: Architecture
: Blog => (dynamique) inspiration-articles ==> (logbook)
: Landing page
: Navbar
: Add/Create a storybook - it should be a separated projet called "Compass" this storybook will act has a Design system tool
: Create intermediary component for the "about-me" for exemple "Section"
: Find assets for Star components
: Find a logo
: Defines features, mock-up them
- : Star Component
: Use tailwind.config.js to customize design system
: Define Fonts to use (Font for Header, font for Text, font for Code)
: Define Colors
: Define Spacing
: Add linting rules (tailwind, mdx)
: Customize Markdown HTML balises
: Try contentLayer or next-mdx-remote
: Consider using a Storybook pour elements (card, typography, spacing, navigation, links, colors, header, footer, tooltip, etc...)
: Restrein access to "Sandbox" with authentification (check what can be done with nextJS)
: Consider using https://pdfme.com/docs/getting-started for pdf manipulation and generation
: Create a route on the API to serve the pdf.
: Make the 404 page mobile friendly
- : 404 page makes navigation un-interactive fix it
: Use Error Boundary (error.ts in NextJS)
- : A feature with error Boundary is available in a Stash, sadly it's inconsistant. Wait for futur version of nextjs to retry it. (Errors doesn't seems to be catched properly has of versio of today 13.3.x)
: Use Loading (loading.ts in NextJS)
: Reactivate the cache for the PDF once PDF is stabilased
: Investigate Typing for "SectionContent" explicitly the missmatch between the curriculum model "as const | readonly" and the Props of the component
: Update dependencies to solve various problems (not-found.tsx that don't redirect with Link, error.tsx that doesn't trigger on throw error, contentlayer that brings vulnaribility, etc...)
: pin with volta