(release date 2024-10-08)
- added support of SUN-FSK and SUN-OFDM. Enable the transmission and reception of packets carrying up to 2033 bytes of payload.
- added APIs emberOfdmSetMcs() and emberOfdmGetMcs() to get and set the OFDM MCS when SUN-OFDM is used.
- update EmberMessageLength typedef to allow the message length to be coded on 16 bits.
- added API emberUsingLongMessages() to enable the support of NCP messages codes on 16 bits. Default to 8 bits messages.
- added API emberSetUnencryptedPacketsAcceptance() to accept or refuse unencrypted packets.
- fixed a segmentation fault while freeing a new firmware image
(release date 2023-10-17)
- added API emberGetVersionInfo() to get GSDK, Stack and bootloader versions
- added API sl_connect_get_ncp_gsdk_version() to get the GSDK version on the NCP without calling the stack
- added APIs emberGetKeyId() and emberSetPsaSecurityKey() to manage PSA security keys by their ID
- added API emberSetNcpSecurityKeyPersistent() to set a permanent PSA security key
- changed the way the NCP connection is opened through CPC
(release date 2023-06-09)
- added OTA Unicast bootloader server support
- added example application
(release date 2023-03-15)
- added CPC support for communication with the NCP
- added public APIs for linux host application development