with that gathered from IMDb. imdb_augment_data makes use of a local cache file to minimize the amount of web requests to IMDb, remembering what queries it has asked previously and what the results of those queries were.

Information gathered from IMDb include:

  • cast/credits (directors, writers, cast)
  • languages
  • genre/categories
  • user ratings
  • year of release
  • alternate programme names / working titles
  • plot
  • tagline
  • runtime / programme duration
  • trivia / goofs
  • awards and award nominations
  • certifications
  • cover URL

The screenshot to the right shows an example of what "IMDb augmented data" looks like.

By default, the imdb_augment_data postprocessor will search for programmes provided they are:

  • more than 65 minutes long (effectively skips trying to look up TV series) and less than 4 hours
  • not in a 'category' of:
    • Shopping
    • Business and Finance
    • Game Show, News
    • Parliament
    • sports
    • Weather
    • live

It performs searches using the IMDb website "power search" function (, using all of programme title, year & country (where available). It will first try to perform a search using as much information as it has until such time as it either gets too many matches, 1 match or no matches.

When it finds it has a single match, it will then fetch the 'details' for that match and include those.

By default, details will be included in BOTH the programme description, as well as the various XMLTV fields/attributes.

If you like the data but would prefer to NOT have the IMDb augmented data populated into the programme description, you may disable this via Shepherd with:

~/.shepherd/tv_grab_au --component-set imdb_augment_data:dont_augment_desc:1

If you wish to re-enable adding data into the description, use:

~/.shepherd/tv_grab_au --component-set imdb_augment_data:dont_augment_desc:0

If you have no interest in IMDb data at all, you may tell Shepherd to skip calling it via:

~/.shepherd/tv_grab_au --disable imdb_augment_data

If you have disabled it and wish to re-enable it, use:

~/.shepherd/tv_grab_au --enable imdb_augment_data
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