(Use a web3/dapp/Ethereum browser such as Firefox with Metamask add-on on PC or Cipher on mobile)
Jean: " Hey Mohamed, you are a big contributor to open source projects, aren't you ? "
Mohamed: " Sure, I spend hours on free software stuff. Why ? "
Jean: " Look, there is this revolution dapp that distributes Eth to frequent contributors to open source projects. I think you really deserve and need some additional income from this community. Register your address and I will vote for you. "
Mohamed: " Well, ok. Let me add my wallet address on this revolution dapp."
Mohamed checks the dapp on his web3 browser and votes YES for his own Ethereum address by staking 0.01 on his vote. He is registered now. Maybe other voters will also vote that he frequently contributes.
The associated twitter bot announces it received a 0.01 ETH "YES" for Mohamed's address. The tweet links to Mohamed's trial page.
Jean clicks on Mohamed's trial link. Mohamed's address is displayed on the screen, with a main question :
" Is this the address of a frequent contributor to open source projects ? "
Mohamed's trial is not closed yet. There is no verdict. More users have to vote.
We see the 0.01 eth " Yes " vote from Mohamed himself. There is no " No " vote yet .
Jean clicks on Yes and States some more Eth supporting Mohamed's récognition.
Axel comes in : " Hey guys, are you serious ??? Mohamed sure contributes to open source projects. But I don't think he qualifies as a 'frequent' contributor. I'll vote No. "
Axel connects with Metamask and votes no.
Or not. Depending on how much Jean and Axel staked on their votes.
This issue report shows how github contributors could publish their Ethereum address so that anyone can vote for or against their address once they have visited the associated github profile and its contribution activity.
The revolution page displays the list of citizen trials and their status : verdict issued or not ? accepted or rejected ? how much Eth distributed to each so far ? how many votes for and against each citizen.