Module smax.smax_redis_client
--Expand source code -
-import logging
-import socket
-from fnmatch import fnmatch
-import numpy as np
-from redis import StrictRedis, ConnectionError, TimeoutError
-from .smax_client import SmaxClient, SmaxData
-class SmaxRedisClient(SmaxClient):
- def __init__(self, redis_ip="", redis_port=6379, redis_db=0,
- program_name=None, hostname=None):
- """
- Constructor for SmaxRedisClient, automatically establishes connection
- and sets the redis-py connection object to 'self._client'. This magic
- happens in the SmaxClient parent class that is inherited.
- Args:
- redis_ip (str): IP address of redis-server.
- redis_port (int): Port of redis-server.
- redis_db (int): Database index to connect to.
- program_name (str): Optional program name gets appended to hostname.
- hostname (str): Optional hostname, obtained automatically otherwise.
- """
- # Logging convention for messages to have module names in them.
- logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR)
- self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- # Attributes for package, not exposed to users.
- self._redis_ip = redis_ip
- self._redis_port = redis_port
- self._redis_db = redis_db
- self._getSHA = None
- self._setSHA = None
- self._pubsub = None
- self._pipeline = None
- self._getstructSHA = None
- self._multi_setSHA = None
- self._threads = []
- # Obtain _hostname automatically, unless '_hostname' argument is passed.
- self._hostname = socket.gethostname() if hostname is None else hostname
- # Optionally add a program name into the _hostname.
- if program_name is not None:
- self._hostname += ':' + program_name
- # Call parent constructor, which calls smax_connect_to().
- super().__init__(redis_ip, redis_port, redis_db)
- def smax_connect_to(self, redis_ip, redis_port, redis_db):
- """
- Uses the redis-py library to establish a connection to redis, then
- obtains and stores the LUA scripts in the object (ex self._getSHA). This
- function is called automatically by the SmaxClient parent class, so
- there shouldn't be a need to call this explicitly.
- Args:
- redis_ip (str): IP address of redis-server.
- redis_port (int): Port of redis-server.
- redis_db (int): Database index to connect to.
- Returns:
- Redis: A Redis client object configured from the given args.
- """
- try:
- # Connect to redis-server, and store LUA scripts on the object.
- redis_client = StrictRedis(host=redis_ip,
- port=redis_port,
- db=redis_db,
- health_check_interval=30)
- self._getSHA = redis_client.hget('scripts', 'HGetWithMeta')
- self._setSHA = redis_client.hget('scripts', 'HSetWithMeta')
- self._multi_setSHA = redis_client.hget('scripts', 'HMSetWithMeta')
- self._getstructSHA = redis_client.hget('scripts', 'GetStruct')
-"Connected to redis server {redis_ip}:{redis_port} db={redis_db}")
- return redis_client
- except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError):
- self._logger.error("Connecting to redis and getting scripts failed")
- raise
- def smax_disconnect(self):
- """
- Python manages a connection pool automatically, if somehow that fails
- release the connection, this disconnect function will do it.
- """
- if self._client.connection:
- self._client.connection.disconnect()
-"Disconnected redis server {self._redis_ip}:{self._redis_port} db={self._redis_db}")
- @staticmethod
- def _parse_lua_pull_response(lua_data, origin):
- """
- Private method to parse the response from calling the HGetWithMeta LUA
- script.
- Args:
- lua_data (list): value, vtype, dim, timestamp, origin, serial
- origin (str): Full name of the SMAX table
- Returns:
- SmaxData: Populated SmaxData NamedTuple object.
- """
- # Extract the type out of the meta data, and map string to real type object.
- type_name = lua_data[1].decode("utf-8")
- if type_name in _TYPE_MAP:
- data_type = _TYPE_MAP[type_name]
- else:
- raise TypeError(f"I can't deal with data of type {type_name}")
- # Extract data, source and sequence from meta data.
- data_date = float(lua_data[3])
- source = lua_data[4].decode("utf-8")
- sequence = int(lua_data[5])
- # Extract dimension information from meta data.
- data_dim = tuple(int(s) for s in lua_data[2].decode("utf-8").split())
- # If only one dimension convert to a single value (rather than list)
- if len(data_dim) == 1:
- data_dim = data_dim[0]
- # If there is only a single value, cast to the appropriate type and return.
- if data_dim == 1:
- if data_type == str:
- data = lua_data[0].decode("utf-8")
- else:
- data = data_type(lua_data[0])
- return SmaxData(data, data_type, data_dim, data_date, source, sequence, origin)
- # This is some kind of array.
- else:
- data = lua_data[0].decode("utf-8").split(" ")
- # If this is a list of strings, just clean up string and return.
- if data_type == str:
- # Remove the leading and trailing \' in each string in the list.
- data = [s.strip("\'") for s in data]
- return SmaxData(data, data_type, data_dim, data_date, source, sequence, origin)
- else:
- # Use numpy for all other numerical types
- data = np.array(data, dtype=data_type)
- # If this is a multi-dimensional array, reshape with numpy.
- if type(data_dim) == tuple: # n-d array
- data = data.reshape(data_dim)
- return SmaxData(data, data_type, data_dim, data_date, source, sequence, origin)
- def smax_pull(self, table, key):
- """
- Get data which was stored with the smax macro HSetWithMeta along with
- the associated metadata. The return value will an SmaxData object
- containing the data, typeName, dataDimension(s), dataDate, source of the
- data, and a sequence number. If you pulled a struct, you will get a
- nested dictionary back, with each leaf being an SmaxData object.
- Args:
- table (str): SMAX table name
- key (str): SMAX key name
- Returns:
- SmaxData: Populated SmaxData NamedTuple object.
- dict: If a struct is pulled, this returns a nested dictionary.
- """
- try:
- lua_data = self._client.evalsha(self._getSHA, '1', table, key)
-"Successfully pulled {table}:{key}")
- except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError):
- self._logger.error(f"Reading {table}:{key} from Redis failed")
- raise
- # Extract the type out of the meta data, and map string to real type object.
- type_name = lua_data[1].decode("utf-8")
- self._logger.debug(f"Type: {type_name}")
- # If the lua response says its a struct we have to now use another LUA
- # script to go back to redis and collect the struct.
- if type_name == "struct":
- try:
- lua_struct = self._client.evalsha(self._getstructSHA, '1', table, key)
-"Successfully pulled struct {table}:{key}")
- except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError):
- self._logger.error(f"Reading {table}:{key} from Redis failed")
- raise
- # The struct will be parsed into a nested python dictionary.
- tree = {}
- for struct_name_index, stuct_name in enumerate(lua_struct[0]):
- t = tree
- names = stuct_name.decode("utf-8").split(':')
- for table_name_index, table_name in enumerate(names):
- # Grow a new hierarchical level with a blank dictionary.
- t = t.setdefault(table_name, {})
- # If this is the last name in the path, add actual data.
- if table_name_index == len(names) - 1:
- # Create offset indices for more readable code.
- offset = struct_name_index + struct_name_index + 1
- offset2 = struct_name_index + struct_name_index + 2
- # Process leaf node like it is a normal smax_pull.
- for leaf_index, leaf in enumerate(lua_struct[offset]):
- # If the leaf says its a struct, ignore it.
