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Romain Ruaud edited this page Mar 27, 2017 · 3 revisions

Retailer Administration

It can be accessed under the Sellers menu, via the Retailers entry.

You can create, update and delete your retailers here.

Creating a Retailer

In this page you have a grid displaying all your retailers. You can add a new one by clicking on the Add New Retailer button.

Basic fields

The first fieldset shown in this screen allows you to configure Retailer's basic data.

Retailer Base Fields

Attribute Required Description
Enable Retailer Yes If the Retailer is enabled or not.
Retailer Name Yes The Name of this Retailer.
Seller Code Yes A technical identifier for this retailer. Never displayed in Front-Office, may be used for internal purposes. This field should be unique among all retailers.

Meta attributes

The second fieldset contains SEO based attributes, to enhance your Retailer's pages in Front-Office.

Retailer Meta Fields

Attribute Required Description
Page title No The meta title which will be displayed on the Retailer page in Front-Office. Fallbacks to the Retailer Name if not defined.
Meta Keywords No Meta keywords to display in Retailer frontend page.
Meta Description No The meta description which will be displayed on the Retailer page in Front-Office. Fallbacks to the Retailer Description if not defined.

Address fields

This fieldset allows you to set the address of the Retailer

Retailer Address Fields

Attribute Required Description
Street Yes Retailer Street
Postcode Yes Retailer Postcode
City Yes Retailer City
Country Yes Retailer Country
Latitude Yes Retailer Latitude, used to draw it on the map.
Longitude Yes Retailer Longitude, used to draw it on the map.

Contact fields

This fieldset allows you to set the contact informations of the Retailer

Retailer Contact Fields

Attribute Required Description
Contact Phone number No The phone number to contact this retailer
Contact Fax number No The retailer fax number
Contact Mail No The email address of the retailer
Show contact form No When set to Yes, a link to a contact form for this retailer will be displayed in Front Office. The contact form is sent to the email address set as contact email.

Opening Hours

This fieldset allows you to set the opening hours of the retailer

Retailer Opening Hours

For each day of the week, you are able to set none or several opening periods.

If you want to indicate that the retailer is closed on sunday, you just have to let this day empty.

Special Opening Hours

This fieldset allows you to set the opening hours of the retailer

Retailer Special Opening Hours

With this fieldset, you are allowed to add Special Opening Hours :

  • Setting a day which is normally Open as Closed for a specific date (special closure).
  • Setting a day which is normally Closed as Open for a specific date (special opening).

If you want to remove a special opening hours, just click on the recycle bin in front of it.

Updating a Retailer

You can edit a previously created retailer and add or remove some elements.

Removing a Retailer

You can remove a previously created retailer from the grid or by clicking the Delete Retailer button on the Retailer edit page.