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Interdimensional Compatibility


The following terms and "variable names" (i.e. the names of variables in pseudocode examples) are used in this document. Note these are written as variable names here with underscores in the names, but might also appear without the undescore in text.

PyNN: Python Neural Network API. See

Population: A group of neurons, as defined by PyNN.

Projection: A sender-receiver relationship of spikes between Populations, as defined in PyNN.

source_population: The sender of spikes; the pre-Population of a Projection.

target_population: The receiver of spikes; the post-Population of a Projection.

pynn_neuron_index: The index of the neuron within a Population. This is always a single index even when the Population has multiple dimensions.

n_dimensions: The number of dimensions of a Population e.g. 2 = 2D.

full_size[n]: The full size of a Population in the n'th dimension e.g. a 2D Population with width 3 and height 4 will have full_size[0] = 3 and full_size[1] = 4.

pynn_neuron_indexes[n]: The position of the neuron in the Population in the n'th dimension e.g. a neuron at position (1, 2) in a 2D Population will have pynn_neuron_indexes[0] = 1 and pynn_neuron_indexes[1] = 2.

neurons_per_core: The total number of neurons per SpiNNaker core.

neurons_per_cores[n]: The number of neurons per SpiNNaker core in the n'th dimension.

cores_per_size[n]: The number of cores of the Population in the n'th dimension; this is a shorthand for full_size[n] / neurons_per_core[n] (which must be an integer value by design).

core_index: The index of a core in a list of all cores; for multi-dimensional Populations, this is a raster scan of the cores.

core_indexes[n]: The core index in the n'th dimension.

neuron_index: The index of the neuron in a list of all neurons on a core; for multi-dimensional vertices, this is a raster scan of the neurons on the core.

neuron_indexes[n]: The local neuron index in the n'th dimension.

key: The SpiNNaker routing key used to send a spike to other cores and received from other cores. The key is determined by the source Population and is unique for each neuron.

population_key: The part of a key that is shared by all keys for a Population (see below for more details). This is unique to a Population.

pop_info: A receiver of spikes stores a table of Population information for each of the source Populations against the population key. This includes things like the neurons per core, the position of the population key, the position and size of the core index in the key and the position and size of the neuron index in the key (see below).

synaptic_row: A row listing the target neuron indexes on a core of a target Population, with a row for each source PyNN neuron index.

row_index: The index of a synaptic row in the list of all synaptic rows as it appears on a core of a target Population. Note that the row index may not be the same as the source PyNN neuron index (see later for details).


The software has been enhanced to support multi-dimensional Populations, and the communication between these vertices which might have different dimensionality. The order of the neurons in a Population with more than one dimension have been chosen to be a Raster Scan of the neurons through each dimension e.g. in a 2D Population, the pixels are ordered in a rows starting from top-left, where neuron 0 is (0, 0) to bottom-right where neuron n is (w, h), where w is the width and h is the height of the Population of n = (w x h) neurons.

This means that the user does not have to consider how the neurons are split over the cores. The mapping should account for this internally. Some of how this is achieved is described below.

Splitting into cores

When a 1-dimensional Population is split over multiple cores, it is simply split up so that each core has a fixed number of neurons, defined by the maximum number of neurons per core. The last core may have less neurons if the size is such that it does not divide by this number. For example, with 10 neurons per core, a 30 neuron Population will be divided into 3 cores made up of neurons (0-9), (10-19) and (20-29), where a 25 neuron Population will be divided into 3 cores also but made up of neurons (0-9), (10-19) and (20-24), so there will only be 5 neurons on the last core. By default, the number of neurons per core is 256 for a neuron Population.

When a multi-dimensional Population is split over multiple cores, it will generally be split into hyper-rectangles i.e. n-dimensional rectangles, where each dimension is given a maximum number of neurons per core. The restriction here is that each dimension must be exactly divisible by the number of neurons per core in that dimension. For example, a Population with size (10, 10) in 2 dimensions (so having 100 neurons) can be split into (5, 5) neurons per core made up of rectangles (in this case squares) of neurons (0,0 - 5,5), (0,6 - 5,10), (6,0 - 10,5) and (6,6 - 10,10). It is not possible to split this same Population into (3, 3) neurons per core. Another example is shown in the image below.

