diff --git a/CHANGELOG.rst b/CHANGELOG.rst
index 4571dd0525..8daf25e519 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.rst
+++ b/CHANGELOG.rst
@@ -6,6 +6,12 @@ in development
+* add a schema to shell and winrm runners to allow validations to be executed againt their payloads. This means that shell or winrm jobs
+  that return a json object will be parsed into a dict to allow for field validations to be performed. Non json string resonses are still
+  handled as normal #6102
 3.8.1 - December 13, 2023
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 7cdf9c60fc..5b3c7412f8 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ black: requirements .black-check
 		echo "==========================================================="; \
 		echo "Running black on" $$component; \
 		echo "==========================================================="; \
-		. $(VIRTUALENV_DIR)/bin/activate ; black --check --config pyproject.toml $$component/ || exit 1; \
+		. $(VIRTUALENV_DIR)/bin/activate ; black --diff --check --config pyproject.toml $$component/ || exit 1; \
 		if [ -d "$$component/bin" ]; then \
 			. $(VIRTUALENV_DIR)/bin/activate ; black $$(grep -rl '^#!/.*python' $$component/bin) || exit 1; \
 		fi \
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ black: requirements .black-check
 		echo "==========================================================="; \
 		echo "Running black on" $$component; \
 		echo "==========================================================="; \
-		. $(VIRTUALENV_DIR)/bin/activate ; black --check --config pyproject.toml $$component/ || exit 1; \
+		. $(VIRTUALENV_DIR)/bin/activate ; black --diff --check --config pyproject.toml $$component/ || exit 1; \
 		if [ -d "$$component/bin" ]; then \
 			. $(VIRTUALENV_DIR)/bin/activate ; black $$(grep -rl '^#!/.*python' $$component/bin) || exit 1; \
 		fi \
diff --git a/contrib/runners/local_runner/local_runner/runner.yaml b/contrib/runners/local_runner/local_runner/runner.yaml
index 7463f46943..f2eec20966 100644
--- a/contrib/runners/local_runner/local_runner/runner.yaml
+++ b/contrib/runners/local_runner/local_runner/runner.yaml
@@ -33,6 +33,24 @@
       description: Action timeout in seconds. Action will get killed if it doesn't
         finish in timeout seconds.
       type: integer
+  output_key: stdout
+  output_schema:
+    type: object
+    properties:
+      succeeded:
+        type: boolean
+      failed:
+        type: boolean
+      stdout:
+        anyOf:
+          - type: "object"
+          - type: "string"
+          - type: "array"
+          - type: "number"
+      stderr:
+        type: string
+      return_code:
+        type: integer
 - description: A runner to execute local actions as a fixed user.
   enabled: true
   name: local-shell-script
@@ -74,3 +92,21 @@
       description: Action timeout in seconds. Action will get killed if it doesn't
         finish in timeout seconds.
       type: integer
+  output_key: stdout
+  output_schema:
+    type: object
+    properties:
+      succeeded:
+        type: boolean
+      failed:
+        type: boolean
+      stdout:
+        anyOf:
+          - type: "object"
+          - type: "string"
+          - type: "array"
+          - type: "number"
+      stderr:
+        type: string
+      return_code:
+        type: integer
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contrib/runners/orquesta_runner/tests/unit/test_rerun.py b/contrib/runners/orquesta_runner/tests/unit/test_rerun.py
index 420b909e27..261f54812a 100644
--- a/contrib/runners/orquesta_runner/tests/unit/test_rerun.py
+++ b/contrib/runners/orquesta_runner/tests/unit/test_rerun.py
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
-    {"stdout": "foobar"},
+    {"stdout": "foobar", "succeeded": True, "failed": False, "stderr": ""},
diff --git a/contrib/runners/orquesta_runner/tests/unit/test_with_items.py b/contrib/runners/orquesta_runner/tests/unit/test_with_items.py
index 8e8b67bd94..7a1d1ec549 100644
--- a/contrib/runners/orquesta_runner/tests/unit/test_with_items.py
+++ b/contrib/runners/orquesta_runner/tests/unit/test_with_items.py
@@ -56,13 +56,13 @@
-    {"stdout": "..."},
+    {"stdout": "...", "stderr": ""},
-    {"stdout": "..."},
+    {"stdout": "...", "stderr": "", "succeeded": True, "failed": False},
diff --git a/contrib/runners/remote_runner/remote_runner/runner.yaml b/contrib/runners/remote_runner/remote_runner/runner.yaml
index 138973e218..807ec27d67 100644
--- a/contrib/runners/remote_runner/remote_runner/runner.yaml
+++ b/contrib/runners/remote_runner/remote_runner/runner.yaml
@@ -82,6 +82,24 @@
         config is used.
