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This repository contains the code for the course Advance Data Structures


Practical No Aim Files
1 Implement the growable stack and queue data structure. Prac1_stack.cpp, GStack.h, Stack.h, queue.h, 18BCE259_Practical_1.pdf
2 Design a balanced binary search tree (AVL) using model 2 (node tree) structure. Prac2_AVL.cpp, AVL.h, AVLutilities.h, data.csv, 18BCE259_Practical_2.pdf
3 Rebalancing operation can be delayed until a certain threshold is attained. Scapegoat tree uses partial rebuilding for balancing a search tree. Implement scapegoat tree to demonstrate the partial rebuilding operation. Prac3_ScapeGoat.cpp, ScapeGoat.h, ScapeGoatUtilities.h, data.csv, 18BCE259_Practical_3.pdf
4 Skip list structure are used to retrieve the data faster. Implement the structure up to third level. Show the effect of insert and delete operation. Prac4_SkipList.cpp, SkipList.h, LinkedList.h, data.csv, search.csv, 18BCE259_Practical_4.pdf
5 Write a program to split a balance search tree at (i) root (ii) A given point of split. Prac5_Splitting.cpp, AVL.h, AVLutilities.h, data.csv, search.csv, 18BCE259_Practical_5.pdf
6 Segment trees are useful to find range sum of a given interval. Write a program to demonstrate usage of segment tree structure to find range sum of numbers in a given range. Prac6_SegmentTree.cpp, 18BCE259_Practical_6.pdf
7 Implement heap data structure using linked list structure. The list should retrieve high priority object every time the extract operation is performed. Prac7_MaxHeap.cpp, MaxHeap.h, data.csv, 18BCE259_Practical_7.pdf
8 Write a program to implement union-find structure. The program should demonstrate the structure representation of set and list the items of selected set Prac8_UnionFind.cpp, UnionFind.h, 18BCE259_Practical_8.pdf
9 Suffix arrays are preprocessed structures that can be used to solve the classical substring matching problem. Implement suffix arrays for a long string sequence and demonstrate the matching operation. Prac9_SuffixArray.cpp, 18BCE259_Practical_9.pdf
10 Hash tables are important data structure. However, hash tables are subject to collision. Implement a program with a collision resolution technique with Insert, delete and display operation Prac10_Hashing.cpp, SingleHash.h, 18BCE259_Practical_10.pdf