- Tests pass against SilverStripe 3.2 and increased coverage slightly
- Better use of Object::create and therefore the injector
- Fixes a few issue with translatability
- Added function to check if checkout step exists
- Added some extension hooks
- Include jQuery javascript requirement in AddressBookCheckoutComponent
- Use
in the Address' validate method. - Added CheckoutStep_Summary component config extension hook.
- Support DI in PaymentForm and CheckoutComponent
- Add extension point for ProductsShowable
- Change new Form to Form::create
- Changed PriceRange value to be use sellingPrice not Price
- Increased Scrutinizer code coverage timeout
- Don't return a form if no actions are present in OrderManipulation
- FIX: ensure required fields are correctly looked up in the config
- Added translation to 2 missing strings
- Units for physical measurements are customisable
- Hooks for better ajax support (see markguinn/silverstripe-ajax and markguinn/silverstripe-shop-ajax for one implementation)
- 2 new reports and 3 new dashboard panels
- Order processing emails refactored into OrderEmailNotifier (with some deprecations for 2.0)
- Fixed several issues with checkout
- Code cleanup in several places, most notably CartForm
- Bugs fixed
- Upgraded to SilverStripe version 3.
- Switched from Payment module to Omnipay module.
- Single form and multi-step checkout system.
- Documentation has been updated.
- Many shop sub-modules have been developed and updated and improved in conjunction with this release.
- Added analytics to suggested modules
- Added a bunch of add-on modules to README
- Added gitter integration with travis
- shop period report was failing in postgres Added test to reveal issue with ShopPeriodReport in prostgres
- Added ability to update ProductCategory_Controller's ListSorter
- Introduced place_before_payment config on Order to allow configuring checkout to place order before making payment.
- Populate OrdersAdmin search form with selected Statuses. Added some comments
- Added classes to OrderAdmin_* templates to allow for better styling
- Added recipe for setting default admin panel to orders
- Added total outstanding to orderadmin subtotals. Other small template improvements
- Added open graph type function to set products to type 'product'. Allow specifying a minimum size the open graph image must be
- Added in open graph image function to Product. This will be picked up by the open graph module, if it is installed.
- Added 'SelectedPaymentMethod' to CheckoutStep_PaymentMethod, for including in templates.
- Merge pull request #257 from markguinn/patch-1
- Added 1.0.x-dev branch alias to composer.json
- Creating an order instance should use the Injector
- Allow order to hook into validate data on checkout
- Added 'payablecart' fixture to yaml Orders
- Added subtitle to order items
- Added comment to Order->getModifier
- Added in extraDataObjects flag for test which newly has classes implementing TestOnly interface
- Add for use in email templates
- Added hook for updateVariationAddToCartAjax and updateVariationAddToCart
- Added hook for updateVariationAddToCartAjax and updateVariationAddToCart
- added updateVariationAddToCartMessage hook
- Added ability to define title separator for getTitle
- Added another cart to shop.yml fixture Converted ShopTest to a helper class.
- Added hack to allow overriding Address required_fields
- Added set MemberID on order in OrderProcessor (if not already set). This helps to ensure member is set, when a member is logge
- Merge pull request #242 from markguinn/feature-default-image
- Added default product image
- Added discount submodule suggestion to composer.json. Removed old composer silverstripe-payment config.
- Added country drop down to Address CMSFields
- Tidied OrderManipulation to use ss3 ORM. Improved OrderActionsForm a bit also. Added some testing.
- use correct config variables in OrderActionsForm …remove redundant config fields from OrderManipulation. Added some tests
- Added CheckoutPage_payment template for independently styling the on-site payment entry page.
- Added suggested submodule: comparison
- Added instructions for populating shop
- Added default ID to product of ‘-1’ . This will hide products from the site tree when they are created in model admin. Useful
- Added forTemplate function to ShopCurrency.
- Added CMS icons for orders, catalog, and zone sections
- Updated statics in ProductAttributeValue Added ‘Product’ reverse belongs_many_many relationship to ProductAttributeType
- Added some extra data to dummyproducts.yml
- Created CartForm, allowing for adjusting cart items by submitting a form. The Cart template is still used, and is embedde
- Allow choosing type of quantity field for order items.