       required: false
       type: string
+  output_key: stdout
+  output_schema:
+    type: object
+    properties:
+      succeeded:
+        type: boolean
+      failed:
+        type: boolean
+      stdout:
+        anyOf:
+          - type: "object"
+          - type: "string"
+          - type: "array"
+          - type: "number"
+      stderr:
+        type: string
+      return_code:
+        type: integer
 - description: A remote execution runner that executes actions as a fixed system user.
   enabled: true
   name: remote-shell-script
@@ -162,3 +180,21 @@
         config is used.
       required: false
       type: string
+  output_key: stdout
+  output_schema:
+    type: object
+    properties:
+      succeeded:
+        type: boolean
+      failed:
+        type: boolean
+      stdout:
+        anyOf:
+          - type: "object"
+          - type: "string"
+          - type: "array"
+          - type: "number"
+      stderr:
+        type: string
+      return_code:
+        type: integer
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contrib/runners/winrm_runner/winrm_runner/runner.yaml b/contrib/runners/winrm_runner/winrm_runner/runner.yaml
index 88a938c37f..5727c9457b 100644
--- a/contrib/runners/winrm_runner/winrm_runner/runner.yaml
+++ b/contrib/runners/winrm_runner/winrm_runner/runner.yaml
@@ -66,6 +66,24 @@
         CA bundle which comes from Mozilla. Verification using a custom CA bundle
         is not yet supported. Set to False to skip verification.
       type: boolean
+  output_key: stdout
+  output_schema:
+    type: object
+    properties:
+      succeeded:
+        type: boolean
+      failed:
+        type: boolean
+      stdout:
+        anyOf:
+          - type: "object"
+          - type: "string"
+          - type: "array"
+          - type: "number"
+      stderr:
+        type: string
+      return_code:
+        type: integer
 - description: A remote execution runner that executes PowerShell commands via WinRM on a remote host
   enabled: true
   name: winrm-ps-cmd
@@ -134,6 +152,24 @@
         CA bundle which comes from Mozilla. Verification using a custom CA bundle
         is not yet supported. Set to False to skip verification.
       type: boolean
+  output_key: stdout
+  output_schema:
+    type: object
+    properties:
+      succeeded:
+        type: boolean
+      failed:
+        type: boolean
+      stdout:
+        anyOf:
+          - type: "object"
+          - type: "string"
+          - type: "array"
+          - type: "number"
+      stderr:
+        type: string
+      return_code:
+        type: integer
 - description: A remote execution runner that executes PowerShell script via WinRM on a set of remote hosts
   enabled: true
   name: winrm-ps-script
@@ -199,3 +235,21 @@
         CA bundle which comes from Mozilla. Verification using a custom CA bundle
         is not yet supported. Set to False to skip verification.
