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CosmosDB Connector Sample App

ASP.NET Core sample app illustrating how to use the Steeltoe CosmosDB Connector for connecting to a CosmosDB database.

General pre-requisites

  1. Installed .NET 8 SDK
  2. Optional: Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry (optionally with Windows support) with Tanzu Cloud Service Broker for Microsoft Azure and Cloud Foundry CLI

Running locally

  1. Start the Azure CosmosDB Emulator
  2. Update your local primary key in appsettings.development.json at Steeltoe:Client:CosmosDb:Default:ConnectionString
  3. Run the sample
    dotnet run

Upon startup, the app inserts a couple of objects into the bound CosmosDB database. They are displayed on the home page.

Running on Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry

  1. Create a CosmosDB service instance in an org/space
    cf target -o your-org -s your-space
    cf create-service csb-azure-cosmosdb-sql small sampleCosmosDbService
  2. Wait for the service to become ready (you can check with cf services)
  3. Run the cf push command to deploy from source (you can monitor logs with cf logs cosmosdb-connector-sample)
    • When deploying to Windows, binaries must be built locally before push. Use the following commands instead:
      dotnet publish -r win-x64 --self-contained
      cf push -f manifest-windows.yml -p bin/Release/net8.0/win-x64/publish
  4. Copy the value of routes in the output and open in your browser

See the Official Steeltoe Connectors Documentation for more detailed information.