2D Neurons And Keys as described in the preceeding text

Spike Keys

When a neuron in a Population spikes, it sends a key that is unique for each neuron in the Population. Each Population is given a Population-level key, and then each core is given a core index within the Population. These are assigned in bit fields in the overall key so that they can be added together, along with the neuron index on the core, to make the full key. This is shown below.

|Population key|Core index|Neuron index|

The neuron index is a raster scan of the neurons on the core regardless of the dimensionality of the Population, in the same way that the PyNN neuron indexes are a raster scan of the neurons of the Population through the dimensions. As the key structure is always the same regardless of the dimensionality, the Populations can communicate even if their dimensionalities do not match. The trick is then to ensure that the synaptic rows are organised to send the spikes to the correct neuron indexes.

Synaptic Mapping

When a key is received, the receiving core should not have to process it. The aim is that the rows are ordered such that the key can be used to say which row index of the synaptic rows to look at by simple calculation.

pop_info = get_pop_info(key)
core_index = get_core_index_from_key(key, pop_info)
neuron_index = get_neuron_index_from_key(key, pop_info)
row_index = (core_n * pop_info.neurons_per_core) + core_neuron

def get_core_index_from_key(key, pop_info):
    return (key >> pop_info.core_shift) & pop_info.core_mask

def get_neuron_index_from_key(key, pop_info):
    return key & pop_info.neuron_mask

def get_pop_info(key):
    // Find the Population information from the key in the table.
    // This process is not described in detail here.
    return pop_info

When the source and target Populations are 1D, the mapping between the row index and the pyNN neuron index of the source Population is simply the identity. When the source and / or the target are multi-dimensional, the mapping is more complicated. The trick then is to re-order the rows so that row index computed on the receiving core is correct, as shown in the diagram below.

Row mappings in 1D and 2D as described in the preceeding text

In addition to this, we also have to split the neuron indexes on each synaptic row into the appropriate target Population cores. Again, for 1D Populations this is the identity function. For an n-dimensional target though, the splitting is again more complicated, but again can be calculated so that the final neuron indexes in the synaptic row are those of neurons on the local core with no further calculation required when the key is received. Note that the values generated here are generally done per target core, so the calculation can leverage on that a bit more.

From PyNN neuron index to neuron index and row index

The code below calculates first the neuron index and then the row index given a PyNN neuron index. This can then be used both to calculate the source Population row index and the target Population neuron index on each core. Note that when calculating for a specific target Population core, the core indexes can be pre-computed for the core to save computing it for each neuron index of the core.

# Work out the position of the neuron in each dimension
remainder = pynn_neuron_index
for n in n_dimensions:
    pynn_neuron_indexes[n] = remainder % full_size[n]
    remainder = remainder[n] // full_size[n]

# Work out which core the neuron is on in each dimension
for n in n_dimensions:
    core_indexes[n] = pynn_neuron_indexes[n] // neurons_per_cores[n]

# Work out the core index
core_index = 0;
cum_cores_per_size = 1;
for n in n_dimensions:
    core_index += cum_cores_per_size * core_indexes[n]
    cum_cores_per_size *= cores_per_size[n]

# Work out the neuron index on this core in each dimension
for n in n_dimensions:
    neuron_indexes[n] = pynn_neuron_indexes[n] - (neurons_per_cores[n] * core_indexes[n])

# Work out the neuron index on this core
neuron_index = 0
cum_per_core = 1
for n in n_dimensions:
    neuron_index += cum_per_core * neuron_indexes[n]
    cum_per_core *= neurons_per_cores[n]

# Work out the row index from the above and the neurons per core
row_index = (core_index * neurons_per_core) + neuron_index

Multidimensional Connectors

In contrast to the above, it is sometimes more useful to find the coordinates of a pre-neuron from its key rather than the row index. An example of this is when doing convolution processing, where the rows are not explicitly computed, but instead the mapping is calculated when the key is received. For this type of mapping, it is useful to be able to work out the pre-neuron index from the key first, and then compute the coordinates of that key.