       type: boolean
+  output_key: stdout
+  output_schema:
+    type: object
+    properties:
+      succeeded:
+        type: boolean
+      failed:
+        type: boolean
+      stdout:
+        anyOf:
+          - type: "object"
+          - type: "string"
+          - type: "array"
+          - type: "number"
+      stderr:
+        type: string
+      return_code:
+        type: integer
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/st2actions/tests/unit/test_policies.py b/st2actions/tests/unit/test_policies.py
index a2c828b39b..29951d9cde 100644
--- a/st2actions/tests/unit/test_policies.py
+++ b/st2actions/tests/unit/test_policies.py
@@ -128,6 +128,43 @@ def test_apply(self):
+    @mock.patch.object(
+        FakeConcurrencyApplicator,
+        "apply_before",
+        mock.MagicMock(
+            side_effect=FakeConcurrencyApplicator(None, None, threshold=3).apply_before
+        ),
+    )
+    @mock.patch.object(
+        RaiseExceptionApplicator,
+        "apply_before",
+        mock.MagicMock(side_effect=RaiseExceptionApplicator(None, None).apply_before),
+    )
+    @mock.patch.object(
+        FakeConcurrencyApplicator,
+        "apply_after",
+        mock.MagicMock(
+            side_effect=FakeConcurrencyApplicator(None, None, threshold=3).apply_after
+        ),
+    )
+    @mock.patch.object(
+        RaiseExceptionApplicator,
+        "apply_after",
+        mock.MagicMock(side_effect=RaiseExceptionApplicator(None, None).apply_after),
+    )
+    def test_apply_with_dict(self):
+        liveaction = LiveActionDB(
+            action="wolfpack.action-1", parameters={"actionstr": "dict_resp"}
+        )
+        liveaction, _ = action_service.request(liveaction)
+        liveaction = self._wait_on_status(
+            liveaction, action_constants.LIVEACTION_STATUS_SUCCEEDED
+        )
+        FakeConcurrencyApplicator.apply_before.assert_called_once_with(liveaction)
+        RaiseExceptionApplicator.apply_before.assert_called_once_with(liveaction)
+        FakeConcurrencyApplicator.apply_after.assert_called_once_with(liveaction)
+        RaiseExceptionApplicator.apply_after.assert_called_once_with(liveaction)
         FakeConcurrencyApplicator, "get_threshold", mock.MagicMock(return_value=0)
diff --git a/st2api/tests/unit/controllers/v1/test_executions.py b/st2api/tests/unit/controllers/v1/test_executions.py
index eb3face2ba..e57e0cd688 100644
--- a/st2api/tests/unit/controllers/v1/test_executions.py
+++ b/st2api/tests/unit/controllers/v1/test_executions.py
@@ -451,7 +451,12 @@ def test_get_one_max_result_size_query_parameter(self):
         # Update it with the result (this populates result and result size attributes)
         data = {
-            "result": {"fooo": "a" * 1000},
+            "result": {
+                "stdout": {"fooo": "a" * 1000},
+                "succeeded": True,
+                "failed": False,
+                "stderr": "",
+            },
             "status": "succeeded",
         actual_result_size = len(json_encode(data["result"]))
@@ -1281,16 +1286,30 @@ def test_put_status_and_result(self):
         self.assertEqual(post_resp.status_int, 201)
         execution_id = self._get_actionexecution_id(post_resp)
-        updates = {"status": "succeeded", "result": {"stdout": "foobar"}}
+        updates = {
+            "status": "succeeded",
+            "result": {
+                "stdout": "foobar",
+                "succeeded": True,
+                "failed": False,
+                "stderr": "",
+            },
+        }
         put_resp = self._do_put(execution_id, updates)
         self.assertEqual(put_resp.status_int, 200)
         self.assertEqual(put_resp.json["status"], "succeeded")
-        self.assertDictEqual(put_resp.json["result"], {"stdout": "foobar"})
+        self.assertDictEqual(
+            put_resp.json["result"],
+            {"stdout": "foobar", "succeeded": True, "failed": False, "stderr": ""},
+        )
         get_resp = self._do_get_one(execution_id)
