MISMO Enum provides typical enumerations used in mortgage banking. This gem was originally created to pull code out and use commonly among various applications developed at PennyMac.
add to your Gemfile
gem 'mismo_enum'
bring in the migrations
rails generate mismo_enum:install
seed the enum tables
bundle exec rake mismo_enum:seed
The gem currently only supports postgresql since we are disabling auto increment triggers when we insert the seed data. We do this so that we can always rely on a specific record's id being consistent between projects.
Adding new Enum tables to the MISMO Enum gem should consist of the following:
Add new class name to lib/mismo_enum/class_list.rb
New model in models/mimso_enum should be namespaced and inherit from MismoEnum::Base
Add tests! This includes adding new model to spec/dummy/lib/mismo_enum/class_list.rb