- lua_type = lua_struct[offset2][1][leaf_index]
- if lua_type.decode("utf-8") == "struct":
- continue
- # Extract data and metadata to pass into parser.
- lua_data = lua_struct[offset2][0][leaf_index]
- lua_dim = lua_struct[offset2][2][leaf_index]
- lua_date = lua_struct[offset2][3][leaf_index]
- lua_hostname = lua_struct[offset2][4][leaf_index]
- lua_sequence = lua_struct[offset2][5][leaf_index]
- # Parser will return an SmaxData object.
- smax_data_object = self._parse_lua_pull_response(
- [lua_data, lua_type, lua_dim, lua_date,
- lua_hostname, lua_sequence], f"{table}:{key}")
- # Add SmaxData object into the nested dictionary.
- t.setdefault(lua_struct[offset][leaf_index].decode("utf-8"),
- smax_data_object)
- return tree
- return self._parse_lua_pull_response(lua_data, f"{table}:{key}")
- @staticmethod
- def _to_smax_format(value):
- """
- Private function that converts a given data value to the string format
- that SMAX supports.
- Args:
- value: Any supported data type, including (nested) dicts.
- Returns:
- tuple: tuple of (data_string, type_name, dim_string)
- """
- # Derive the type according to Python.
- python_type = type(value)
- # Single value of a supported type, cast to string and send to redis.
- if python_type in _REVERSE_TYPE_MAP:
- type_name = _REVERSE_TYPE_MAP[python_type]
- return str(value), type_name, 1
- # If this is an SmaxData object, just pass along the data attribute.
- if python_type == SmaxData:
- value =
- # Copy the data into a variable that we will manipulate for smax.
- converted_data = value
- # If type is list or tuple, convert to numpy array for further manipulation.
- if python_type == list or python_type == tuple:
- # Convert to numpy array, dtype="O" preserves the original types.
- converted_data = np.array(value, dtype="O")
- python_type = np.ndarray
- # Now if its a numpy array, flatten, convert to a string, and return.
- if python_type == np.ndarray or python_type == np.array:
- # If the shape is a single dimension, set 'size' equal to that value.
- data_shape = converted_data.shape
- if len(data_shape) == 1:
- size = data_shape[0]
- else:
- # Convert shape tuple to a space delimited list for smax.
- size = " ".join(str(i) for i in data_shape)
- # Flatten and make a space delimited string of dimensions.
- converted_data = converted_data.flatten()
- # Check this 1D representation of the data for type uniformity.
- if not all(isinstance(x, type(converted_data[0])) for x in converted_data):
- raise TypeError("All values in list are not the same type.")
- type_name = _REVERSE_TYPE_MAP[type(converted_data[0])]
- # Create a string representation of the data in the array.
- converted_data = ' '.join(str(x) for x in converted_data)
- return converted_data, type_name, size
- else:
- raise TypeError(f"Unable to convert {python_type} for SMAX")
- def _recurse_nested_dict(self, dictionary):
- """
- Private function to recursively traverse a nested dictionary, finding
- the leaf nodes that have actual data values. Each real data value
- is yielded back as it recurses.
- Args:
- dictionary (dict): Dict containing keys that exist in SMAX.
- Yields:
- (key, value) for every leaf node in the nested dictionary.
- """
- for key, value in dictionary.items():
- if isinstance(value, dict):
- # If value is dict then iterate over all its values
- for pair in self._recurse_nested_dict(value):
- yield (key, *pair)
- else:
- yield key, value
- def smax_share(self, table, key, value):
- """
- Send data to redis using the smax macro HSetWithMeta to include
- metadata. The metadata is typeName, dataDimension(s), dataDate,
- source of the data, and a sequence number. The first two are
- determined from the data and the source from this computer's name
- plus the program name if given when this class is instantiated.
- Date and sequence number are added by the redis macro.
- Args:
- table (str): SMAX table name
- key (str): SMAX key name
- value: data to store, takes supported types, including (nested) dicts.
- Returns:
- return value from redis-py's evalsha() function.
- """
- # If this is not a dict, then convert data to smax format and send.
- if not isinstance(value, dict):
- converted_data, type_name, size = self._to_smax_format(value)
- return self._evalsha_set(table, key, converted_data, type_name, size)
- else:
- # Recursively traverse the (nested) dictionary to generate a set
- # of values to update atomically. The recurse_nested_dict function
- # yields key/value pairs as it finds the leaf nodes of the nested
- # dict.
- tables = {}
- for pair in self._recurse_nested_dict(value):
- converted_data, type_name, dim = self._to_smax_format(pair[2])
- if pair[0] not in tables:
- tables[pair[0]] = []
- tables[pair[0]].extend([pair[1], converted_data, type_name, dim])
- return self._pipeline_evalsha_set(table, key, tables)
- def _evalsha_set(self, table, key, data_string, type_name, size):
- """
- Private function that calls evalsha() using an SMAX LUA script.
- Args:
- table (str): SMAX table name.
- key (str): SMAX key name.
- data_string (str): Data converted to proper SMAX string format.
- type_name (str): String representation of type.
- size: (str): Representation of the dimensions of the data. If one
- dimension, than a single integer.Otherwise will be a string
- of space delimited dimension values.
- Returns:
- return value from redis-py's evalsha() function.
- """
- try:
- result = self._client.evalsha(self._setSHA, '1', table,
- self._hostname, key, data_string,
- type_name, size)
-"Successfully shared to {table}:{key}")
- return result
- except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError):
- self._logger.error("Redis seems down, unable to call the _setSHA LUA script.")
- raise
- def _pipeline_evalsha_set(self, table, key, commands):
- """
- In order to execute multiple LUA scripts atomically, it has to use the
- pipeline module in redis-py. This function takes a list of commands,
- and issues them as a "pipeline", which uses a MULTI/EXEC block under the
- covers. The HMSetWithMeta LUA script allows you to update multiple
- values for a table, although a separate call for each new table is needed.
- Args:
- table (str): SMAX table name
- key (str): SMAX key name
- commands (dict): Keys for each table to update, and list of commands
- to pass to HMSetWithMeta LUA script.
- Returns:
- return value from redis-py's pipeline.execute() function.
- """
- try:
- if self._pipeline is None:
- self._pipeline = self._client.pipeline()
- for k in commands.keys():
- self._pipeline.evalsha(self._multi_setSHA, '1',
- f"{table}:{key}:{k}",
- self._hostname,
- *commands[k])
- result = self._pipeline.execute()
-"Successfully executed pipeline share to {table}:{key}:{list(commands.keys())}")
- return result
- except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError):
- self._logger.error("Unable to call HMSetWithMeta LUA script.")
- raise
- def smax_lazy_pull(self, table, key, value):
- raise NotImplementedError("Available in C API, not in python")
- def smax_lazy_end(self, table, key):
- raise NotImplementedError("Available in C API, not in python")
- def smax_subscribe(self, pattern, callback=None):
- """
- Subscribe to a redis field or group of fields. You can type the full
- name of the field you'd like to subscribe too, or use a wildcard "*"
- character as a suffix to specify a pattern. Use a callback for asynchronous
- processing of notifications, or use one of the smax_wait_on functions.
- Args:
- pattern (str): Either full name of smax field, or use a wildcard '*'
- at the end of the pattern to be notified for anything
- underneath.