         self.assertEqual(get_resp.status_int, 200)
         self.assertEqual(get_resp.json["status"], "succeeded")
-        self.assertDictEqual(get_resp.json["result"], {"stdout": "foobar"})
+        self.assertDictEqual(
+            get_resp.json["result"],
+            {"stdout": "foobar", "succeeded": True, "failed": False, "stderr": ""},
+        )
     def test_put_bad_state(self):
         post_resp = self._do_post(LIVE_ACTION_1)
@@ -1329,11 +1348,22 @@ def test_put_status_to_completed_execution(self):
         self.assertEqual(post_resp.status_int, 201)
         execution_id = self._get_actionexecution_id(post_resp)
-        updates = {"status": "succeeded", "result": {"stdout": "foobar"}}
+        updates = {
+            "status": "succeeded",
+            "result": {
+                "stdout": "foobar",
+                "succeeded": True,
+                "failed": False,
+                "stderr": "",
+            },
+        }
         put_resp = self._do_put(execution_id, updates)
         self.assertEqual(put_resp.status_int, 200)
         self.assertEqual(put_resp.json["status"], "succeeded")
-        self.assertDictEqual(put_resp.json["result"], {"stdout": "foobar"})
+        self.assertDictEqual(
+            put_resp.json["result"],
+            {"stdout": "foobar", "succeeded": True, "failed": False, "stderr": ""},
+        )
         updates = {"status": "abandoned"}
         put_resp = self._do_put(execution_id, updates, expect_errors=True)
@@ -1345,7 +1375,15 @@ def test_put_execution_missing_liveaction(self):
         self.assertEqual(post_resp.status_int, 201)
         execution_id = self._get_actionexecution_id(post_resp)
-        updates = {"status": "succeeded", "result": {"stdout": "foobar"}}
+        updates = {
+            "status": "succeeded",
+            "result": {
+                "stdout": "foobar",
+                "succeeded": True,
+                "failed": False,
+                "stderr": "",
+            },
+        }
         put_resp = self._do_put(execution_id, updates, expect_errors=True)
         self.assertEqual(put_resp.status_int, 500)
@@ -1612,22 +1650,39 @@ def test_get_raw_result(self):
         execution_id = self._get_actionexecution_id(get_resp)
         updates = {
             "status": "succeeded",
-            "result": {"stdout": "foobar", "stderr": "barfoo"},
+            "result": {
+                "stdout": "foobar",
+                "stderr": "barfoo",
+                "succeeded": True,
+                "failed": False,
+            },
         put_resp = self._do_put(execution_id, updates)
         self.assertEqual(put_resp.status_int, 200)
         self.assertEqual(put_resp.json["status"], "succeeded")
-            put_resp.json["result"], {"stdout": "foobar", "stderr": "barfoo"}
+            put_resp.json["result"],
+            {
+                "stdout": "foobar",
+                "stderr": "barfoo",
+                "succeeded": True,
+                "failed": False,
+            },
-            put_resp.json["result_size"], len('{"stdout":"foobar","stderr":"barfoo"}')
+            put_resp.json["result_size"],
+            len(
+                '{"stdout":"foobar","stderr":"barfoo","succeeded":true,"failed":false}'
+            ),
         # 1. download=False, compress=False, pretty_format=False
         get_resp = self.app.get("/v1/executions/%s/result" % (execution_id))
         self.assertEqual(get_resp.headers["Content-Type"], "text/json")
-        self.assertEqual(get_resp.body, b'{"stdout":"foobar","stderr":"barfoo"}')
+        self.assertEqual(
+            get_resp.body,
+            b'{"stdout":"foobar","stderr":"barfoo","succeeded":true,"failed":false}',
+        )
         # 2. download=False, compress=False, pretty_format=True
         get_resp = self.app.get(
@@ -1636,7 +1691,9 @@ def test_get_raw_result(self):
         expected_result = b"""
   "stdout": "foobar",
-  "stderr": "barfoo"
+  "stderr": "barfoo",
+  "succeeded": true,
+  "failed": false
         self.assertEqual(get_resp.headers["Content-Type"], "text/json")