- Added missing config to CheckoutComponentTest
- Added ‘dependson’ functionality to checkout components. This meant that I could allow creating new memberships.
- checkout component base class
- Added error message to redirect url get param for CheckoutStep_Summary
- Added note about payment module status
- Added some badges for various services
- Added onPayment and onPaid extension points in OrderProcessor
- Added InternalItemID to ProductVariation searchable fields
- Added updateProductCMSFields hook for better control of product fields Added updateSellingPrice hook to ProductVariation Swapp
- Added allowed actions to Product_Controller for compatibility with silverstripe 3.1
- Added summary fields to Zone
- Updated DeleteProductsTask to show delete count
- create international zone task, useful for quickly creating an international zone that can be customised to exclude some
- Introduced helper class "SortControl", for managing data that can be used in sort drop downs, and produce appropriate SQL
- Allow setting default string to som
- Allow the shop base folder to be something other than 'shop'
- Improved popularity calculation algorithm to factor in age of sales and age of product
- Added total to 'othercart' in shop yml test fixture
- Created task to recalculate product popularity (based on sales numbers)
- Added Product report, Customer report. Fixed sorting in ShopSales Report
- Added ability to set individual payment status' in order admin.
- Added more useful testing data to shop.yml fixture file.
- Created a ShopSalesReport for observing sales for specific periods
- Added more data to shop.yml and Addresses.yml fixture files
- Added minor note about contributing to read me. GrandTotal functions. Added docs to explain rounding.
- Added cart page to shop fixture, and ProductVersion to order items.
- Added option to PopulateShopTask to create an international Zone, with every AllowedCountry enabled. This is a quick way
- Added 'docreateaccount' to list of CheckoutStep_Membership allowed actions
- Provided hooks for all CheckoutStep forms
- Added SetLocationForm, which is useful for getting location data from the user.
- Merge pull request #263 from silverstripe-iterators/pulls/zero-order-fix
- API Mark Order.Paid= on $allow_zero_order_total
- Added category functions to Product for fetching categories, or category ids associated with a product.
- Merge pull request #252 from silverstripe-iterators/pulls/cart-task
- API Fixed CartCleanupTask, define time in mins rather than relative
- changed ShoppingCart add and setQuantity functions to return the new/existing item, rather than returning true.
- Removed deprecated code from Order. Updated example_config.php and test_config.php accordingly
- Converted OrderItemsList to subclass of HasManyList, instead of being an extension. Overrode getComponents function in Or
- allow defining saveablefields on the AddProductForm, for security, and to allow setting fields like UnitPrice
- Created ShopPeriodReport, which can be used to create reports that apply to a specific period, and results can be grouped
- Added XML function to ShopCountry, for displaying as XML
- renamed OrderItem->place to OrderItem->onPlacement, to be consistent with other events.
- created alias ShopConfig::current() which is just SiteConfig::current_site_config()
- Added onPayment function to orderItem. This is called whenever an order's payments are completed, and can be overloaded l
- Removed Address City aliases: Suburb, County, District …they are not exactly synonymous, and could be added as separate f
- Enforce rounding when setting order 'Total'. Tidied up Total and GrandTotal functions. Added docs to explain rounding.
- Deprecated 'maximum ignorable sales payments difference' field, in favour of using rounding precision instead.
- Merge pull request #300 from markguinn/patch-member-addresses-rc2
- Merge pull request #302 from markguinn/patch-calc-bug
- Fixes a variable name error in OrderTotalCalculator
- Fixes a checkout bug: Given a single-page checkout and given the membership component comes after the address book components,
- use buyable's createItem function instead of creating an "OrderItem" for shop quantity field.
- Merge pull request #282 from markguinn/patch-shoppingcart-error
- Fixes small bug in ShoppingCart, triggered if the session goes expires and then a user clicks a remove product link
- Fixed ShopPaymentTest, and updated composer requirement to omnipay 1.1
- Check if buyable exists before getting image from it (OrderItem->Image) Fixes #248
- shop period report was failing in postgres Added test to reveal issue with ShopPeriodReport in prostgres
- ShopPeriodReport SQLQueryList closure should be php 5.3 compatible.