- callback (func): Function that takes a single argument (Default=None).
- The message in your callback will be an SmaData
- object, or a nested dictionary for a struct.
- """
- def parent_callback(message):
- msg_pattern = message["pattern"]
- if msg_pattern is not None:
- path = message["pattern"].decode("utf-8")[:-1]
- else:
- path = message["channel"].decode("utf-8")
- table = path[5:path.rfind(":")]
- key = path[path.rfind(":") + 1:]
- self._logger.debug(f"Callback notification received:{message}")
- data = self.smax_pull(table, key)
- callback(data)
- if self._pubsub is None:
- self._pubsub = self._client.pubsub()
- self._logger.debug("Created redis pubsub object")
- if pattern.endswith("*"):
- if callback is None:
- self._pubsub.psubscribe(f"smax:{pattern}")
-"Subscribed to {pattern}")
- else:
- self._pubsub.psubscribe(**{f"smax:{pattern}": parent_callback})
- self._pubsub.run_in_thread(sleep_time=None, daemon=True)
-"Subscribed to {pattern} with a callback")
- else:
- if callback is None:
- self._pubsub.subscribe(f"smax:{pattern}")
-"Subscribed to {pattern}")
- else:
- self._pubsub.subscribe(**{f"smax:{pattern}": parent_callback})
-"Subscribed to {pattern} with a callback")
- self._pubsub.run_in_thread(sleep_time=None, daemon=True)
- def smax_unsubscribe(self, pattern=None):
- """
- Unsubscribe from all subscribed channels, or pass a pattern argument
- to unsubscribe from specific channels.
- Args:
- pattern (str): Either full name of smax field, or use a wildcard '*'
- at the end of the pattern to be notified for anything
- underneath.
- """
- if self._pubsub is not None:
- if pattern is None:
- self._pubsub.punsubscribe()
- self._pubsub.unsubscribe()
-"Unsubscribed from all tables")
- elif pattern.endswith("*"):
- self._pubsub.punsubscribe(f"smax:{pattern}")
-"Unsubscribed from {pattern}")
- else:
- self._pubsub.unsubscribe(f"smax:{pattern}")
-"Unsubscribed from {pattern}")
- def _redis_listen(self, pattern=None, timeout=None, notification_only=False):
- """
- Private function to help implement the "wait" functions in this API.
- In the redis-py library, the listen() function is a blocking call, so
- it gets used if there is no timeout specified. When there is a timeout,
- the get_message() function is used, because listen() doesn't take a timeout
- value. The get_message() function doesn't block by default, but when
- a timeout is specified it blocks until the timeout is reached. This function
- will raise a redis Timeout exception when the timeout is reached.
- Args:
- pattern (str): SMAX table/key pattern to listen on.
- timeout (float): Value in seconds to wait before raising timeout exception.
- notification_only (bool): If True, only returns the notification from redis.
- Returns:
- Either a (list) notification, or the actual pulled data.
- """
- # Throw away any blank messages or of type 'subscribe'
- found_real_message = False
- message = None
- channel = None
- while not found_real_message:
- if timeout is None:
- for message in self._pubsub.listen():
- break
- else:
- message = self._pubsub.get_message(timeout=timeout)
- self._logger.debug(f"Redis message received:{message}")
- if message is None:
- raise TimeoutError("Timed out waiting for redis message.")
- elif message["type"] == "message" or message["type"] == "pmessage":
- channel = message["channel"].decode("utf-8")
- if channel.startswith("smax:"):
- if pattern is None:
- found_real_message = True
- elif fnmatch(channel[5:], pattern):
- found_real_message = True
- if notification_only:
- return message
- else:
- if pattern is None:
- # Pull the exact table that sent the notification.
- table = channel[5:channel.rfind(":")]
- key = channel.split(":")[-1]
- else:
- # Pull the parent struct or "pattern" that was subscribed to.
- table = pattern[:pattern.rfind(":")]
- key = pattern.split(":")[-1].strip('*')
- return self.smax_pull(table, key)
- def smax_wait_on_subscribed(self, pattern, timeout=None, notification_only=False):
- """
- If you use smax_subscribe without a callback, you can use this function
- to specify with channel to listen to, and block until a message is received.
- Args:
- pattern (str): SMAX table/key pattern to listen on.
- timeout (int): Value in seconds to wait before raising timeout exception.
- notification_only (bool): If True, only returns the notification from redis.
- Returns:
- Either a (list) notification, or the actual pulled data.
- """
- return self._redis_listen(pattern=pattern, timeout=timeout,
- notification_only=notification_only)
- def smax_wait_on_any_subscribed(self, timeout=None, notification_only=False):
- """
- If you use smax_subscribe without a callback, you can use this function
- to block until a message is received from any channel you are subscribed to.
- Args:
- timeout (float): Value in seconds to wait before raising timeout exception.
- notification_only (bool): If True, only returns the notification from redis.
- Returns:
- Either a (list) notification, or the actual pulled data.
- """
- return self._redis_listen(timeout=timeout,
- notification_only=notification_only)
- def smax_set_description(self, table, description):
- """
- Creates a <description> metadata field for specified table.
- Args:
- table (str): Full SMAX table name (with key included).
- description (str): String for the description of this smax field.
- """
- return self.smax_push_meta("description", table, description)
- def smax_get_description(self, table):
- return self.smax_pull_meta(table, "description")
- def smax_set_units(self, table, unit):
- return self.smax_push_meta("units", table, unit)
- def smax_get_units(self, table):
- return self.smax_pull_meta(table, "units")
- def smax_set_coordinate_system(self, table, coordinate_system):
- raise NotImplementedError("Available in C API, not in python")
- def smax_get_coordinate_system(self, table):
- raise NotImplementedError("Available in C API, not in python")
- def smax_create_coordinate_system(self, n_axis):
- raise NotImplementedError("Available in C API, not in python")
- def smax_push_meta(self, meta, table, value):
- """
- Sets additional metadata for a given table.
- Args:
- meta (str): Key for the metadata field.
- table (str): Name of the table to set metadata for.
- value (str or int): Metadata value to store in redis, note this
- needs to be a string int.
- Returns:
- Result of redis-py hset function.
- """
- try:
- result = self._client.hset(f"<{meta}>", table, value)
-"Successfully shared metadata to {table}")
- return result
- except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError):
- self._logger.error("Redis seems down, unable to call hset.")
- raise
- def smax_pull_meta(self, table, meta):
- """
- Pulls specified metadata field from a given table.
- Args:
- table (str): Name of the table to pull metadata from.
- meta (str): Metadata field name to pull.
- Returns:
- Result of redis-py hget function.
- """
- try:
- result = self._client.hget(f"<{meta}>", table).decode("utf-8")
-"Successfully pulled metadata from {table}")
- if type(result) == bytes:
- return result.decode("utf-8")
- else:
- return result
- except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError):
- self._logger.error("Redis seems down, unable to call hget.")
- raise
-# Lookup tables for converting python types to smax type names.
-_TYPE_MAP = {'integer': int,
- 'int16': np.int16,
- 'int32': np.int32,
- 'int64': np.int64,
- 'int8': np.int8,
- 'float': float,
- 'float32': np.float32,
- 'float64': np.float64,
- 'str128': str,
- 'str160': str,
- 'str': str}
-_REVERSE_TYPE_MAP = inv_map = {v: k for k, v in _TYPE_MAP.items()}
-class SmaxRedisClient -(redis_ip='', redis_port=6379, redis_db=0, program_name=None, hostname=None) -
Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using -inheritance.
