#Student Management System
This is a student management system built using * Django 4.0 * , * Amazon web services * and * Bootstarp5 *.
1. Python 3.10.4
2. Pycharm
From AWS Console go to Lightsail Service
-> Launch a windows server
-> setup inbound and outbound rules for https and tcp connections over 8000 port
-> install python in the server
-> migrate your code into the server
#setting up AWS Database (optional) From AWS Console go to RDS service
-Launch an Postgresql Database instance and note down the username,master username and password of the instance ( it will be shown one time only so make sure to note them down very carefully)
-Wait for the database instance to be in running state ( Takes approximately 10 min)
-After Launched, click on the instance and it will show the details of your database
-Open Django project's Settings.py file, there you will see a section "DATABASE" IN LINE 85
>>> Change name to the username to saved earlier
>>> Change Username to master username
>>> Change Password to new Password
>>> Change Host to new host which is shown exactly on aws console database instance page
From the root directory run:
-> python -m venv venv
-> venv\scripts\activate
-> pip install -r requirements.txt
-> python manage.py makemigrations
-> python manage.py migrate
-> python manage.py createsuperuser
(When prompted, enter a username, email, and password.)
-> python manage.py runserver (for local host) or (for global host)
Go to to view the application for local host
Go to http://{Lightsail_IP}:8000/ to view the application for global host
Thank You.