- omnipay's transactionId represents the order reference. The transactionReference should be reserved for data that gateway
- missing member breaks parameterFields function in unit tests
- start/end dates in ShopPeriodReports weren't being used in the correct format.
- Fixed pagination, sorting etc by creating/requiring a special kind of 'SQLQueryLsit' Fixed product report link Removed Week gr
- Merge pull request #278 from markguinn/patch-print-order-fix
- Fixed bug when printing order in admin
- removed OrderModifierLazyLoadFix extension call from OrderModifier
- Removed hack that for core that has been fixed in
- Travis will test master branch of cms/framework, but failure is allowed.
- getSelectedPaymentMethod throws error if nice=true, and method is not in list
- insert payments grid field after Content, instead of before Notes, because sometimes Notes field doesn't exist.
- Print functionality broke edit saving. made print button have an icon.
- Reintroduced print from CMS functionality fixes #45 fixes #167
- make open graph image url absolute
- Merge pull request #271 from webtorque7/master
- Fix recursive ChildCategories on ProductCategory
- Merge pull request #264 from halkyon/sessids_fix
- Merge commit 'ed68ce113385bb6ab3faee85a90fbef5390a8550'
- Removed AccountNavigation $LinkingMode template calls, because they don't work. fixes #235 thanks @nimeso!
- Fixing case where add_session_order() isn't called on $0 orders
- display full country name in address readonly field updated shopconfig->getSingleCountry to allow returning full country
- address country was not saving properly with previous
improvement - Country address field should not be required if it is the only field available (and is read-only).
- If there is only one country allowed, then we need to ensure that country overrides ShopUserInfo location.
- shipping address checkout step should update billing address, if "separate billing" is not selected.
- Merge pull request #260 from markguinn/patch-payment-bug1
- Removed bad null return from OrderTotalCalculator
- Fixed bug in payment form
- added missing getCategoryIDs and getCategories functions to ProductVariations. relates to 7eee4a11c33cf581524a61d44195f7a
- Get proper message from correct object in payment form
- Removed unnecessary 'setWhere' that was breaking ShopSalesReport
- Merge pull request #254 from silverstripe-iterators/pulls/fix-cartcleanuptest
- Fixed SQL case sensitivity in CartCleanupTaskTest
- Select Order.Paid field when using having in ShopPeriodReport. Fixes #253
- Updated ShopPeriodReport to hopefully finally be compatible with pgsql
- don't throw an error when trying to recalculate an order that isn't cart.
- made ShopPeriodReport cross-db compatible. Disabled reporting by week, as this is hard to support.
- Merge pull request #251 from madmatt/pulls/ProductImageTest-fix
- Create assets/ directory in ProductImageTest if it doesn't exist
- cart wasn't recalculating when needed.
- Fixed 'receipt_email' configuration
- Fixed OrderStatusLog usage
- Error message shows 'Email' now, and passed through to processPaymentResponse
- Fix staging site not allowing any products to be tested.
- make lazy loading hack work with pgsql
- Fix travis tests by installing phpunit via composer
- a hack solution to get around existing lazy loading issue see: https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-framework/iss
- Fixed reference to login_joins_cart fixes #249 thanks @nimeso
- allow changing payment currency fixes #239
- Make sure billing address is set, even if it isn't entered. Fixes #247
- Offsite payments were preventing order from being viewed. Fixed by 'archiving' shopping cart session id to order manipula
- Fixes bug where product reports itself as in the cart when it's not
- Make sure order receipt is only sent once order updating has finished (so that sent data is correct). Fixes: #238
- order outstanding payments were not working relates to: #229
- Use correct cancel url configuration name. don't allow cart orders to show up in AccountPage
- updated CustomProductTest to work with fixed Buyable canPurchase api
- Fixes for issues picked up by scrutinizer
- scrutinizer config file
- Don't allow Order->calculate function to be called if it's status is not 'Cart'. Clear current order from the cart when placin
- don't allow manual payments on orderActionsForm.