-Constructor for SmaxRedisClient, automatically establishes connection -and sets the redis-py connection object to 'self._client'. This magic -happens in the SmaxClient parent class that is inherited.
-- IP address of redis-server. -
-- Port of redis-server. -
-- Database index to connect to. -
-- Optional program name gets appended to hostname. -
-- Optional hostname, obtained automatically otherwise. -
---Expand source code -
-class SmaxRedisClient(SmaxClient): - - def __init__(self, redis_ip="", redis_port=6379, redis_db=0, - program_name=None, hostname=None): - """ - Constructor for SmaxRedisClient, automatically establishes connection - and sets the redis-py connection object to 'self._client'. This magic - happens in the SmaxClient parent class that is inherited. - Args: - redis_ip (str): IP address of redis-server. - redis_port (int): Port of redis-server. - redis_db (int): Database index to connect to. - program_name (str): Optional program name gets appended to hostname. - hostname (str): Optional hostname, obtained automatically otherwise. - """ - - # Logging convention for messages to have module names in them. - logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR) - self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) - - # Attributes for package, not exposed to users. - self._redis_ip = redis_ip - self._redis_port = redis_port - self._redis_db = redis_db - self._getSHA = None - self._setSHA = None - self._pubsub = None - self._pipeline = None - self._getstructSHA = None - self._multi_setSHA = None - self._threads = [] - - # Obtain _hostname automatically, unless '_hostname' argument is passed. - self._hostname = socket.gethostname() if hostname is None else hostname - - # Optionally add a program name into the _hostname. - if program_name is not None: - self._hostname += ':' + program_name - - # Call parent constructor, which calls smax_connect_to(). - super().__init__(redis_ip, redis_port, redis_db) - - def smax_connect_to(self, redis_ip, redis_port, redis_db): - """ - Uses the redis-py library to establish a connection to redis, then - obtains and stores the LUA scripts in the object (ex self._getSHA). This - function is called automatically by the SmaxClient parent class, so - there shouldn't be a need to call this explicitly. - - Args: - redis_ip (str): IP address of redis-server. - redis_port (int): Port of redis-server. - redis_db (int): Database index to connect to. - - Returns: - Redis: A Redis client object configured from the given args. - """ - - try: - # Connect to redis-server, and store LUA scripts on the object. - redis_client = StrictRedis(host=redis_ip, - port=redis_port, - db=redis_db, - health_check_interval=30) - self._getSHA = redis_client.hget('scripts', 'HGetWithMeta') - self._setSHA = redis_client.hget('scripts', 'HSetWithMeta') - self._multi_setSHA = redis_client.hget('scripts', 'HMSetWithMeta') - self._getstructSHA = redis_client.hget('scripts', 'GetStruct') -"Connected to redis server {redis_ip}:{redis_port} db={redis_db}") - return redis_client - except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError): - self._logger.error("Connecting to redis and getting scripts failed") - raise - - def smax_disconnect(self): - """ - Python manages a connection pool automatically, if somehow that fails - release the connection, this disconnect function will do it. - """ - - if self._client.connection: - self._client.connection.disconnect() -"Disconnected redis server {self._redis_ip}:{self._redis_port} db={self._redis_db}") - - @staticmethod - def _parse_lua_pull_response(lua_data, origin): - """ - Private method to parse the response from calling the HGetWithMeta LUA - script. - Args: - lua_data (list): value, vtype, dim, timestamp, origin, serial - origin (str): Full name of the SMAX table - - Returns: - SmaxData: Populated SmaxData NamedTuple object. - """ - - # Extract the type out of the meta data, and map string to real type object. - type_name = lua_data[1].decode("utf-8") - - if type_name in _TYPE_MAP: - data_type = _TYPE_MAP[type_name] - else: - raise TypeError(f"I can't deal with data of type {type_name}") - - # Extract data, source and sequence from meta data. - data_date = float(lua_data[3]) - source = lua_data[4].decode("utf-8") - sequence = int(lua_data[5]) - - # Extract dimension information from meta data. - data_dim = tuple(int(s) for s in lua_data[2].decode("utf-8").split()) - - # If only one dimension convert to a single value (rather than list) - if len(data_dim) == 1: - data_dim = data_dim[0] - - # If there is only a single value, cast to the appropriate type and return. - if data_dim == 1: - if data_type == str: - data = lua_data[0].decode("utf-8") - else: - data = data_type(lua_data[0]) - return SmaxData(data, data_type, data_dim, data_date, source, sequence, origin) - - # This is some kind of array. - else: - data = lua_data[0].decode("utf-8").split(" ") - - # If this is a list of strings, just clean up string and return. - if data_type == str: - # Remove the leading and trailing \' in each string in the list. - data = [s.strip("\'") for s in data] - return SmaxData(data, data_type, data_dim, data_date, source, sequence, origin) - else: - # Use numpy for all other numerical types - data = np.array(data, dtype=data_type) - - # If this is a multi-dimensional array, reshape with numpy. - if type(data_dim) == tuple: # n-d array - data = data.reshape(data_dim) - - return SmaxData(data, data_type, data_dim, data_date, source, sequence, origin) - - def smax_pull(self, table, key): - """ - Get data which was stored with the smax macro HSetWithMeta along with - the associated metadata. The return value will an SmaxData object - containing the data, typeName, dataDimension(s), dataDate, source of the - data, and a sequence number. If you pulled a struct, you will get a - nested dictionary back, with each leaf being an SmaxData object. - Args: - table (str): SMAX table name - key (str): SMAX key name - - Returns: - SmaxData: Populated SmaxData NamedTuple object. - dict: If a struct is pulled, this returns a nested dictionary. - """ - - try: - lua_data = self._client.evalsha(self._getSHA, '1', table, key) -"Successfully pulled {table}:{key}") - except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError): - self._logger.error(f"Reading {table}:{key} from Redis failed") - raise - - # Extract the type out of the meta data, and map string to real type object. - type_name = lua_data[1].decode("utf-8") - self._logger.debug(f"Type: {type_name}") - # If the lua response says its a struct we have to now use another LUA - # script to go back to redis and collect the struct. - if type_name == "struct": - try: - lua_struct = self._client.evalsha(self._getstructSHA, '1', table, key) -"Successfully pulled struct {table}:{key}") - except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError): - self._logger.error(f"Reading {table}:{key} from Redis failed") - raise - - # The struct will be parsed into a nested python dictionary. - tree = {} - for struct_name_index, stuct_name in enumerate(lua_struct[0]): - t = tree - names = stuct_name.decode("utf-8").split(':') - - for table_name_index, table_name in enumerate(names): - - # Grow a new hierarchical level with a blank dictionary. - t = t.setdefault(table_name, {}) - - # If this is the last name in the path, add actual data. - if table_name_index == len(names) - 1: - - # Create offset indices for more readable code. - offset = struct_name_index + struct_name_index + 1 - offset2 = struct_name_index + struct_name_index + 2 - - # Process leaf node like it is a normal smax_pull. - for leaf_index, leaf in enumerate(lua_struct[offset]): - - # If the