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72 lines (60 loc) · 3.07 KB

File metadata and controls

72 lines (60 loc) · 3.07 KB


Simple git reference for when I forget.

🎉 Creating Repositories

  • git init - create a new repo
  • git clone <repo url> <folder name> - download a project to a custom folder
  • git status - check repo status

📅 Repo History

  • git log - display commit ID (SHA), author, date, and commit message
  • j(up), k(down), q(exit) - scrolling through commit history
  • git log --stat - view modified files
  • git log -p or git diff - view file changes in commit
  • git log -p --stat - view both modified files and file chanegs
  • git show <SHA id> - view file changes of specific SHA id
  • git show SHAid --state - view modified files of specific SHA
  • git log --stat <SHA id> - view specific commit by ID

➕ Adding

  • git add . - add all files in current directory to stage
  • git add <file names with space as delimiter> - add specific files to stage
  • git add -u - add all tracked files

📌 Committing

  • git commit -m <message> - write a commit message without using the text editor
  • git commit - write commit message with text editor opened
  • git commit -a - directly add files to the repo without going through staging

✂️ GitIgnore

  • Note: Assumes that VSCode is installed.
Linux / OSX / GitBash
  1. Run touch .gitignore to create a file
  2. Run code .gitignore to open and edit
Windows Powershell
  1. Run New-Item .gitignore -type file to create a file
  2. Run code .gitignore to open and edit
Windows CMD
  1. Run copy NUL .gitignore to create a file
  2. Run code .gitignore to open and edit

🐠 Tagging

  • git tag - check version of tag in command line
  • git tag -a <tag name> - write a message for a specific version of the file
  • git log --decorate - show the current branch and tag version
  • `git tag -d - delete tag version
  • git tag -a <tag name> <SHA id> - add a tag for a specific commit by SHA id.

🌿 Branching

  • git branch - show current branch
  • git branch <branch name> - create a new branch
  • git checkout <existing branch name> - switch to another branch
  • git log --oneline --decorate - display current active branch with SHA id and commits only
  • git branch -d <branch name> - delete branch by name
  • git checkout -b <branch name> - create new branch and switch to it
  • git checkout -b <branch name> master - create a new branch in the same location as the master branch and switch to it
  • git log --oneline --decorate --graph --all - display all branches in folder

📃 Merging

  • git reset --hard HEAD^ - undo branch merge
  • git merge <branch name> - merge branch by name

✔️ Correcting

  • git commit --amend - correct commit details in branch
  • git revert <SHA id> - revert changes up to commit specified by id

🌌 Remote

  • git remote add origin <repo url> - add a remote url for the repository
  • git remote set-url origin <repo url> - set a specific url for the repository
  • git remote -v - check the push and pull locations