- updated payment functionality, according to omnipay changes
- updated scrutiniser timing fixed README stats badges
- OrderManipulation allorders typo
- OrderManipulation orderfromid was return a boolean, rather than int fixes #224
- fixed various issues that were failing unit tests
- use correct config variables in OrderActionsForm …remove redundant config fields from OrderManipulation. Added some tests
- reorganised the OrderActionsForm to work better Started a unit test to check the actions form.
- If only one payment method fix
- Removed ability to hide products from the tree.^P This can be left to a recipe for edge-case development. fixes #210
- Display category nesting in ProductCategories field.
- Fixed sort options on category page
- Merge pull request #213 from nimeso/patch-3
- Fixed Image function if variation deleted
- updated FeaturedProduct references
- statics config changes fixes #209
- allow removing items via CartForm by entering 0 or less for quantity. VaraitionField was always causing a ‘change’,
- update order after offsite payment has been made
- Fixed Cart template to hide additional column, when not needed.
- removed debugging code
- use proper function when getting selectedPayment type
- test product variation subtitle wasn’t working.
- Removed deprecated code
- use record editor for product variations. Fixes #193
- NEW: Allow choosing type of quantity field for order items.
- complete orders through OrderProcessor, according to latest checkout changes
- OrderManipulation extension incorrectly applied to AccountPage, instead of AccountPage_Controller
- only validate membership data if membership data is required, or password is not empty
- order processor test correctly logs out admin user when necessary
- all unit tests now passing
- fixed most unit tests to comply with latest changes
- FIX for issue #200: shopping cart couldn’t retrieve product variations. relates to: #200, #208, #146, #179
- canPay check was failing
- Fixed issues when running tests with mysql. Tidied some tests. Moved a few things to use the new ORM.
- instantiation chaining isn’t available until PHP5.4
- travis shop install dir incorrect
- Added missing extension
- broken SteppedCheckoutPage template
- updated old
tag withwith
- Merge pull request #188 from markguinn/patch-popularity-div-by-zero
- Fix to popularity calculation returns null if product was bought today.
- Merge pull request #183 from moveforward/134-keep-variations
- fixes #134 - variations deleted if owner is deleted (not staged)
- Merge pull request #182 from moveforward/181-checkout-link
- fixes #181 - corrects link in template
- Merge pull request #179 from moveforward/146-buyablefromrequest
- fixes #146 only live products returned for add to cart
- payments reference typo in Order.php
- updated configuration settings references on OrderForm.php
- CustomerGroup exists check was incorrect
- restore reference to $item->MainID in DropdownShopQuantityField
- composer payment require was incorrect
- Fixed up composer requirement to use proper version of payment
- Cleared out some deprecated and unused code fixes #147
- check sellingPrice instead of Price when deciding if ProductVariation ->canPurchase
- removed old reference to FixVersioned. Thanks @nimeso.
- get CMS search fields working again. Modified scaffolded search context, and restricted orderAdmin listings to only those
- updated old references to Product_Image
- Removed Product_Image subclass, in favour of extending Image. Fixed the ShopMigrationTask
- updated composer file to install to proper directory. Renamed packagist repo to include 'silverstripe-'
- Merge pull request #154 from nimeso/ss3-fixes-1
- Required fields for OrderForm were broken
- Fixed styling of orders in CMS
- only add live products to cart. fixes #146
- temp fix for product bulk loader. Actual fix blocked by silverstripe/silverstripe-framework#1781
- updated Zone cmsFieldsTo use Grid field
- Re-introduced ProductBulkLoader fixes #136
- Merge pull request #142 from nimeso/orderitemlist_fix
- quantiy function to use new method name
- Fixed routes.yml for shoppingcart controller Changed all references Director::redirect… to Controller::curr()->redirect Fixed
- Fixed structure of template list
- Prevent RestrictionRegionCountryDropdownField from being set to visitor country. NEW: Allow setting default string to som
- unchecked order status checkboxes were including 'Cart' statuses. Forced only specific statuses, if none are checked. BUG
- Run completePayment code in OrderProcessor regardless of whether a receipt has been sent.