leaf says its a struct, ignore it. - lua_type = lua_struct[offset2][1][leaf_index] - if lua_type.decode("utf-8") == "struct": - continue - - # Extract data and metadata to pass into parser. - lua_data = lua_struct[offset2][0][leaf_index] - lua_dim = lua_struct[offset2][2][leaf_index] - lua_date = lua_struct[offset2][3][leaf_index] - lua_hostname = lua_struct[offset2][4][leaf_index] - lua_sequence = lua_struct[offset2][5][leaf_index] - - # Parser will return an SmaxData object. - smax_data_object = self._parse_lua_pull_response( - [lua_data, lua_type, lua_dim, lua_date, - lua_hostname, lua_sequence], f"{table}:{key}") - - # Add SmaxData object into the nested dictionary. - t.setdefault(lua_struct[offset][leaf_index].decode("utf-8"), - smax_data_object) - return tree - - return self._parse_lua_pull_response(lua_data, f"{table}:{key}") - - @staticmethod - def _to_smax_format(value): - """ - Private function that converts a given data value to the string format - that SMAX supports. - Args: - value: Any supported data type, including (nested) dicts. - - Returns: - tuple: tuple of (data_string, type_name, dim_string) - """ - - # Derive the type according to Python. - python_type = type(value) - - # Single value of a supported type, cast to string and send to redis. - if python_type in _REVERSE_TYPE_MAP: - type_name = _REVERSE_TYPE_MAP[python_type] - return str(value), type_name, 1 - - # If this is an SmaxData object, just pass along the data attribute. - if python_type == SmaxData: - value = - - # Copy the data into a variable that we will manipulate for smax. - converted_data = value - - # If type is list or tuple, convert to numpy array for further manipulation. - if python_type == list or python_type == tuple: - # Convert to numpy array, dtype="O" preserves the original types. - converted_data = np.array(value, dtype="O") - python_type = np.ndarray - - # Now if its a numpy array, flatten, convert to a string, and return. - if python_type == np.ndarray or python_type == np.array: - - # If the shape is a single dimension, set 'size' equal to that value. - data_shape = converted_data.shape - if len(data_shape) == 1: - size = data_shape[0] - else: - # Convert shape tuple to a space delimited list for smax. - size = " ".join(str(i) for i in data_shape) - - # Flatten and make a space delimited string of dimensions. - converted_data = converted_data.flatten() - - # Check this 1D representation of the data for type uniformity. - if not all(isinstance(x, type(converted_data[0])) for x in converted_data): - raise TypeError("All values in list are not the same type.") - - type_name = _REVERSE_TYPE_MAP[type(converted_data[0])] - - # Create a string representation of the data in the array. - converted_data = ' '.join(str(x) for x in converted_data) - return converted_data, type_name, size - - else: - raise TypeError(f"Unable to convert {python_type} for SMAX") - - def _recurse_nested_dict(self, dictionary): - """ - Private function to recursively traverse a nested dictionary, finding - the leaf nodes that have actual data values. Each real data value - is yielded back as it recurses. - Args: - dictionary (dict): Dict containing keys that exist in SMAX. - - Yields: - (key, value) for every leaf node in the nested dictionary. - """ - - for key, value in dictionary.items(): - if isinstance(value, dict): - # If value is dict then iterate over all its values - for pair in self._recurse_nested_dict(value): - yield (key, *pair) - else: - yield key, value - - def smax_share(self, table, key, value): - """ - Send data to redis using the smax macro HSetWithMeta to include - metadata. The metadata is typeName, dataDimension(s), dataDate, - source of the data, and a sequence number. The first two are - determined from the data and the source from this computer's name - plus the program name if given when this class is instantiated. - Date and sequence number are added by the redis macro. - Args: - table (str): SMAX table name - key (str): SMAX key name - value: data to store, takes supported types, including (nested) dicts. - - Returns: - return value from redis-py's evalsha() function. - """ - - # If this is not a dict, then convert data to smax format and send. - if not isinstance(value, dict): - converted_data, type_name, size = self._to_smax_format(value) - return self._evalsha_set(table, key, converted_data, type_name, size) - else: - # Recursively traverse the (nested) dictionary to generate a set - # of values to update atomically. The recurse_nested_dict function - # yields key/value pairs as it finds the leaf nodes of the nested - # dict. - tables = {} - for pair in self._recurse_nested_dict(value): - converted_data, type_name, dim = self._to_smax_format(pair[2]) - if pair[0] not in tables: - tables[pair[0]] = [] - tables[pair[0]].extend([pair[1], converted_data, type_name, dim]) - - return self._pipeline_evalsha_set(table, key, tables) - - def _evalsha_set(self, table, key, data_string, type_name, size): - """ - Private function that calls evalsha() using an SMAX LUA script. - Args: - table (str): SMAX table name. - key (str): SMAX key name. - data_string (str): Data converted to proper SMAX string format. - type_name (str): String representation of type. - size: (str): Representation of the dimensions of the data. If one - dimension, than a single integer.Otherwise will be a string - of space delimited dimension values. - - Returns: - return value from redis-py's evalsha() function. - """ - - try: - result = self._client.evalsha(self._setSHA, '1', table, - self._hostname, key, data_string, - type_name, size) -"Successfully shared to {table}:{key}") - return result - except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError): - self._logger.error("Redis seems down, unable to call the _setSHA LUA script.") - raise - - def _pipeline_evalsha_set(self, table, key, commands): - """ - In order to execute multiple LUA scripts atomically, it has to use the - pipeline module in redis-py. This function takes a list of commands, - and issues them as a "pipeline", which uses a MULTI/EXEC block under the - covers. The HMSetWithMeta LUA script allows you to update multiple - values for a table, although a separate call for each new table is needed. - Args: - table (str): SMAX table name - key (str): SMAX key name - commands (dict): Keys for each table to update, and list of commands - to pass to HMSetWithMeta LUA script. - - Returns: - return value from redis-py's pipeline.execute() function. - """ - try: - if self._pipeline is None: - self._pipeline = self._client.pipeline() - for k in commands.keys(): - self._pipeline.evalsha(self._multi_setSHA, '1', - f"{table}:{key}:{k}", - self._hostname, - *commands[k]) - result = self._pipeline.execute() -"Successfully executed pipeline share to {table}:{key}:{list(commands.keys())}") - return result - except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError): - self._logger.error("Unable to call HMSetWithMeta LUA script.") - raise - - def smax_lazy_pull(self, table, key, value): - raise NotImplementedError("Available in C API, not in python") - - def smax_lazy_end(self, table, key): - raise NotImplementedError("Available in C API, not in python") - - def smax_subscribe(self, pattern, callback=None): - """ - Subscribe to a redis field or group of fields. You can type the full - name of the field you'd like to subscribe too, or use a wildcard "*" - character as a suffix to specify a pattern. Use a callback for asynchronous - processing of notifications, or use one of the smax_wait_on functions. - Args: - pattern (str): Either full name of smax field, or use a wildcard '*' - at the end of the pattern to be notified for