         self.assertEqual(get_resp.body, expected_result)
@@ -1645,7 +1702,10 @@ def test_get_raw_result(self):
         # NOTE: webtest auto decompresses the result
         get_resp = self.app.get("/v1/executions/%s/result?compress=1" % (execution_id))
         self.assertEqual(get_resp.headers["Content-Type"], "application/x-gzip")
-        self.assertEqual(get_resp.body, b'{"stdout":"foobar","stderr":"barfoo"}')
+        self.assertEqual(
+            get_resp.body,
+            b'{"stdout":"foobar","stderr":"barfoo","succeeded":true,"failed":false}',
+        )
         # 4. download=True, compress=False, pretty_format=False
         get_resp = self.app.get("/v1/executions/%s/result?download=1" % (execution_id))
@@ -1654,7 +1714,10 @@ def test_get_raw_result(self):
             "attachment; filename=execution_%s_result.json" % (execution_id),
-        self.assertEqual(get_resp.body, b'{"stdout":"foobar","stderr":"barfoo"}')
+        self.assertEqual(
+            get_resp.body,
+            b'{"stdout":"foobar","stderr":"barfoo","succeeded":true,"failed":false}',
+        )
         # 5. download=True, compress=False, pretty_format=True
         get_resp = self.app.get(
@@ -1663,7 +1726,9 @@ def test_get_raw_result(self):
         expected_result = b"""
   "stdout": "foobar",
-  "stderr": "barfoo"
+  "stderr": "barfoo",
+  "succeeded": true,
+  "failed": false
         self.assertEqual(get_resp.headers["Content-Type"], "text/json")
@@ -1681,7 +1746,9 @@ def test_get_raw_result(self):
         expected_result = b"""
   "stdout": "foobar",
-  "stderr": "barfoo"
+  "stderr": "barfoo",
+  "succeeded": true,
+  "failed": false
         self.assertEqual(get_resp.headers["Content-Type"], "application/x-gzip")
@@ -1774,7 +1841,13 @@ def test_get_single_attribute_success(self):
         data = {}
         data["status"] = action_constants.LIVEACTION_STATUS_SUCCEEDED
-        data["result"] = {"foo": "bar"}
+        data["result"] = {
+            "foo": "bar",
+            "stdout": "hello world",
+            "stderr": "",
+            "succeeded": True,
+            "failed": False,
+        }
         resp = self.app.put_json("/v1/executions/%s" % (exec_id), data)
         self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200)
diff --git a/st2common/tests/unit/services/test_workflow_rerun.py b/st2common/tests/unit/services/test_workflow_rerun.py
index 1fb10ace6f..a6188478c1 100644
--- a/st2common/tests/unit/services/test_workflow_rerun.py
+++ b/st2common/tests/unit/services/test_workflow_rerun.py
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
-    {"stdout": "foobar"},
+    {"stdout": "foobar", "succeeded": True, "failed": False, "stderr": ""},
diff --git a/st2tests/st2tests/mocks/runners/runner.py b/st2tests/st2tests/mocks/runners/runner.py
index b89b75b712..0a6603c537 100644
--- a/st2tests/st2tests/mocks/runners/runner.py
+++ b/st2tests/st2tests/mocks/runners/runner.py
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ def get_runner(config=None):
 class MockActionRunner(ActionRunner):
     def __init__(self):
         super(MockActionRunner, self).__init__(runner_id="1")
         self.pre_run_called = False
         self.run_called = False
         self.post_run_called = False
@@ -45,7 +44,17 @@ def run(self, action_params):
         if self.runner_parameters.get("raise", False):
             raise Exception("Raise required.")
-        default_result = {"ran": True, "action_params": action_params}
+        default_result = {
+            "ran": True,
+            "action_params": action_params,
+            "failed": False,
+            "stdout": "res",
+            "stderr": "",
+            "succeeded": True,
+        }
+        if action_params.get("actionstr", "") == "dict_resp":
+            default_result["stdout"] = {"key": "value", "key2": {"sk1": "v1"}}
         default_context = {"third_party_system": {"ref_id": "1234"}}
         status = self.runner_parameters.get("mock_status", LIVEACTION_STATUS_SUCCEEDED)