- ShopSalesReport - exclude orders with no "paid" date from the report
- Fixed member not saving to order in SteppedCheckout. Updated unit tests.
- Fixed SQL escaping issue in RegionRestriction code
- Fixed tests that broke when shop.yml fixture was updated.
- fixed incorrect request function
- correctly calculate weights etc via OrderItemList
- Fixed CheckoutTest usage of assertType, which is incompatible with newer versions of PHPUnit
- use readonly field for country election when there is only one, or none.
- Various fixes to get unit tests working for SS3. Removed some unused files and code. fixes #119
- useless function in OrderActionsForm causing segmentation fault
- Email subject order ID wasn't showing up, because Reference is a string, not a number. (sprintf %s instead of %$d)
- added hook to product link function
- Added AddProductForm to Product_Controller. Improved AddProductForm to better support the 'buyables' concept.
- improved debugging display for shoppingcart/debug. Colouring and showing item details.
- Added security token to shopping cart links, and request handling. This helps prevent CSRF attacks.
- Create unique links for updating carts with customized order items. Introduced $Buyable url param for better custom product handling, and removed OtherID url param.
- Introduced .htaccess file for added security
- Also added check for valid payment type, and items can be purchased.
- Introduced OrderItemList, an extension of ComponentSet that provides Quantity and Plural functions to allow displaying cart total quantity. Updated SideCart.ss template to make use of these new functions.
- Introduced heavy products report for finding products that might have incorrect weights.
- Added $Form to cart template. Refactored SideCart to display better.
- Improved ShopMigrationTask to handle Product VaraitionAttributeTypes relationship name change. Removed payment migration code, as it should in the payment module.
- Introduced optional SQL-based delete for cart cleanup task. Its less safe, but it's faster.
- Allow a different template to be used when rendering orders in the CMS. Re-introduced order.css file to provide good default order styling.
- Created an config option for choosing where to direct after cart manipulations.
- Created PopulateShopTask to populate the database with some dummy categories, products, and variations.
- Custom product testing and documentation.
- Enforced the buyable interface within shopping cart. Removed references to product variation. Introduced buyable_relationship static variable on OrderItem as a way to recognizese associations for custom buyable objects.
- Default template and css updates, additions and removals.
- created AddProductForm for adding products via a form submission. This should help with preventing carts from being created for no reason. Relates to #7
- Template improvements, including adding images and subtitle to order content.
- Introduced filtering / parameter system for cart items. This allows adding customized products to the cart, and have quantities automatically update, rather than adding completely new order items. fixes #22
- Removed custom debug statements. These were confusing, because they only provided a sub-set of the full debug information that developers are used to.
- updated Order_Content_Editable template to use better styling approaches.
- Complete rewrite of ShoppingCart. Split into two classes: ShoppingCart and ShoppingCart_Controller. The ShoppingCart class is a singleton and provides restricted access to an order for adding/removing items, and clearing the cart completely.
- cleaned up OrderItems. Removed some remaining bits of session-based cart functionality/variables that were not needed.
- used Object::useCustomClass to swap Currency with EcommerceCurrency, for template purposes. Renamed all occurrences of EcommerceCurrency back to plain old Currency. Introduced CanBeFreeCurrency class, which simply displays "FREE" when it's value is 0;
- moved migration code from requireDefaultRecords to ShopMigrationTask
- Further overhaul of modifiers system. Renamed $order->CalculateModifiers() to $order->calculate(), as it applies to totals also. Fixed all modifiers and tests to use new format.
- Moved default record creation into PopulateShopTask.
- Major changes to modifiers system. They now are calculated via Order->CalculateModifiers, rather than internally. This is because they rely on a continuous calculation from the items SubTotal..through each modifier, and eventually producing the total.
- Made ShoppingCart_Controller direct function static, to allow it to be called from outside classes.
- Split Order - Attributes relationship into Order - Items and Order - Modifiers so that sets can be distinctly retrieved and updated with the built in ComponentSet functionality.