anything - underneath. - callback (func): Function that takes a single argument (Default=None). - The message in your callback will be an SmaData - object, or a nested dictionary for a struct. - """ - def parent_callback(message): - msg_pattern = message["pattern"] - if msg_pattern is not None: - path = message["pattern"].decode("utf-8")[:-1] - else: - path = message["channel"].decode("utf-8") - - table = path[5:path.rfind(":")] - key = path[path.rfind(":") + 1:] - self._logger.debug(f"Callback notification received:{message}") - data = self.smax_pull(table, key) - callback(data) - - if self._pubsub is None: - self._pubsub = self._client.pubsub() - self._logger.debug("Created redis pubsub object") - - if pattern.endswith("*"): - if callback is None: - self._pubsub.psubscribe(f"smax:{pattern}") -"Subscribed to {pattern}") - else: - self._pubsub.psubscribe(**{f"smax:{pattern}": parent_callback}) - self._pubsub.run_in_thread(sleep_time=None, daemon=True) -"Subscribed to {pattern} with a callback") - else: - if callback is None: - self._pubsub.subscribe(f"smax:{pattern}") -"Subscribed to {pattern}") - else: - self._pubsub.subscribe(**{f"smax:{pattern}": parent_callback}) -"Subscribed to {pattern} with a callback") - self._pubsub.run_in_thread(sleep_time=None, daemon=True) - - def smax_unsubscribe(self, pattern=None): - """ - Unsubscribe from all subscribed channels, or pass a pattern argument - to unsubscribe from specific channels. - Args: - pattern (str): Either full name of smax field, or use a wildcard '*' - at the end of the pattern to be notified for anything - underneath. - """ - if self._pubsub is not None: - if pattern is None: - self._pubsub.punsubscribe() - self._pubsub.unsubscribe() -"Unsubscribed from all tables") - elif pattern.endswith("*"): - self._pubsub.punsubscribe(f"smax:{pattern}") -"Unsubscribed from {pattern}") - else: - self._pubsub.unsubscribe(f"smax:{pattern}") -"Unsubscribed from {pattern}") - - def _redis_listen(self, pattern=None, timeout=None, notification_only=False): - """ - Private function to help implement the "wait" functions in this API. - In the redis-py library, the listen() function is a blocking call, so - it gets used if there is no timeout specified. When there is a timeout, - the get_message() function is used, because listen() doesn't take a timeout - value. The get_message() function doesn't block by default, but when - a timeout is specified it blocks until the timeout is reached. This function - will raise a redis Timeout exception when the timeout is reached. - - Args: - pattern (str): SMAX table/key pattern to listen on. - timeout (float): Value in seconds to wait before raising timeout exception. - notification_only (bool): If True, only returns the notification from redis. - - Returns: - Either a (list) notification, or the actual pulled data. - """ - - # Throw away any blank messages or of type 'subscribe' - found_real_message = False - message = None - channel = None - - while not found_real_message: - if timeout is None: - for message in self._pubsub.listen(): - break - else: - message = self._pubsub.get_message(timeout=timeout) - self._logger.debug(f"Redis message received:{message}") - if message is None: - raise TimeoutError("Timed out waiting for redis message.") - elif message["type"] == "message" or message["type"] == "pmessage": - channel = message["channel"].decode("utf-8") - if channel.startswith("smax:"): - if pattern is None: - found_real_message = True - elif fnmatch(channel[5:], pattern): - found_real_message = True - - if notification_only: - return message - else: - if pattern is None: - # Pull the exact table that sent the notification. - table = channel[5:channel.rfind(":")] - key = channel.split(":")[-1] - else: - # Pull the parent struct or "pattern" that was subscribed to. - table = pattern[:pattern.rfind(":")] - key = pattern.split(":")[-1].strip('*') - return self.smax_pull(table, key) - - def smax_wait_on_subscribed(self, pattern, timeout=None, notification_only=False): - """ - If you use smax_subscribe without a callback, you can use this function - to specify with channel to listen to, and block until a message is received. - Args: - pattern (str): SMAX table/key pattern to listen on. - timeout (int): Value in seconds to wait before raising timeout exception. - notification_only (bool): If True, only returns the notification from redis. - - Returns: - Either a (list) notification, or the actual pulled data. - """ - return self._redis_listen(pattern=pattern, timeout=timeout, - notification_only=notification_only) - - def smax_wait_on_any_subscribed(self, timeout=None, notification_only=False): - """ - If you use smax_subscribe without a callback, you can use this function - to block until a message is received from any channel you are subscribed to. - Args: - timeout (float): Value in seconds to wait before raising timeout exception. - notification_only (bool): If True, only returns the notification from redis. - - Returns: - Either a (list) notification, or the actual pulled data. - """ - return self._redis_listen(timeout=timeout, - notification_only=notification_only) - - def smax_set_description(self, table, description): - """ - Creates a <description> metadata field for specified table. - Args: - table (str): Full SMAX table name (with key included). - description (str): String for the description of this smax field. - """ - return self.smax_push_meta("description", table, description) - - def smax_get_description(self, table): - return self.smax_pull_meta(table, "description") - - def smax_set_units(self, table, unit): - return self.smax_push_meta("units", table, unit) - - def smax_get_units(self, table): - return self.smax_pull_meta(table, "units") - - def smax_set_coordinate_system(self, table, coordinate_system): - raise NotImplementedError("Available in C API, not in python") - - def smax_get_coordinate_system(self, table): - raise NotImplementedError("Available in C API, not in python") - - def smax_create_coordinate_system(self, n_axis): - raise NotImplementedError("Available in C API, not in python") - - def smax_push_meta(self, meta, table, value): - """ - Sets additional metadata for a given table. - Args: - meta (str): Key for the metadata field. - table (str): Name of the table to set metadata for. - value (str or int): Metadata value to store in redis, note this - needs to be a string int. - - Returns: - Result of redis-py hset function. - """ - try: - result = self._client.hset(f"<{meta}>", table, value) -"Successfully shared metadata to {table}") - return result - except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError): - self._logger.error("Redis seems down, unable to call hset.") - raise - - def smax_pull_meta(self, table, meta): - """ - Pulls specified metadata field from a given table. - Args: - table (str): Name of the table to pull metadata from. - meta (str): Metadata field name to pull. - - Returns: - Result of redis-py hget function. - """ - try: - result = self._client.hget(f"<{meta}>", table).decode("utf-8") -"Successfully pulled metadata from {table}") - if type(result) == bytes: - return result.decode("utf-8") - else: - return result - except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError): - self._logger.error("Redis seems down, unable to call hget.") - raise
- smax.smax_client.SmaxClient -
- abc.ABC -
-def smax_connect_to(self, redis_ip, redis_port, redis_db) -
Uses the redis-py library to establish a connection to redis, then -obtains and stores the LUA scripts in the object (ex self._getSHA). This -function is called automatically by the SmaxClient parent class, so -there shouldn't be a need to call this explicitly.
