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File metadata and controls

132 lines (106 loc) · 3.95 KB


The dialog view control can be used as a way to drill-down into information details. Multiple dialogs can be chained together.

Tip: If you are doing drill-down queries that are 3 levels deep you might want to consider the use of a SplitView control to reduce the total number of dialogs.

Basic properties

Property Type Value Description
id string ID of the element on the page
width string Define width of the view eg. "80%"
dataSources object[] Define data source to be loaded by opening this element
elements object[] Elements to be rendered using a given data source


Define dataSources as follows:

Property Type Value Description
id string ID of the element
type string "ApplicationInsights/Query" Data source plugin name
dependencies object A collection of key values referenced by queries
params object Contains query and mappings functions


  • Dialog dependencies are defined by referencing a dialog's id and property prefixed by "dialog_" dialog_id:property

DataSources sample

  id: "conversations-data",
  type: "ApplicationInsights/Query",
  dependencies: {
    intent: "dialog_conversations:intent",
    queryTimespan: "dialog_conversations:queryspan"
  params: {
    query: ({ intent }) => ` customEvents` +
      ` | extend conversation = customDimensions.conversationId, intent=customDimensions.intent` +
      ` | where name startswith "message.intent" and intent =~ '${intent}'` +
      ` | summarize count=count(), maxTimestamp=max(timestamp) by tostring(conversation)` +
      ` | order by maxTimestamp`,
    mappings: {
        id: (val, row, idx) => `Conversation ${idx}`


Property Type Value Description
id string ID of the element on the page
type string "Table"
title string Title that will appear at the top of the view
size { w: number, h: number} Width/Height of the view
dependencies object Values to be returned by a given dataSource id
props object Additional properties to define for this element
actions object Defined actions for this element

Note: The props defined here will depend on what type of element is used. Please check the relevant element's docs for the props details.


Define each action as follows:

Property Type Description
action string Reference to data source to update
params object Dictionary of parameters to be passed


  • A dialog supports the ability to open further drill-down style dialogs by defining an action that references another dialog's id using the "dialog" prefix dialog:id


  • Action params are defined by referencing a data source's id and state property using the format id:property

  • Contextual properties from the selected item can be passed by using the "args" prefix args:property

Elements sample

  id: "conversations-list",
  type: "Table",
  title: "Conversations",
  size: {
    w: 12,
    h: 16
  dependencies: {
    values: "conversations-data"
  props: {
    cols: [{
      header: "Conversation Id",
      field: "id"
      header: "Last Message",
      field: "maxTimestamp",
      type: "time",
      format: "MMM-DD HH:mm:ss"
      header: "Count",
      field: "count"
      type: "button",
      value: "chat",
      click: "openMessagesDialog"
  actions: {
    openMessagesDialog: {
      action: "dialog:messages",
      params: {
        title: "args:id",
        conversation: "args:conversation",
        queryspan: "timespan:queryTimespan"