- Renamed EcommercePayment to ShopPayment.
- Added cart and checkout links to ViewableCart. Added find_link to CartPage, along with the ability to display a cart without a CartPage.
- Decoupled order processing from Order and OrderForm. Decoupled email creation from Order. Created OrderProcessor to handle processing / fulfillment. fixes #23 fixes #3
- Renamed ProductGroup to ProductCategory. This new name better suits the purpose the class serves.
- moved development admin to using proper url rule, rather than the decorator approach. The bug was that the 'shop' action was allowed on any controller.
- fixed invalid reference when getting OrderItem links
- fixed null reference for terms page on order form
- Terms and conditions are now checked properly.
- fixed links and function references in ShopDatabaseAdmin relates to renaming in 7843309144a42eed230ddf1816f1a5601a36093f
- typo in product variation code
- fixed order printing bug.
- got variations working again with the new shopping cart improvements.
- MatchObjectFilter was including has_ones that it shouldn't.
- cart contents showing on checkout page. MINOR: Removed sessionID from order. Past orders are now stored in a session array instead.
- orders now calculate during migration task, if they don't have a Total
- Temporary solution for fixing Versioned, to allow storing product versions against order items. Fixes issue #15
- updated reference to deprecated ShoppingCart function. Fixes issue #20
- introduced an interim fix for versioned issue. Added static variable to disable using versioned.
- remove modifiers that aren't in Order::. Deprecatd CartValue now points to TableValue, instead of TableTitle
- Fixed ability to remove modifiers.
- Renamed module to 'shop', and changed all 'ecommerce' directory references to 'shop', in line with new name for the module.
- Added in CalculatedTotal to OrderAttribute for the purpose of permanantly storing old values, and helping with order read speed.
- Made VariaionForm the default way to add product variations.
- Allowed checkout page to not require a page model.
- updated documentation to include packages, and sub packages for phpdoc
- Ability to add product attribute values from product edit page, rather than model admin.
- Removed OrderFormWithoutShippingAddress, and OrderFormWithShippingAddress
- Modified order form to allow orders to be placed without becoming a member in the process.
- Introduced EcommerceRole::associate_to_current_order() for choosing to join order to member on login.
- Added CartPage action and template "finished", which displays the order just placed.
- Copied all ecommerce member fields to Order, so that orders can be placed without member.
- Added docs folder, along with some developer and user documentation
- Introduced mysite/dev/ecommerce to get quick access to ecommerce dev tools
- Began updating test suite
- Introduced the ability to pay and cancel incomplete orders
- Introduced ECOMMERCE_DIR constant to allow ecommerce directory to be different. Note that some paths are still make use of 'ecommerce'.
Variations working again
Re-structured default templates to be more hierartical and extensible. Removed redundant templates.
Implemented new reciept design
Updated CMS Order interface
Introduced FullBillingAddress and FullShippingAddress functions on Order to provide ways to get combined address fields.
Merged in DBCart, Burnbright, and SunnySideUp branches
Depricated AllowPurchase function on Product & ProductVariation in favour of canPurcahse. SilverStripe has can____ capabilites built in, and AllowPurchase was overriding the DB field.
Improved ProductBulkLoader to allow setting ProductGroup, and linking up an image of the product.
Merged ShoppingCart and ShoppingCart_Controller into one class
Introduced filters/paremeters system for more complex cart situations
- Modified code to work with SS 2.4, and payment trunk as @ revision 103257. This mainly involved supporting the Money class.
- Separated out unnecessary css styling. The default style is very much tied to black candy. (This can be put into a theme)
- Improved efficiency of ProductGroup to make one database call to retrieve products. All ProductGroup children are retrieved by default, rather than just the immediate children.
- Removed 'ShowInMenus' condition for displaying group products.
- Added sorting controls to ProductGroup pages
- Added pagination to default ProductGroup template
- Removed separation of featured and non-featured products. The default sort is set to show featured products, then the rest by title (similar to TradeMe.co.nz)
- Tidied up invoice printing
- Got the 'all orders' SS report working again
- Added 'Store' model admin for orders
- Show products in multiple categories (does not yet include recursive sub-category products)
- Variations of the same product can now be added to the cart together
- Prevented order payment form showing on checkout template if nothing is in shopping cart.