-- IP address of redis-server. -
-- Port of redis-server. -
-- Database index to connect to. -
-- A Redis client object configured from the given args. -
---Expand source code -
-def smax_connect_to(self, redis_ip, redis_port, redis_db): - """ - Uses the redis-py library to establish a connection to redis, then - obtains and stores the LUA scripts in the object (ex self._getSHA). This - function is called automatically by the SmaxClient parent class, so - there shouldn't be a need to call this explicitly. - - Args: - redis_ip (str): IP address of redis-server. - redis_port (int): Port of redis-server. - redis_db (int): Database index to connect to. - - Returns: - Redis: A Redis client object configured from the given args. - """ - - try: - # Connect to redis-server, and store LUA scripts on the object. - redis_client = StrictRedis(host=redis_ip, - port=redis_port, - db=redis_db, - health_check_interval=30) - self._getSHA = redis_client.hget('scripts', 'HGetWithMeta') - self._setSHA = redis_client.hget('scripts', 'HSetWithMeta') - self._multi_setSHA = redis_client.hget('scripts', 'HMSetWithMeta') - self._getstructSHA = redis_client.hget('scripts', 'GetStruct') -"Connected to redis server {redis_ip}:{redis_port} db={redis_db}") - return redis_client - except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError): - self._logger.error("Connecting to redis and getting scripts failed") - raise
- -def smax_create_coordinate_system(self, n_axis) -
-Expand source code -
-def smax_create_coordinate_system(self, n_axis): - raise NotImplementedError("Available in C API, not in python")
- -def smax_disconnect(self) -
Python manages a connection pool automatically, if somehow that fails -release the connection, this disconnect function will do it.
---Expand source code -
-def smax_disconnect(self): - """ - Python manages a connection pool automatically, if somehow that fails - release the connection, this disconnect function will do it. - """ - - if self._client.connection: - self._client.connection.disconnect() -"Disconnected redis server {self._redis_ip}:{self._redis_port} db={self._redis_db}")
- -def smax_get_coordinate_system(self, table) -
-Expand source code -
-def smax_get_coordinate_system(self, table): - raise NotImplementedError("Available in C API, not in python")
- -def smax_get_description(self, table) -
-Expand source code -
-def smax_get_description(self, table): - return self.smax_pull_meta(table, "description")
- -def smax_get_units(self, table) -
-Expand source code -
-def smax_get_units(self, table): - return self.smax_pull_meta(table, "units")
- -def smax_lazy_end(self, table, key) -
-Expand source code -
-def smax_lazy_end(self, table, key): - raise NotImplementedError("Available in C API, not in python")
- -def smax_lazy_pull(self, table, key, value) -
-Expand source code -
-def smax_lazy_pull(self, table, key, value): - raise NotImplementedError("Available in C API, not in python")
- -def smax_pull(self, table, key) -
Get data which was stored with the smax macro HSetWithMeta along with -the associated metadata. The return value will an SmaxData object -containing the data, typeName, dataDimension(s), dataDate, source of the -data, and a sequence number. If you pulled a struct, you will get a -nested dictionary back, with each leaf being an SmaxData object.
-- SMAX table name -
-- SMAX key name -
-- Populated SmaxData NamedTuple object. -
-- If a struct is pulled, this returns a nested dictionary. -
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-def smax_pull(self, table, key): - """ - Get data which was stored with the smax macro HSetWithMeta along with - the associated metadata. The return value will an SmaxData object - containing the data, typeName, dataDimension(s), dataDate, source of the - data, and a sequence number. If you pulled a struct, you will get a - nested dictionary back, with each leaf being an SmaxData object. - Args: - table (str): SMAX table name - key (str): SMAX key name - - Returns: - SmaxData: Populated SmaxData NamedTuple object. - dict: If a struct is pulled, this returns a nested dictionary. - """ - - try: - lua_data = self._client.evalsha(self._getSHA, '1', table, key) -"Successfully pulled {table}:{key}") - except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError): - self._logger.error(f"Reading {table}:{key} from Redis failed") - raise - - # Extract the type out of the meta data, and map string to real type object. - type_name = lua_data[1].decode("utf-8") - self._logger.debug(f"Type: {type_name}") - # If the lua response says its a struct we have to now use another LUA - # script to go back to redis and collect the struct. - if type_name == "struct": - try: - lua_struct = self._client.evalsha(self._getstructSHA, '1', table, key) -"Successfully pulled struct {table}:{key}") - except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError): - self._logger.error(f"Reading {table}:{key} from Redis failed") - raise - - # The struct will be parsed into a nested python dictionary. - tree = {} - for struct_name_index, stuct_name in enumerate(lua_struct[0]): - t = tree - names = stuct_name.decode("utf-8").split(':') - - for table_name_index, table_name in enumerate(names): - - # Grow a new hierarchical level with a blank dictionary. - t = t.setdefault(table_name, {}) - - # If this is the last name in the path, add actual data. - if table_name_index == len(names) - 1: - - # Create offset indices for more readable code. - offset = struct_name_index + struct_name_index + 1 - offset2 = struct_name_index + struct_name_index + 2 - - # Process leaf node like it is a normal smax_pull. - for leaf_index, leaf in enumerate(lua_struct[offset]): - - # If the leaf says its a struct, ignore it. - lua_type = lua_struct[offset2][1][leaf_index] - if lua_type.decode("utf-8") == "struct": - continue - - # Extract data and metadata to pass into parser. - lua_data = lua_struct[offset2][0][leaf_index] - lua_dim = lua_struct[offset2][2][leaf_index] - lua_date = lua_struct[offset2][3][leaf_index] - lua_hostname = lua_struct[offset2][4][leaf_index] - lua_sequence = lua_struct[offset2][5][leaf_index] - - # Parser will return an SmaxData object. - smax_data_object = self._parse_lua_pull_response( - [lua_data, lua_type, lua_dim, lua_date, - lua_hostname, lua_sequence], f"{table}:{key}") - - # Add SmaxData object into the nested dictionary. - t.setdefault(lua_struct[offset][leaf_index].decode("utf-8"), - smax_data_object) - return tree - - return self._parse_lua_pull_response(lua_data, f"{table}:{key}")
- -def smax_pull_meta(self, table, meta) -
Pulls specified metadata field from a given table.
-- Name of the table to pull metadata from. -
-- Metadata field name to pull. -
-Result of redis-py hget function.
---Expand source code -
-def smax_pull_meta(self, table, meta): - """ - Pulls specified metadata field from a given table. - Args: - table (str): Name of the table to pull metadata from. - meta (str): Metadata field name to pull. - - Returns: - Result of redis-py hget function. - """ - try: - result = self._client.hget(f"<{meta}>", table).decode("utf-8") -"Successfully pulled metadata from {table}") - if type(result) == bytes: - return result.decode("utf-8") - else: - return result - except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError): - self._logger.error("Redis seems down, unable to call hget.") - raise
- -def smax_push_meta(self, meta, table, value) -
Sets additional metadata for a given table.
-- Key for the metadata field. -
-- Name of the table to set metadata for. -
-- Metadata value to store in redis, note this -needs to be a string int. -
-Result of redis-py hset function.
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-def smax_push_meta(self, meta, table, value): - """ - Sets additional metadata for a given table. - Args: - meta (str): Key for the metadata field. - table (str): Name of the table to set metadata for. - value (str or int): Metadata value to store in redis, note this - needs to be a string int. - - Returns: - Result of redis-py hset function. - """ - try: - result = self._client.hset(f"<{meta}>", table, value) -"Successfully shared metadata to {table}") - return result - except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError): - self._logger.error("Redis seems down, unable to call hset.") - raise
- -def smax_set_coordinate_system(self, table, coordinate_system) -
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-def smax_set_coordinate_system(self, table, coordinate_system): - raise NotImplementedError("Available in C API, not in python")
- -def smax_set_description(self, table, description) -
Creates a
-metadata field for specified table. Args
-- Full SMAX table name (with key included). -
-- String for the description of this smax field. -
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-def smax_set_description(self, table, description): - """ - Creates a <description> metadata field for specified table. - Args: - table (str): Full SMAX table name (with key included). - description (str): String for the description of this smax field. - """ - return self.smax_push_meta("description", table, description)
- -def smax_set_units(self, table, unit) -
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-def smax_set_units(self, table, unit): - return self.smax_push_meta("units", table, unit)
- -
Send data to redis using the smax macro HSetWithMeta to include -metadata. -The metadata is typeName, dataDimension(s), dataDate, -source of the data, and a sequence number. -The first two are -determined from the data and the source from this computer's name -plus the program name if given when this class is instantiated. -Date and sequence number are added by the redis macro.
-- SMAX table name -
-- SMAX key name -
-- data to store, takes supported types, including (nested) dicts. -
-return value from redis-py's evalsha() function.
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-def smax_share(self, table, key, value): - """ - Send data to redis using the smax macro HSetWithMeta to include - metadata. The metadata is typeName, dataDimension(s), dataDate, - source of the data, and a sequence number. The first two are - determined from the data and the source from this computer's name - plus the program name if given when this class is instantiated. - Date and sequence number are added by the redis macro. - Args: - table (str): SMAX table name - key (str): SMAX key name - value: data to store, takes supported types, including (nested) dicts. - - Returns: - return value from redis-py's evalsha() function. - """ - - # If this is not a dict, then convert data to smax format and send. - if not isinstance(value, dict): - converted_data, type_name, size = self._to_smax_format(value) - return self._evalsha_set(table, key, converted_data, type_name, size) - else: - # Recursively traverse the (nested) dictionary to generate a set - # of values to update atomically. The recurse_nested_dict function - # yields key/value pairs as it finds the leaf nodes of the nested - # dict. - tables = {} - for pair in self._recurse_nested_dict(value): - converted_data, type_name, dim = self._to_smax_format(pair[2]) - if pair[0] not in tables: - tables[pair[0]] = [] - tables[pair[0]].extend([pair[1], converted_data, type_name, dim]) - - return self._pipeline_evalsha_set(table, key, tables)
- -def smax_subscribe(self, pattern, callback=None) -
Subscribe to a redis field or group of fields. You can type the full -name of the field you'd like to subscribe too, or use a wildcard "*" -character as a suffix to specify a pattern. Use a callback for asynchronous -processing of notifications, or use one of the smax_wait_on functions.
-- Either full name of smax field, or use a wildcard '*' -at the end of the pattern to be notified for anything -underneath. -
-- Function that takes a single argument (Default=None). -The message in your callback will be an SmaData -object, or a nested dictionary for a struct. -
---Expand source code -
-def smax_subscribe(self, pattern, callback=None): - """ - Subscribe to a redis field or group of fields. You can type the full - name of the field you'd like to subscribe too, or use a wildcard "*" - character as a suffix to specify a pattern. Use a callback for asynchronous - processing of notifications, or use one of the smax_wait_on functions. - Args: - pattern (str): Either full name of smax field, or use a wildcard '*' - at the end of the pattern to be notified for anything - underneath. - callback (func): Function that takes a single argument (Default=None). - The message in your callback will be an SmaData - object, or a nested dictionary for a struct. - """ - def parent_callback(message): - msg_pattern = message["pattern"] - if msg_pattern is not None: - path = message["pattern"].decode("utf-8")[:-1] - else: - path = message["channel"].decode("utf-8") - - table = path[5:path.rfind(":")] - key = path[path.rfind(":") + 1:] - self._logger.debug(f"Callback notification received:{message}") - data = self.smax_pull(table, key) - callback(data) - - if self._pubsub is None: - self._pubsub = self._client.pubsub() - self._logger.debug("Created redis pubsub object") - - if pattern.endswith("*"): - if callback is None: - self._pubsub.psubscribe(f"smax:{pattern}") -"Subscribed to {pattern}") - else: - self._pubsub.psubscribe(**{f"smax:{pattern}": parent_callback}) - self._pubsub.run_in_thread(sleep_time=None, daemon=True) -"Subscribed to {pattern} with a callback") - else: - if callback is None: - self._pubsub.subscribe(f"smax:{pattern}") -"Subscribed to {pattern}") - else: - self._pubsub.subscribe(**{f"smax:{pattern}": parent_callback}) -"Subscribed to {pattern} with a callback") - self._pubsub.run_in_thread(sleep_time=None, daemon=True)
- -def smax_unsubscribe(self, pattern=None) -
Unsubscribe from all subscribed channels, or pass a pattern argument -to unsubscribe from specific channels.
-- Either full name of smax field, or use a wildcard '*' -at the end of the pattern to be notified for anything -underneath. -
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-def smax_unsubscribe(self, pattern=None): - """ - Unsubscribe from all subscribed channels, or pass a pattern argument - to unsubscribe from specific channels. - Args: - pattern (str): Either full name of smax field, or use a wildcard '*' - at the end of the pattern to be notified for anything - underneath. - """ - if self._pubsub is not None: - if pattern is None: - self._pubsub.punsubscribe() - self._pubsub.unsubscribe() -"Unsubscribed from all tables") - elif pattern.endswith("*"): - self._pubsub.punsubscribe(f"smax:{pattern}") -"Unsubscribed from {pattern}") - else: - self._pubsub.unsubscribe(f"smax:{pattern}") -"Unsubscribed from {pattern}")
- -def smax_wait_on_any_subscribed(self, timeout=None, notification_only=False) -
If you use smax_subscribe without a callback, you can use this function -to block until a message is received from any channel you are subscribed to.
-- Value in seconds to wait before raising timeout exception. -
-- If True, only returns the notification from redis. -
-Either a (list) notification, or the actual pulled data.
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-def smax_wait_on_any_subscribed(self, timeout=None, notification_only=False): - """ - If you use smax_subscribe without a callback, you can use this function - to block until a message is received from any channel you are subscribed to. - Args: - timeout (float): Value in seconds to wait before raising timeout exception. - notification_only (bool): If True, only returns the notification from redis. - - Returns: - Either a (list) notification, or the actual pulled data. - """ - return self._redis_listen(timeout=timeout, - notification_only=notification_only)
- -def smax_wait_on_subscribed(self, pattern, timeout=None, notification_only=False) -
If you use smax_subscribe without a callback, you can use this function -to specify with channel to listen to, and block until a message is received.
-- SMAX table/key pattern to listen on. -
-- Value in seconds to wait before raising timeout exception. -
-- If True, only returns the notification from redis. -
-Either a (list) notification, or the actual pulled data.
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-def smax_wait_on_subscribed(self, pattern, timeout=None, notification_only=False): - """ - If you use smax_subscribe without a callback, you can use this function - to specify with channel to listen to, and block until a message is received. - Args: - pattern (str): SMAX table/key pattern to listen on. - timeout (int): Value in seconds to wait before raising timeout exception. - notification_only (bool): If True, only returns the notification from redis. - - Returns: - Either a (list) notification, or the actual pulled data. - """ - return self._redis_listen(pattern=pattern, timeout=timeout, - notification_only=notification_only)