- Re-ordered CMS fields so they are more visible (eg price, weight, model)
- Updated sitetree icons (product = package, checkout = shopping cart, account = contact card)
- Include shopping cart page type
- Removed quantity selectors from products on group page, as they can be updated using the cart on the left.
- Added support for calculating and storing the number of products sold
- Data model changes (see http://doc.silverstripe.com/doku.php?id=ecommerce:overview&s=ecommerce)
- PHP files moved into folders for grouping of models, controllers and forms
- Fixed undefined find_link() function on AccountPage_Controller
- Check that the member can create a member with the unique field
- Added translation for Arabic (Saudi Arabia) - thanks to Talal
- Fixed template call to Text::LimitWordCountPlainText()
- Fixed ID quoting in Product_Controller->addVariation()
- #3939 Ability to show all products in ProductGroup
- Fixed ShoppingCart index item to be the product ID
- Re-added link methods back to Product_OrderItem from OrderItem
- More agressive checking of Payment before creating a new Order on OrderForm
- Added empty statics to various ecommerce classes to support decoration of statics via DataObjectDecorator
- Creation of OrderItem with Product data record properly
- Fixed Order::isPaid() to correspond to the Status enum field
- If EcommerceRole::findCountry() cannot find the user's country, don't cause an error
- Fixed Order->_ModifiersSubTotal() to exclude classes properly
- Stopped errors occurring if calling shoppingcart/additem without an index ID
- Fixed failing from address in the email for status updates
- Fixed order status log not working properly
- Changed reports to use TableListField, and fixed printing
- Removed old CheckoutPage.js code that was broken, replaced with working version
- Renamed MemberForm to ShopAccountForm since this is too general
- Removed specifically set CMS fields, these are now scaffolded.
- Moved payment class URL rules to payment module _config.php
- Product title not displayed in Receipt Email. Ticket #3680
- Fixed price still showing even if price set to 0 in product
- Moved Eway.js from ecommerce to payment module
- Moved Eway payments to payments module
- Removed restrictive decimal for Tax Rate field and replaced with double type
- Gracefully degrade if member is not logged in on MemberForm
- Fixed setRelationAutoSetting method that may not exist in old SS version
- Add payment decorator to ecommerce, since payment classes now split into payments module
- Added information about payment module being required
- Separate payments into a separate module ("payment" module)
- disable two deprecated functions in ecommerce/code/_config.php
- Fixing usage of deprecated APIs
- Make sure array in set_payment_methods() is associative
- Cleaned up OrderReport to use non-deprecated APIs, refactored to use TableListField
- Update i18n entities since the Report class was renamed
- Updated ecommerce report classes to reflect change from Report to SSReport
- removed ecommerce jquery directory that isn't being used anymore
- Removed javascript that shouldn't be done until we've got more of a stable platform
- Instead of hardcoding css/js requirements into Report.php
- Deleted ViewAllProducts.ss which was a relic of the now deleted DataReport API
- Removed "abstract" Report class, which is now in the cms module
- documentation of vital methods on Payment class
- added links to examples for LiveAmount() on OrderModifier
- Added documentation to OrderModifier::is_chargable
- If amount for an OrderModifier is not chargable, then show a minus sign
- added a better description to OrderModifier->TableTitle
- Lots of code documentation and cleanup of code
- Changed Order_Attribute to OrderAttribute, since this is operates on its own separate from Order
- If a product can't be purchased, should still be able to see them but just can't add to cart
- Paystation Hosted Payment added (now in "payment" module)
- Fixed boundary condition in SimpleShippingModifier
- jQuery code to replace existing prototype in ecommerce
- Fixed requirement of $_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR] for Payment class
- Product version is now retained when product added to cart (so price changes don't affect orders)
- Fixed bug with TaxModifier::AddedCharge()
- Use the Session class rather than accessing $_SESSION directly
- Template changes for 2.1.0
- Use themes
- Initial release